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    The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Round 1

    I would like to give a huge thank you to Irpachuza to doing such a great job with the US Midwest custom avatars, they look awesome and are the perfect way for PMD Midwest to make our debut!!!

    Proposal Standardizing what "required replays" means

    I recommend reading the thread that incited this change in the first place before posting here lol. The new replay system is way better, and addresses a lot of the concerns about information asymmetry that the previous system had.

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Signups

    MANNAT US Midwest Nope

    Tournament ADPL Week 4 won gg

    STAB STABmons

    Why are th Torque moves allowed in this? Not only do they have ridiculous secondary effects for having no drawbacks and high base power, but they also aren’t obtainable in game at all. They’re solely seen on a mini boss fight and the player can never obtain the moves, so obviously being able to...

    Tournaments France vs The World - Signups

    MANNAT World OU Yes for captain

    Tournament ADPL Player Signups (CUSTOM AVATAR PRIZE)

    MANNAT talk to me -5 work/wcop/gym

    Smogon Premier League XV - Commencement Thread

    While I understand that the prior precedent for accounts being compromised was to disqualify the compromised accounts, this case is different from the dice sensei axew case in that the account was both registered and had changed its password in the past 6 months. Malekith took every reasonable...

    Smogon Premier League XV - Commencement Thread

    I think that you’re right in general, but this specific case was so obviously a hack given the circumstances and what happened. This decision should be overturned (but not used as a precedent) and enabling widespread 2FA (rather than the current system of contacting an admin that no one on our...
  10. MANNAT

    Resource ORAS OU Speed Tiers

    Revamping this thread because the previous format was impossible to search. format: Speed Stat Number / Pokemon / Base Speed / Nature / EVs / Speed Stat Stage / IVs (if necessary) :hawlucha:Tier 1 [>525; >max scarf 110s]:tyranitar-mega: 736 / Hawlucha / 118 / Positive / 252 / +2 710 /...
  11. MANNAT

    Implemented WCOP Format (tiers)

    I implore the TDs to stop using surveys/polls as a problem-solving method for contentious topics like these. Any poll involving the participants of a tour is going to be rife with bias and every team/player is just going to vote for their best-interest. Let's say as an example that team...
  12. MANNAT

    Implemented WCOP Format (tiers)

    The big issue that is (somewhat) unique to VGC is that the people who would be playing it in this tour would likely care about irl tournaments more than WCOP. There’s an official circuit that players fly out to and play in person that they’ll care about a hell of a lot more than a smogon...
  13. MANNAT

    Smogon Premier League XV - Week 4 stresh demonstrated his deep understanding of sv ou vs rubyblood, gg
  14. MANNAT

    Smogon Premier League XV - Week 4 fakes won with extreme ease in spite of an arduous week of scheduling with soulwind
  15. MANNAT

    Smogon Premier League XV - Week 4

    I would be happy to have the subs reversed and a normal schedule if possible, but requesting a double sub if the hosts refuse to allow it.