Headlines “Politics” [read the OP before posting]

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Well I’ll say one thing they definitely should donate some of their money to people in need
I do agree that platforms like this, especially bolstered by someone with countless appearances on large-scale programs like Oprah and her own long-running show, miss windows of opportunity to sound a call-to-action to others in similar financial surpluses to unload some of those funds. Drops in a bucket wouldn’t just be drops if they weren’t left at tone deaf presentational farces.
American Politics is just about USA politics or we can talk about other American countries politics?
Since America is a continent not a country...

Yesterday was the first debate between Brazilian candidates of President. The dispute is most between Lula and Bolsonaro, and I hope Lula wins.
Congrats to the US Republicans for making history by somehow being so unelectable that they lose the mid-terms during an economic downtime. A remarkable feat. As it turns out "owning the libs" while arguing against pot, against support for Ukraine, against LGTQ rights, against education of almost any kind, against student debt relief, against access to abortions, against livable wage, and against any forms of accessible healthcare isn't a marketable platform.
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Lula Livre~~~~ victory~~~~
Finally Bolsonaro was defeated and Lula won for the 3rd time to be president of Brazil. He will start as president in 1st January of 2023, but he already start his "presidencial" agenda. He was invited to the COP27 in Egypt to discuss the weather (who will be held this year, before Lula being officially the president) but Bolsonaro, who is the current president, isn't invited.
Sooo.... how about them midterms?

Awfully quiet in this thread.
All the funny conservatives are gone. All that we've got left now is to debate whether or not imperialism is actually good or how hard we should exploit the working class so we can keep our McDonalds and iPhones with MLs and "progressive" neolibs, and that's boring.

I was kind of expecting mid-terms to be somewhat disastrous to be fully honest, so I'm quite satisfied with what we got. Arizona going blue was a pleasant, if not unprecedented, surprise.


'Alexa play Ladyfingers by Herb Alpert'
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Me being in Texas, we had Beto vs Greg Abbott (Me being a dem) I wished obviously for a democratic governor to happen in 2022 but we still have a lot of Trumpers everywhere outside of Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio area. I know Beto was probably not gonna win based on that fact, it was a land slide for Greg Abbott but hopefully we don't have another big freeze happen where it's 30 degrees F in my apartment.

Chou Toshio

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Me being in Texas, we had Beto vs Greg Abbott (Me being a dem) I wished obviously for a democratic governor to happen in 2022 but we still have a lot of Trumpers everywhere outside of Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio area. I know Beto was probably not gonna win based on that fact, it was a land slide for Greg Abbott but hopefully we don't have another big freeze happen where it's 30 degrees F in my apartment.
Do you think Beto could have won if he didn't move to such a hard line gun stance in the 2020 primary? Could he change his popularity even now by changing his gun stance?

All the funny conservatives are gone. All that we've got left now is to debate whether or not imperialism is actually good or how hard we should exploit the working class so we can keep our McDonalds and iPhones with MLs and "progressive" neolibs, and that's boring.

I was kind of expecting mid-terms to be somewhat disastrous to be fully honest, so I'm quite satisfied with what we got. Arizona going blue was a pleasant, if not unprecedented, surprise.
I think the Left got even more wind in its sails than Democrats as a whole. Squad crushing and expanding. Young people being the CRITICAL voting block that saved all our collective asses. Fetterman being the biggest hero of whole night as the only Senate flip while being unabashedly progressive-- and maybe we get to see him call neighboring Joe manchin a dipshit again and again going forward.

As fascism marches forward and the country is treated to the shit show of all out Trump v. Desantis war, to the most conservative MSNBC viewers Katie Porter or AoC going to be looking more and more and more sane, reasonable, moderate by comparison especially as the left keeps being the people fighting hardest for Biden's agenda overall.

Given all the above, I think there will be increasing incentive for even traditional Democratic Power holders to bend the knee more.

If 3rd wave or New Dems try to push a “Wokeism & welfare screwed the party” line now they are going to look stupid and insufferable to the MSNBC aunties and uncles “so proud of our young people who cared and came out to save democracy [from fascist trumpism].”
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'Alexa play Ladyfingers by Herb Alpert'
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Do you think Beto could have won if he didn't move to such a hard line gun stance in the 2020 primary? Could he change his popularity even now by changing his gun stance?

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47”

Down here in Texas we love our guns, you don't even need a license to legally own one. I do feel like Beto saying that definitely hurt him especially with the suburban areas outside big cities / middle of nowhere towns. But I felt this year was the best time to take a hard line gun stance because of Uvalde school shooting, but you just have to understand the demographics here in Texas. I mean FFS even Uvalde voted majority for Greg Abbott even after the massacre.
“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47”

Down here in Texas we love our guns, you don't even need a license to legally own one. I do feel like Beto saying that definitely hurt him especially with the suburban areas outside big cities / middle of nowhere towns. But I felt this year was the best time to take a hard line gun stance because of Uvalde school shooting, but you just have to understand the demographics here in Texas. I mean FFS even Uvalde voted majority for Greg Abbott even after the massacre.
Yeah but Beto also had this absolute slammer.

Uhh, age restricted because of the fucking F word.

I voted for him when I lived in Texas. Realistically though, Texas won't be going blue any time soon. But based off the demographics of how leftist the young are and how old people have a habit of dying I think trends do point towards a purple Texas... eventually. As for the US as a whole, well things look pretty bad for the Republicans in the long term.
There's a reason why conservatives are making (and have historically made) every attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the electoral system; it's the only way for them to cling like a tick onto political relevancy. This latest "Red Trickle" is just another example of the ever-growing unpopularity of the republican party. Turns out that a dogmatic adherence to traditionalism, anti-intellectualism, chauvinism, and xenophobia isn't a super popular foundation to build your political platform on. Who would have thought?

