Recent content by FlayminPopsikL

  1. VGC '11 US Southeast Regional - Atlanta, GA - WON BY TheCaptainFalcon & Maski

    I'll be there this year (finally). Masters Division. Look forward to seeing you guys there! Hopefully, I'll be ready by then, I'm running through teams like clockwork!
  2. Wide Guard

    I agree, that's the only reason that I'm using Wide Guard on my Mienshao for the VGCs, the block the obvious Jellicent Water Spouts, Chendelure/Ulgamoth Heat Waves, and Rock Slides. Free set-up much?
  3. Mental Herb (Now good)

    I can't believe they beefed up this item like that now! I was playing a doubles match for the VGCs, and I encored a Jellicent in order for it to repeat Trick Room, and it just ended immediately! That's amazing, even though it cost me the game. xD