Tournament 1v1 Premier League VI - Tournament Discussion

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posted this in #pl-discussion in the 1v1 discord, gonna post here too for easy access.

Entire Playoff Picture and Scenarios
Megarays and Skewdas are already in.
Horrors, Thwackeys, and Heatrans are out.
Rhyperiors, Panchams, Dragapults are 3rd, 4th, and 5th, respectively.

If Panchams win or tie next week against the Dragapults, the Panchams are in and the Dragapults are out.
If the Dragapults win against the Panchams next week, the Dragapults are in and the Panchams are out.

If the Panchams and Dragapults tie, the Rhyperiors need to win or tie to be in.
If the Panchams and Dragapults tie, the Rhyperiors tiebreak the Dragapults if they lose 3-5.
If the Panchams and Dragapults tie and the Rhyperiors lose 2-6 or worse, Panchams and Dragapults make it in.
Last edited:
posted this in #pl-discussion in the 1v1 discord, gonna post here too for easy access.

Entire Playoff Picture and Scenarios
Megarays and Skewdas are already in.
Horrors, Thwackeys, and Heatrans are out.
Rhyperiors, Panchams, Dragapults are 3rd, 4th, and 5th, respectively.

If Panchams win or tie next week against the Dragapults, the Panchams are in and the Dragapults are out.
If the Dragapults win against the Panchams next week, the Dragapults are in and the Panchams are out.

If the Panchams and Dragapults tie, the Rhyperiors need to win or tie to be in.
If the Panchams and Dragapults tie, the Rhyperiors tiebreak the Dragapults if they lose 3-5.
If the Panchams and Dragapults tie and the Rhyperiors lose 2-6 or worse, Panchams and Dragapults make it in.
what do horrors need to win by to be in
Idk if we still doing these things but I really can't be bothered to ask around. PL from the perspective of someone on the "Italian" Heatrans.
Going into PL Denis and Close looked like a strong team. Not opinionated just facts of everyone's perspective. Basically, gonna try and keep this monotone as last thing we need is a "he said, she said" sorta drama thrown onto the end of this PL.

As the only member to be on both Heatrans teams, I can say without a doubt the atmosphere was night & day difference. Like every PL people come in happy and full of hope. But after a few days kinda of went south a bit. For any of those who werent around during PL 3, Heatrans were a team that went undefeated. You could joke about or bring whatever ; it didn't matter that's how good the team was. So comparing it to this years, not the same talent wise for sure. It wasn't the everyone helps everyone or has some involvement like years past. Was more the "lead by example" mentality. With that being said, our managers were busy with stuff irl and didn't have time to fully manage until later on. Though, at that point it was basically over and no one really has motivation to continue. Enter staples. Staples is a good dude, has a bit of a ego but chill dude. Was drafted in the role of being the "3rd manager" not officially but they are friends with Close and Denis. They did well during WC which was a big part of the m.o. "The Italians won WC" ; so he was very confident in himself to say the least. If we didn't prepare that week, "Use WC stuff"

Stable, was a pain in the ass at points of this tour. They believed very much in themselves and their ability to do everything it became apparent that it wasn't the best way of dealing with the task at hand. But when you're "drafted" to be the guy to do that and 60k is spent for "3 managers" leaves the remaining players you're able to obtain less proven/known/wanted. Which does I guess fall on the drafting part of the side as well.

If I'm not mistaken, Stable was allowed to help draft players which I don't believe we've had happen before. Though they all sorta knew who they wanted, no going rouge moments. But drafting is a big part of PL. So when there's good players left who were ignored and you see things like managers say "we're trying to figure out who we want" Not the best thing when you know you're gonna have go for low priced players because of your balance. Draft is an important part of the tournament. For those who don't pay attention or for those involved with providing the draft/tour. There's a lot of advantages that go unnoticed and ways to gain unfair advantages. (The way the draft is set-up, it will always be the same order. With Heatrans having the first nomination. and so on)

Player wise, everyone was fine. They all believed in themselves to preform, and had a good time. Though building wise became somewhat a questioning state for the team. Stable would build, or everyone would just solo build with the chat for their slot being dead. There was times where things would start to feel like previous tours have, where people talked. But the timezone difference also proved to be a bit of a challenge. When Europeans have to corollate with Americans it becomes difficult as the time difference means one is always busy when the other is not. Which led to fun interaction of "let's spend all our time doing this, then having it thrown away when the next person gets on". When it came time to battle, suggestions where given mainly 10-60 minutes before play started. Which happened a lot when the Europeans were online. Again timezone wise wasn't the best put together team. Sets being changed due to users believing others made mistakes, bringing what they believed was better or was told was better instead of the actual prep. Not sticking to plans during games. (getting arrogant to where our support we brought in just left)

I do wanna keep this sorta vague to keep all parties involved out of criticism so here's a short run down of my PL in my view:
PL started like any other PL, Joker gets declined from being manager because everyone believes he will be bad, when Joker probably spends more time prepping for PL than everyone. I spent 2 hours going over general details with deg who knew a fair few already. Because deg is the most qualified manager out of everyone in this PL. Not even a debate. But yea, out of every manager I was like 95% sure I was gonna be on deg's team. We talked about shit and my slots, roles and all that fun stuff. Close reached out to me, doing their job as a manager. I told them I wanted to try hard this PL. Which led to Close saying he really wanted me on their team. Hence the bidding that happened and deg not spending .5k like a bum <3 I was kind of upset, but was got over it. I was back on Heatrans, but wasn't the same. Everyone was chill. Very dead chat after a couple weeks. But yea, I came in wanted to try hard. Clashed with staples a bit. Got 20+ dms every 10 minutes lol. Though it became apparent that no matter what I did, prepped or contributed it was pushed to the side or ignored. When I spent all week looking at other user's stuff, suggestions, teams, sets, ect. Only a single team was used. So s/o AOPS for that. It got the win. So ya can start the see how when this happens every week, where the divide for a once "hopeful" team starts to form. A short run down of how each week opponent wise for me went.
w1) dez, endure was a annoying but I gave him credit. Without that I won, but was well played on their part

w2) I was preparing to go on vacation. So my prep this week was, the sceptile and that's about it. Also was in bw because AOPS wanted to try oras and I was undefeated in bw in team tours. Having helped Heatrans back in pl3 and pl4 when i played it there too

