SPOILERS! Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Data Dumps

Judging by the fact that the person in that footage had a Giratina of their own, I would presume this means Giratina itself is catchable in Turnback Cave at Level 70 like in OG DP, and this "Distortion Room" in Ramanas Park is a special location where you get the Griseous Orb by battling this Shadow Giratina at Level 100-albeit not one that you can catch, and you must defeat.

Presumably this is the case unless I'm looking at it wrong.
Exactly, comments confirm this. The Shadow Giratina is not catchable.
Judging by the fact that the person in that footage had a Giratina of their own, I would presume this means Giratina itself is catchable in Turnback Cave at Level 70 like in OG DP, and this "Distortion Room" in Ramanas Park is a special location where you get the Griseous Orb by battling this Shadow Giratina at Level 100-albeit not one that you can catch, and you must defeat.

Presumably this is the case unless I'm looking at it wrong.
mmmm not necessarly. The footages have been usually done with emulated versions so far, and many of them had the player team edited to show off shinys or stuff like the event-locked pokes.

The Giratina in the player party may not be the one you catch. Or may be, but that's difficult to tell.

I wouldn't exclude the possibility that you have to catch *that* Giratina with the griseous orb with it.

Exactly, comments confirm this. The Shadow Giratina is not catchable.
Why did you have to make me sad half second after i posted :(
Man, he deleted that post with the quickness. Maybe that's what happened last thread, because I sure don't remember anyone actively defending DP over Plat as the base... :psysly:

Honestly, it's not even the story, story was never Sinnoh's strongest point, despite the good lore. I'd be perfectly fine with a DWorld/Cyrus ending story adaptation post-game.

What I'm missing the most from Plat rn are the overworld items, mostly the evolution ones and Heart Scales.
And probably the Pokemon variaty before post-game and 'normal' GL/E4 Teams.
Maybe its just me, just the whole "catch every legendary" is so old and done now. I've been playing these games for so long I may as well have a whole box of 1 type of legendary. Mythicals being ingame catches and not tied to irl events is a huge improvement, but I doubt anyone actually needs another moltres or Lugia, and setting up all these things probably takes a lot of dev time.
Maybe its just me, just the whole "catch every legendary" is so old and done now. I've been playing these games for so long I may as well have a whole box of 1 type of legendary. Mythicals being ingame catches and not tied to irl events is a huge improvement, but I doubt anyone actually needs another moltres or Lugia, and setting up all these things probably takes a lot of dev time.
Strictly speaking, it's necessary for VGC.
Every generation needs to have a way to catch every legendary native to it, so new players aren't cut out / forced to buy older games or systems in order to have a chance.

Bearing in mind, it was probably unnecessary to have that system in BDSP, but I suspect they put it in anyway simply to allow completing the Pokedex before Home support is added.
Maybe its just me, just the whole "catch every legendary" is so old and done now. I've been playing these games for so long I may as well have a whole box of 1 type of legendary. Mythicals being ingame catches and not tied to irl events is a huge improvement, but I doubt anyone actually needs another moltres or Lugia, and setting up all these things probably takes a lot of dev time.
It's probably not just you, but hell if I don't enjoy doing these little quests for legendary pokemon regardless so different strokes and all that.

Strictly speaking, it's necessary for VGC.
Every generation needs to have a way to catch every legendary native to it, so new players aren't cut out / forced to buy older games or systems in order to have a chance.

Bearing in mind, it was probably unnecessary to have that system in BDSP, but I suspect they put it in anyway simply to allow completing the Pokedex before Home support is added.
It's going to be so weird when yo ucan get every pokemon from bulbasaur to manaphy between the 2 games provided you have the save files for SWSH & LG except Celebi & Deoxys
Maybe its just me, just the whole "catch every legendary" is so old and done now. I've been playing these games for so long I may as well have a whole box of 1 type of legendary. Mythicals being ingame catches and not tied to irl events is a huge improvement, but I doubt anyone actually needs another moltres or Lugia, and setting up all these things probably takes a lot of dev time.
On the other hand, if you start cutting them, things get wacky when support eventually gets cut.

Realistically speaking, for how long do you think Bank will be up?
Realistically speaking, for how long do you think Bank will be up?
Probably as long as the 3DS internet is supported.
If we have to judge by Sony's latest shenenigans with PSP and PSVita... I think Bank could potentially get murdered in 3 or 4 years. Basically whenever ""Switch 2"" ends up launching.
Between version 1.0 and 1.1 our boy Lucas attended the Trainers School, "How to make a pokémon EV spread" course, and now has the correct Tauros spread! Claps!

View attachment 384582
Ngl if they gave that Tauros Sheer Force, it'd actually be legitimately monkaS
On the other hand, if you start cutting them, things get wacky when support eventually gets cut.

Realistically speaking, for how long do you think Bank will be up?
A question I feel like gamefreak is asking themselves every day since it's presumably beholden to Nintendo keeping 3DS online servers up.

e: I feel like the second best case scenario (the best is Nintendo just not killing the servers) is that the Bank servers are actually all gamefreak's and the 3DS can continue to connect to it provided you had Bank before the 3DS Shop closes
On the other hand, if you start cutting them, things get wacky when support eventually gets cut.

