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  • Ugh, but I just want to forget about the finals! On a more serious note: I`m not even on the right PC at the moment. I`ll see if I find them tomorrow.
    yeah i think you put one in the scms on flygon. i fixed it in my check and i'm going to let oglemi or someone edit that in and upload it. thanks!
    I wasn't claiming I would get in, but, by the minimum standards posted in the GP rules, I am a viable candidate now. I've been around here plenty long enough to know that all I did was enough to REALLY be paid attention to. Now, I have to prove it if I really want it.
    Ahem, no offense, but one of my three included a full revamp of what is on site. Just sayin'. ;)


    If you doubt this, I still have the PM's between me and Oglemi for proof.
    either way works, itd be a major help if you added them yourself to scms and then posted in thread "gp check 1 implemented onsite", but if not, i can cp it later
    Ok, I'll make sure of it. I'm still trying to learn my way through this site, lol. Thank you! :)
    Hello! If you have spare time, is it ok you check over my [thread=3478806]Swanna Update[/thread] NU analysis? Thank you in advance. :)
    no, GL to YOU!

    Now, let us harness the power of two horizontal lines! And together we shall make marriage equality a reality! (Well, not really. I think that will happen without us anyhow)
    Yeah sorry my attention is being spread really thin and it looked like that was yesterday, i just finished my last class and all of that jazz

    Yeah I applied officially, I was thinking of telling you but I figured you'd find out one way or another, perhaps I should have though
    No problem my man, feel free to run over any of my checks if you so desire. (That's not sarcasm. It sounds like it totally should be though.)

    I've read a good bit of the speedy upload debate so I get that it needs to go up fast;i just saw a thread that needed a check and figured I could help. Thanks for the heads up though

    Also how'd the interview go?
    There's no grammar forum xD nope I dont mod c&c :p see you future mentor :p

    Btw can I just request you help out gping adv analyses since you're one of the most active gpers and they're in a rush x) haha
    Heh, thanks for that. Haven't really talked to you in a while, nice to hear from you. What's up?

    It's too bad about that analysis too, I checked that and down the drain that work went. Ah well
    Birkal is a fluffy teddy bear. One of those ones that no matter how much you squish its face, it still looks like it's smiling :P
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