w3) was vs mubs, beat them last year wasnt very invested after finding out team lost week. told my team prep me teams im on vacation. i get back home, go to work get off work and then play mubs. I was looking at my teams the moment everyone else was. played the series like if it was a ladder game. we lost week, and again didnt feel invested

w4) vs bp, know the guy we wanted to play right before deadline. i ended up getting kicked from another server because they wanted us to play early, but bp was sleeping so not sure how that makes me get kicked lol. but we lost another week, and was told it was gonna be recorded so i brought the dumbest sets possible. (little insight to my dumb sets, i will spend my time seeing if said set is able to be brought and won with. thats why i have a high win% with unranked stuff) so i basically just slapped stuff on that i didnt test or check to see if i could win with and hoped they worked. (again because i spent all my time helping everyone else for it to be thrown away)

w5) team was basically dead at this point, tried to motivate everyone and help and what not. i was in bo7, i asked for this after week 2 but was denied. i had the most wins out of everyone last year in swsh. none of my managers knew this. joker is the oras guy...(no joker is the guy that is always slotted into whatever slot their team needs him to be slotted into because joker always says joker ill play whatever you need me to guy) oras has been beyond boring recently, player base tour-wise made it less interesting. so asked for bo7, also another undefeated slot of mine. yes ive played bo7 before zoomers. now going into this week i felt good. i had 1 day off but was preparing well, aops kinda started doing their own thing. and we brought in waylaid to help out with swsh. so i kinda only focused on bw that week, so had more time to prep. even did so when matching a movie in a theatre. go into the games with 2 of my own teams prepped and a couple of back ups. First game was a 3-0, 2nd game was hax, it happens, game 3 im told "hey use a random team from our wc paste" so im like ok, so i pick one. i dont get time to calc the zapdos which i think should beat banded vish but ran out of time and picked ttar as it beat the others and hoped it wouldnt pick vish. then game 4 was another 3-0
we won the week at this point so i just shrugged it off two 3-0s, hax and not having time to calc

w6) team cord is basically dead, after rumia and hoku did whatever we wanna call their series. we kinda lost all hope. we threw in fragments who at this point stopped caring and didnt even talk to them for a week or so. which we then subbed out. the big thing for this week was how, i wanted to play nalei or mishlef, as i had to play champs out of state with 3 year old teams and wanted to see if i would have lost normally. they assured me, fragments in bo7 was the move and me vs mishlef was a for sure thing...color me surprised when i see good guy scraft lol. this week was the week where i voiced my frustration to managers about how everything i prepped was ignored and how i spent all my time helping that i didnt prep for myself hardly ever as we would go back and forth on whos prep should be used. so we agreed, i wouldnt help team prep or comment or anything. how my job was to prep a couple teams, and have the rest supplied to me...i was never supplied with teams since week was lost. so i had to play scraft with what i had. blaze kick was a nice tech, hax again but it happens, 3-0. week was at this point so yea

w7) oh boy, so i go into this week and i remind managers and some members of team how i wanted bo7 for weeks now. as i didnt get it last week, and having ncal say joker should bo7 i go to bed thinking im bo7....i wake up the next morning...the wrong line up was is basically dead, only subs are talking and as for my match with smb, idk if we gonna play. it would be a for fun match, not really any point but yea
so, i guess quick summary for the tl:dr - joker tried to help, joker was ignored. joker would play series after week was lost or won at that point so motivation to win was dead. joker was on vacation, kept being given wc teams from italy as "prep". radu is the goat, the scape "goat". record is pointless. managers were busy but cool when not, teammates were fine. deg is cheap (.5k)


formerly STABLE
Idk if we still doing these things but I really can't be bothered to ask around. PL from the perspective of someone on the "Italian" Heatrans.
Going into PL Denis and Close looked like a strong team. Not opinionated just facts of everyone's perspective. Basically, gonna try and keep this monotone as last thing we need is a "he said, she said" sorta drama thrown onto the end of this PL.

As the only member to be on both Heatrans teams, I can say without a doubt the atmosphere was night & day difference. Like every PL people come in happy and full of hope. But after a few days kinda of went south a bit. For any of those who werent around during PL 3, Heatrans were a team that went undefeated. You could joke about or bring whatever ; it didn't matter that's how good the team was. So comparing it to this years, not the same talent wise for sure. It wasn't the everyone helps everyone or has some involvement like years past. Was more the "lead by example" mentality. With that being said, our managers were busy with stuff irl and didn't have time to fully manage until later on. Though, at that point it was basically over and no one really has motivation to continue. Enter staples. Staples is a good dude, has a bit of a ego but chill dude. Was drafted in the role of being the "3rd manager" not officially but they are friends with Close and Denis. They did well during WC which was a big part of the m.o. "The Italians won WC" ; so he was very confident in himself to say the least. If we didn't prepare that week, "Use WC stuff"

Stable, was a pain in the ass at points of this tour. They believed very much in themselves and their ability to do everything it became apparent that it wasn't the best way of dealing with the task at hand. But when you're "drafted" to be the guy to do that and 60k is spent for "3 managers" leaves the remaining players you're able to obtain less proven/known/wanted. Which does I guess fall on the drafting part of the side as well.

If I'm not mistaken, Stable was allowed to help draft players which I don't believe we've had happen before. Though they all sorta knew who they wanted, no going rouge moments. But drafting is a big part of PL. So when there's good players left who were ignored and you see things like managers say "we're trying to figure out who we want" Not the best thing when you know you're gonna have go for low priced players because of your balance. Draft is an important part of the tournament. For those who don't pay attention or for those involved with providing the draft/tour. There's a lot of advantages that go unnoticed and ways to gain unfair advantages. (The way the draft is set-up, it will always be the same order. With Heatrans having the first nomination. and so on)

Player wise, everyone was fine. They all believed in themselves to preform, and had a good time. Though building wise became somewhat a questioning state for the team. Stable would build, or everyone would just solo build with the chat for their slot being dead. There was times where things would start to feel like previous tours have, where people talked. But the timezone difference also proved to be a bit of a challenge. When Europeans have to corollate with Americans it becomes difficult as the time difference means one is always busy when the other is not. Which led to fun interaction of "let's spend all our time doing this, then having it thrown away when the next person gets on". When it came time to battle, suggestions where given mainly 10-60 minutes before play started. Which happened a lot when the Europeans were online. Again timezone wise wasn't the best put together team. Sets being changed due to users believing others made mistakes, bringing what they believed was better or was told was better instead of the actual prep. Not sticking to plans during games. (getting arrogant to where our support we brought in just left)

