Tournament BLT XI - Commencement Thread


I'm mean and I'm evil
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View attachment 625236View attachment 625237View attachment 625238 Ok so my cycle 2 rankings are prolly whack, my gpool rankings mid and are mostly ordered within rank others are not, and my cycle one rankings a quarter of the people were on alts and I didn’t play the second week so some of them are just based on how well I know the player. Edit: some of my rankings are a lil baised but I tried to be least as possible, dont get offended
Last edit i swear: I forgot team charm namechanged to swinub fan :(
Highlighting a few players I believe are the best candidates for starters in NU (No particular order)

Stories - Been around NU for as long as I can remember, and always delivers (whenever she isn't getting haxxed). Bonus points for being able to support other tiers too.

Wadley - Circuit winner. Very creative builder and always a solid player. Thrives under pressure.

Skierdude101 - Always delivers, and is very proven in team tour environments. Resident Magby hater tho so beware.

Danny - Solid player who can also support other tiers, just make sure he isn't loading illegal mons.

Axrtix - Had his tour scene breakthrough in last year's BLT and has been performing very solidly across NU tours. Is more self sufficient now than before and definitely a starter slot.

Shengineer - Up and comer in the NU scene who has already provided very good results in a team tour environment (NUCL) and can build for himself. Negative points for being an Ornn abuser.

Xiri? - If they play, they will deliver. Super consistent.

Thiago Nunes? - If he does play NU he is undoubtedly a starter pick. One of the best players on the site in general as long as he is given the right support.

I think we have enough for a very strong pool of starters but not much more. Very interested to see how the pool shapes up if it does happen that all of Mitten Gang gets split up.
Highlighting a few players I believe are the best candidates for starters in NU (No particular order)

Stories - Been around NU for as long as I can remember, and always delivers (whenever she isn't getting haxxed). Bonus points for being able to support other tiers too.

Wadley - Circuit winner. Very creative builder and always a solid player. Thrives under pressure.

Skierdude101 - Always delivers, and is very proven in team tour environments. Resident Magby hater tho so beware.

Danny - Solid player who can also support other tiers, just make sure he isn't loading illegal mons.

Axrtix - Had his tour scene breakthrough in last year's BLT and has been performing very solidly across NU tours. Is more self sufficient now than before and definitely a starter slot.

Shengineer - Up and comer in the NU scene who has already provided very good results in a team tour environment (NUCL) and can build for himself. Negative points for being an Ornn abuser.

Xiri? - If they play, they will deliver. Super consistent.

Thiago Nunes? - If he does play NU he is undoubtedly a starter pick. One of the best players on the site in general as long as he is given the right support.

I think we have enough for a very strong pool of starters but not much more. Very interested to see how the pool shapes up if it does happen that all of Mitten Gang gets split up.
being an ornn abuser is like playing mukbro: you do what you gotta do to win brother


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The content you've all been waiting for, official Fragments BLT XI PRs! Honestly unlike past years of this tour, there's no team I think is bad here and every team has playoff odds. Reminder that if you wanna ping me to talk about my placements I'm all for it, I enjoy talking about prs and anything related to the tour, but if youre gonna ping me just to mald about my opinions I will pull up google maps and direct you to the nearest lawn so you can promptly touch some grass.

1. The LOOR Society
OU: tier
OU: Enzonana.
Ubers: Icemaster
UU: Trogba Trogba
RU: Ampha
NU: Danny
PU: eternal ocean
LC: Quinn
DOU: Railgun
Monotype: Sificon

