Recent content by IcyHallsz

  1. IcyHallsz

    im free friday sat and sun night 9-11pm fri sat sun morn too around 9-11

    im free friday sat and sun night 9-11pm fri sat sun morn too around 9-11
  2. IcyHallsz

    hey we playing for ss cup, im GMT+8 if possible I would prefer we plan on discord my ign is...

    hey we playing for ss cup, im GMT+8 if possible I would prefer we plan on discord my ign is Impulsivee_
  3. IcyHallsz

    Tournament SS NatDex I - Signups

    Discord Tag impulsivee_ Time Zone GMT+8
  4. IcyHallsz

    Friday 9? im gmt+8

    Friday 9? im gmt+8
  5. IcyHallsz

    Tournament DLWC I - Signups

    Discord Tag Impulsivee_ Eligibility Singapore Interested in managing No If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional Significant time missed n/a
  6. IcyHallsz

    Sorry for late response

    Sorry for late response
  7. IcyHallsz

    Hey I'm GMT+8

    Hey I'm GMT+8
  8. IcyHallsz

    SCL III - Player Signups [USE THE FORM LINKED IN THE OP TO SIGN UP] [Auction September 17th @ 2 PM GMT -4]

    User name: IcyHallsz Tiers Not Played (binding) SV Ubers, SV DOU Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV OU, SV UU, SV LC Time Zone GMT+8
  9. IcyHallsz

    Official SV OU Suspect Process - Round 5 Voting

    Kingambit: Ban
  10. IcyHallsz

    Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament X - Cycle 2 Signups

    LT102V0 Icy Does my alt for this Cycle contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: Yes