I do wanna keep this sorta vague to keep all parties involved out of criticism so here's a short run down of my PL in my view:
PL started like any other PL, Joker gets declined from being manager because everyone believes he will be bad, when Joker probably spends more time prepping for PL than everyone. I spent 2 hours going over general details with deg who knew a fair few already. Because deg is the most qualified manager out of everyone in this PL. Not even a debate. But yea, out of every manager I was like 95% sure I was gonna be on deg's team. We talked about shit and my slots, roles and all that fun stuff. Close reached out to me, doing their job as a manager. I told them I wanted to try hard this PL. Which led to Close saying he really wanted me on their team. Hence the bidding that happened and deg not spending .5k like a bum <3 I was kind of upset, but was got over it. I was back on Heatrans, but wasn't the same. Everyone was chill. Very dead chat after a couple weeks. But yea, I came in wanted to try hard. Clashed with staples a bit. Got 20+ dms every 10 minutes lol. Though it became apparent that no matter what I did, prepped or contributed it was pushed to the side or ignored. When I spent all week looking at other user's stuff, suggestions, teams, sets, ect. Only a single team was used. So s/o AOPS for that. It got the win. So ya can start the see how when this happens every week, where the divide for a once "hopeful" team starts to form. A short run down of how each week opponent wise for me went.
w1) dez, endure was a annoying but I gave him credit. Without that I won, but was well played on their part

w2) I was preparing to go on vacation. So my prep this week was, the sceptile and that's about it. Also was in bw because AOPS wanted to try oras and I was undefeated in bw in team tours. Having helped Heatrans back in pl3 and pl4 when i played it there too

w3) was vs mubs, beat them last year wasnt very invested after finding out team lost week. told my team prep me teams im on vacation. i get back home, go to work get off work and then play mubs. I was looking at my teams the moment everyone else was. played the series like if it was a ladder game. we lost week, and again didnt feel invested

w4) vs bp, know the guy we wanted to play right before deadline. i ended up getting kicked from another server because they wanted us to play early, but bp was sleeping so not sure how that makes me get kicked lol. but we lost another week, and was told it was gonna be recorded so i brought the dumbest sets possible. (little insight to my dumb sets, i will spend my time seeing if said set is able to be brought and won with. thats why i have a high win% with unranked stuff) so i basically just slapped stuff on that i didnt test or check to see if i could win with and hoped they worked. (again because i spent all my time helping everyone else for it to be thrown away)

w5) team was basically dead at this point, tried to motivate everyone and help and what not. i was in bo7, i asked for this after week 2 but was denied. i had the most wins out of everyone last year in swsh. none of my managers knew this. joker is the oras guy...(no joker is the guy that is always slotted into whatever slot their team needs him to be slotted into because joker always says joker ill play whatever you need me to guy) oras has been beyond boring recently, player base tour-wise made it less interesting. so asked for bo7, also another undefeated slot of mine. yes ive played bo7 before zoomers. now going into this week i felt good. i had 1 day off but was preparing well, aops kinda started doing their own thing. and we brought in waylaid to help out with swsh. so i kinda only focused on bw that week, so had more time to prep. even did so when matching a movie in a theatre. go into the games with 2 of my own teams prepped and a couple of back ups. First game was a 3-0, 2nd game was hax, it happens, game 3 im told "hey use a random team from our wc paste" so im like ok, so i pick one. i dont get time to calc the zapdos which i think should beat banded vish but ran out of time and picked ttar as it beat the others and hoped it wouldnt pick vish. then game 4 was another 3-0
we won the week at this point so i just shrugged it off two 3-0s, hax and not having time to calc

w6) team cord is basically dead, after rumia and hoku did whatever we wanna call their series. we kinda lost all hope. we threw in fragments who at this point stopped caring and didnt even talk to them for a week or so. which we then subbed out. the big thing for this week was how, i wanted to play nalei or mishlef, as i had to play champs out of state with 3 year old teams and wanted to see if i would have lost normally. they assured me, fragments in bo7 was the move and me vs mishlef was a for sure thing...color me surprised when i see good guy scraft lol. this week was the week where i voiced my frustration to managers about how everything i prepped was ignored and how i spent all my time helping that i didnt prep for myself hardly ever as we would go back and forth on whos prep should be used. so we agreed, i wouldnt help team prep or comment or anything. how my job was to prep a couple teams, and have the rest supplied to me...i was never supplied with teams since week was lost. so i had to play scraft with what i had. blaze kick was a nice tech, hax again but it happens, 3-0. week was at this point so yea

w7) oh boy, so i go into this week and i remind managers and some members of team how i wanted bo7 for weeks now. as i didnt get it last week, and having ncal say joker should bo7 i go to bed thinking im bo7....i wake up the next morning...the wrong line up was is basically dead, only subs are talking and as for my match with smb, idk if we gonna play. it would be a for fun match, not really any point but yea
so, i guess quick summary for the tl:dr - joker tried to help, joker was ignored. joker would play series after week was lost or won at that point so motivation to win was dead. joker was on vacation, kept being given wc teams from italy as "prep". radu is the goat, the scape "goat". record is pointless. managers were busy but cool when not, teammates were fine. deg is cheap (.5k)
i would give a more cohesive response to your post if it wasn't just filled to the brim with bullshit, not a single one of the teams that was used throughout the tour was from wc. Team beggar plays bad and loses, makes excuses then cries about the teams. what else is new
Idk if we still doing these things but I really can't be bothered to ask around. PL from the perspective of someone on the "Italian" Heatrans.
Going into PL Denis and Close looked like a strong team. Not opinionated just facts of everyone's perspective. Basically, gonna try and keep this monotone as last thing we need is a "he said, she said" sorta drama thrown onto the end of this PL.