You can buy yourself a few years with edgy memes laden with neo-Nazi dogwhistles and 16,000 years worth of "Ben Shapiro Owns SJWs" compilations, but conservatism is fundamentally not a popular ideology with younger demographics and it never will be. I firmly believe that if it wasn't for gerrymandering and voter suppression, the electoral college, and capitalism's vested interest in making sure the working class fights against itself instead of consolidating, conservatives would have largely faded from political relevance decades, if not a century, ago.
Conservatives actually have a good chance to win 2024: Desantis is unfortunately a strong candidate in voter's minds.

I'm very progressively left btw

if they had a good chance, they wouldn't be trying to beat the same Hunter Biden drum from 4 years ago or trying to flagrantly abuse congressional investigative authority pursuing the same. They know don't have anything to work with that voters haven't resoundingly rejected until either Trump dies or 2028. DeSantis doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming the GOP nominee, either. All his popularity in the GOP means is that the Republican Party is totally ideologically hostile to the Constitutional Order of the United States.

if they had a good chance, they wouldn't be trying to beat the same Hunter Biden drum from 4 years ago or trying to flagrantly abuse congressional investigative authority pursuing the same. They know don't have anything to work with that voters haven't resoundingly rejected until either Trump dies or 2028. DeSantis doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming the GOP nominee, either. All his popularity in the GOP means is that the Republican Party is totally ideologically hostile to the Constitutional Order of the United States.
Non-trump endorsed republicans did very good in this recent election
His control is weak. Trump endorsed republicans got annihilated
idk how you can reach that conclusion even with Murdoch turned, he has an entire ecosystem of media outside of Fox to pick up the slack. Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee in 2024 and will incite his followers to violence again when he loses, because the Republican Party is nothing more than a personality cult dedicated to overthrowing the Constitution.

Even if they lose for another 4 years, they won't change. They'll simply wait until they are back in a position to coup the government, because that's always how authoritarians work.
idk how you can reach that conclusion even with Murdoch turned, he has an entire ecosystem of media outside of Fox to pick up the slack. Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee in 2024 and will incite his followers to violence again when he loses, because the Republican Party is nothing more than a personality cult dedicated to overthrowing the Constitution.

Even if they lose for another 4 years, they won't change. They'll simply wait until they are back in a position to coup the government, because that's always how authoritarians work.
The conclusion is from the election itself. People are starting to see their errors.

do the craziest of the crazys still exist? Yes, of course. But their numbers shrink by the day
The conclusion is from the election itself. People are starting to see their errors.

do the craziest of the crazys still exist? Yes, of course. But their numbers shrink by the day
This is like the epitome of wishful thinking, bordering on delusion. Some of the more "traditional" conservatives who fell in line behind Trump despite not liking his demeanor are now moving over to a slightly more well-spoken (as high of a bar as that is) fascist in DeSantes. If you think for even a moment that Trump won't smear the absolute shit out of DeSantes when it comes time for the primaries, and if you think for a moment that Trump doesn't still have legions of followers who will take those smears and run all over town with them, then I really don't know what to tell you.

This split cannot possibly make the Republican party stronger. Their game plan was never to rely on electoralism; only liberals are that delusional. Their game plan was always to overthrow democracy through extra-electoral means. Ours shouldn't rely on electoralism either (this isn't to say that voting is bad or any of that shit, but we need to start forming working class solidarity via strengthening unions, and forming community aid groups, and we need to do it yesterday).
This is like the epitome of wishful thinking, bordering on delusion. Some of the more "traditional" conservatives who fell in line behind Trump despite not liking his demeanor are now moving over to a slightly more well-spoken (as high of a bar as that is) fascist in DeSantes. If you think for even a moment that Trump won't smear the absolute shit out of DeSantes when it comes time for the primaries, and if you think for a moment that Trump doesn't still have legions of followers who will take those smears and run all over town with them, then I really don't know what to tell you.

This split cannot possibly make the Republican party stronger. Their game plan was never to rely on electoralism; only liberals are that delusional. Their game plan was always to overthrow democracy through extra-electoral means. Ours shouldn't rely on electoralism either (this isn't to say that voting is bad or any of that shit, but we need to start forming working class solidarity via strengthening unions, and forming community aid groups, and we need to do it yesterday).
I think part of where this thinking comes from is the historical norms of American politics. Parties are expected to ditch losing candidates, with the only example against that being Grover Cleveland. The Republicans won't replicate Cleveland though, they'll seek to attain power through gerrymandering, partisan jurisprudence, and violence. The US hasn't had a cult of personality that is directly hostile to constitutional democracy, so rather than comparing Trump to other presidents, he should be compared to other dictators and their supporters. Mussolini, Peron, and even Stalin would all be better comparisons.
If you think for even a moment that Trump won't smear the absolute shit out of DeSantes when it comes time for the primaries, and if you think for a moment that Trump doesn't still have legions of followers who will take those smears and run all over town with them, then I really don't know what to tell you.
Of course he will. What I'm saying is that it won't be relevant numerically.

Desantis is a ridiculously strong candidate (in terms of chance of winning presidency) and Democrats are going to need someone very strong if we plan on winning 2024
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