Subs: Fluore, RiloBR, TMM, Javi
I do not know why the loor was in crisis mode for 90% of auction, this draft is fire af. Starting off with ou which is admittedly the weakest point, neither tier nor enzo are really known for their ou credentials but theyre still fine players, and with loor prep I think they break even at worst. Icemaster is obviously one of the strongest ou picks and with taka prep this becomes a nightmare slot, then you got trogba and ampha up next who are a bit lesser known but very solid on their home tiers. Danny is clearly a top 1 nu. Not too familiar with eternal ocean but loor did show me they had a nice ladder gxe so thats gotta count for something. Quinn is more motivated on lc with gastly gone and is now a top 3 in the pool, with Railgun also being a top 3 in his pool as well. Sifi is not bad for a mono slot and should frankly do decent in this pool. Subs are fine, TMM and Javi could reliably tag in over the course of the season and do well. Overall, this draft has the most potential to do well across every slot when you consider both playing ability and prep, especially when you have both loor and taka who are two of the nastiest preppers I've ever seen. The only potential weakness is a few players who crumble a bit when faced with adversity, but as long as the team holds together even when they take L’s they have everything it takes to dominate most weeks and easily make playoffs.
2. Flameslinger Skeledirges
OU: Exotic64
Ubers: Skyiew
UU: justdrew
RU: Feliburn
NU: Axrtix
PU: avarice
LC: Tempo di anguria
DOU: Oblivion Wing
Monotype: twinkay

Subs: paolode99, BloodAce, Ryus0ken, TakingNotesKinda, Geomancy
This was my #1 team last year and now they are my #2 so ig I just really like ninja frixel drafts. Good ou core, honestly I’d put JJ as top 1 ou player in the pool his only weakness is he needs a builder but exotic should help in that regard. For his own part exotic is a decent player, capable of good wins, havent seen a whole lotta impressive team tour results from him yet but he has a high ceiling. Sky is a competent ubers clicker altho Im not sure who will help with builds, perhaps Geomancy, nice brazillian core there. The drew + feli + axrtix core is what really makes this team jump up the rankings, getting drew and feli for so cheap was crazy, all 3 of these guys are menaces in their pool and should be expected to do very well. You could even tack on avarice to that, very solid player and can honestly farm a lackluster pool. The last 3 are a bit of a question mark, haven’t see much of tempo on lc, I’ve heard oblivion wing is competent on dou but he might struggle vs the big names, and ik twinkay does play mono but dont know how to evaluate em. However I do think theyre all decent players and should put up at least decent results. Most notable subs are paolode bloodace and geomancy, these guys can come in whenever during the season and will also be useful off of bench. Their only potential downfall could be their big names underperforming, but as long as they perform as expected this team is gonna be a real threat.
3. Resort City Rufflets
OU: Vkhss
Ubers: RichardMillePlain
UU: dunoks
RU: Lime
NU: Wadley
LC: Elfuseon
DOU: Loudwinner
Monotype: fatBatman

Subs: Piyush25, Failbor, Yippie, Pokeart2004, sundays, memedose46, Frozoid
This crew has continuously established itself as dominant competitors across tours like BLT, NDPL, and OUPL. Idt there’s any doubting their synergy at this point and I expect another strong season. Mav and vkhss are a very solid ou core, I am admittedly not too familiar with vk’s gaming but ik he is very involved in the tier. Richard is one of the better ubers players here as long as he cares, ik pre-draft he mentioned not planning to build but also not planning to accept support, mostly just wanting to reuse teams which could make him a bit cteamable. A bit surprised to see dunoks on uu since I thought he wanted to ru, he could do fine here but it’s a tough pool and he did have a rough season last year. Lime is a fine ru pick ik he plays it a lot nowadays and has been constantly improving. Wadley was the underpay of this draft, 14k for a circuit winner is kinda nuts. TGA is a competent clicker and pu isnt a very tough pool, altho I think this may also just be a holder spot for piyush. Elfuseon is difficult to rate, tours goons are very high on him while lc goons think he’s fallen off a bit, his record could really go either way but I personally view him as a strong player still. Loudwinner is prolly the best option for dou outside of the clear top 4 and Ive never seen fatBatman in mono but hes a decent player in a weaker pool so he should be fine. Some nice subs imo, obviously piyush will be a starter later in the season, then we got memedose who can fill in on mono, sundays on dou and frozoid on ubers. As I already said the big plus for this team is synergy, these guys work well together and raise each up other from solid performers to exceptional players, a few questionable slots but honestly I’d be surprised to not see em make playoffs.
4. Primal Power Pangoros
OU: Suzuya
OU: velvet
Ubers: Ainzcrad
UU: jawabarat
RU: feen
NU: Shengineer
PU: fish anemometer
LC: Greedy_eb
DOU: Penter
Monotype: Azick