As the only member to be on both Heatrans teams, I can say without a doubt the atmosphere was night & day difference. Like every PL people come in happy and full of hope. But after a few days kinda of went south a bit. For any of those who werent around during PL 3, Heatrans were a team that went undefeated. You could joke about or bring whatever ; it didn't matter that's how good the team was. So comparing it to this years, not the same talent wise for sure. It wasn't the everyone helps everyone or has some involvement like years past. Was more the "lead by example" mentality. With that being said, our managers were busy with stuff irl and didn't have time to fully manage until later on. Though, at that point it was basically over and no one really has motivation to continue. Enter staples. Staples is a good dude, has a bit of a ego but chill dude. Was drafted in the role of being the "3rd manager" not officially but they are friends with Close and Denis. They did well during WC which was a big part of the m.o. "The Italians won WC" ; so he was very confident in himself to say the least. If we didn't prepare that week, "Use WC stuff"

Stable, was a pain in the ass at points of this tour. They believed very much in themselves and their ability to do everything it became apparent that it wasn't the best way of dealing with the task at hand. But when you're "drafted" to be the guy to do that and 60k is spent for "3 managers" leaves the remaining players you're able to obtain less proven/known/wanted. Which does I guess fall on the drafting part of the side as well.

If I'm not mistaken, Stable was allowed to help draft players which I don't believe we've had happen before. Though they all sorta knew who they wanted, no going rouge moments. But drafting is a big part of PL. So when there's good players left who were ignored and you see things like managers say "we're trying to figure out who we want" Not the best thing when you know you're gonna have go for low priced players because of your balance. Draft is an important part of the tournament. For those who don't pay attention or for those involved with providing the draft/tour. There's a lot of advantages that go unnoticed and ways to gain unfair advantages. (The way the draft is set-up, it will always be the same order. With Heatrans having the first nomination. and so on)

Player wise, everyone was fine. They all believed in themselves to preform, and had a good time. Though building wise became somewhat a questioning state for the team. Stable would build, or everyone would just solo build with the chat for their slot being dead. There was times where things would start to feel like previous tours have, where people talked. But the timezone difference also proved to be a bit of a challenge. When Europeans have to corollate with Americans it becomes difficult as the time difference means one is always busy when the other is not. Which led to fun interaction of "let's spend all our time doing this, then having it thrown away when the next person gets on". When it came time to battle, suggestions where given mainly 10-60 minutes before play started. Which happened a lot when the Europeans were online. Again timezone wise wasn't the best put together team. Sets being changed due to users believing others made mistakes, bringing what they believed was better or was told was better instead of the actual prep. Not sticking to plans during games. (getting arrogant to where our support we brought in just left)

I do wanna keep this sorta vague to keep all parties involved out of criticism so here's a short run down of my PL in my view:
PL started like any other PL, Joker gets declined from being manager because everyone believes he will be bad, when Joker probably spends more time prepping for PL than everyone. I spent 2 hours going over general details with deg who knew a fair few already. Because deg is the most qualified manager out of everyone in this PL. Not even a debate. But yea, out of every manager I was like 95% sure I was gonna be on deg's team. We talked about shit and my slots, roles and all that fun stuff. Close reached out to me, doing their job as a manager. I told them I wanted to try hard this PL. Which led to Close saying he really wanted me on their team. Hence the bidding that happened and deg not spending .5k like a bum <3 I was kind of upset, but was got over it. I was back on Heatrans, but wasn't the same. Everyone was chill. Very dead chat after a couple weeks. But yea, I came in wanted to try hard. Clashed with staples a bit. Got 20+ dms every 10 minutes lol. Though it became apparent that no matter what I did, prepped or contributed it was pushed to the side or ignored. When I spent all week looking at other user's stuff, suggestions, teams, sets, ect. Only a single team was used. So s/o AOPS for that. It got the win. So ya can start the see how when this happens every week, where the divide for a once "hopeful" team starts to form. A short run down of how each week opponent wise for me went.
w1) dez, endure was a annoying but I gave him credit. Without that I won, but was well played on their part

w2) I was preparing to go on vacation. So my prep this week was, the sceptile and that's about it. Also was in bw because AOPS wanted to try oras and I was undefeated in bw in team tours. Having helped Heatrans back in pl3 and pl4 when i played it there too

w3) was vs mubs, beat them last year wasnt very invested after finding out team lost week. told my team prep me teams im on vacation. i get back home, go to work get off work and then play mubs. I was looking at my teams the moment everyone else was. played the series like if it was a ladder game. we lost week, and again didnt feel invested

w4) vs bp, know the guy we wanted to play right before deadline. i ended up getting kicked from another server because they wanted us to play early, but bp was sleeping so not sure how that makes me get kicked lol. but we lost another week, and was told it was gonna be recorded so i brought the dumbest sets possible. (little insight to my dumb sets, i will spend my time seeing if said set is able to be brought and won with. thats why i have a high win% with unranked stuff) so i basically just slapped stuff on that i didnt test or check to see if i could win with and hoped they worked. (again because i spent all my time helping everyone else for it to be thrown away)

w5) team was basically dead at this point, tried to motivate everyone and help and what not. i was in bo7, i asked for this after week 2 but was denied. i had the most wins out of everyone last year in swsh. none of my managers knew this. joker is the oras guy...(no joker is the guy that is always slotted into whatever slot their team needs him to be slotted into because joker always says joker ill play whatever you need me to guy) oras has been beyond boring recently, player base tour-wise made it less interesting. so asked for bo7, also another undefeated slot of mine. yes ive played bo7 before zoomers. now going into this week i felt good. i had 1 day off but was preparing well, aops kinda started doing their own thing. and we brought in waylaid to help out with swsh. so i kinda only focused on bw that week, so had more time to prep. even did so when matching a movie in a theatre. go into the games with 2 of my own teams prepped and a couple of back ups. First game was a 3-0, 2nd game was hax, it happens, game 3 im told "hey use a random team from our wc paste" so im like ok, so i pick one. i dont get time to calc the zapdos which i think should beat banded vish but ran out of time and picked ttar as it beat the others and hoped it wouldnt pick vish. then game 4 was another 3-0
we won the week at this point so i just shrugged it off two 3-0s, hax and not having time to calc

w6) team cord is basically dead, after rumia and hoku did whatever we wanna call their series. we kinda lost all hope. we threw in fragments who at this point stopped caring and didnt even talk to them for a week or so. which we then subbed out. the big thing for this week was how, i wanted to play nalei or mishlef, as i had to play champs out of state with 3 year old teams and wanted to see if i would have lost normally. they assured me, fragments in bo7 was the move and me vs mishlef was a for sure thing...color me surprised when i see good guy scraft lol. this week was the week where i voiced my frustration to managers about how everything i prepped was ignored and how i spent all my time helping that i didnt prep for myself hardly ever as we would go back and forth on whos prep should be used. so we agreed, i wouldnt help team prep or comment or anything. how my job was to prep a couple teams, and have the rest supplied to me...i was never supplied with teams since week was lost. so i had to play scraft with what i had. blaze kick was a nice tech, hax again but it happens, 3-0. week was at this point so yea

