drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
according to wikipedia 60 mg has the potential to kill an adult (non smoker). I'm pretty light at around 135 ish. He said there were six in the box, so that's like 84mg. I realize it's not all bioavailable but I'd rather not die soooo
apparently nicotine overdoses aren't particularely fun either. Besides the possib death.
according to wikipedia 60 mg has the potential to kill an adult (non smoker). I'm pretty light at around 135 ish. He said there were six in the box, so that's like 84mg. I realize it's not all bioavailable but I'd rather not die soooo
apparently nicotine overdoses aren't particularely fun either. Besides the possib death.
Really? It's just that I believed that nicotine was only leathal to rats in anything other than in ridiculous doses. Also I know someone who ingested like 150mg of nicotine in gum form and didn't have any adverse effects on them.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
That's like 35 pieces at once.
And to get most/all of the nicotine don't you have to chew in a certain way which would be tricky with 35 pieces.
And if already smokes chances are he has much higher tolerances.
Yeah, I usually just do weed. not that often, but at parties when i have drunk like eight beer and im still not drunk or even tipsy

its annoying i depend on others to get it for me though (age issues) but i live in the netherlands, so thats cool
all a matter of personal taste - when it comes to E pills at least sticking it up your arse is much nicer - no binding agents crapping up your face for the rest of the night. if you're addicted and low on drugs it's a good way of getting by too!
i'm actually interested in how you do this

unless you just shove the pill whole up your arse


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
Yes, it counts. Most things count. If it alters your state of mind at all, it probably counts.
Probably wouldn't have much of an effect, but you might as well stick tons on your arm to see if shit happens; seeing as nicotine is in no way dangerous to humans you will be fine unless you manage to get enough in you to kill yourself outright (something I have never heard of happening).
i'm guessing you've never seen thank you for smoking
Every now and then I do ecstasy. I haven't done it outside of an EDM or rave setting though.
On Saturday, I tried shrooms at Knott's Berry Farm. It was interesting but I will say that shrooms were meant for nature.
A friend of mine has got some weed, 3 joints for the 5 of us. He already tried some from the same dealer, and apparently it's quite good. Now I've tried blowing before, but it didn't really work out (I'm not a smoker or anything). Any of you guys have some 'advice' or techniques to 'enhance the experience', so to say?
I've been doing waaay too much mdma than I should be doing lately. Never heard about sticking it up your arse though, what's the difference? Not that I would try it or anything...


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
A friend of mine has got some weed, 3 joints for the 5 of us. He already tried some from the same dealer, and apparently it's quite good. Now I've tried blowing before, but it didn't really work out (I'm not a smoker or anything). Any of you guys have some 'advice' or techniques to 'enhance the experience', so to say?
Bring water. Inhale deeply, don't just take it into your mouth. If you're not coughing like a little bitch, you're not doing it correctly.
I've been doing waaay too much mdma than I should be doing lately. Never heard about sticking it up your arse though, what's the difference? Not that I would try it or anything...
It's just in the way your body absorbs it. That is why at raves, people get "contact high" because MDMA can be absorbed through the body. Personally, taking it up the butt seems like way to much trouble and gross.
I can't get crunk any more. I always get really dizzy and throw up. But it's so much fun before that. Using caffiene and alcohol is great though, I just need to make sure I have a water bottle otherwise my kidney starts to hurt depending on how much water I've had that day.

Also: How good of a stimulant is nicotine? I've got a bunch of derma patches that my friend gave me because he couldn't keep them at his house anymore. Would I get anything noticeable putting two on my arm or something? I think they're 14mg ones. I also don't smoke, so I guess I wouldn't really need all that much?

I've been doing waaay too much mdma than I should be doing lately. Never heard about sticking it up your arse though, what's the difference? Not that I would try it or anything...
need less, hits harder, roll for longer. note need less - you need much less; one crystal will set you rollin'
i'm actually interested in how you do this

unless you just shove the pill whole up your arse
Can do that - the most polite (lol) way is to dissolve in 10ml or so of warm water (maybe a bit more) then suck it up into a needle-less syringe; go to pharmacy, ask for one, say it's to feed your kitten his meds (funnily enough i do actually need one for my kittens meds now), they're about 50p.

lube up, insert into your bum about two knuckles deep, push, wait, roll. it sounds like loads of hassle but once you've done it like twice the whole thing takes about 30 seconds. its kind of gross but id still prefer it if i took drugs now - no bloody nose/throat after
p.s. dont use a whole pill use a half or a quarter (go with quarter) and its much better if you use pure MDMA since you can dose effectively from the first time

Really? It's just that I believed that nicotine was only leathal to rats in anything other than in ridiculous doses. Also I know someone who ingested like 150mg of nicotine in gum form and didn't have any adverse effects on them.
you believed wrong.
'Nicotine is acutely toxic (Category I) by all routes of exposure (oral, dermal, and inhalation). The LD50 of nicotine is 50 mg/kg for rats and 3 mg/kg for mice. A dose of 40–60 mg can be a lethal dosage for adult human beings and doses as low as 1-4 mg can be associated with toxic effects in some individuals. Nicotine is an agonist at nicotinic receptors in the peripheral and central nervous system'
facts, people, please? :(

It's just in the way your body absorbs it. That is why at raves, people get "contact high" because MDMA can be absorbed through the body.
I have never heard such bullshit. Literally, that is the most retarded baseless shitfest of an idea I have heard in at least the last five years. And I've spent most of the last five years listening to people chat shit on MDMA.

Also, for a bit of SCIENCE with your abuse: its absorbed so much better because HI BLOODVESSELS and it also bypasses first-pass metabolism (anything that goes through your stomach doesn't - nasally bypasses it too) but it absorbs a metric fucktonne (actual scientific measurement) more than through the nose/gums, and quicker.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
tank ye. I always thought throwing up from smoking was because of too much smoke ["I'm going to make you smoke so much you'll never want to smoke again"]. But yeah. I'll not do this. As well nicotine is addictive and I have no experience with anything addictive. Caffiene is good enough for now, and I can find other better stims later on. Or I can just avoid stims since I'm fine with depressants and I'm a happy person anyways.
how many beer do you need to get drunk?

cause i need a lot
1.Drunk post
2. Brazilian post
am I really the only one who didn't like ecstasy when i did it? man i feel like a nerd :( and on a pokemon forum of all places. :( (sorry i just read through like the last 5 pages because im really bored so i felt i should respond to be polite) like it was cool when i was doing it but after i just really wanted to like kill myself because i felt so depressed. but whatever, everyone's different.

anyways, i really, really, really, etc wanna try acid. all ive heard is like "omg, its tits" (me and my friend say something is tits when its really cool) but my flatmate i lived with last year in uni said its not the best drug to use because it can kind of fuck you up, but i'm a pretty mentally stable guy as far as i know. my coworker who i work with said he basically did acid every day for like 2 years and it changed him as a person but he did a lot of stuff that was pretty fucked because of acid. is it really addicting? like, more than any other drug? also can a bad trip be like, really, really bad and how does one avoid said trips? thanks in advance akuchi.
acid is not physically addictive, and what's more you build up a short-term tolerance

that being said, acid opens doors in your mind. if you're mentally unstable don't do it.

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