5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

does timer0 ever change over time? I know it fluctuates, but mine's been more or less constant until today, where I got a different result 7 times in a row.
Okay, using the same parameters as before, I searched for standard seeds with no keypresses. I set the dates to search from (3/10-5/10/11). I got two results.

2011/04/07 TIME 11:59:59 TMR0 : C7F Keys: Seed: CB3724E444C5AE63
IV FRAME: 5 31/23/31/31/31/31 HIDDEN POWER: DARK PWR:70 !!!FRAME:

2011/04/08 TIME 17:05:27 TMR0:C7F KEYS: SEED:C5B1B1B4F373D9F9 IV FRAME: 5 31/14/31/31/31/31 HIDDEN POWER: DRAGON PWR: 70 !!!FRAME: NATURE: ABIL: SYNC: ESV: GENDER:

Both results do not give any decent IVs.

I set my parameters to C80 and did the search again (same dates as above), and set the keys to none or one.
Got 20 results. For now, I'll share one.

2011/05/08 TIME: 05:04:52 TMR0:C80 KEYS: A FRAME : 5 SEED: FECD51DE2BA9BCC2 31/22/31/31/31/31 HIDDEN POWER:DRAGON PWR:70 !!!FRAME: NATURE: ABIL: SYNC: ESV: GENDER:

This one is a bad apple as well.

What should I do next?

Bump x 2.
Tirade said:
Bond697, I have a question for you regarding your tutorial:


I'm on Step 5 now and having some trouble. The IV seed I searched by was

Frame: 51

Search Parameters
Date: 5-14-2011
Min Frame: 28
Max Frame: 51

Under the Find Seeds, I picked out

Seed: D1934EBA0DD06428
Date: 5-14-2011 00:7:40
Frame 50
ID: 52263,
SID: 42237
Button: A

My DS Parameters are:
Game: White US
MAC: 001656EF81A8
VCount: 60
Timer0: C7F
GXStat: 6
VFrame: 6

Getting Trainer ID 39622. Whenever I search the list (after checking off TID box and entering in 39622), I can never find the Trainer ID that was generated for me. The "Find ID Seeds" does not bring up any info on the 39622 ID.

EDIT: Should also add, I was able to hit my IV seed just fine. Found that my starting frame is 48 (Timid).
Any thoughts on this?
at what point are Thundurus IV's and nature generated
when your respawning from elite4 and the best save point?
Need too RNG this thing
I haz a question, and even though I'm sure someone has already answered it in these posts, there is no way I am going through 190 pages or so of posts. SO, my question: In RNG reporter 9 public v6 in the time finder it only gives me one choice of ds type, and all I have is a dsi, so can I do this with my DSi? It seems so, but I just need to know before I begin to really learn how to RNG.


don't glaze me bro
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I haz a question, and even though I'm sure someone has already answered it in these posts, there is no way I am going through 190 pages or so of posts. SO, my question: In RNG reporter 9 public v6 in the time finder it only gives me one choice of ds type, and all I have is a dsi, so can I do this with my DSi? It seems so, but I just need to know before I begin to really learn how to RNG.
You cannot do standard seeds on a DSi. Only C-Gear seeds, and for that it doesn't matter what your DS type is.

at what point are Thundurus IV's and nature generated
when your respawning from elite4 and the best save point?
Need too RNG this thing
They are generated after the battle with the Champion. However, during any battle the IVRNG is advanced at 120 frame\second, so you need a frame in hundreds of thousands. And if you screw up - which is pretty much guaranteed to happen dozens of times - you have to kill off the roamer again and fight the Elite Four again.

Basically, if you're trying to RNG flawless roamers by respawning, you're screwed.
If i calibrate at victory road after finding my parameters and all that i can go to a different area and RNG a wild pokemon correct? im also wondering still about my question above.
So...how does one account for saving in front of Reshiram/Zekrom in the castle?
I got correct IV's, followed the EonTimer as best as I could and caught Reshiram, waited till I lost to "N" and then I went in calculated IV's via Metalkid's newest calculator and then input the IV's into "Search IV's" and got "No match was found."

Oh yea...I downloaded the reporter from the 1st post.

Edit: Would starting C-gear BEFORE 2nd timer runs to zero affect the seed?