w7) oh boy, so i go into this week and i remind managers and some members of team how i wanted bo7 for weeks now. as i didnt get it last week, and having ncal say joker should bo7 i go to bed thinking im bo7....i wake up the next morning...the wrong line up was is basically dead, only subs are talking and as for my match with smb, idk if we gonna play. it would be a for fun match, not really any point but yea
so, i guess quick summary for the tl:dr - joker tried to help, joker was ignored. joker would play series after week was lost or won at that point so motivation to win was dead. joker was on vacation, kept being given wc teams from italy as "prep". radu is the goat, the scape "goat". record is pointless. managers were busy but cool when not, teammates were fine. deg is cheap (.5k)
stableprince disstrack when??
Probably big post incoming so yea. I’m probably gonna do shout-outs and just a big post on my thoughts this premier league.
I’ll start with the shoutouts
PA, thanks for co managing, it didn’t exactly go our way in the draft or in the premier league overall but you still went through every week with the team and I, thanks for that. Overall you also really saved us in bw and built some swsh for us which definitely also saved us because our swsh building was limited af.

Aliss, thanks for grinding out swsh for us every week. I’m sorry that we did not provide the greatest support but you still grinded it out and got some big wins for us. Was good working with you this PL

doc1203, firstly I would like to apologize because I’ve set an awful example of what PL should be like to you since this is your first PL. but you were probably the most active one besides me and pa which I really appreciate. It was good working with you, you’re a pretty cool person.

IPF, we didn’t talk much but my bad that one week for benching you when I definitely should not have. Thanks for playing your games though except that one week lool.

RTM, I’m ngl, out of all of our swsh players you are the one I see the most potential in. With a good team of support I think you will do really well. This obviously wasn’t the case this PL because you had like no support which again was entirely me and pa’s fault. You did get some big wins for us tho so that was good. Keep playing, I think you will do really well.

Squirtell 1v1, this is like my 2nd time teaming with you. You’re a quiet guy but you get teams built and play games which is all I can ask for. I honestly think you are one of the best sm’s rn and with a bit of support you can go a long ways in sm again like you have in the past when it was cg. Was fun man

DezShizzels, bit of a rough pl for you but ik you’ve still got it. Keep grinding and you will keep winning.

@Dj Breloominati , sorry you didn’t get to play much. I really appreciate you for always being positive and encouraging teammates to try to keep the motivation up. You were a great teammate and I hope to work with you again sometime in another tournament maybe.

QWILY, I wish we could’ve played you more man, I think you are a pretty good clicker but we just didn’t have the support to play you in too many weeks. I wish you luck in the next tournaments you play in, it was great having you on the team.

ToastedBunzzz02, you didn’t talk much but you always made some heat teams and got a win or 2. I really wanted to start you a lot more in this PL but things didn’t work out too great. I think you are a really underrated sm player and will have a lot of success playing it if you stay with it.

torterraxx, ik you didn’t do too great this PL but I still think you are a super underrated player. And with some support you could be a really great player. Unfortunately we couldn’t get you much building support this PL which was a big mistake. Keep on playing, I think you will do great.

SolarflareRo, thanks for all the support this PL, you are the goat and I can’t thank you enough
Gohar, thanks for building ipfs teams when he played, that really helped out a lot cuz we can’t build swsh too well
ggopw, thanks for the couple teams you passed or made I guess, and the weird gifs you post
Kaif, please do not pass our players teams 3-0d by zardx anymore.

Ok shout-outs done. Now time for big post
So yea, this PL was quite the experience, and it was definitely not a good experience. Out of the 4 PL’s I’ve played in, this one takes the spot for my least favorite without a doubt. And it’s not just because I didn’t make playoffs, I enjoyed articunos like 2-3 times more and did not make playoffs with the articunos. The team was just really dead by week 3 which really made this pretty unenjoyable. It felt more like I was just trying to get through the weeks than actually play and enjoy them after week 3. And this was completely me and pa’s fault. We both were not strong drafters and ended up not having the confidence to overpay a bit for some players that we wanted, and we ended up with a pretty dead team of players as a result. I do feel awful for the new players because I’ve set an awful example of what PL should be like for them, all I can say is that they should keep playing and PL will be better next year for them.

Now with all that about the team said, I think I’ll talk about what my thoughts on managing are after this tournament. Overall, I think that I’m not cut out for managing in PL, and I probably won’t manage anymore nor am I expecting to get another chance to manage again after my drafts of the articunos and horrors. My weakness in managing PL is clearly the drafting part. I struggle to put together a good team of players which is pretty clear by every PL I’ve managed in. And I think if I ever do wanna manage again I should be a co manager and would have to be paired with a very good drafter so that I won’t have as much trouble putting together a good team. Where I think my strengths are in managing is just being a leader for a team, I think I do well to keep the my teams motivated and make sure everyone is still prepping scheduling well. I also offer support to those who need it. But those strengths don’t really apply to well with a dead team, which is why I would need another person who is a good drafter to really utilize these strengths. I definitely think I’m better suited to be a captain in World Cup because the teams are pretty much pre determined and I can just pick the best from the pool of people available in my region and lead the team to playoffs from there. And I do plan to captain in World Cup. As for next PL, I may or may not manage again, I don’t really expect to even be given another chance after this PL but if I do, I’ll have to find someone who is a really good drafter that would be down to manage, which in the end seems pretty unlikely after all.

Anyways that’s all I’ve got, I can’t really say I had too much fun this PL cuz that would be a lie, but I had some fun and that’s the point of playing in PL anyways. I’ll see you guys in LT and WC

The Official Glyx

Banned deucer.
welp- It's certainly been an interesting season of PL thus far. I don't think anyone can say they foresaw things going this way. While unfortunately the Thwackeys are out, I hope things go well for the teams locked into playoffs, as well as for those vying for their shot to get in this week!

