Tournament OMPL X - Playoffs (Tiebreaker @ #36)

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concrete angel
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Semis AAA Review by #1 Osake Hater and Redflix fan THE the butts

Playoffs are always such an exciting time to be a spectator in team tours. You get the cream of the crop of players who are all working their hardest to put the best team out there which makes for ideally some great games. Unfortunately, the two games we got were fairly one-sided, but that doesn't make the teams brought any less interesting to analyze. Before we begin, I want to shoutout Osake for doing these for the regular season. They were loads of fun to read and I really enjoyed waking up Mondays to see a new post from you. You will not be forgiven for stopping these and telling me to do them myself.

shiloh vs PandaDoux

The first game of the day was mired in a little bit of controversy at the beginning of the week. There was some criticism levied at the Tyrantrums for benching 2-0 Potatochan in favor of (pre-game) 3-2 PandaDoux. I'm not going to get into who I thought was a better pick in this game, but it was a point of discussion before these two played.

Looking at matchup, shiloh brought a team that looks very...shiloh-y. Perhaps I'm influenced by the sheer amount of test games I've played vs him, but if I were to look at his scout pre-game, this would be a comp I would expect for him to bring. At team preview, it looks like a possible Mold
Breaker Heatran, MG or TC Zapdos-G, CB or LO Grassy Surge Dhelmise, Regenerator/Intim/Dauntless Mew, probably Regenerator Lando-T (scarf or AV) and then maybe Regenerator or PrimSea Rotom-Wash. There aren't many ambiguous picks here and the team feels fairly straightforward. On the other hand, Panda's team is a bit more interesting (but not necessarily better). Three steel-types + two fairies is an interesting composition, especially since it does feel that many of them play similar roles. Excadrill here can be either Regenerator or Water Absorb, Heatran could be Regenerator or Desolate Land (I can't really explain it but it doesn't seem like it'd be moldy here). Skarmory is likely DShield/Intim or a fire immune ability, Fini would be Regenerator, Tapu Lele could be Triage or Sheer Force (maybe Tinted but you have two ways of breaking steels) and then likely a Magic Guard, Magic Bounce, or Desolate Land Volcarona.
*AN - I'm not going to try and do a play-by-play of every game, just talk about what's interesting etc. watch it urself

T1 - We see shiloh lead Landorus-T while Panda leads Heatran. Leading Landorus definitely shows that it is likely Regenerator while the Chople Berry being knocked on Panda's side infers that it is also likely Regenerator (non-Regen sets are almost always lefties or balloon). The Chople being knocked is moderately big as it could have come in handy vs GZAp later, although it isn't huge.
T2 - Landorus reveals that it is not Scarf by clicking U-Turn, and considering it did not click Rocks, I would assume AV (also shiloh's Zap counterplay isn't great which is why AV Lando would be good here). We also see that Skarmory is DShield
T3 - Rotom-Wash is not Primordial Sea so it is likely that this is also Regenerator, which means that Mew is likely going to be a support ability such as Bounce / DShield / Intim
T4 - Fini reveals that it is Trick, which is where some of the questions regarding Panda's team come into play. Shiloh has brought GZap 2/3 times the past three weeks, and I would personally consider it to be a top three breaker in the tier. Scarf Fini NEVER lives Banded TC Brave Bird, so this means that Panda is relying on Skarmory to 1v1 GZap, which if it clicks TKick it can't (we also find out that it is Press/WW > Brave Bird which means that it cannot even pressure GZap at all). I also thing tricking the Scarf here was an awful play considering it was NEEDED to make sure that GZap cannot sweep. Now he has no speed control bar a possible Triage Lele
T6 - Heatran reveals Mold Breaker as assumed, which is also another nail on the coffin for Panda. It means that his Magma Storm switchin is pretty non-existent bar Fini which can get heavily worn down of this is a Magma + Tect set
T14 - Heatran gets crit here which is pretty sad for Panda but it likely wasn't doing much this game. It means that it cannot potentially (albeit an unlikely chance) revenge shiloh's GZap and means that Panda's entire team gets outsped by GZap.
T16 - Lele reveals Substitute which is a very cool tech. Shiloh wisp's into the sub and guarantees Lele at least two kills.
T18 - shiloh finally brings out GZap and reveals that it is MG which is very bad for Panda. MG matches up much better into his team than TC does (shiloh doesn't have to worry about what move he's clicking, he can just change moves whenever and pressure his team). It's likely the next time GZap is in it doesn't switch out, especially since the Lele is SFLO and not Triage

