Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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Because seals are cute but Brionne is an abomination of nature complete with clothing and pigtails. It's a little too Disney for my tastes (love Disney but not in my Pokémon). It even has eyelashes. They should have taken a design cue from their Piplup line designs: elegant, adorable, and Empoleon even has a "tux" but it works because it's feather patterns. Brionne is just literally wearing a ruffle dress and its pigtails seemingly have no reason to be there.
I think they are just trying to appeal more to the female players/players that loves these feminine designs, and the best way to do it is to make one of the starters looking like one. If you would notice, they started it last gen with the Braixen line, but they are going all out this gen with Brionne's design.
The name "Ash-Greninja" is pretty lame, but they're sadly locked into it from a few other contributing factors, namely that he's been featured on Pokemon TCG merchandise under that name as is. Looks like he didn't get the luxury of a name change "Mewtwo-Awakened" got.

Super excited from this trailer, oh man. Popplio's evolution looks a little bland, but the other two are fantastic. Can't wait for the final evos if the leaks are true.

The side features like the box islands this time around look excellent. Pokemon has a bad habit of tacking on side features that contribute next to nothing to the main game (contests, Pokestar Studios, Pokemon Amie, Pokemon Musicals are the absolute worst offender here, who even remembers these?) They make so little difference, they're often completely ignored. The solution to that is making these side features contribute to progression, battling, and collecting, and that's seemingly exactly what's happening this time around. Playing with these features will net you more items, stronger Pokemon, and more Pokemon at that.

Happy to see Mega Evolutions back. Beginning the trailer with Lucario, Kangaskhan, and Salamence was hilarious. I have mixed feelings about the "No Megas" rule for the 2017 rules, but I suppose they want to place the emphasis on Z-moves and Alolan Pokemon this time around. I've heard a lot of comments about Mega Evolutions being overpowered, but for the VGC formats specifically, I feel like its only one or two ridiculous ones ruining the fun. There's such a drastic power difference between stuff like Mega Kangaskhan and viable stuff from 2014 and 2015 like Mega Manectric. At any rate, super happy to hop back in next season! Gotta get a foreign Ditto up to Level 100 for some smooth sailing breeding B).
Well the video doesn't say that after battle bonds being activated, Ash-greninja's ability will stay as battle bonds. Also note the official description from serebii:

"Ash-Greninja has powered up thanks to the strength of its bonds with Ash. This is the form Greninja takes when it has gained new power due to the miraculous occurrence known as the bond phenomenon. This can be brought on by the bonds between people and Pokémon. It seems that it has only known to have occurred once—several hundred years ago. Ash-Greninja's leg strength has been enhanced compared to an ordinary Greninja, making it difficult to see because of the speed at which it can move. It takes its enemies out in a flash! It becomes able to make giant Water Shurikens on its back, and it can throw them in rapid succession. Greninja that can become Ash-Greninja have an Ability that no Pokémon has ever had before—Battle Bond. The Battle Bond Ability triggers this Pokémon’s form change to Ash-Greninja after it causes an opponent’s Pokémon to faint. When the battle ends, the Pokémon returns to its original Greninja form. This form is only for battles where it needs to break the limits!"

From the description here, we can conclude a few things:
I) There will be stats improvements after form change.
II) "When the battle ends, Ash-greninja will revert to its original form" - this may imply that the form stays even when switching out.
III) There is definitely an improvement to water shuriken after form-change, but it still can be thrown in rapid succession (which means the giant one-shot water shuriken in the anime is probably a Z-move). However, this may imply a possibility that after the form-change, Ash-Greninja's ability will become one that makes water type moves a lot stronger or at least a mixture of water-type-pixilate and adaptability (due to moves such as water type/animated cut in the anime and stronger water shuriken).
Maybe we think it looks like a bigger Litten because ... it looks like a bigger Litten? Putting them all next to each other does makes them look a lot better and the transitional changes more obvious, though.

Did people think Megas were going to be scrapped entirely, or just that they won't be introducing any new ones? The way people are celebrating makes it sound like the former even though that would make no fucking sense.
I think they are just trying to appeal more to the female players/players that loves these feminine designs, and the best way to do it is to make one of the starters looking like one. If you would notice, they started it last gen with the Braixen line, but they are going all out this gen with Brionne's design.
Yeah...they killed that line of thought with Delphox though...Nothing says "Feminine" like giant ear fuzz and shrewed tiny-by-comparison-to-said-ear-fuzz eyes. Ruffles of skin? aren't any worse than what the ralts line wears, or the infamous Greninja tongue scarf. It does seem like they're working more to get the female player base in recent years starter-wise, though.
This is gonna be a really quick one, but here we go!