Subs: drizzle, KeshBa45, genisu, KeanuVGC, Beleth
This team has much the same vibe as it did last year, with very solid players across several tiers rather than truly exceptional players in a few. That formula worked well for them though so I expect similar impressive results here. Suzuya and velvet are two very underrated players when it comes to ou that are currently on the come up, I think their stour performances speak to their ability to do well here. Ainz did say he didnt wanna ubers without support but with both suzuya and velv backing him he should be more than fine here. The lower tier core of jawa feen shen and fish all back up what I was saying before, very good players who will not be ranked at the top of their pool (minus fish who won circuit, altho I am still including him here since he hasnt touched pu in a while), but will most likely go positive and perhaps even ultra positive. Greedy has improved in the past year altho there are still a lotta lc matchups he may struggle with, same with penter on dou tbh. Lastly we got azick who’s one of the only true mainers in the pool so he should do pretty well here. None of the subs are really notable outside maybe keanu who can sub into dou and be decent. If this team can replicate what they did last year they have good playoff odds again and can perhaps even propel themselves back to first seed, but atm I think middle of the pack is fair for them.
5. Lavender Laprases
OU: Thiago Nunes
OU: Stareal
Ubers: PrinceOfAllTacos
UU: Xiri
RU: temp
NU: swinubfan44
LC: PolloAriosto
Monotype: sasha

Subs: lkapd1, Novax, Terracotta, big tony 2014
Ik some other people are rating this team high, but imo that’s the result of looking at this team through rose-tinted glasses. This would be a top team 2 or 3 years ago, but as it currently stands idk how some of these guys have held up. Starting with their ou core which is obviously the highlight of the team, nunes had an insanely good ost only losing in semis to the winner of the tour, and stareal has kept form just winning a day of stour recently. Ik poat has been grinding ubers and usually comes with aber support, but in such a strong pool I unfortunately cannot rate him very high. Xiri has long been a strong player but is also in a strong pool and hasnt played much uu recently to my knowledge, simply being such a good player tho and uu not being a hard tier to figure out I think he’ll do fine. Same deal pretty much with temp, fine player in a strong pool, ik he’s had a sick seasonal run but idt that’s enough to rate him among the top guys rn. I’m gonna sound like a broken record but this goes for swinub too, always been a good nu guy, but this pool is filled with people who now play the tier way more than him and have likely surpassed him. I do like RoFnA as a player but pu is just a weird placement for him, his fundamentals could carry him here tho. I have no idea who pollo is so cant really rate but I cant see him hanging with the top players here. SMB is a tricky one, he has fallen off in recent years and is not as strong in sv, but ofc it’s still SMB and he can still farm most of this pool outside of a few others. I thought sasha didnt wanna mono so Im a bit curious as to what her motivation here will be like but she should be okay. No sub is really that great outside of terracotta ubers support. This team could overperform relative to my expectations for sure, but most of them need to unrust and idt people are really considering their current form when rating them.
6. Sunnyshore Snorlaxes
OU: Mimikyu Stardust
OU: Ferenia
Ubers: Lasen
UU: Mimilucha
RU: Trade
NU: skierdude101
PU: Drud
LC: Hacker
DOU: Ina fable
Monotype: Mada

