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  • I still can't post in broolucks. When I asked Vader about it (about a month ago) he told me that there was a problem and that it would be fixed shortly.
    Hey Mingot,
    when I've been at one of my friend's home working with his Mac's version of the rng reporter, I realised that this program has a "search from date to date" function, which makes it a lot easier to look for certain frames by just making your computer work. The windows version only offers the function to choose a year and a month for Method 5 Standard Seed. So I was wondering if you could add a similar function to save us the time to click and click and click again if our search parameters didn't lead to the desired result in the chosen year and month. I would really appreciate to adjust my date from the year 2000 to 2050 and make the program work until it definitly finds something. So, what do you think?
    hey Killah told me to talk to u i am new to competitive pokemon and i want to go to DC VGC tournament and i don't have a team so could u make me one that would do well and tell me how to play it Trick room looks good to me and one i would like to play but if u think it to hard for a new player then just make me a team that would be good thanks a lot o and if u want i am willing to give u my shiny black and white starters for the team thanks again
    Hey, way back in Jan. 2009, you said you'd hack-check someone's Shinx. I have recently received a completely legit-looking Speed Boost Blaziken from a trade (Not from this site by the way), but it won't allow me to use it on Random Matchup, when I've seen many Speed Boost Blazikens in Random Matchup single battles. Could you hack-check my Blaziken, or direct me to someone who can? Thank you for your time. :P
    hello, i need some help regarding to IRC
    i am sorry if you are not the one i should be talking to as i failed to find a specific IRC related forum
    i have forgotten my nickserv password and i cant log in to synIRC with my nickname because of that
    i tried using /msg NickServ SENDPASS but it gives me this "SENDPASS command unavailable because encryption is in use."
    is there anyway I can log in other than making a new nickname?
    Um...I have to ask, what happened to Huy? He had a giveaway going on...so I guess none of us win eh?
    And what is up with the wifi "giveaway" section?
    I'm sorry, at first I just thought you were joking but now I understand your dead serious. Good luck restoring everything!
    hey, come on IRC when you get a minute. sabresite is on and he wanted to ask you about some method j/k stuff.
    Hey mingot, would it be possible to gain access to The Smog, I'm on the official GP team and wouldn't mind checking articles. I did apply through group memberships but it was never approved.
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