Starter evos:
I feel the same way most people do - Litten's and Rowlet's are cool, but Popplio's isn't. I really love Torracat's fire pendant thing - it's a really nice touch!

Let me make something clear: I am not against the idea. But seriously, they couldn't have come up with a better name than Ash-Greninja? They'd better have a pretty good explanation where the name came from, considering how it's referencing a trainer who doesn't exist in the game canon.

Return of the Megas:
Seems fitting that we saw Lucario (The first one to be revealed) as well as Kang and Mence (which were on practically every VGC 2015/2016 team). All I can say is that I'm really, really happy VGC 2017 will be no Megas. For 2018, though, I am praying to Arceus that they nerf Parental Bond.

October 18th Demo:
Pretty damn excited for it! But if we end up having a repeat of the ORAS incident where the entire game was datamined a week after its release, I may have to stay off the internet for a month. Surely the guys at Project Pokemon won't spoil the first games of a new generation, right? Right?
Yeah...they killed that line of thought with Delphox though...Nothing says "Feminine" like giant ear fuzz and shrewed tiny-by-comparison-to-said-ear-fuzz eyes. Ruffles of skin? aren't any worse than what the ralts line wears, or the infamous Greninja tongue scarf. It does seem like they're working more to get the female player base in recent years starter-wise, though.
Braxian feels more feminine then Delphox. Remember The Pokken EVO tournament and the winners reason for using her ;)
Alternatively it can function like Spiky-Earred Pichu, Cosplay Pikachu, and and Eternal Flower Floette in that it's unbreedable so you can't have more than one. The three examples also can't evolve, but that's a non issue since Greninja is fully evolved.
I'm hoping though that it would be an actual/official form like Eternal Floette(can be transferred through bank), and not be like the Spiky-Earred Pichu and Cosplay Pikachu which can't be transferred to future games(can't be banked).
I think they just want feminine starters because some people really like that for any particular reason. Meganium and Delphox, while not the stars of the show, still have a somewhat popular base and I'm not even including furry boards on the latter. Can't deny a feminine starter Pokemon attract female players, though.
Just noticed something after rewatching the trailer:

During the battle showcasing Ash-Greninja's giant Water Shuriken attack it was up against a Mega Aerodactyl, which we all know to have a blistering base speed of 150. Assuming there were no alterations to EVs/IVs, perhaps they were subtly showing us that Ash-Greninja (still a stupid name btw) is faster, assuming it went first of course.
Did people think Megas were going to be scrapped entirely, or just that they won't be introducing any new ones? The way people are celebrating makes it sound like the former even though that would make no fucking sense.
I wanted either : "Megas are scrapped" or "If Megas stay, then give us new ones". The worst outcome "Megas stay but no new ones" seems to be the more likely, a shame really.
Just noticed something after rewatching the trailer:

During the battle showcasing Ash-Greninja's giant Water Shuriken attack it was up against a Mega Aerodactyl, which we all know to have a blistering base speed of 150. Assuming there were no alterations to EVs/IVs, perhaps they were subtly showing us that Ash-Greninja (still a stupid name btw) is faster, assuming it went first of course.
Water Shuriken has priority.
Loved the new trailer, and pumped Megas are finally confirmed to be back. Now im not a VGC player by any means, but to me it kinda sucks they needed to ban all what, 48 of them because of ab 3 reallllly overpowered ones. Mega evolution is a really cool mechanic that had so much potential for sophisticated strategy, and it's a real shame a select few (looking at you MKhan) had to ruin it for all the others. Oh well, guess it had to be done and im sure the VGC format will see much more variety which is always great :)
On the Rockruff/Starter "secret":

Now, this is speculation on my part, but hear me out. Earlier in the year CoroCoro stated that Rockruff and the starters share a secret, which in the coming months was assumed to be an exclusive Z-move, split evos, syncro-evos, etc. However, based on the descriptions that we got today of the middle starters, I would like to propose a different theory: The starters (and Rockruff) do not evolve into their final stage based on level but based on a mechanic similar to Happiness if not happiness itself