Other info: Seed: a9839272; Frame 2; Date/Time: 2011/04/28 09:57:00; Delay 3808.
Mac addy: 7a8387
I have 5 Pokemon in my party; syncher included. I started the timer when I turned off my DS after setting time and date and then waited at the "Yes/No screen to turn on the C-gear @Main Menu and then turned on the C-gear before the timer went to zero, but I didn't click the screen till the timer stopped.
Okay, I used two different times to check my parameters. Each time gave me C7F, Vcount 60, and Vframe 6, respectively. Each search I do in the standard seed searcher gives me the two same results, and each of them has wrong IVs in game.

Still going for a special flawless deino caught in the wild.

Tmr0: C7F
Mac Address: 00-23-CC-BF-8A-5F

Seed 1: CB3724E444C5AE63, frame 5, C7F, no keypresses
Seed2: C5V1B1B4F373D9F9, frame 5, C7F, no keypresses

What do I do now? :(
Trying to RNG breed now. Put in a male and female tropius with no items whatsoever to calibrate it, and try to understand the breeding RNG. So I saved and calibrated my initial frame to (probably) 50, which was the only reasonable frame with a naive F with the DW ability, followed by a sassy DW male.

US Black on a DS lite, MAC 001DBCE1AB40, timer0 C7C

I found a non-cgear frame 8 gift, seed 669D2040B64A13D2
Time 4/17/11 16:46:00
With a target spread 31 / 22 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
With a father with 31 / 31 / 18 / 14 / 20 / 31
and mother with 8, 9 / 31 / 22 / 31 / 26 / 31

I aimed for a target frame (using Breeding (BW)) of 364, which should yield a Calm DW M with the spread M/F/x/F/x/x.

I got 2-16/31/31/14-15/31/31, which is obviously the wrong IV spread, but the right nature/gender/ability.

I did it again a few times using that baby (since it had better IVs than the father I was using before), and am consistently hitting the predicted nature/gender/(DW) ability, but even ignoring the IV spread, the inheritance spreads are turning up different from what it predicts.
So after staring at the couple babies I had kept, and pounding my head against why the natures/gender/(DW) abilities were being passed correctly, but not the inheritance pattern, from my extremely small sample pool of like 3, it seems they are being passed by the pattern, but it was reporting the parent it's passing from backwards. EG, for the egg in the example, it was passing Fe/Ma/x/Ma/x/x
Does anyone know what method I use to find adjacent seeds for a shiny egg? I know in time finder it's under PIDRNG - gift pokemon but in the main window is that still what I select or do I choose BW breeding?
when calibrating to find my parameters is it recommended i change my timer0 value to see what is common? i just did another test with the same time as before and got the same results


don't glaze me bro
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Thank you, omegadonut. Another question.... Does c-gear require the mtvirng or whatever thing? If so, it cannot be found without hacking, right?
The RNG check code? That's for research purposes only. You don't need it or any other hack to do C-Gear RNGing.
Hey guys, just figured I should chime in with my issues and observations.

Firstly, I'm using a DS Lite with v5 firmware, and an English copy of Black.

Now then, I've been having an impossible time trying to RNG non-C-Gear style. After a lot of checking and double-checking my calibration, I've found that my Timer0 value sits pretty evenly between C7C and C7D - one is always emphasized over the other, depending on the seed.

I'm consistently able to hit a seed on either of the above values, but only if there are no held buttons involved, and only if I don't have to advance the PIDRNG at all. Whenever I do either of those things, it seems like the Timer0 value switches to its counterpart, up or down. For example, if the seed I'm going for is on C7D with a held button, the frame I land on - and the subsequent nature, ability and IVs - is from C7C. If I try the same seed again and advance the PIDRNG once, I get the C7C seed again, one frame higher than the last. And so on. The reverse is true, as well - if I try to hit a C7C seed that requires either of those things, the end results are all from C7D.

I know folks have been talking about held buttons flat-out increasing the Timer0 value, but I haven't seen anyone suggest the idea that it might actually just switch back and forth between two points. If some specific examples are required, I'd be happy to make some more attempts at it and post the results tonight or tomorrow. But I at least wanted to say something, just in case it helps - and I hope it does. <3
If nobody has answered this.

I got a shiny archen from the plume fossil. This is what I did:

1. save in front of the fossil lady facing her direction with one of the fossil on hand.

2. Find a gift pokemon shiny seed in time finder with whatever nature you want.

3. restart your game and hit that seed and immediately mash a to give the lady the fossil, when you get the pokemon back check it's nature.

just repeat number 3 a bit and you will get 1 - 4 different natures. The guy in green in the top right area advances the PID rng randomly so there is no definite nature. Do not save to advance the PID either.

