
I like this poke because there is no blind counter to it. I think its a little like mence in that its really unpredictable, but once you know what set it is its really easy to counter, problem is you have to sac something to find out what it is. every counter to this poke can be killed with another set
ie levitate pokes like Rotom and Weezing get destroyed by the Mold breaker variations,
Skarm gets one-shotted by the aiming mark variants, revenge killers to the +speed variant(+2 X-scissor does like 102% min to 4/0flygon). if you lack any of those you get walled by something fairly easily.
something like jolly 252atk/252speed mold breaker with aiming mark [SD, SE, X-scissor, EQ] used in sandstorm could be excellent on a HO team to draw out skarm/bronzong/weezing/rotom and kill it by bluffing the 2x speed sweeper set.
Quite simply, this thing is amazing. A must have on any sandstorm team. Great partner with Zone, unless Skarmory uses Shed Shell, which, I just don't see it not using it ever again because of this and Shandera.

On a lesser extent, he can use the boosting ability towards his attacking prowess, and be choice scarfed. Looks amazing, can effectively run Rapid Spin, honestly, one of my fav pokes right now, and normally not a fan of stuff like moles, but this thing is incredible.

Even without a wide movepool, I find myself stuck on whether to use Rapid Spin, X Scissor or Substitute, but I doubt I'll try out Scissor, just because the only one he can effectively use it on that I find threatening is Desukan, and I don't want to lose his ability. Swords Dance is a must, and he has steel typing and good hp is making it REALLY easy to use.

Now that I realize it, Breloom is his worst nightmare without X Scissor, resisting Eq and Rockslide and packing a STAB technician Mach Punch can scare it off.
Looks like he gets ohko'd from CB Tech Breloom's mach punch.

Maybe I entered the calc in wrong, but I am getting 418-494 damage, and he has a max of 424 hp.
Looks like he gets ohko'd from CB Tech Breloom's mach punch.

Maybe I entered the calc in wrong, but I am getting 418-494 damage, and he has a max of 424 hp.
Read one post above. You got ninja'd :P

nah but seriously I see Breloom as the safest switch in, bar X Scissor.
although there may be other bulky grasses to worrry about, x-scissor shouldnt be used just for breloom. A stab, nve eq is base 75, while a non-stab nuteral x scissor is base 80. not worth running just for breloom.
Looks like that is one of the very few counters to this thing. It is not a complete beast, but looks like a top OU to me.

An enemy T'Tar which has been Ko'D, can make this thing wreak havoc with Sand Throw.

Claw Sharpen+Drill Liner , or even its own Sandstorm set with Sandstorm, EQ,Claw Sharpen+XScissor for coverage, are other viable sets.
although there may be other bulky grasses to worrry about, x-scissor shouldnt be used just for breloom. A stab, nve eq is base 75, while a non-stab nuteral x scissor is base 80. not worth running just for breloom.
X-scissor hits nearly everything that resists EQ and stone edge for Super Effective Damage(160Pow).
although there may be other bulky grasses to worrry about, x-scissor shouldnt be used just for breloom. A stab, nve eq is base 75, while a non-stab nuteral x scissor is base 80. not worth running just for breloom.
Very true. I just see breloom as it's main threat. Hell, it might not even be able to use it on Breloom if that Mach punch hits. Celebi could be annoying as well, probably good to use it on it as well.


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Celebi and Shandera both make great teammates with this guy, Shandera can trap Breloom and OHKO it with a Fire move and Celebi can tank Mach Punches like a champ. Any Fire-type moves directed at Celebi or Doryuzuu go to Shandera. And any Ground move directed at Shandera or Doryuzuu go to Celebi.
Ok, I think I entered numbers into http://pokedex-br.info/damage.html wrong when I first posted.

Doryuuzu Max Hp/Max Def(424/240): CB Mach Punch 320-378, 2ko
Doryuuzu Min Hp/Max Def(330/240): CB Mach Punch 320-378, ohko
Doryuuzu Min Hp/Min Def(330/112): CB Mach Punch 678-800, ohko

much more realistic is life orb:
Doryuuzu Max Hp/Max Def(424/240): LO Mach Punch 276-326, 2ko
Doryuuzu Min Hp/Max Def(330/240): LO Mach Punch 276-326, 2ko,
Doryuuzu Min Hp/Min Def(330/112): LO Mach Punch 590-696, ohko

Aqua Jet in the rain from Azumarill, Sharpedo, or even Kabutops/Feraligatr could be another priority that could cause problems/kill Doryuzzu.
Ok, I think I entered numbers into http://pokedex-br.info/damage.html wrong when I first posted.

Doryuuzu Max Hp/Max Def(424/240): CB Mach Punch 320-378, 2ko
Doryuuzu Min Hp/Max Def(330/240): CB Mach Punch 320-378, ohko
Doryuuzu Min Hp/Min Def(330/112): CB Mach Punch 678-800, ohko

much more realistic is life orb:
Doryuuzu Max Hp/Max Def(424/240): LO Mach Punch 276-326, 2ko
Doryuuzu Min Hp/Max Def(330/240): LO Mach Punch 276-326, 2ko,
Doryuuzu Min Hp/Min Def(330/112): LO Mach Punch 590-696, ohko

Aqua Jet in the rain from Azumarill, Sharpedo, or even Kabutops/Feraligatr could be another priority that could cause problems/kill Doryuzzu.
Ya but none of the pokemon at the bottom can safely switch in on Dory, but thanks for the numbers on the Breloom situation, it's pretty much what I expected. I can see myself investing bulk evs in the spots it needs it in, just for those situations.

Gotta be careful with he fact that some people could be bold enough to predict the switch out and just spore instead, or spore off the bat if they know you don't have X Scissor.

Situational, but Ditto comes in, reveals the moveset, or opponent finds out moveset, and can safely bring breloom in.

Who said Shanderaa? Great buddy for Dory as well, gotta be careful of that really annoying spore though.
As far as people can tell from testing, pokemon with aiming mark cant hit immunites. We have no clue what the hell aiming mark actually does atm.
What Aiming Mark does is that it allows pokemon that are immune to certain types to be hit by those attacks, e.g. a Gengar holding Aiming Mark will be hit by rapid spin. A Forretress holding Aiming Mark will not be able to hit Gengar with rapid spin. I know, I've tried.
What Aiming Mark does is that it allows pokemon that are immune to certain types to be hit by those attacks, e.g. a Gengar holding Aiming Mark will be hit by rapid spin. A Forretress holding Aiming Mark will not be able to hit Gengar with rapid spin. I know, I've tried.
are there any pokemon that learn both trick and rapid spin? I think you see where i'm going with this..

Though this is the wrong thread for that type of speculation, lol.
Aiming Mark has been debunked as not having the effect you guys are discussing. And for the record, Starmie learns both Trick and Rapid Spin as a Psychic-type. I presume that Claydol does as well. I think that Rapid Spin Doryuuzu would be great just because he's so powerful that spinblockers that can't take a +2 hit won't want to switch into him directly. (Rotom, for instance, is not your first check) This may give you extra opportunities to spin away hazards with Doryuuzu.
Drill Liner isn't just a high-crit ratio but it will often result in a crit according to the description, so it is even more common which is why I think it should be used instead of Earthquake. And people are saying that EQ is more accurate, well the accuracy for Drill Liner is 95 for god's sake, so it's not a problem at all.

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