There isn't much left to say about the rest of the game. It's Panda desperately trying to pivot around GZap and revealing that his Skarmory has absolutely zero way to touch it. Potatochan said in call that it was Bounce Volcarona, which wasn't ever going to do much in this game anyways, and I do not remember what the Excadrill was but I assume some immunity ability. People (as in me) have already pontificated in #tournaments of whether this bring from Panda is good considering shiloh's previous usage. There was little Mold Breaker Heatran counterplay, little GZap counterplay (although there is little in general), and the Skarmory having zero ways to touch Dhelmise / GZap was also bizarre. The Bounce Volcarona was also not great IMO considering shiloh's high Mold Breaker Heatran usage. Overall, the team wasn't great, but a few set changes such as Brave Bird Skarm and then maybe MGLO or Deso Volcarona would have done much better. shiloh's team was pretty standard (by his usage) and cool, and I'm excited to see what he brings next time, especially since stresh said it was a team shiloh made!

luisin vs astralydia

The second game, only an hour later, was vs best record in the pool luisin and undefeated aaa lydia, two very good players. Looking at team preview, we see two blobless teams, which is interesting considering the both of us love building with blobs (chansey is my goat). Luisin's team has an interesting pick in Suicune, which I chose as it's a Regen water that can eat Cinderace U-Turn and, with Regen, has infinite subs essentially throughout the game. The rest of the team is pretty standard with the Regenerator Ferrothorn, likely Adapt Zygarde (although maybe not) (it wasn't), ambiguous Heatran but likely Moldy, MGLO or Pixi Koko, and DShield/Unaware Mandibuzz. Lydia's team was also fairly standard bar the Latias, with the tried and true GZap + Keko core, likely RegenVest Swampert, Bounsu/Regen Latias, likely Flash Fire Corviknight, and ambiguous Heatran.

Regarding the teams, I like both (lol) but each team does have some weaknesses. Our GZap mu really was kinda dire if it was CB TC. Our switchins were limited and were basically "hope it clicks BB". As Lydia said in my dms, Helmet Cune was likely best here to mitigate that issue. With Lydia's team, her Zyg-10 mu is truly awful. She (spoilers) has RegenScarf Latias but that is not a switchin if it ever gets Glared. Her own TC Zap mu isn't great either and it's basically a 50/50 whenever GZap switches in. Overall, it seems both teams were made to beat opposing BO, so let see which one comes out on top!

T1 - Luisin leads with the very likely MGLO Koko while Lydia leads with GZap. She pivots into Swampert which, based on U-Turn damage, reveals RegenVest.
T2 - Luisin reveals Substitute on Suicune which appears to be very threatening for Lydia's team. She Flip Turns into Koko, which is Pixilate. This Koko can't really break Suicune as it just proceeds to Scald a few times and PP stall some roosts before luisin goes into Ferrothorn
T6 - Luisin reveals that Ferro is Spikes which is not very good for Lydia has the potential Band Adapt Zygarde-10% appears to have a very good matchup into her team, exacerbated by potential hazards.
T8 - Likely the biggest turn in the game, luisin is able to Knock Off the CB Tough Claws GZap which makes it infinitely less threatening for him to deal with. Lydia and I talked a little after the game and she said that looking back on it she wishes she had gone Heatran here as (spoilers) it didn't really need it's Life Orb.
T12 - Lydia reveals Latias is Future Sight, which leads me to think that it's definitely some Regenerator set (although it could be Bounsu) while Heatran reveals Mold Breaker Rocks, which again is not good for Lydia as her removal (Corv) doesn't mu well into Luisin's team bar being able to Fog on Mandi/Ferro
T16 - Luisin catches the Latias on the switch with Glare from Zyg-10 which is very very dire for Lydia. If this is CB Adapt, the game is basically over right here as this is her main switch-in to it.
T39 - After twenty turns of pivoting around, Zap-G dies having basically done nothing the entire game. It was this sort of situation that really shows why it having its CB is so important, as even though t was able to change moves and pressure luisin some, it was still fairly easy to play around.
T40 - Zyg-10 reveals leftovers which means that it is incredibly likely that this is Power Construct. It's just a matter of time then before luisin wins then, as Zyg is able to set up on three of Lydia's 5 mons remaining (Corv/Tran/Pert)
T47 - The Zygarde is able to switch in on Heatran as it sets up two Coils as Corv switches in aaaand the game is over.

