Astroo Silver
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  • Hi playing each other in SS draft im gmt-7 free on all of sunday and saturday morning
    Astroo Silver
    Astroo Silver
    Hi, can we schedule on discord (justsilver0788) ? It will be easier for me. I think we will play during your morning or your beginning of afternoon because I'm gmt+2 (9 hours of difference)
    Hey, we're paired for natdex draft. I'm +2, free all day on Wednesday and Thursday. I'm going on a vacation starting Friday so we need to get the game done before then
    yo when do you wanna play for draft? gmt +2 would rather play my 7-11pm weekdays
    yo we play for winter seasonal, when works?? also scheduling is much easier for me on discrod if you wanna hit me up there, ogalbina
    Hey, Matched up for Winter Seasonal Draft. I'm GMT +5.5 when are u free?
    Astroo Silver
    Astroo Silver
    Sorry I didn't see it, I prefer to schelude on discord :/ . I'm +1, I think your start of evening / evening tomorrow or on sunday should be good. If you see that I don't answer you can pm me on justsilver0788
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