I got a mix of 3 natures and looked in RNG reporter after putting the seed in the main window and my 3 natures were on frame 47 48 and 49. My desired frame was 55 I believe.

After I knew my frame I would just load the game, wait about a second to talk to the lady and see if it landed on the shiny frame. After 4 tries of waiting a random amount of seconds I got my shiny frame.

It can take a while because the guy advances the PID on his own so you cannot control it manually. Wait the amount of seconds it takes to advance the difference in frames. in this case the difference would be 55 - 47 = 8 frames; I got it by luck I guess but if you keep trying and waiting a different amount of time each time you're going to eventually get it.
I'll give it a shot, thanks for the reply.
Ok I am positive Im doing something terribly wrong. I'm trying 2 different seeds,

2021/07/05 12:51:46
2023/01/03 7:53:34

DS Lite, 00-23-CC-CD-05-5E
White (English)
TID: 48409
Timer0: C7E-C7E
VCount: 60-60
VFrame: 6-6

Breeding, by the way.

I am not getting ANY Flawless Cottonees...

Mario With Lasers

Self-proclaimed NERFED king
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sorry, there was more to the bottom of that post. i suck at copy/paste apparently.
Well, I'm holding the buttons from the DS "start screen" until I take the GBA cart off, and it always shows a magenta screen. Am I doing this right?

Question: In Time Finder, looking for a Timid shiny seed, I get a lot of "Timid" ones, and others which are merely "Timid". I chose a Timid one at frame 7, but I always get frame 5, be it saving the game six times, or turning in my knees thrice. Does being bolded mean the frame is actually two frames ahead?
Are you searching with Shiny Pokemon (All Encounters)? Stationary and Wild Pokemon have different frame numbers for the same shiny, so I just have it show the Wild Pokemon frame number by default.

The bolded nature means it can be Synchronized.
I'm trying Method 5 PIDRNG, Wild Pokémon, frame 7, trying to Sweet Scent in Celestial Tower. By the way, there's a "max shiny frame" beside the ID/SID fields, and Min / Max fields inside the Search box. How do they work exactly? I put 10 on both Max fields.

EDIT -- Weird. I tried walking two steps south, then turning+walking one north. It gave me a completely different seed which landed on god-knows-where, and had a timer0 of c7b (my target seed has it at c7a). Now I tried once more, this time turning east, then north, then west, without walking, and I got frame 5 of my target seed yet again.
Reposting. What is that "shiny max frame" field for, should I use it or the Min / Max ones, why do I keep getting that blasted frame 5 Litwick instead of frame 7, why did walking and then turning+walking gave me something completely different, and am I doing it right looking for shiny spreads with Method 5 PIDRNG, Wild Pokémon?
So after staring at the couple babies I had kept, and pounding my head against why the natures/gender/(DW) abilities were being passed correctly, but not the inheritance pattern, from my extremely small sample pool of like 3, it seems they are being passed by the pattern, but it was reporting the parent it's passing from backwards. EG, for the egg in the example, it was passing Fe/Ma/x/Ma/x/x
I'd like to echo the same if I could. My finding are consistent with yours. The Fe/Ma inheritance denoted by 6.3 beta is actually inverted.

Seed: A1538CB6E3C48F26
Mother's IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 (flawless)
Father's IVs: 4/12/5/31/2/5

I deduced a starting PID of frame 57, but only if the inversion was true. After running another trial with a few more PID advances, I landed on frame 61 which yielded a spread of: 31/12/31/31/31/31

However, that PID frame (61) reports that the inheritance should have been:
As we can see, the 12 Atk could have only come from the Father, and the 31's for HP and Speed only from the Mother.


don't glaze me bro
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I'd like to echo the same if I could. My finding are consistent with yours. The Fe/Ma inheritance denoted by 6.3 beta is actually inverted.

Seed: A1538CB6E3C48F26
Mother's IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 (flawless)
Father's IVs: 4/12/5/31/2/5

I deduced a starting PID of frame 57, but only if the inversion was true. After running another trial with a few more PID advances, I landed on frame 61 which yielded a spread of: 31/12/31/31/31/31

However, that PID frame (61) reports that the inheritance should have been:
As we can see, the 12 Atk could have only come from the Father, and the 31's for HP and Speed only from the Mother.
Yeah, we discussed that earlier in the chat today. The first page link's been updated with a beta 6.4.

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