Other Circus Premiere League (Trial Run) | Won by Abstract Mathematics


is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
Circus Premier League Trial Run
approved by Duskfall98

Discord: https://discord.gg/CvpuJUGgG4

What is the Circus Premiere League (CPL)?
CPL is a team tournament in which players compete in a variety of categories. Teams will be matched against another and the team with more wins will be declared the winner for that match up. The teams with the best records will reach the playoff brackets, in which an ultimate victor is decided. It is similar to other Premiere Leagues found on Smogon, except almost all the categories are not Pokemon battling.

What are the categories?
  • Browser Games
  • Chess
  • Gen 8 Random Battles
  • ORG Wildcard
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
This is a trial run, and the categories are not set in stone. Depending on popularity, interest, and availability of content creators, categories may be added, removed, or even duplicated in future iterations. Such categories include: General board and/or card games, puzzle hunt style puzzles, cryptic crosswords, tabletop games, other Pokemon metas, and anything else that might have a player base.

Each team will play against every other team, round-robin style. Each team match up will have a week to be completed. After the round-robin, the three teams with the highest win rates will be seeded into a bracket, with the highest win rate team receiving a bye. If there is a tie in win rates, a tie break will occur using Gen 8 Random Battles, SSBU, and Chess.

Discord Name:
Category(ies) you would be willing to play (leave blank if you only want to manage):
Are you committed to completing the tournament to its completion?:
Do you want to be a manager if you can also be a player?:
Do you want to be a manager if you can't also be a player?:
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is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
Abstract Mathematics (4-1)
Eli will Carry (2-3)
Glamorous Gengars (2-3)
Large and in Charge (1-4)
Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC (3-2)
Whydon's Team (3-2)

Abstract Mathematics
Manager: Blazade (@Ghostwheel#0538)
Andy Snype (Andy Snype#9304)
Hulavuta (@Hulavuta#1197)
Style_Dota (@Style#1931)
UncleSam (@UncleSam#1936)
VigilanteVigoroth (@VigilanteVigoroth#8573)
Eli will Carry
Manager: Spiderz (@Spiderz#1001)
Co-Manager: Zorquax (@๏υ#2857 )
Drookez (@Drookez#4021)
Nuxl (@eli#4461)
Gestoros (@Gunwanna#8661)
London13 (@London#8210)
WaterBomb (@WaterBomb#1450)
Glamorous Gengars
Manager: Energy (@Laurel#6008)
ChadMD (@ChadMD#4751)
Cheese5555 (@Cheese#8728)
Da Letter El (@DuckDuckPwn#7433)
Haruno (@Haruno#1981)
MZ (@MZ#8844)
Large and in Charge
Manager: apricity (@hal#5894)
Co-Manager: rssp1 (@rssp1#2554)
Ayia (@Ayia#8852)
Celever (@jjcelever#9703)
San Tomas (San Tomas#1601)
Thunder~BALLZ (Banana Spritzee#2796)
Trace (@trace#8972)
Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC
Manager: Jalmont (@JALMONT#3768)
Blakers (@Blakers#6143)
Isa (@Îsa#2755)
nightblitz42 (@nightblitz42#3730)
shade (@shade#1084)
zeefable (@zee#5449)
Whydon's Team
Manager: Whydon (@Waffles#8780)
Co-Manager: wolv (@Wolv#0162)
ajhockeystar (@ajhockeystar#0593)
ForgottenOnes (@ForgottenOnes#5701)
My Big Diggersby (@Tanner#3083)
Sijih (@Sijih#4605)
Texas Cloverleaf (@Seeker#9563)


Week 1
Whydon's Team vs Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC
Eli will Carry vs Glamorous Gengars
Abstract Mathematics vs Large and in Charge

Week 2
Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC vs Eli will Carry
Abstract Mathematics vs Glamorous Gengars
Whydon's Team vs Large and in Charge

Week 3
Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC vs Large and in Charge
Whydon's Team vs Glamorous Gengars
Abstract Mathematics vs Eli will Carry

Week 4
Whydon's Team vs Abstract Mathematics
Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC vs Glamorous Gengars
Eli will Carry vs Large and in Charge

Week 5
Whydon's Team vs Eli will Carry
Glamorous Gengars vs Large and in Charge
Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC vs Abstract Mathematics

Week 6: Semi-Finals
Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United vs Whydon's Team

