Suspect SV AAA Suspect #12: Walking Wake

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I have tried and failed to attain reqs for this suspect test but I will still post my thoughts because i require validation and DFM told me to.
I have been a staunch enemy of Wake for a while. Wake only needs one set really (Specs Primsea) to devastate the tier. The constraints put on the builder to compensate for its raw breaking power mean that threats like offensive Moth, Dragonite, and Roaring Moon get to rip through teams. If Blisseys are scared to the point of running water absorb, then you have an dumb pokemon. I have used Aerospeed Dragonite a lot in my reqs attempts, and so many teams designed to counter Wake just crumpled after Corviknight is KOed. The utility wake has is also absurd, and even if it never clicks it it can still threaten a ton of pokemon like Manaphy ir Water Absorb Heatran. My idea of a Wake check was initially a Desoland Moth, but you end up just being forced out because it still does too much damage. The new additions of DLC2 have done little to change what made Walking Wake broken months ago. If I could, Ban.
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