Recent content by Ac1D_13

  1. Ac1D_13

    The NU Open XIII - Round 1

    won ggs
  2. Ac1D_13

    Can you do 3pm your time on thursday

    Can you do 3pm your time on thursday
  3. Ac1D_13

    The RU Open XIII - Round 1

    won ggs
  4. Ac1D_13

    I am online now btw as Ac1D_13

    I am online now btw as Ac1D_13
  5. Ac1D_13

    if u mean replays then yh

    if u mean replays then yh
  6. Ac1D_13

    sorry what do u mean?

    sorry what do u mean?
  7. Ac1D_13

    Ok great see you there

    Ok great see you there
  8. Ac1D_13

    The NU Open XIII - Signups

  9. Ac1D_13

    Signups RUGL I - Player Signups (Auction May 11 @ 2:30PM -3!!!)

    Name: Ac1D_13 Tiers Played: SV Tiers Not Played: SS, SM, ORAS, BW, ADV Foreseen Inactivity: Busy but will play games
  10. Ac1D_13

    I am GMT +1. If you are GMT -5 can you confirm if tomorrow 4pm is a good time for you if not pls lmk

    I am GMT +1. If you are GMT -5 can you confirm if tomorrow 4pm is a good time for you if not pls lmk
  11. Ac1D_13

    The RU Open XIII - Signups

  12. Ac1D_13

    Signups NUPL XII - Player Signups [USE THE FORM] [Custom Avatar Prize] [Draft @ 3pm GMT-4 April 28th]

    User name: Ac1D_13 Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV Timezone GMT+1 Availability: Not great, but good enough.
  13. Ac1D_13

    Project Team Bazaar

    In light of the best mon ever created by gamefreak dropping to NU, I will be kind enough to share a team that has gotten me quite high on the ladder and I believe is pretty damn good. I was going to wait till I got to #1 on ladder but honestly cba at this point: :feraligatr: :magnezone...
  14. Ac1D_13

    Project RarelyUsed Teambuilding Competition: week 0: Terrakion (submissions open until May 10th)

    Great teams from everyone but I vote for fluffs team, really like the triple lake guardians.