As for my experience, I suppose the place to start would of course be why I turned down managing this year. I already talked about it a bit on discord, but managing is hard- it requires a lot from people to make sure that every slot of your team is operating as intended, and even if you divide it up between you, your co-manager, and any particularly diligent team members, it can still be a lot to handle; and this all also includes having to prep for yourself if you're playing, as well! To be a competent manager, you've gotta know the right people to keep a team alive, be able to work with those people, have the willpower to regularly check in on everyone and make sure they're holding themselves accountable, provide the morale boosts that people need so that your team can have the drive to win, and just generally act as the cornerstone of your team. If you're looking to manage, I think a solid baseline to establish for yourself is whether or not you can handle building a full set of teams on a weekly basis while still having time to do other things; if you can't provide for yourself, then odds are you'll struggle doing so for an entire team. Building of course is far from the only aspect that matters, though; communication is key when it comes to making sure that everyone is on the same page and not just off doing whatever by themselves. If you're not prone to talking with or helping people, you're gonna have a rough go of it. It took multiple years of trying to run things basically by myself, with widely varied results, to realize that trying to strongarm things on my own generally puts up inconsistent results at best. So, to those looking to manage in future tours, keep these ideas in mind. Good players don't necessarily equate to good managers, and a good manager alone doesn't necessarily equate to a good team. I may try my hand at managing again in the future, though from the experiences from this PL alongside other pressures I faced throughout the weeks, I am very glad I did not attempt it for this tour.

Moving on to the season itself, I am still rather stunned at how wild the draft ended up going. A lot of players went for absurdly higher than what I would've called standard for them, and between the multiple teams who contacted me regarding the possibility of playing for them, I ended up on none of them- I do not know what Potatochan and tears saw in me as a prospective team member, but I hope I met your expectations and then some.

As for how my run at things went, I'd say pretty good. While 4-3 as a record is only slightly better than going even, I feel like I played well in each series, with every win being by strong margins, while all my losses came down to g5. I wish the last couple of series could've been under more high-stakes circumstances, but oh well. I'm very glad I properly came back to SM after all this time, since building in-depth for this tier after spending so much time on other tiers has helped me come to remember the value of being able to be creative in teambuilding. This is naturally just my opinion, but 1v1 wouldn't be as fun as it is now if you couldn't experiment around with new ideas and really forge an identity for yourself as a teambuilder, even if it's just something as base level as not using Charizard all too often, and that's part of why I feel team tours are always so fun to watch, since you get to see the more creative builders really push the tiers to their limits.

Moving on, you of course can't have a team tour without the team!
Potatochan It's clear to everyone that your dedication to the team was surpassed by none. Helping out I think literally every slot, I honestly have no clue how you didn't burn out until we were pretty much already out. Sorry to see that things didn't go as you hoped, but hopefully this was a good opportunity to pick up some of the tricks of the trade for future shots at managing!

tears We didn't get to see too much of each other since SS builder vs SM builder, but you seem like a cool dude. I hope whatever you do in all the time you spend outside of 1v1 Discords goes well for you

D2TheW You were basically 3rd manager when we needed you and pulled us out of a lot of activity bullshit with a lot of bullshit of your own, and that's really all we can ask of people as teammates. Beyond that, you were a big part of the SS core, as well as the teammate who definitely brought the most culture to the team, for better or worse.

Freddy Kyogre
Sorry to see we couldn't run it back for another trophy on the same team again. I know you've been taking steps back from mons for a while now, in addition to ripping the bandaid off today, so I hope things go well in whatever pursuit you find yourself in. If you ever plan on making a proper comeback, I'd love for all the new kids to get a viewing of PL2 Freddy.

OM This is what, the third or fourth team we've both been on now? You had a pretty rough go of things this time around, but that's just part of the game we play. While I know oras has been your thing for a long time now, I think it'd be interesting to see you try out other tiers (throwback to that time you randomly went into DPP and murdered em).

Fakee I knew nothing about you going into this PL, and I feel like I still know nothing about you coming out of it- Naturally you being the BW while I was an SM wouldn't really help that. Either way, hopefully you enjoyed your time here, and I hope to see you around for future tours, since new faces like you are what keep oldgens alive!

crying I will never not confuse you for tears- You went from being a sub to being the best performing player on the team. I don't know what else really needs to be said beyond that- I'd like to see you continuing to get a knack for 1v1, since you do seem like you have the potential to be an even stronger player down the line if you invest yourself.

nolenot R.I.P. You deserved better, but God already gave you so much in life that he had to nerf you with bad luck. I'm confident you'll go 69-0 in Penis League once you get unbanned, though !!

ExplodingDonkey Donk.

Wrapping up, I'm very glad I took a more measured approach to PL this time around. While it's of course a bummer that things didn't go as well as they could've for the team, this is probably be the most fun I've had playing 1v1 in team tours for a while. It was nice just being able to build and play the tier I enjoy without having to worry about getting as sweaty over external things as I would've if I were managing or hyperfixating on getting the trophy above all else. In that regard, I would definitely say this is the first PL where things really felt "right", so to speak, in terms of the role I played for myself on the team. Burnout is a problem that seems to be notably endemic to these team tours, and in that regard I'd suggest to whoever's feeling burnt out that you take a look back through how things went in this tour (and prior ones) to see where where your preferences lay for your personal comfort. It can be hard not to overexert yourself for the sake of the team or try to live up to people's high expectations, but as long as you're honest to both yourself and others about your limits, it makes the whole experience 1000x better, in my opinion.

Anyhow, I'm kinda rambling at this point- If you managed to take away something nice from this mess of a post, nice c: If not, that's also fine. Thanks for reading, and I hope for a good tour for all the remaining teams vying for the win!

Here Comes Team Charm!

Perhaps the stars
is a Community Contributoris a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Pults are out, so time for some obligatory shoutouts. Props to Murman and Elo Bandit for orchestrating our demise (and sorry for making fun of tiebreak bandit), I'll happily accept a teamcord invite if it means I can dump some of my crazier SS sets onto blanched and stalk my hero TheShadowClaw. If anyone other than pults has to win this tour, I hope it's you guys.

Also, apologies to my team: I like how I started off this season (haxing alice notwithstanding), but as the weeks went on I think a combination of IRL obligations, illness, and exhaustion caused me to fail to give the team all I got. I feel like our SS dwindled in later weeks, and take no small amount of responsibility for that.

With that out of the way, I'm gonna have to give a huge shoutout to Mubs. You've been an amazing manager, giving in-depth scouts for all slots, keeping team morale consistently high, and having a big hand in our solid oldgens performance, on top of drafting the whole team by yourself. Somehow, between all that you found time to go undefeated in ORAS five weeks straight.

