Rejected - Inactive Add a more convenient way to not highlight on certain phrases in certain rooms


*dies inconveniently*
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Sometimes its just one room that makes me want to remove a term from my highlight list (particularly in cases where theres an active user in said room whose name contains a phrase that highlights me), and its just not convenient to remove the term from my highlight list and re-add it as a roomhighlight in every other room I'm in + remembering to add it to rooms I join.
Something like /highlight exclude [term 1], [term 2], [...] to stop highlighting on something in the room in which its used would make this a much easier and quicker process, especially for temporary fixes to being mass highlighted by certain conversations.
This would particularly be a great way to temporarily stop getting highlighted when lobby starts talking about whether or not they're wearing pants at the moment.
Adding on to this suggestion, it would be nice if highlights could be turned off entirely for a room instead of just being able to exclude certain phrases
This is definitely a feature I’ve been wanting to request for a few reasons. For one, it would prevent highlighting glitches that might happen with the highlights (I‘ve hl’d on alw, but then always hls me when it shouldn’t. It’s only when one person says it though). To add on to a reason above, it would help prevent getting hl’d by conversations without having to remove your hl list and then add it back. For example, let’s say I’m in the cafe room and people talk about steak, which I hl on (for reasons.) Ofc I wouldn’t want to get hl’d by steak way too many times when I’m not active in that room at the moment. Excluding that highhlight would definitely be useful at that time.

What would also be perfect is if we could have a role similar to idle, busy, and do not disturb that just shuts off hls. Period. That would definitely help when you don’t want to get hl’d at a certain time.

Tl;dr: Excluding highlights would be an amazing feature that would prevent you from getting hl’d like crazy in certain situations, and being able to shut them down would help a lot.

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