Billy Mays, 50, found dead in his home.


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My opinions on these celebrity deaths are mixed, I feel a little sad because these were entertainers...whether they "did something" or not, they impacted people's lives, and because of the normal sadness that occurs whenever someone dies. However, I am also siding with CaptKirby because these people didn't impact my life in any significant way either. However, I won't be as ignorant as he was by just dismissing all of the recent celebrities deaths, but rather use the fact that since most of the people in this thread have never actually met any of these people and are sad about their deaths, to point out that it should inspire you to make your life and others lives better while you still can. These entertainers made people happy and their deaths brought legitimate sadness to people, so how is sitting around and bitching about celebrity hype going to make your life any more meaningful? Likewise, instead of sitting around and posting "omg r.i.p. billy", why dont you guys go out and seek to change the world and influence people more than these celebs have?

Unfortunately the thing that gets lost in a celebrity death is the most important thing: everybody will die, so why not make our lives better? Why hate other people when we will eventually be dead and buried just like they are? You can hate celebrities, blacks, gays, atheists, jews, etc all you want, but no matter how superior you think you are compared to them, you are going to be exactly the same in 100 years.
Crap. I just lost the game.

And Billy Mays was good at advertising. It's so sad that everyone is dying.

This is like....Kira!


np: Michael Jackson - "Mon in the Mirror" (DW mix)
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Yeah jrrrrr, that's kind of how I like to think about these things sometimes, because I want a ton of people to care when I die. I'll never post "condolences" in one of these threads because in that regard I don't care, I wouldn't even be offering the condolences to the right people. But as in any thread, if you dont care about the subject matter...don't post. Don't post to say the topic of discussion doesn't matter or didn't do anything that mattered, don't post to say that people who are expressing sympathy or empathy for or towards the topic of discussion are silly or stupid, and definitely don't post internet tough guy responses like "YES!!! FINALLY!!!!!" because that is trolling no matter how you look at it (that guy's banned for having seven infraction points).

It's no different from posting in a sports thread that people shouldn't care about thing happening because it didn't affect them, or posting in a thread about something a politician did to say it doesn't matter. Cool, how about not posting? I will say that if you do not have the decency and the common sense to realize death is a serious enough issue that apathetic responses are going to be perceived as disrespectful and derailing, then being infracted on a message board is probably the least of your problems.


Ce soir, on va danser.
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I haven't been personally affected by any of these deaths, but what's upsetting to me is how young MJ and Billy were when they died and the families they left behind. I hate hearing stories about people dying under these sorts of circumstances, whether they're celebrities or Rochester locals.

What I loved about Billy is that he knew what he was, and as such had no problem parodying himself in those ESPN360 commercials. I laughed so damn hard the first time I saw that.
...I'm getting a little suspicious... there are TOO many famous people dying at the age of 50 lately... I don't think that's a coincidence...

(No, I'm not saying there's a serial killer or anything... In fact... I'm not really all that sure what I'm saying at all <<;)
its a coincidence. everyday, at least people two people in a week are sure to die at age 50. this week, as luck would have it, two well known entertainers died at that age. nothing more, nothing less, its just a coincidence, not some celebrity killing plot.

rip billy mays, always entertaining and friendly.
Initial Autopsy:

Billy Mays autopsy results have been announced by the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner's office today. The shocking news is Billy Mays likely died from heart disease not a bump on the head. His autopsy showed no signs of head trauma. Although no offical cause of death has been given the coroner said all signs point to heart disease. Billy Mays had no known symptoms of heart disease before his death. Final autopsy results will not be in for 6 to 8 weeks.
To address your opinion Jrrrrrrrr, it's true. These deaths do bring sadness, but not as if we had known them directly. However, saying that instead of posting, we could go out and try to make the world a better place is far too optimistic, and rather naive. We could all make the world a better place by getting off of Smogon and going outside. We could pick up one piece of trash, and the world would be a better place. However, none of us are doing that.

Basically, if we weren't posting in this thread about Billy Mays's death, we'd be in Wi-Fi, or Stark Mountain, or Firebot. This isn't pulling us away from glorifying the world. It's just giving us something else to read.


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Damn, who's next to die, the shamwow guy?

This is getting out of hand. Was this informercial dude really famous to the point he needed a thread dedicated to him?

edit: I didnt realise everybody brought up shamwow guy before me, I should have expected it.
Not trying to be disrespectful, but isn't congregation meant for people to just discuss things? I didn't know that there was a requirement on how famous one must be to have a post about them. People are discussing him. If it wasn't necessary to have a thread, no one would have commented. Just my two cents.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
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To be fair, if Obama dropped dead tomorrow, we both know you'd be first in line to trash him.
That is complete and utter bullshit, sir. I don't listen to Michael Jackson's music, don't have Farah Fawcett's poster or movies, have never bought Oxyclean, and the comic stylings of Ed McMahon are before my time.

Respect for the dead is universal, it transcends what they did in life.

For just one example of a person recently deceased I believe was a net source of evil in the world, I did not feel a single bit of empathy or sympathy upon the murder of George Tiller, late-term abortionist. I still called his murder a crime and believe the perpetrator should be punished to the full extent of the law. That is the common respect due him as a human being whose life was stolen from him. But I can muster no more for someone who took the lives of breathing, delivered infants and then killed them on sight and called it medicine. Thus why I will never refer to that man as "Doctor." Doctors save lives, murderers take them.

The same will be true when Jimmy Carter and potentially Barack Obama pass from the mortal coil. I will never agree with how these men chose to spend their limited time on earth, nor will I shed a tear upon their passing, but I will not celebrate their death, call them irrelevant, worthless, or whatever. There will be a time and a place for personal comments and attacks, but immediately following their death is not that time. God will judge each according to their actions and their fate is entirely in His hands. That knowledge is good enough for me.
I am really upset over Billy Mays' death, his voice is so distinctive and he was so lively, it doesn't seem possible for him to be dead.
And that McDonalds vid was hilarious.
I realize it's been a few pages, but how can it ever be distasteful to mourn a death? Sure people often put to much stock in a Celebrity death, but distasteful...seriously?

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