Secondly, tenzhii, whose help in SS was invaluable. You pointed out a number of notable flaws in teams I considered bringing and offered constant suggestions and feedback, which was especially nice in those quiet european mornings where nobody else was on. I can't overstate how much I appreciated your presence in the discord over the weeks.

pqs: just like mubs you went 5-2, which is just crazy. I haven't talked a lot to you before this (and when I did, it was in a moderating capacity more often than not), but I have to say I appreciated having you around, and I'm glad to see you pop off like this.

Rounding out the trio of 5-2 players is lancert (grats on the namechange), who together with my bestie rumia kept a solid SM going. When TSC inevitably leaves this site for competitive brawl stars, I expect you to rise to the occasion as the new rulers of SM.

dogknees, for someone who went for 5k (still having trouble believing that price) your contributions to the team were insane: going positive in the always-difficult bo7 slot and winning several games in Bo5 as well. Was great getting to know you a bit better, even if timezones and busy schedules prevented us from getting much in touch at times.

Waylaid, your building assistance greatly helped us, and your linecount is one of the highest in the cord. It was great to have you, and I found myself wishing I could actually slot you in somewhere on a weekly basis.

Sanshokuinsumireko, gonna be honest, I don't know you all that well and you mostly kept to yourself in the cord, but you covered an always-awkward slot and went positive doing it: I'm grateful for your contributions.

Adam3560, this was your first PL, but you went even (better than I did in my own first) and helped out where necessary, in addition to defending our monopoke honour. I'm looking forward to seeing where your team tours career takes you.

Call me PK, you showed your support for the team frequently, but unfortunately timezones being what they are I feel like you spent a lot of time sleeping while stuff was going on. Still, team india better pick you up next WC.

pj, you got benched after an awkward first two weeks, but your team spirit was much appreciated and you paved the way for ORAS king mubs. Best of luck in coming tours!

413X, I was glad to see you on the team, and even if you didn't end up playing much I'm happy we drafted you. I will continue my attempts to bribe rosa into forming team atlantic, so we may play side by side in WC.

linux user and fruan, I greatly appreciated having extra SS muscle around, and I'm obviously biased to current or former setscomp managers. Great to have you in the discord!

Last and definitely also least:

bbeeaa, a namechange won't save u: leaving the teamcord weeks before we're eliminated gets you an automatic negative shoutout (I'm very sorry). Stable did already roast you in DMs so I'm gonna leave it at that.
0-3 in ss is terrible

sorry to anyone who had faith in me to win games this pl

Mubs rofl thanks for randomly drafting me for what i (and many others can agree on) consider an overpay
very fine work going 5-0 in oras, but you should probably not pick 2 0-3s in a series :P
i expected no less though, and im very excited to see east performance this year

Here Comes Team Charm! thanks for being a genuinely encouraging teammate, i feel like my building improved significantly over these weeks at least and im quite happy with how i was able to at least somewhat refine my ss building; most of it was in large part due to our interactions, imo. i wish i had built a lot more, but the past is the past, and i take responsibility for the fact that sometimes if i had just built more we would have probably won some very important games

dogknees ur actually one of the most fun teammates ive worked with, ur very open minded and i was rly rly happy to build for you and with you, i know you dont plan on joining future tours but if you ever change your mind i think you could adapt very quickly to the current ss meta and i dont plan on leaving anytime soon so hmu if you want some help

pqs i know we didnt interact much but i was not joking when i said i was ur #1 fan, im very happy that you finally proved yourself as a solid player and that you completed your personal quest, thanks for carrying the team several times

Sanshokuinsumireko i understand your future endeavors may not involve bw but i think youre a great player of the gen, just thought you should know

Waylaid im very grateful to you for the same reasons as charm ur a real one and you were also enjoyable to build with

lancert no more beefing ur an sm goat i dont care much for the tier but i think i made an exception for watching you and rumia play sometimes

rumia see above, you bolstered the east lineup strength last year and i sincerely hope you can do it again

413X shiesty

zioziotrip Bopher thank you so much for reading my impromptu dms about random ss rants and requests for teambuilding ideas, i consider you both excellent friends and im very glad to call you as such

Blanched thanks for being chill and accepting bo5s and test games i hope i repaid you in due amount

Kaif thanks for defending my honor on cord looool

this pl was most definitely a learning experience. im very impressed by how far pults got considering how low we were ranked initially, though i guess thats just a testament to how badly some of our players wanted to win. it really kind of sucks we didnt make playoffs, because its pretty interesting just how strong we were going considering how admittedly little activity there was.

uh, idk, i dont have much to add. i dont think i contributed that much but im quite elated that people considered me a good teammate.

tenzhii out
0-3 in ss is terrible

sorry to anyone who had faith in me to win games this pl

Mubs rofl thanks for randomly drafting me for what i (and many others can agree on) consider an overpay
very fine work going 5-0 in oras, but you should probably not pick 2 0-3s in a series :P
i expected no less though, and im very excited to see east performance this year

Here Comes Team Charm! thanks for being a genuinely encouraging teammate, i feel like my building improved significantly over these weeks at least and im quite happy with how i was able to at least somewhat refine my ss building; most of it was in large part due to our interactions, imo. i wish i had built a lot more, but the past is the past, and i take responsibility for the fact that sometimes if i had just built more we would have probably won some very important games

dogknees ur actually one of the most fun teammates ive worked with, ur very open minded and i was rly rly happy to build for you and with you, i know you dont plan on joining future tours but if you ever change your mind i think you could adapt very quickly to the current ss meta and i dont plan on leaving anytime soon so hmu if you want some help

pqs i know we didnt interact much but i was not joking when i said i was ur #1 fan, im very happy that you finally proved yourself as a solid player and that you completed your personal quest, thanks for carrying the team several times

Sanshokuinsumireko i understand your future endeavors may not involve bw but i think youre a great player of the gen, just thought you should know

Waylaid im very grateful to you for the same reasons as charm ur a real one and you were also enjoyable to build with

lancert no more beefing ur an sm goat i dont care much for the tier but i think i made an exception for watching you and rumia play sometimes

rumia see above, you bolstered the east lineup strength last year and i sincerely hope you can do it again

413X shiesty

zioziotrip Bopher thank you so much for reading my impromptu dms about random ss rants and requests for teambuilding ideas, i consider you both excellent friends and im very glad to call you as such

Blanched thanks for being chill and accepting bo5s and test games i hope i repaid you in due amount

Kaif thanks for defending my honor on cord looool

this pl was most definitely a learning experience. im very impressed by how far pults got considering how low we were ranked initially, though i guess thats just a testament to how badly some of our players wanted to win. it really kind of sucks we didnt make playoffs, because its pretty interesting just how strong we were going considering how admittedly little activity there was.

uh, idk, i dont have much to add. i dont think i contributed that much but im quite elated that people considered me a good teammate.

tenzhii out
Hey that's my SS record
Well season over in a pretty crazy weeks filled with ups and downs but semis took that up to an extreme but it is what it is. I really enjoyed being able to play for the Panchams even if I would never predict they way this season turned out

Kentari Trashuny thank you for trusting me to play again in PL I found it especially funny how we were almost exactly catgirls 2.0 but that may have cursed us to lose in semis.