Finally, after eight weeks of OMPL, we have a game where Zyg-C is actually able to put in a solid amount of work, ironically from the person who does not like Zyg-C at all (edit bc Osake is annoying: YES Adapt Zyg was also rlly good here, although ZygC did something so f u). I don't really want to get too much into my team and prep as tiebreak is around the corner (although I will explain more once OMPL is over as I'm sure I'll make some yuge AAA post). The team was built around originally the idea of CM/Scald/Weather Ball Suicune as a fat regen Water that is able to make progress vs DesoLand fires. It's difficult building blob-less defensive cores and I think Zyg-C has a niche role as a special wall that is solid into Primal-weather and other special attackers. I thought Lydia's team was very cool, and she definitely had a chance if Gapdos didn't get parad. ZapG continues to be threatening AF and the Scarf Regenerator Latias was cool, although I think maybe Bounsu would have been better considering even CB Adapt Dog and ZygC are running Glare to beat RegenScarfers.

Overall, while the games were a bit one-sided, I enjoyed seeing everyone's teams and hope to see more cool stuff in the potential tbs and finals :-]
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It's a starstruck world
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hey folks, while we wait for tiebreak to show up, we wanted to share our lu for next week.

SS 2v2 Doubles - @Potatochan
SS Almost Any Ability - @Potatochan 
SS Anything Goes - @Potatochan
SS Balanced Hackmons - @Finchinator
SS Godly Gift - @Potatochan
SS Mix and Mega - @Potatochan 
SS NFE - @Potatochan 
SS STABmons - @Potatochan
Any comments, questions or concerns can be sent to our third comanager.

Good luck to both the mavericks and the hawluchas! I hope to see the best team win.
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In the event of two teams being tied for a spot in the finals based on points and win differential, or a tie in the final round itself, we will have a tiebreaker round(s).​

Tiebreaker Rules: One metagame will be picked by each manager, and each manager will also pick one metagame to strike. Additionally, each manager will submit a backup meta to strike in case their choice is the same as the opposing team's pick. The third format will be determined at random by the hosts from the remaining unpicked, unstruck metagames. In the event that the picks and strikes from each manager are the same, the hosts will determine both the second and third format at random based on the remaining options. All three metagames must be unique, so no format can be picked twice.​


:hawlucha: The Hammered Hawluchas (astralydia and Dr. Phd. BJ) - [1][2] - The Malding Mavericks (Morgan and IBM) :ponyta:
SS Anything Goes: baconeatinassassin vs crying
SS Balanced Hackmons: TTTech vs quojova
SS STABmons: Dr. Phd. BJ vs Byleth

10:00 PM (GMT -4) on June 12th, 2022

SS Anything Goes: baconeatinassassin vs crying
SS Balanced Hackmons: TTTech vs quojova
SS STABmons: Dr. Phd. BJ vs Byleth
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of the void
is a Community Contributoris a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
OMPL Champion
SS Anything Goes: baconeatinassassin vs crying
SS Balanced Hackmons: TTTech vs quojova
SS STABmons: Dr. Phd. BJ vs Byleth

Yesterday at 18:57

Bacon when he is forced to play another tiebreak game

go luchas
SS Anything Goes: baconeatinassassin vs crying vs Potatochan
SS Balanced Hackmons: TTTech vs quojova vs Potatochan
SS STABmons: Dr. Phd. BJ vs Byleth vs Potatochan
Hey I think you made a mistake here. Luckily I caught it, and fixed it for you:
SS Anything Goes: baconeatinassassin vs crying vs Potatochan
SS Balanced Hackmons: TTTech vs quojova vs Finchinator
SS STABmons: Dr. Phd. BJ vs Byleth vs Potatochan

