Recent content by Starfire06

  1. Starfire06

    PU PU Ladder Tournament - Cycle 3

    PULT4S3 Starfoufi
  2. Starfire06

    New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

    Hello, i would say that Hoshibi is my username on Showdown since 2019 and on other games like FFXIV since 2017, and i disagree about him to take this name if possible.
  3. Starfire06

    The NU Open X - Round 1

    Won in 2 ggs
  4. Starfire06

    I'm on SD, you can find me there all day

    I'm on SD, you can find me there all day
  5. Starfire06

    i can play tomorow too

    i can play tomorow too
  6. Starfire06

    yes im on Starfire06 are you there?

    yes im on Starfire06 are you there?
  7. Starfire06

    ok im +2 i can play after 7pm my time

    ok im +2 i can play after 7pm my time
  8. Starfire06

    Tu as bloqué les messages venant des gens qui ne sont pas amis avec toi sur dicord, On peut...

    Tu as bloqué les messages venant des gens qui ne sont pas amis avec toi sur dicord, On peut jouer la semaine pro si tu veux, ca m'arrange aussi, je serais dispo de mercredi et jeudi toute la journée, puis tout les autres jours a partir de 19h/19h30
  9. Starfire06

    I'm up on sd as Starfire06, chall whenever you are ready.

    I'm up on sd as Starfire06, chall whenever you are ready.
  10. Starfire06

    Lets go tomorrow 5pm my time?

    Lets go tomorrow 5pm my time?
  11. Starfire06

    Hey we are paired for UU open, I'm Gmt +1 tell me your availabilities

    Hey we are paired for UU open, I'm Gmt +1 tell me your availabilities
  12. Starfire06

    The RU Open X - Signups

  13. Starfire06

    The NU Open X - Signups

  14. Starfire06

    The UU Open X - Signups
