Chaining Help...

Ok, so I stared chaining today. I got out my party, and started easy. Starlys right outside Twinleaf. Ok, so I made a chain of about 15 before t finally broke. I went to my PC, and none of the Starlys were Adamant, although I had an Adamant Abra (Syncronizer) in the front of my party! So heres how I did it:

1) Walk into Starly-Patch
2) Switch Abra (lvl 5) out for Gengar (lvl 65)
3) Use Nest Ball
4) Catch Starly, only takes one ball, always catches it
5) Repeat

So what did I do wrong?
Ask a Simple Question Get a Simple Answer Thread, next time you have a trivial question. I have no idea really, PM Deisel.
You're sure the Abra has Synchronize as its ability, and not Trace? Also it was at the front of your party to begin the battle right?

Next time go to my Chaining Topic to ask Chaining questions. But first read the guide in my sig.
-.- Advertising for his topic, rofl.

Anywas, yeah, make sure Abra was in front. And Sychronizer.
Well, if the guide was read, then he wouldn't have needed to make this thread.

It's a shame no one reads the welcome to smogon thread (it has a ton of good links in it)...x.x
Well, you didn't upset me at all... until that stupid self-assurance remark you just made, lol. It's not "my topic" per se, I just created it. It's for the community and is commonly accepted as the site's resource for chaining discussion. It doesn't do anything for me if DarkSuicune posts his question in my topic, I don't feel warm and fuzzy inside, and nobody gives me a cookie or an encouraging slap on the ass. You'll learn all this as you go along though.
It really sucks when people don't read and then ask dumb questions that are really just evidence of their own stupidity. 50% chance, hitting 0 out of 15 is a statistical improbability (1 / 32768, 0.003052 % chance). Yeah, I'd know that something's wrong.
@ above

Hmm.. then explain those that find four 31 iv pokemon when they aren't trying to? 1 in like 1,068,023 or something. Yeah? 0/15 isn't too hard to believe if you think of the possibilities. I get what you are saying, but maybe he was too thrilled about pokeradaring to see he had an inner focusing abra?
DarkDestrustion - Well, if you read you'd know that he realized it was a statistical improbability (if not impossibility), which is why he was asking this question in the first place. You'd also know that his mistake was made because he didn't note the nature of his poke, not because he didn't "read." All I'm saying is that if you must bash someone for absolutely no reason, at least do so intelligently.

Okay, enough's enough, I really hope this thread gets closed, it's becoming dumber by the minute (partially thanks to me). Let's not post here anymore. I apologize for bumping this.
I read his post. If he had read is information in his game (actually checking his stuff), we wouldn't be here arguing this point. Oh well. We all pay for the mistakes of one.

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