Hope this helped :)

Tea Guzzler

forever searching for a 10p freddo
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SS Anything Goes: baconeatinassassin vs crying - i don't know anything about either of these 2 so going purely off w/l, but 10-0 would be kind of jokes
SS Balanced Hackmons: TTTech vs quojova - whilst i personally think tech has the leverage to put the matchup in his advantage, most of his builds tend to be pretty 'yeah, tech would run this'. quojova's overall greater consistency is probably the deciding factor, though the matchup itself can pretty easily swing either way.
SS STABmons: Dr. Phd. BJ vs Byleth - same reasoning as ag

people complain about stresh being overpowered but then we have a team that has a very likely chance of having 2 10-0 players wtf


It's a starstruck world
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Dr. Phd BJ and Lydia vs Morgan 2v2 and IBM

i think that in an ffa manager cage match, morgan 2v2, experienced in playing 2v2, would be able to smash known 6v6 players like the Dr and Lydia. IBM would forfeit, bc Morgan 2v2 is the real face of the team.


the unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
is a Tiering Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
completely unbiased predicts

SS Anything Goes: baconeatinassassin vs crying lol 10-0 also bacon is the goat
SS Balanced Hackmons: TTTech vs quojova tttech redemption arc + sevag support
SS STABmons: Dr. Phd. BJ vs Byleth lol 10-0 again


First time doing this, let's see if I can make it exciting.

GG Semis Review by an amateur

TPP vs Mossy SandwichMossy Semi OMPL X.PNG
TPP uses a fairly standard BO team with sand package in there. Jrdn enlightened me with Physical Torn-T + Acrobatics and I have used that in a lot of teams. I expect the set to be number one and only going higher. It can be itemless, Sitrus or Eject Button, however given there's no really strong offensive mon, it's likely to be one of the former two. Tyranitar might be Band or DD, Excadrill or Rotom-W can be hazard removal. Zamazenta seems to be Crowned. On the other hand, Mossy Sandwich comes with a rather interesting Web structure with Shuckle in the attack slot. Ditto in the HP slot seems rather weird to handle HDB/airborne Pokemon. Since this team looks like Ho-Oh can at least midground into everything, Shuckle probably has a Rock move to prevent it from just clearing hazards, and maybe EQ for opposing Excadrill as well. Excadrill is also another option that I personally don't like as all the physical Pokemon kinda get walled by Skarm, which puts pressure on Nidoking and Kyurem-W to put in work. TPP's Excadrill looks like the biggest threat while Nidoking also has good chances here provided Webs are up, even though Mossy has to make good predictions since Exca in sand and Torn-T all outspeed it still.

T1-3: Mossy led with Gapdos likely expecting Exca/TTar lead against Shuckle and revealed Scarf early. TPP's misplay allowed Shuckle to set Web and also KO Torn, however it didn't matter as Shuckle turned out not to have EQ which means it could come in and clear hazards at will.
T10-11: TPP got a nice read going into Rotom-W as he expects Earth Power against predicted Excadrill. Nidoking then failed to OHKO it and got OHKOed in return, which means all hope he had left was to sweep with his own Exca/Ditto copying Zama and TPP misplaying.
T12-13: Zama-C got to KO Excadrill after TPP sacked his own, which revealed Chople. Mossy should have tried to preserve his Excadrill here since its biggest threat was opposing Sand Rush Excadrill (unless it didn't have Spin) to get a Speed boost against Clef and sweep from there. With Exca now gone, the game was basically over with no way to touch Clef/TTar from Mossy's side.