Week 7: Finals
Abstract Mathematics vs Whydon's Team


Week 1
Browser Game: Rotate Speedrun

The player with the lower completion time will be considered the winner. To use the timer, go to "EXTRAS" and click "SPEEDRUN". To submit, screenshot the endgame screen or the time in the "EXTRAS" menu. Examples:


In the unlikely event that neither player beats the game, the player who submits a screenshot at the further level with the lower time will be the winner.
ORG Wildcard: Alphabet Aerobics

Whydon's Team (0) vs Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC (4)
Browser Game: Texas Cloverleaf vs Blakers
Chess: Sijih vs Isa
Gen 8 Random Battles: my big diggersby vs zeefable
ORG Wildcard: ForgottenOnes vs shade (incomplete, draw called by hosts)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: ajhockeystar vs nightblitz42

Eli will Carry (1) vs Glamorous Gengars (4)
Browser Game: Nuxl vs Cheese555
Chess: Gestoros vs MZ
Gen 8 Random Battles: London13 vs Haruno
ORG Wildcard: Drookez vs DaLetterEl
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: WaterBomb vs ChadMD

Abstract Mathematics (5) vs Large and in Charge (0)
Browser Game: Style_Dota vs Thunder~BALLZ
Chess: UncleSam vs Ayia
Gen 8 Random Battles: Andy Snype vs trace
ORG Wildcard: VigilanteVigoroth vs Celever
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Hulavuta vs San Tomas

Week 2
Browser Game: tetr.io Duel
ORG Wildcard: Santorini
It will be played on boardgamearena.com (BGA). Players should register an account on BGA to play.


The settings on BGA will be...

Game mode: Normal mode
Game speed: Real-time
Powers: Simple Gods
Setup: Custom Setup
Teams: Random (irrelevant in 1v1s)

This match will be a best of 3.

If a player runs out of time, the other player should forcefully expel the other player on BGA. The option will show up when they have lost all their time. Any expelled player will be considered the loser of that game, while the other player will be the winner.

Be sure to familiarize how picking gods works (one player picks two gods, and the other picks which they will play) and to press the rematch button after each game to ensure pick order is swapped.

Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC (2) vs Eli will Carry (3)
Browser Game: Blakers vs Nuxl
Chess: Isa vs Gunwanna
Gen 8 Random Battles: zeefable vs London13
ORG Wildcard: shade vs Drookez
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: nightblitz42 vs WaterBomb

Abstract Mathematics (4) vs Glamorous Gengars (1)
Browser Game: Style vs Cheese555
Chess: VigilanteVigoroth vs MZ
Gen 8 Random Battles: Andy Snype vs Haruno
ORG Wildcard: UncleSam vs DaLetterEl
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Hulavuta vs ChadMD

Whydon's Team (3) vs Large and in Charge (2)
Browser Game: Sijih vs Ayia
Chess: Texas Cloverleaf vs Banana Spritzee
Gen 8 Random Battles: my big diggersby vs Trace
ORG Wildcard: ForgottenOnes vs Celever
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: ajhockeystar vs Berks

Week 3
Browser Game: Cubito Mayhem
https://armorgames.com/cubito-mayhem-game/18239 The player with the higher high score submitted will be the winner.
ORG Wildcard: Yu-Gi-Oh! Goat Format
https://duelingnexus.com/. You may only use one of the following similar decks:

Deck 1: https://pastebin.com/qdWYzJ1W
Import: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/791109287224410143/797662829225312286/deck1.ydk
Deck 2: https://pastebin.com/Dij2RsYE
Import: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/791109287224410143/797662835894386728/deck2.ydk
Deck 3: https://pastebin.com/02KwWxRN
Import: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/791109287224410143/797662838499835915/deck3.ydk

Custom Game settings:
Private game
Match (1v1, best of 3)
Master Rules 3 (2014)
Banlist: No banlist (!)
Both TCG and OCG cards
5 minutes per turn
8000 Life Points
5 cards in Starting Hand
1 card per Draw Phase
Invalid decks allowed (!)
Starting deck shuffled

Dueling Nexus automates the duel, so detailed understanding of the rules isn't required, only beneficial to win. If you have any specific questions that aren't related to strategy, feel free to ask me (Pidge)

Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC (2) vs Large and in Charge (3)
Browser Game: shade vs Banana Spritzee
Chess: Isa vs Ayia
Gen 8 Random Battles: zeefable vs Trace
ORG Wildcard: Blakers vs SidTheShuckle
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: nightblitz42 vs Berks

