DBJ2024's latest activity

  • DBJ2024
    Player Name: DBJ2024 (aka DonBoneJones) Tiers Played: SV, SS, GSC, RBY Tiers Not Played (Binding): ADV, DPP, BW, ORAS, USM Foreseen...
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    Sorry for the last minute change, but I probably won't be home until around 5 pm
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    Ok I can do any time 4 pm or later then
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    Thursday would be a lot easier for me but if you're working then I can still play tomorrow at 3 pm
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    The only time I can do on Wednesday is 3 pm, hope that works for you
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    Since we weren't able to get am extension for Thursday, could you do 5 pm Monday?
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 left a message on nemoauditur's profile.
    My opponent (Eltigras) and I were supposed to play today for Rands Slam IV but something came up for him, we can play next Thursday if...
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    Alright I'll request for an extension and let you know if the give it to us
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    I can either do 5 pm Monday or any time on Thursday
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    Ok, if I get an extension would you be able to battle on Tuesday? I'm free for all of that day
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    That's super fair, but I have to go to work in an hour, we'll probably need to reschedule to a different day. If tomorrow at 4 p.m...
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    Yeah 5 p.m. your time, I'll be on the smogtours server. If it's still down by then we can get an extension
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 commented on DBJ2024's profile post.
    Around 5:00 p.m. on Friday would be fine for me. My username on showdown will be DonBoneJones
  • DBJ2024
    DBJ2024 left a message on Eltigras's profile.
    Hey man! We're paired up for Rands Slam 2024, I'd prefer to do any day Wednesday-Friday if possible, so let me know your timezone and...
  • DBJ2024
    in, good luck to everyone :)