Realistically speaking, for how long do you think Bank will be up?
They already have sword and shield on the switch that does the same thing with catching all legends, even if bank support does stop. Although they're gonna have to revamp home/no more Pokémon prison if bank does end, otherwise oof on that backlash.
Iirc, the 3DS has already reached the end of its commercial lifespan, right?

I wouldn't keep important mons on Bank if I were you...
The 3DS has stopped being produced for a while now, yes.
As has the Wii U.
Putting anything else aside, they're going to give advance notice. They dont just go "okay shop's closed bye" one day....

The thing most working in the 3DS (& Wii U, i guess) favor is that unlike the Wii, Nintendo owns all their servers. The only reason the Wii Shop (& DSi Shop, I suppose) went down was because of gamefly issues.
They already have sword and shield on the switch that does the same thing with catching all legends, even if bank support does stop. Although they're gonna have to revamp home/no more Pokémon prison if bank does end, otherwise oof on that backlash.
When has backlash ever effected TPC's decision making? They know they aren't beholden to anyone beyond their shareholders...
When has backlash ever effected TPC's decision making? They know they aren't beholden to anyone beyond their shareholders...
Backlash will affect them the day it affects their sales.

As long as "backlash" = 20 angry old men fighting on a forum while everyone else is still having fun, that's not backslash, that's just 20 angry people fighting on a forum.

Unfortunately for these 20 angry old men, the Pokemon games are on a potential new record trend, so their anger will stay while GF and TPCI reap the money off their products instead.
We still dont have full encounter tables for the underground with statues, only the handful of what I think were considered "static" encounters that can show up I assume without statues.
In before it's now a ingame trade instead

(have they found the trades yet? All I saw was a clip of a haunter/machoke one on youtube)
And probably the Pokemon variaty before post-game and 'normal' GL/E4 Teams.
Now that Platinum vs. BDSP has become a legitimate debate, I think this is a fair point in Plat's favor. I generally think Plat's main campaign will have an edge over BDSP due to the opposing trainer teams and the superior Galactic plot.

However, I think BDSP's rematch teams are looking so impressive that it actually kind of makes up for the lack of Battle Frontier for me. I can't give a definitive post game edge to one game versus the other.

And I went into this strongly preferring Plat's aesthetic, but I got to be honest - BDSP is looking quite pretty in its own right. I'm especially impressed by the battle backgrounds.

I think the one X factor for me in this debate right now is the team building aspect. I need to know more about how viable each BDSP option is, especially Underground, while also factoring in evolution item availability. That's a pretty big unknown for me at the moment. It does help BDSP's case however, that I don't need to consider HM viability anymore while constructing a team.

I don't even think the level curve is looking concerning from what I've seen. Maybe there will be bumps in the road (particularly mid game between Maylene and Wake) but I think we're going to need the Exp. All in this game. In Plat, I could beat Cynthia on average 9-10 levels below her with a well planned team and strategy. That won't work here.

If you notice from the trainer data, her team is the only one with perfect IVs and EV trained in her first matchup. The rest of the Elite Four only catches on to that in later rematches. It's going to take an all-star team to take her down the first time, let alone subsequent times. So I really need to know what options I have available to me to construct such a team, before giving an edge to Plat or BDSP in this department.
However, I think BDSP's rematch teams are looking so impressive that it actually kind of makes up for the lack of Battle Frontier for me. I can't give a definitive post game edge to one game versus the other.
The amount of content provided by a Battle Frontier (either 4th or 3th gen battle frontier) greatly surpasses a few trainers with good teams. When you talk about the Battle Frontier you talk about 5 to 7 facilities, each one with a very specific set of rules and dedicated mechanics, along with the work on the visuals (the battle frontier is not just a sign that activates when you talk to it, it is actually mapped), to the point that in this very forum, each one of the battle facilities has enough text regarding its depth that could surpass a phd.

The rematches will last for a few hours, maybe 2 hours with a standard team if you know what you are doing. A new battle frontier would make you invest much more than that to actually challenge it.
Backlash will affect them the day it affects their sales.

As long as "backlash" = 20 angry old men fighting on a forum while everyone else is still having fun, that's not backslash, that's just 20 angry people fighting on a forum.

Unfortunately for these 20 angry old men, the Pokemon games are on a potential new record trend, so their anger will stay while GF and TPCI reap the money off their products instead.
Interesting article on the topic of "angry old men"

The amount of content provided by a Battle Frontier (either 4th or 3th gen battle frontier) greatly surpasses a few trainers with good teams. When you talk about the Battle Frontier you talk about 5 to 7 facilities, each one with a very specific set of rules and dedicated mechanics, along with the work on the visuals (the battle frontier is not just a sign that activates when you talk to it, it is actually mapped), to the point that in this very forum, each one of the battle facilities has enough text regarding its depth that could surpass a phd.

The rematches will last for a few hours, maybe 2 hours with a standard team if you know what you are doing. A new battle frontier would make you invest much more than that to actually challenge it.
A good tower holds up pretty well, and BDSP has a very good one. It's not like Platinum's Frontier was as good as Emerald's tbh.

The post-game may not be as repeatable, but it is pretty good.

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