Nalei You and I were both busy with school but thank you for taking the bo7 slot I don’t know if I could have built enough teams for that slot and despite what your record shows I know you are a great player and respect you a lot and having like infinite usage of different mons is something I hope I can one day match

Scraftionite the absolute goat and savior of the season I credit you for singlehandedly turning the season around I only wish I could have been more helpful and built more teams with/for you but it was great playing alongside you and really proved the haters you’re anything but washed

XSTATIC COLD honestly going into the season I wasn’t looking forward to teaming with you but I can genuinely say you much exceeded my expectations and you only flamed me once(which was fair I did deserve it) but overall I‘m super glad you found your stride in SM and I hope you continue to show that SM dominance

thesecondbest you need to chill with that larp against bopher and I don’t know what happened with you and I hope that assuming you’re not an alt and all you come back and play because you played very well in SM but idk

Trashuny you were the singlehandedly most active and most important member of the team I’m honestly confused how you built for ORAS (farming the pool at that) built for BW and built most of Scraft team while being active everywhere else if we won PL you would be MVP without a doubt and I’m glad you drafted me once again

Zen BW prodigy zenthehen2010 you were such a great steal for the team and while you mostly just stuck to BW channels you still supported us and cheered for us and got your wins so I hope you stay in 1v1. You also popped into VC one time to tell me to “get some bitches” and then left which was your only time vc’ing to my knowledge so that was fun

Tol how do you do it? Genuinely you are magic, beating papi beating leru among others saving the mg slot idk what to even say. If I should let you know that hidden power isn’t in SS but that boat seemed to has sailed but you’re great so keep doing what you do

Jabiru Jab while the early weeks weren’t your strong suit and you jumped between slots at the end of the day you were instrumental into getting tol wins and just being someone to hang out with in vc made building much easier and you were just great support all around, don’t let one bad tour bring you down when you’re the best dpp player in the pool (of like 5 players ☠) but ye also very much enjoyed hearing about New Zealand things genuinely very eye opening and interesting

Toto while you werent very active you still tried your best in w2 and I wish you u had more of a shot to pay but the way the season ended up going that didnt end up happening but you still got potential so I hope in the next team tour you get a proper shot

Kentari last but not least you played the arguably most important slot which was monopoke and if you helped a bit in sm but like that was very clearly overshadowed by monopoke and thanks for drafting me once again

Waylaid You helped us from the beginning almost as an actual player building and the like and while I didn’t always agree with some of your builds the feedback and support were invaluable so thank you very much for that

413X Alex join vc

Sanshokuinsumireko goat thanks for helping with BW and posting a couple teams when we needed it last second

Jamez No we are not using triple dog but you definitely were our biggest helper as your constant battering finally convinced trashuny to let you in but it was fun having you there

First and foremost to my team I wasn’t able to clutch us a chance at a tiebreak which I am obviously sorry for but more importantly I apologize I wasn’t able to be as active as a chat presence and helping with teams and the like I really planned on being more supportful of the SS slots and the fact I fell short is what I personally attribute to the fact that we weren’t able to get past semis

To all the people that I exploded against because of the tsb thing I’m sorry and it was uncalled for and I shouldn‘t have let myself gotten like that

To leru for that scheduling fiasco I was being an asshole and was taking my frustrations of irl stuff into my scheduling and stuff and I should have apologized sooner and I hope we can let bygones be bygones

I don’t know how to feel about this PL I don’t even know why I’m writing this part but the season felt cursed from the beginning and while I did enjoy it the fact was that I wasn’t very active but even so I had 2nd or 3rd most lines and having a sort of dead chat and maybe that shouldn’t be something I should mention publicly but I wanted to just address it. I also want to just put a quick closing note about SS as a whole is that it’s in a fine albeit scarily uncentralized meta which I hope doesn’t deteriorate into bw/dpp levels of bad but I can’t predict the future so who knows. Thanks to whoever was crazy enough to read the whole thing and I hope that I will be able to play next year


Retirement house
ggs ig
continuing the perfect record vs jacob in teamtours is a w
shoutouts to trashoat for taking tol mg and making it a reality and taking this seriously

other shoutouts:
kentari thank you for building sm for me and just generally doing Kent things
trashuny the GOAT manager. held the Oras slot on absolute lockdown in weeks and still had time to be my oldgens sugar daddy (and zens too). generally very helpful presence, clearly cared a lot about the team.
nalei not much to say. you did fine(?). Didn’t get to interact with you much which kind of sucked cause I would have liked to.
mishlef you were a cool dude. Didn’t know much about you going into this but you played your ass off in swsh and taught me the tier and built for like… yourself me and scraft? idk you did a lot for team success and still had time to vc with me and scraft and cabb and make fun of us for losing.
scraft plays league of legends lol. jokes aside you proved you still got it even if it wasn’t in oras. cool guy.
xsc you were a lot less of a dick than I was under the impression you would be. very active and helpful teammate.
tsb why’d you get banned dumbass
zenthehen2010 bw new blood kind of popped off. didn’t interact much but you seemed cool enough.
cabbiru haha you went 0-4 and made mega beedrill teams while drunk. real talk tho you somehow managed to teach my dumb ass the basics of dpp which was cool. dpp was a tier I felt super confident in in mg and that’s all due to you.
overall this pl was a blast. mg is like super fun lol. this applies to building too, my building channel was usually super active with everyone getting together and collaborating (even if I ended up having my own building perms taken away after the second specs gyara incident). I think that we had the stuff to win it all but we had an unfortunate final week so it is what it is. We’ll see if I’ll be around for the next one, and I’m probably gonna die until wc, so have fun lol
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