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  • Ok, so if you keep copies, their info is in my thread. You can tell which they are by their NNs. They're all non-redis.
    I'm ready if you are - I just got back from dinner. VM me and I'll meet you online!
    I'd love the UT AND EVed version (if it's EVed sensibly. :P).

    Please CMT ASAP (I'd like to EV it tonight so I can trade it to BW thus sunday!
    Hey Poptarts, I've sent Strictlypreme a message on his facebook account. Hopefully, he'll catch on time before something bad happens.

    I'm pretty sure that he's very busy right now because he really is a college student.

    We all know that he should come back online so discuss about the banners and the other problems we're having.

    But I think it's best that we should be patient, wait a little longer, and give him some more time until he has enough to come back online to talk about this.

    Don't worry, Strictlypreme is a nice guy. I'm sure we'll work things out. :)
    It's my birthday tomorrow.
    I hope you'll give me poptarts as gifts :]
    I like Cookies & Cream also, besides S'mores...
    yeah i said before that your going to clone when we trade lol

    to bad this battle went really long so you ended up being offline
    hey how much longer you going to be on im about to do a tournament battle then we can trade after
    Yes, you can trade it, and no, I can't change the nickname because it's special to me and I want it to stay as is. I hope that's ok :]

    Also, btw, JT stands for Johto Trainer. It's my username on a different forum ^^
    Well, I suggest you'll add him to your ignore list, lest he'll squander all of your yummy Poptarts ;)

    Don't let him eat this:
    I think I'm not the only one bothered.
    Just ask the others, like Red & Lady Salamence.
    He also bothers some mods.

    Although I added him to my Ignore List ;)
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