The Evidence:
  • "Lycanroc obeys its Trainer’s orders dutifully. In particular, if a Trainer accepted it during its more rebellious pre-Evolution period, Lycanroc will never ever betray that Trainer and will be the most loyal of partners." -Midday form
  • "Contempt rises in this Pokémon for Trainers who give orders it doesn’t agree with or who try to force it to battle. On the other hand, it will feel a deep trust in a Trainer who can truly draw forth its power in battle." -Midnight Form
  • "When it loses its focus, it sometimes even retires from the battle on the spot! It’s up to each Trainer to help Dartrix overcome this troublesome stage. If this Pokémon is with a Trainer who helps it through, its strength will grow hugely!" -Dartrix
  • "Torracat has a great love for battle and will attack so relentlessly that its opponents lose the will to fight. And yet it sometimes behaves like spoiled child in front of Trainers or Pokémon with whom it has built a relationship of trust." -Torracat
  • "Brionne always acts cheery and positive. Even when it’s feeling sad, this Pokémon doesn’t allow its sorrow to show. It’s said that Brionne will only reveal a sad expression to a Pokémon or Trainer to whom it has opened its heart completely." -Brionne
All of these descriptions heavily emphasize the trust and loyalty that a pokemon needs to develop to its Trainer, and Pokemon has always stressed that relationship building and friendship are the goal of the games, and not so much winning every battle. Now, in previous gens I would say that such a theory would be ridiculous because it ignores precedent, but as we all know by now, Sun and Moon doesn't really care about that (i.e. no gyms). And numerous other Pokemon evolve based on knowing a certain move, holding a certain item, Happiness, etc. so why not the starters? Maybe after 20 years Pokemon has finally grown tired of the first evo at lvl 14-16, second evo at lvl 36. In my opinion, it would add alot to the immersion experience if we have to care for our pokemon's Happiness, Trust Meter, etc. rather than tossing it out to grind.
Good lord, I don't even know where to start D:

I guess I'll just put everything together after the thread has settled down for the day, BUT there is one thing that caught my attention: The Festival Plaza. Does it really allow us to interact with other people's avatars in real-time ( in the trailer you can see some people popping up as your trainer walks around the plaza so yeah, that's probably the case)? Man, that is A W E S O M E. And its design greatly reminds me of Pokemon Rumble World's spotpass plaza, only far more beautiful :0

Doe, they're really pushing the 3ds to its limits now, aren't they? Man, that is, again, A W E S O M E. I'm SOOOO stoked right now!
Good lord, I don't even know where to start D:

I guess I'll just put everything together after the thread has settled down for the day, BUT there is one thing that caught my attention: The Festival Plaza. Does it really allow us to interact with other people's avatars in real-time ( in the trailer you can see some people popping up as your trainer walks around the plaza so yeah, that's probably the case)? Man, that is A W E S O M E. And its design greatly reminds me of Pokemon Rumble World's spotpass plaza, only far more beautiful :0

Doe, they're really pushing the 3ds to its limits now, aren't they? Man, that is, again, A W E S O M E. I'm SOOOO stoked right now!
Now that they know the extent of the 3DS's power (they clearly didn't with Gen 6), they're pushing it to the limits to see how far the extent of its power really is. I love it.


Doesn't know how to attack
My opinions on the Starter Evos from favorite to most hated:

Litten's evo isn't just a bigger Litten, it's a more grown up and feral looking Litten. It has the least change, but I like it most.

I don't know what to say about Rowlet's evo. It looks lake a fashion focused butler that might be an assassin and I like it for some reason.

Popplio's evo is painful in every way. Not only is it hideous, but it has a high pitch cry and its name is disturbingly close to bronie. (You have no idea how much I hate that franchise.) Also, it appears to have a black eye color with red pupils. Doesn't that imply that its some kind of cursed unholy abomanation? (You know, like bronies?)
Speaking of Eternal Floette, did we ever get her offically released?
Nope. And I wouldn't get my hopes up either.

"When it loses its focus, it sometimes even retires from the battle on the spot! It’s up to each Trainer to help Dartrix overcome this troublesome stage"

Honest-to-god, that is exactly what came to mind when I saw Dartrix: An edgy emo teenager ( PLEASE make its shiny color scheme black for extra lolz ). That's basically what it is and it's downright hilarious. "This troublesome stage", haha troublesome indeed GF.

I'm also really digging Torracat ( random trivia: In portuguese [my native language] 'Torr' is the radical of 'Torrada' which translates to 'Toast' in english. Torracat's name could be a play with words for 'toastedcat', which is pretty amusing lol). But given how bulky it is, I assume the leaked Evo will indeed be its final form which is a shame since I didn't want it to go bipedal.
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