Dodrio Cup - Week 1 Pools

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You only need to play until someone won the Bo3, so I'll be recording this as a 2-0.
For seeding purposes, individual game records will count! Winning your set 3-0 instead of 2-1 is very important for deciding the tiebreakers, as it could make the difference between making it out of pools or being one of the four teams to get a round 1 bye in the top cut!

^this is in your rules
Calling out players I haven't heard from and will be dropped/lose on activity if that doesn't change. If your entire team is inactive, you will be dropped from the tour!!!

JackPilotF2 has not been on since Monday and has not replied to his opponent, I haven't heard anything from their two teammates either.

Carlospro233 I haven't seen anything from you or your opponents so far, and I still can't find Smogon accounts for your teammates.

Ingrid222555 hasn't been on since Monday and has not replied to her opponent's scheduling attempt. Ashton and Jeremy haven't been online in years either, so the whole team will be dropped on activity if I don't hear a response.

Roto I think I saw someone post a result against one of your teammates, but afaik Mandby still does not have a Smogon account.

Redsilver hasn't been online in over a week and I haven't heard anything from either of his teammates. This team will be dropped on activity if I don't hear a response.

KortexVGC as far as I know I'm still missing accounts from both of your teammates.

I have not seen any scheduling attempts for the follow matches. tagging managers.

Dandy★ Kiki_kiaraz

If any of you scheduled in PM or over discord, that's fine, just let me know.
Kiki and i have scheduled over PM and will be playing in about 45 mins
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