CAP 13 CAP 2 - Part 7 - Art Poll 3

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Yilx's is nice, but I have trouble seeing it as a Pokemon that gamefreak would create (unless it were a legendary, those are getting more and more overly complex). The biggest issue, for me at least, is that it reminds me too much of Mawile, and if it were altered slightly I could find myself voting the other way.

While that may seem slightly nit-picky of me, both are cool designs that fit the mechanics set in place for them and it ultimately comes down to which feels like a better fit. Mos-Quitoxe's hits all the right spots and I have trouble coming up with any real criticism.

I'm not that excited for either, they both don't look like pokemon gamefreak would create. I vote for the lesser of two evils.

Yilx', while being a great design, looks too much of a Special Attacker flavor wise imo...

I decided I'd vote at least now that it's at the last poll. I really am a fan of the mono-gender idea, and think that Yilx's design allows us to do that. Other than that, I genuinely have no preference between the two. They're both about as complex as the other, and neither really captivates me in a "This is bloody brilliant" kind of way, despite both being equally classy. For that reason, I'm going with my instinct of really wanting a mono-gender, and voting that way. Good luck, and I'll be happy with whichever we get!
That's that! Let me tally this up and see where we stand...

This was perhaps the closest art poll I've ever seen, but there is definitely a winner. Counting my own vote, which was for Yilx, the poll's final tally was:
135 yilx
133 mosquitoxe
So even without counting my vote, Yilx would still win by a single vote. Congratulations, Yilx, for winning the art poll, and great job to Mos-Quitoxe for putting up such a ferocious fight. I am not going to put up the next stage until evening tomorrow to try to get myself away from posting threads at 4AM. See you all then!
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