Max. Optimizer
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  • Hey, I'm available to trade for your Bulba any time. I think you just turned down my trade request lol.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Yeah, you sent the request so fast I thought it was a random passerby and I wanted to turn down the request to be able to see the list with the people online. Anyway, enjoy your new Bulbasaur!
    My trade thread turns 1 year old today. Shout out to everybody that supported me and that helped me start a presentable collection!
    Hi again! I already have you registered as a 3DS friend from a previous trade. I can do the trade-evolving now.
    I will also go there now.
    Merci beaucoup.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    De rien! Si jamais tu as encore besoin d'autre chose, n'hésite surtout pas à me contacter. Je te souhaite une bonne journée!
    So sorry it took me so long to reply to your message! I honestly didn't dream of such a quick response, AND had to work over the weekend! Other than Wednesday night and Friday, besides extenuating circumstances, I should be available all week.
    Hi mate, I only need 1 copy (plus the original). i'll be online now. You may keep a copy, of course
    I really appreciate it, thanks mate, but I don't like taking things for free.

    Thanks for the cloning service. The Moltres has HP Grass (I soft reseted it myself), in case it interests you
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Funnily enough I cloned that Moltres for you at some point and refused to keep a copy for myself. I'll definitely keep it this time around. I also kept a copy of the Ditto for my personal collection. I like it a lot, thank you! Please don't hesitate to ask me for more cloning requests in the future. You're always more than welcome!
    Oh, I didn't even remember that (I do remember you cloned stuff for me before, but didn't recall it was Moltres)

    Glad you like the Ditto :)
    Hey, just wondering(I wont care either way just curios) do you liegitly find everything or do you pokehex?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I soft-resetted 1 Silvally and cloned it with the help of Powersaves. It even says so in the description of my giveaway. Cloning is allowed on Smogon as long as you state how it was cloned. A lot of fellow Pokémon traders and collectors do it and I often help fellow users out that don't have access to this tool.
    I see. Would I be able to look up how to clone something on the internet?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Feel free to look it up, but if you're going to get Powersaves you'll need to purchase it either in stores or online. Though, unless you're planning on opening a trade shop or hosting giveaways, I don't really see as to why you should get one. If you need help with cloning, there are many users (including myself) that are willing to help out with requests.
    Just wondering, where are you from? I saw that when Reisen Inaba nominated you, he said that you weren't even French oo
    oh, this is really nice! Luxembourg is next to France so that's why you speak French fluently haha.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Yes, I grew up with 3 languages, Luxembourgish, German and French. I'm however planning on becoming a professional translator and that's why I'm learning even more languages. I'm glad to see that so many other people here are having fun with translations. I hope that you and the rest of the Portuguese translation team keep up the great work!
    Thanks for the support man! n_n
    Hey, someone has already helped me out with the Thick Club but I was wondering if you had any of these following items you could give: Magnet, Black Sludge, Rocky Helmet. Doesn't have to be for free, just thought I'd ask since you offered on my previous need. Thanks!
    Alright see you at the plaza!
    Hey Max, thanks so much for your help! I truly appreciate it :)
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    No problem at all, you're welcome. I'm glad I was able to help out.
    Messaged you on Discord, but figured I'd do it here to just incase haha, but I'm ready to trade whenever :)
    I currently don't have enough that I need to get rid of for the 14 breedables, so sending over some event eevees.
    Thank you! If you ever need something (breedable) let me know and I'll see if I can help. :)
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You're welcome. I'm always glad to be able to help out. Thank you for the offer, I'll definitely keep that in mind.
    Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary! *celebrates*
    You're a true inspiration :)
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Likewise my friend, likewise. Happy 1 Year Anniversary to you as well, we joined on the same day after all!
    Hey MO,
    thanks for helping me with that Snivy.
    Please CMT for it. I can also abuse whichever Pokémon with the Time machine method (Shiny female spread, any Nature, x/31/31/31/31/31 - the HP is 11 but can easily be fixed with a Silver bottle cap). If you want something bred with it let me know
    Wow, thank you very much *.*
    I will go online now :)
    If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to contact me!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Likewise, you're always more than welcome to ask me in case you need anything else in the future. It's always a pleasure doing business with you.

    Have a nice day!
    Thank you! I thought it'd be better to continue this over profile message. My in game name is Kryah by the way! You sure you don't need anything?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You're very welcome. Also no worries, I really don't want anything in return. I'll send you a trade request once I see you online.
    Okay ;-; well thank you. I'M SORRY I SENT YOU A PYUKUMUKU. In my experience they were kinda rare and this one just tagged along with me from Poke Pelago. I'm very grateful!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Again, you're very welcome! That's totally fine, no need to apologize. If you ever need anything else, feel free to take a look at my thread and let me know. Just don't forget to include the blue pentagon symbol! Have a really nice day!
    Hi there, I already got six clones each of the ones I mentioned, but I would love to get more copies of Nihilego, Lele, and Pheromosa. I was also wondering if you could attach regular bottle caps, friend, and heavy balls to them--I'm trying to catch Celesteela in Friend and Heavy Balls. Anyway, thank you so much for your response!
    Sadly I have to step back as a French translator due to health reasons, but I'll gladly stay an active contributor in the WiFi section.
    Oh fuck, French Translations lost another really good translator due to health issues D:
    Hope you have a quick recovery fam :]
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Thank you very much for the kind words. It's a stress-related thing that happens to me when I'm overdoing myself. I'm already working a lot when it comes to my studies, but the amount of work in the French translation project just became too much for the few remaining active members.
    I've followed many examples but I had very few models. Garde la pêche !
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Merci pour tes mots encourageants, Lionyx, cela me touche beaucoup.
    Are you offering services for S/M? I am in desperate need of some level-up.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I'm currently not offering services of any kind and I'm afraid I won't be offering any more services in the future either due to lack of time.
    n.n rattata
    n.n rattata
    It's fine dude! You've helped me a lot anyways!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Thank you very much for your understanding, it means a lot to me.
    Hi there! I am available to trade now if you are. My IGN is Lewis, and my FC is 2853-1706-9588.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Yes, I can hop online now. See you in a bit.
    Thank you so much for Ninetales! Your kindness is very much appreciated.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Absolutely no problem, you're welcome.
    Hello mate, congratulations on the badge! Apologies for the delay, I have been away from Smogon for a while.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Greetings Luxpluff! Thank you very much for the congratulations! Well, you know what they say: "Better late than never", right?

    I haven't been active in the WiFi section during the last couple of months, but I might get back into trading again now that the Sun and Moon games are out. I'm looking forward to doing business with you again very soon.
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