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  • i didn't D/c and i don't know the cause..°°
    Anyway you ignored my rules on my sign dude...
    Also posted this on my own wall, oops :P

    I don't trust PsyPoke's, it has no option for inputting IVs/EVs or even a HP stat...but using MetalKid's, it is possible, which means Smogon's has something wrong with it. This is not good.

    And yeah, gg, I almost cried when you got the crit on Rachi D': and when I realised I'd never gotten around to putting Earth Power on Celebi...not that it would've made a difference with Flare Blitz...
    Hold on...Metalkid's said it should've done a MINIMUM of 40.4% with the stats I inputted...I just don't understand what's going on any more! D': ah whatevs, it doesn't matter, well played :)
    No, it's an Adamant Kingdra with max IVs in everything except special attack - so even if it would have been a Modest Gengar it still did too much damage...those stats check out for the IVs/EVs but it's still weird...
    Are you sure that Gengar is a 'legal' hack? Damage calcs say Shadow Ball should have done a max of about 32% damage to Kingdra, while it actually did about 38%...
    Ah, ok. Yeah. Dang rocks. I completely forgot about how Electrodes always run taunt in the beginning, so I got surprised.
    GG bud. Dang, should've spun away the rocks while I had the chance so Shedinja could wall Ludicolo. GG either way.
    GG. It was fun playing against your team. Since I run a rain dance team myself I'll give you a few tips for it. I'd replace that qwilfish with Ludicolo. Ludicolo is faster and rain and is a really powerful special sweeper. Also, I would take the trick off Starmie and replace it with recover. Tricking a pokemon damp rock is pointless. Other than that your team looks pretty solid.
    Well I wanted to, but I didn't know what was going on, cause I would Sub first but when I attacked you always went first :/. So I just tried to stall out a bit in case you would take me out with Waterfall. I'm not much a risk taker
    Ahhh, nah I was intensely thinking about my moves lol. Cause I was wondering whether I would outspeed and whether my T-Tar would get killed on the switch-in
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