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  1. whateew

    what's your user ?

    what's your user ?
  2. whateew

    hi im here now !

    hi im here now !
  3. whateew

    No worries ! Tomorrow, say 1pm you time ? I should be awake

    No worries ! Tomorrow, say 1pm you time ? I should be awake
  4. whateew

    later is good 2 ! let me know, im online now as whateew

    later is good 2 ! let me know, im online now as whateew
  5. whateew

    i can do 10 in the end !

    i can do 10 in the end !
  6. whateew

    Update, cant do 10pm netherlands time. Can we do 6pm ? Otherwise, sometime on the weekend ?

    Update, cant do 10pm netherlands time. Can we do 6pm ? Otherwise, sometime on the weekend ?
  7. whateew

    now also !

    now also !
  8. whateew

    Oh, im also free whenever today if you want

    Oh, im also free whenever today if you want
  9. whateew

    Maybe a little later if you dont mind, say 10 ?

    Maybe a little later if you dont mind, say 10 ?
  10. whateew

    heya ! Responded to your post on my page :")

    heya ! Responded to your post on my page :")
  11. whateew

    Tuesday, thursday, sunday r bad for me, but aside from that im free whenever. What about u ?

    Tuesday, thursday, sunday r bad for me, but aside from that im free whenever. What about u ?
  12. whateew

    hahahahah -4 is a big difference from +1 , is that england time ? I think im in the same...

    hahahahah -4 is a big difference from +1 , is that england time ? I think im in the same timezone as u
  13. whateew

    Tournament Gen 9 Random Battles Open - (Won by MrSoup)

    2 - 1 to me, ty 4 the games BigReeApple . - game 1 - game 2 - game 3
  14. whateew

    pm'd you

    pm'd you
  15. whateew

    yeah ! altho i can do now lol

    yeah ! altho i can do now lol
  16. whateew

    Oh, and any date is good 4 me

    Oh, and any date is good 4 me
  17. whateew

    Do you play evenings ? I can do, say, 8pm you time and 11am my time should it suit you

    Do you play evenings ? I can do, say, 8pm you time and 11am my time should it suit you
  18. whateew

    heya ! i saw the message you left, im excited to play randbats ! im gmt + 1, and im available...

    heya ! i saw the message you left, im excited to play randbats ! im gmt + 1, and im available pretty much whenever ! no job lol