General Fighting Game Discussion

I have a PS3, zero fighting game experience, and a pad made by a third party.

Time to get into UMvC3.

Repping Doom/Strange/...uh, I'll figure out the last one on the way!
As long as a game is strategically deep enough to attract people and that the game promotes and facilitates high level play, then I think balance isn't an issue in a game. Balance is a nice thing to have, but not the first thing you look at to see whether a fighting game is good/competitive.

So yeah, bring on more Gundam.

Haha, to be honest i never played the gundam VS Series. i'm a big fan of gundam, having played and watched a significant amount of Gundam stuff, but i never got my hands on the VS series itself. The game is a bit simple, although there is some strategy on it.

For example, most fights are done in a terrain with covers such as buildings and whatnot, while Deathscythe Gundam has the ability to turn invisible for a short period of time, So Surprise attacks are not beyond impossible. I dont know just how Competitive the game is at high level play, but fuck me if it doesn't look fun.
Haha, when I think of Gundam fighting games, I think of this one:

Endless Dual for SNES, a game I am terrible at. I think I'ma bit outdated hahaha.


Eh, but Deathscythe Gundam is in there, so...fuck it, still take that shit away from my face.
Hello there I am new!
This is exciting! No one seems to be on the irc channel at the current time.
Fighting games are what I have played most my life for video games. It is my interest in fighters that actually has got me into pokemon (In fact my local arcade's fight night holding a random pokemon tournament helped with that). It is like playing yomi the card game! I really enjoy such mind game type of games, and also play tons of mahjong. Trying to rap my head around a lot of the mechanics and stuff as of late, just playing with friends over the summer when recently I was introduced to this site.
oh enuf pokemon I suppose then...

Sad to see no one is hype for the next melty blood coming out :< (best fighting game out there...)

Also vanguard princess has been licensed and will be coming out! How exciting!

Capcom x tekken looks like ougon musou kyoku all over again from what I have heard
so not to hype.

I hope I can play some of you in Marvel some time or skull girls when thats around!

On the offchance, no one plays iamp? I feel silly asking but that is the fighter I play the most.

I would like to clarify, even though this was like on the first page, that AH3 is definitely not just for psn. I even prerecorded it and have a fancy handkerchief thing from it. Thought in the USA is it PSN only, but your ps3 can probably play Japanese games and netplay is not that bad, even in the states!
Moku said:
Capcom x tekken looks like ougon musou kyoku all over again from what I have heard
so not to hype.
Can you elaborate on this? I was kinda excited for that and then nothing really seemed to come of it, didn't see any decent competitive videos of it or anything. Which is just fine for me really, since I wouldn't have had the means to play it in the first place.

Melty Blood looks fun to me. I've never touched it but as soon as I have the means, I definitely intend to.
Can you elaborate on this? I was kinda excited for that and then nothing really seemed to come of it, didn't see any decent competitive videos of it or anything. Which is just fine for me really, since I wouldn't have had the means to play it in the first place.

Melty Blood looks fun to me. I've never touched it but as soon as I have the means, I definitely intend to.
Oh sure. My apologies. It is not really a type of game play style I prefer, and it has been playable at a few events. Most all the combos, regardless of team turn into an ABC tag ABC super in a similar manner to Ougon Musou Kyoku. Even with the flashy videos I am hesiten because I fear this will make for a bland cast the way it did with the for-mentioned umineko fighter even though it seems diverse enuf now. Pandora Mode to me seems like a comeback mechanic. You get rewarded for doing poorly to create a false scene of hype and the illusion that both sides are still doing well. This is a bad trend, in my opinion, that many recent fighting games have put in the game mechanics. Something like revenge meter in SF4 or MvC3 Xfactor. The gem system could be interesting, and I am not quite sure if it will be bad or good. Could be like play completely different charters, the way a different assist is like playing a different team in MvC, Vangard Princess, or you arcana in AH. Finaly All the people I have talked to who have played SFxT have not told me that they have really liked it much at best. I have never played it so, it could be a grate game, but I will probably not play it first chance I get.
Yeah honestly I haven't been too excited by much of the footage I've seen either. Pandora mode doesn't seem to do much so I don't really care about that, but gems are probably going to be problematic purely because of how they impact tournament scheduling. It'll be pretty embarrassing if Capcom really does execute gem-selection as badly as it seems they will... last I heard, gems are set in a completely separate menu or some shit. Like, really?

Also, I've finally got some time to really sit down with Ultimate. Man, there is just no fucking way Phoenix Wright is going to end up viable, I would be soooo fucking flabbergasted. I can't even use him as like a Haggar-type thing, like come on. I really wanted to run Wright but like, I don't know. Maybe if I stop caring about winning or something.

Currently running Dorm/Hawkeye/Wesker. In vanilla I was running Magneto, whose assist certainly seems better than Hawkeye's for Dorm teleport mixups... but Hawkeye is super super fun, and easier, and might be a better character overall? Not really sure, but yeah, Hawkeye is awesome. Someone play me!
My parents gave me a new Mad Catz Tournament Edition Round 2 fightstick for Christmas... PS3 version (I have 360). Turns out, Mad Catz is 100% closed until December 28. You can't even print out a shipping label and go ahead and get the thing in the mail before then. It will be tomorrow before I can finally get them to say, "yeah, mail it on back and we'll send the new one."