Whydon's Team (4) vs Glamorous Gengars (1)
Browser Game: Sijih vs Cheese555
Chess: ForgottenOnes vs MZ
Gen 8 Random Battles: my big diggersby vs Haruno
ORG Wildcard: Texas Cloverleaf vs DaLetterEl
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: ajhockeystar vs ChadMD

Abstract Mathematics (3) vs Eli will Carry (1)
Browser Game: VigilanteVigoroth vs Nuxl
Chess: UncleSam vs Gunwanna
Gen 8 Random Battles: Andy Snype vs London13
ORG Wildcard: Style vs Drookez (incomplete, draw called)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Hulavuta vs WaterBomb

Week 4
Browser Game: 3 Smaller Games
The player to score better on two out of three of the games will be the winner of the match. The games are:

Please screenshot as much of the screen as possible for this game.

Cash will be the parameter we are looking for here.

Don't forget to screenshot your highest score before starting a new game, as it will not be saved.
ORG Wildcard: Supreme Indian Poker

Whydon's Team (2) vs Abstract Mathematics (3)
Browser Game: Sijih vs VigilanteVigoroth
Chess: Texas Cloverleaf vs UncleSam
Gen 8 Random Battles: my big diggersby vs Andy Snype
ORG Wildcard: ForgottenOnes vs Style
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: ajhockeystar vs Hulavuta

Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC (4) vs Glamorous Gengars (0)
Browser Game: Blakers vs DaLetterEl
Chess: Isa vs MZ
Gen 8 Random Battles: zeefable vs Haruno
ORG Wildcard: shade vs Cheese555 (incomplete, draw called)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: nightblitz42 vs ChadMD

Eli will Carry (3) vs Large and in Charge (2)
Browser Game: Nuxl vs Banana Spritzee
Chess: Gunwanna vs Ayia
Gen 8 Random Battles: London13 vs Trace
ORG Wildcard: Drookez vs SidTheShuckle
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: WaterBomb vs Berks

Week 5
Browser Game: Perfect Circle Duel
The game is located here: https://vole.wtf/perfect-circle/. Each player draws a circle on the website while streaming their screen through Discord as the host watches. Each player only gets one attempt each round. The player that scores a higher percent will gain one point. The first player to reach 10 points wins. If a player gets a "Wrong way", "Draw a full circle", or "Too slow", their percent for that circle will be counted as 0. "Too close to dot" will allow the player another attempt. If both players score the same percent, neither player scores a point. Players will alternate drawing first and will know the percent scored by the other player if they are going second. Both players should schedule a time for the match. However, if necessary, the match, or part of the match, can also be played one round at a time, as long a host is there to witness each attempt and communicate the percent to the other player when they are online to do their own attempt.
ORG Wildcard: Reading Quiz
When a player is ready, they will be given multiple links to different informational articles and/or images. They will be given 15 minutes to read the material. Afterwards, a multiple choice quiz will be given, composed of 25 questions related to the material. Google Forms will be used. Players are allowed to look back and search the material to answer the questions during the quiz. The winner of the match will be the person that answers more questions correctly. If there is a tie, the player that submitted their answers faster will be the winner. The contents of the material and quiz are to remain confidential and not be discussed until after the week is over.

Whydon's Team (5) vs Eli will Carry (0)
Browser Game: Texas Cloverleaf vs Nuxl
Chess: ForgottenOnes vs Gunwanna
Gen 8 Random Battles: my big diggersby vs London13
ORG Wildcard: Sijih vs Drookez
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: ajhockeystar vs WaterBomb

Glamorous Gengars (4) vs Large and in Charge (1)
Browser Game: Cheese555 vs SidTheShuckle
Chess: MZ vs Ayia
Gen 8 Random Battles: Haruno vs Trace
ORG Wildcard: DaLetterEl vs Banana Spritzee
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: ChadMD vs Berks

Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC (4) vs Abstract Mathematics (1)
Browser Game: Blakers vs Style
Chess: Isa vs UncleSam
Gen 8 Random Battles: zeefable vs Andy Snype
ORG Wildcard: shade vs VigilanteVigoroth
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: nightblitz42 vs Hulavuta

Week 6: Semi-Finals
Browser Game: DED GUY Speedrun
https://armorgames.com/ded-guy-game/18741 The player with the lower game completion time will be the winner. Make sure to choose the speedrun option in the menu. If neither player completes the game, the player that reached the furthest area will be the winner. If there is a tie in furthest area, the player with the lower time will be considered the winner.
ORG Wildcard: Hive
Played on boardgamearena.com. https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?game=hive This will be a best of three match. Use the rematch button to ensure colors are switched between games.