Overall, I think Mossy Sandwich didn't have the most optimal team and plays, I would definitely like a Ghost to spin block here but still, he had some windows to take it back and couldn't.

drphdbj Semi G1 OMPL X.PNG
Dr. PhD. BJ vs beauts G1
beauts Semi G1 OMPL X.PNG

drphdbj Semi G2 OMPL X.PNG
Dr. PhD. BJ vs beauts G2beauts Semi G2 OMPL X.PNG
Game 1
A highly anticipated match with undefeated BJ going up against beauts, and it's a bo3 no less. BJ uses his favorite Lando Koko core and a pretty standard team overall, with an interesting element of Milotic in the Attack slot. beauts loads Pigeons' stall team. Pretending I don't know anything about this team, Reuni should be RegenVest, both TTar and Giratina probably have Rest, Shedinja is likely to be Safety Goggles unless TTar is not Sand Stream which I doubt because it needs that to handle Yveltal well. It probably has dual status in WoW/Toxic and Hex. The team looks to be weak to Dhelmise which BJ didn't bring, however the team's reliance on Rest means Koko can disrupt both Giratina and TTar, which can eventually open the way for Torn-T to make progress and Kyurem-W to slowly wear down his team. The match looks like it's going to be an emphasis on whether BJ can get his Rock up or not, as repeated pivots will lock beauts out of the game and also the Shedinja from switching in.

T3-4: Giratina revealed itself to be itemless to deal with Dhelmise and also dual status, which I'm not sure about since that would make Heatran way harder to deal with. Pigeons' version has Earth Power Giratina, so this showed beauts had made some adjustments prior.
The following turns were very slow because BJ never switched in Koko to deny Rest, instead he scouted to try to have his Ferro get Rock up.
T36-38: The breaking point of the game. beauts went Giratina into Ferro instead of Skarm and also Defogged, which got forced to Rest and allowed it to finally get Rock up. I think this was not really optimal since it means BJ could now begin the deadly pivot cycle and break beauts's team since only Reuni has Regen.
T53: Finally, after his whole team got worn down, he was forced to sack Giratina to Kyurem-W since Burn + Rock + Kyurem-W outdamaged Regen too fast. The game was basically over at this point.

Game 2
BJ uses the same team while beauts switches to a pretty unique TR structure. Hatterene, Slowking and Porygon2 are likely setters and Buzzwole, NDW and Nidoqueen are breakers. Nidoqueen can 2HKO Milotic and Buzzwole can also break given good prediction if it has Ice Punch, so it comes down to a lot of 50/50 here.

T1: BJ led with Torn-T which could get Knock on P2 and Slowking, beauts started with Hatterene and TR, but then didn't Healing Wish right away and instead went Slowking, which cut down TR turns as BJ got his Kyurem-W in. The first TR was eventually wasted and only got beauts's team worn down.
T10-12: beauts finally went for Healing Wish this time and Nidoqueen got the first kill as BJ didn't want to risk his Ferro. However, Milotic showed it could stall out TR and Flip Turn on the final TR turn to gain momentum.
T13-18: BJ finessed around Buzzwole, not only outlasted the 3rd TR but also got a very favorable position, which put beauts in a bad spot where he couldn't give any mon a chance to further break.
T28: Slowking revealed a surprising Nasty Plot, however it still couldn't KO Ferro, which is very annoying since it could be used to KO Buzzwole which would fall to Rock + LO + Iron Barbs.
T32: An amazing Lando-T switch into NDW wrapped up the game here, as a Knock on NDW ensured it had no chance to break.

Not much to say after that, even though P2 could still tank hits, eventually BJ got his Lando-T in to Knock it and finished it with Ice Beam. This match showed BJ's strong teambuilding and skills in game, my only nitpick is him never using Koko to deny Rest but overall he pretty much guarantees a free win every week, which is very scary given how diverse the GG meta is. I would still like Malding Mavericks in the final if I want a more exciting GG game because BJ's teams are quite standard and I'm pretty sure he will destroy Mossy given their performances but regardless, good luck to both teams going into the tiebreaker.

Edit: According to new info received from both teams, the TPP vs Mossy Sandwich game was a bit more different than I thought. TPP's Clef had Encore, so Excadrill would have needed to flinch it twice with Iron Head and also gotten a favorable roll to get it in Spin range, which made it not as good as a wincon. Then, it turns out the Ditto wasn't even Scarf, which means it could have just gotten a free switch after Exca dropped and cleaned the game from there as it had a much better HP stat and +1 Def to survive a CC + Superpower from TTar if needed.
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