Subs: crying, GeniusFromHoenn, Lechen, Arcanine1929, BlackKnight_Gawain, I want Atago to sit on me
I dont hate this team, most of these slots are okay I just dont expect them to excel. Mimi plays more sv than anyone on planet earth but he still struggles using his timer and varying his builds, and on that second point idk if he has the kinda support here that can help him with that. Ferenia is an alright ou, kind of middle of the pack I certainly dont think theyre bad but theyre not amazing either. Im rating lasen exactly how I did last year, idt hes crazy strong but hes competent, will likely struggle against other good players. Mimilucha was a nice 3k steal cant really fault that one altho it is weird now that they have both him and crying who want to uu and can only use one at a time. I havent seen much of trade in ru bu theyre a solid player, can get one over on some of the better players tbh. Idk how to rate skier, he is very involved in nu, altho against strong players idk how he’ll hold up. Drud is a fine pu idt he’s played much cg recently unless Im mistaken but idt he’ll struggle too hard to learn. Hacker is ofc the highlight here, best lc in the pool not much else to say. I feel like ina fable could be decent here if she was somewhere other than dou this is just a weird placement, altho I am now being told she is just a holder slot for atago which makes sense, and mada is one of the better mono slots so that’s a fine pick. There are some cool subs here, crying will ofc be starting later in the season, hoenn can support ubers and atago will sub in for dou soon, and lechen and gawain support lower tiers. Not a bad team, just no slot outside of lc and maybe mono where I say yea this person will go hella positive.
7. Snowbelle Stuffuls
OU: yone
Ubers: Fc
UU: Career Ended
RU: TheFranklin
NU: Slip
PU: sufys
LC: bleahey
DOU: Akaru Kokuyo
Monotype: StreetBoom

Subs: udongirl, Tenebricite, Let’s Rumble Shall We, Ming549, sordwardsbarber, Toto
I wanna preface this by repeating that there are no bad teams in blt this year, just cause I have this team last doesnt mean idt they have playoff odds. It’s simply relative to other teams they have the least amount of slots Im confident in. The ou core of yone and TDNT would likely be much better if this was ss, but in sv I cant be as sure of either doing super hot. Fc is ofc as good an ubers player as you can get, he hasnt played much cg so idk if that’ll bite him in the ass but he should be able to work his way around that. A lotta people are hyping up career for his uufpl run rn altho idt he’s had as tough competition there as he will here, I do rate him as a player tho. Franklin is clearly a top ru player not much else to say there. Slip had a very bad tour last year idt hes bad but I dont have a tremendous amount of faith here, and sufys is just kind of an unknown to me rn ik they pu a lot and their pool is easier so theyll prolly do fine. Ive not seen much of bleahey on lc and imagine the tougher lc players they'll run into will be a challenge for them. Akaru is one of the top dou players altho dou goons seem to rank him among the lower end of the top, I do rate him highly myself but he has consistency issues from time to time and does need some support to not get lost in the sauce, which he doesnt have in this lineup. Finally is streetboom who I have not seen outside of roomtours and cant say I have complete confidence in their abilities. Good subs tho, almost every sub can slot in or at least help support. I’ll say it again, this is a good team, I dont wanna hear anyone say why did you say stuffuls suck cause Im not lol, with good effort they can genuinely do much better than a lotta teams I have rated higher.
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pleading and afraid
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The content you've all been waiting for, official Fragments BLT XI PRs! Honestly unlike past years of this tour, there's no team I think is bad here and every team has playoff odds. Reminder that if you wanna ping me to talk about my placements I'm all for it, I enjoy talking about prs and anything related to the tour, but if youre gonna ping me just to mald about my opinions I will pull up google maps and direct you to the nearest lawn so you can promptly touch some grass.

1. The LOOR Society
OU: tier
OU: Enzonana.

Starting off with ou which is admittedly the weakest point, neither tier nor enzo are really known for their ou credentials but theyre still fine players, and with loor prep I think they break even at worst.
gonna ignore the part where you call me serviceable and focus on the fact that Enzo has a trophy (won while slotted in OU) and tier was in SCL like, 6 months ago. Surely they can play better than whatever dumbass tours room grinder is out there and get even higher off of fundies alone not to mention Loor and Taka support.



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is a Tiering Contributor
RBTT Champion
gonna ignore the part where you call me serviceable and focus on the fact that Enzo has a trophy (won while slotted in OU) and tier was in SCL like, 6 months ago. Surely they can play better than whatever dumbass tours room grinder is out there and get even higher off of fundies alone not to mention Loor and Taka support.

View attachment 627478
Of all the coping I expected, malding that I somehow dissed the team I literally have in first place was not on my bingo card LOL

Edit: I also checked the records you mentioned, enzo played one game of ou in that tour he won a trophy and lost, and tier never played ou in scl. So what exactly did I get wrong about "not known for their ou credentials" lmao.
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