Real Tottenham Chelsea Internazionale Porto United FC (1) vs Whydon's Team (4)
Browser Game: Blakers vs Sijih
Chess: Isa vs Texas Cloverleaf
Gen 8 Random Battles: zeefable vs my big diggersby
ORG Wildcard: shade vs ForgottenOnes
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: nightblitz42 vs ajhockeystar

Week 7: Finals
Browser Game: LazerGrrl
https://sandwich-generation.itch.io/lazergrrl-lite. The match will be a best of 3. I recommend playing the tutorial to learn how to play the game
ORG Wildcard: Genius Deathmatch Showdown
Each player or manager selects one deathmatch game from the following repository: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1Q9epVYlJZPGjJJ_c-FOdnOdWaJfaM_Uf After we confirm that its a decently balanced and good game we are able to host, and after making possible adjustments, those two games will be played. Both teams will be notified which deathmatch the other team chose 24 hours after the start of the week. The player who did not choose the game will decide who moves first, if applicable. If a game is not chosen, the hosts will choose one. The third game will be this version of Indian Poker (note: this is different from Supreme Indian Poker played on Week 4): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w56kmLgbr-s9srXpYRRA7-qIuy_N91J7ZcIdoOcpB6Y/edit.
Abstract Mathematics (3) vs Whydon's Team (2)
Browser Game: Style vs Sijih
Chess: UncleSam vs Texas Cloverleaf
Gen 8 Random Battles: Andy Snype vs my big diggersby
ORG Wildcard: VigilanteVigoroth vs ForgottenOnes
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Hulavuta vs ajhockeystar
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I've never felt better in my life
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Discord Name: Îsa#2755
Category(ies) you would be willing to play (leave blank if you only want to manage): Gen 8 Random Battles, Chess, Browser Games, ORG Wildcard
Are you committed to completing the tournament to its completion?: Yes
Do you want to be a manager if you can also be a player?: No
Do you want to be a manager if you can't also be a player?: No


is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Leader Alumnus
Discord Name: ajhockeystar #0593
Category(ies) you would be willing to play (leave blank if you only want to manage): I could realistically play anything except Chess, but I think I'm best suited to play smash
Are you committed to completing the tournament to its completion?: yes
Do you want to be a manager if you can also be a player?: yes
Do you want to be a manager if you can't also be a player?: no

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
Discord Name: DuckDuckPwn#7433
Category(ies) you would be willing to play (leave blank if you only want to manage): ORG wildcard, can fill in with moderate competency on anything else except smash, which I am not good at
Are you committed to completing the tournament to its completion?: yes
Do you want to be a manager if you can also be a player?: no
Do you want to be a manager if you can't also be a player?: no
Randbats, gen8ssb, orgwildcard
Are you committed to completing the tournament to its completion?: yes
Do you want to be a manager if you can also be a player?: yes
Do you want to be a manager if you can't also be a player?: sure


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Discord Name: WaterBomb
Category(ies) you would be willing to play (leave blank if you only want to manage): randbats are my specialty, I'm average at smUsh and chess, and I can do browser games and org wildcard if desperate
Are you committed to completing the tournament to its completion?: yes
Do you want to be a manager if you can also be a player?: no
Do you want to be a manager if you can't also be a player?: no
the special one
Category(ies) you would be willing to play (leave blank if you only want to manage): manager
Are you committed to completing the tournament to its completion?: manager
Do you want to be a manager if you can also be a player?: manager
Do you want to be a manager if you can't also be a player?: manager - look all u need to know is i drafted a semifinals team in the randbats pl that firebot ran like 3 years ago. i also drafted a future wcop winner so im basically a genius (just ignore the perma'd users i drafted).


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
Discord Name: jjcelever#9073
Category(ies) you would be willing to play (leave blank if you only want to manage): All except chess (though I prob shouldn't be drafted for randbats unless someone's desparate). ORG Wildcard and flash game are probably the strengths.
Are you committed to completing the tournament to its completion?: Yes
Do you want to be a manager if you can also be a player?: No
Do you want to be a manager if you can't also be a player?: No

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