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  • i have been informed by my good friend, and excellent player Deschutes that you have been slandering his teambuilding. he is certainly a very smart man and an excellent teambuilder, so i would advise to not say those things in the future.
    be a rate, so they'll help with you and help you nicely to help you get acclimated to the competitive realm, since you just joined. So don't be shy if you want to learn from them. Thanks for the post, and gl in the comp world of pokemon! Because it's fun!
    Gave you a follow to welcome you to the site as well.
    Please look up rules on forum niceness and politeness and etiquette. If you need help on how to rate teams and what the proper grammatical etiquette and rules for that are, seek it. If you want to be a friend, and join a clan or something, just let me know, because I am very active among clans, and would also be glad to help. So, just don't be shy. I told my friends about your post on my team btw, which neglected to
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