Of course, they won't send the 360 version until they get the PS3 one back, so basically it will be well after New Year's before I get to use my stick. This would be less of a deal, but a BB-playing friend is supposed to visit me this week (he lives in PA, I live in TN, so it's a big deal). I will be stuck with my old crappy controller, while he has his own Round 2. Frown town.
@Kristoph That does sound unfortuent about the gems. My whole team was trashed on the move over and I'm not sure what to really do. Lot of people where looking forward to Phoenix Wright. Ill have to wait till im back to college, maby we can play a game or two.

@Res Ipsa Loquitur that is unfortunate, Mad Catz makes some really nice sticks. If you have a spare xbox controller, the buttons are all on quick disconnects and really easy to work with! Also you could use the opportunity to dual mod.
Gundam vs Gundam is pretty competitive actually. Usually the top game of the Arcadia carts every month.

It's not a traditional fighter, but I'll be damned if I don't say it's not a good one.
Gundam vs Gundam is pretty competitive actually. Usually the top game of the Arcadia carts every month.

It's not a traditional fighter, but I'll be damned if I don't say it's not a good one.

Is that so? i though the game was pretty simple. guess i got way too used to Games like guilty gear and Blazblue...

I wanna use deathscythe hell so badly, if only to go stealth on everyone's asses.


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okay so after getting the hang of the DP loop (6C > 623B > 6C > 623C > 5A > 5C > 2C > 623C), I thought to myself "hold on, one of my combos ends with 6C > 623B. What if..."

Sadly it doesn't work. I usually launch from 6B > Sekka > 6C > DC > 5C > JC > j.B > j.C > JC > j.C > j.D > 214D > land > 6C > 623B, (19-hit, 3917 combo, works off 0 meter from anywhere on screen, as the 6B > Sekka > Air Combo gives you 26 meter straight up), but sadly I noticed that from 6C > 623B, the air tech time is higher than from the previous combo.
Basically if I go 6B > stuff> 214D > 6C > 623B, after the 623B there, they can tech out earlier than if I start on 6C > 623B. Which is really sad because on paper 6B > Sekka > 6C > dash > 5C > JC > j.B > j.C > JC > j.C > j.D > 214D > 6C > 623B > 6C > 623C > 5A > 5C > 2C > 623C sounds delicious.

EDIT: I turned aerial recovery off on training mode. It looks delicious but the combo is weaksauce due to proration, just like I thought it would be. Hits for about 4600, which is just below what 6C > Hiyoku > 5C > JC > j.B > j.C > JC > j.C > j.D does.

But I'm still struggling with the "flexibility" and "pieces". I'm not too sure what you mean by that. Are you suggesting the DP loop is composed of little sections that you can take out move around and stuff? And if so, where are these, because I can't really add variations to the version I'm doing without breaking it altogether.
But I'm still struggling with the "flexibility" and "pieces". I'm not too sure what you mean by that. Are you suggesting the DP loop is composed of little sections that you can take out move around and stuff? And if so, where are these, because I can't really add variations to the version I'm doing without breaking it altogether.
Yeah, basically. As you get close to the corner and land a move, there are various ways you can get into a DP loop of some kind. For example, any time they are high enough in the air to do 6C>6D, you can do 6C>6D>6C>623B>6C>623C for a nice mini-loop; it's not optimal damage, but when you are used to doing DP loops, it's easy to remember to do it and to keep from dropping it. You can also do it out of your mixup; you can do some kind of loop out of any of Jin's C moves in the corner, including Sekkaijin. It even works as a 50 meter combo, as seen in Challenges 8 and 9: I like doing 3C>623A>RC>6C>623C>5A>5C>623B>6C>623C>5A>5C>623C, which does 4315, gives you back 21 meter, and doesn't even require you to land a raw 6C like many of the good Hiyoku combos do.

Basically, when I land a hit on someone in the corner, I ask, "Can I do a DP from here?" If I can't, I ask, "Can I get to 6C from here?" Whenever one of those answers is "Yes," I start doing DPs (unless I already know a better combo for the situation). I have developed a pretty good eye for how high my opponent is and what followups are available from any given point.

I have a lot of combos memorized for specific situations. But the DP Loop is a great way to paper over gaps in my memorization with solid combos that are easy to improvise. Like what I mentioned in my last post about making up a corner 2C FC combo on the fly.

Honestly, the tutorial is horrible and i dont know shit about the franchise. I was hoping my Blazblue and Guilty gear experience would help me get used to hardcore 2D Fighters but NOOOOOOOOOOO.

Regardless, it's a pretty fun game from what i noticed. i just have to learn how to actually play it. Iori without flames is hilariously weird, but i dont pretend on using him anyway.
MB:CC crack is out, with netplay :D

so far I've not had much success connecting, though.. anyone else?

the one time i tried it didn't work though

the one time i tried it didn't work though

That sucks.. Is it an HRAP? Over the years, I've had 3 HRAP cords take shits on me due to how sensative/fragile they are.

When you say it didn't work, tell me what happened, I may be able to help you out.

Honestly, the tutorial is horrible and i dont know shit about the franchise. I was hoping my Blazblue and Guilty gear experience would help me get used to hardcore 2D Fighters but NOOOOOOOOOOO.
IMO it feels really GGish, without all of the air game at neutral.
I dont think it feels GGish at all to be honest. the game has a different feel from any 2D Fighter i ever played before. It's not a bad thing, it just means i have to get used to it.
Ehhh. There a lot of similar elements IMO. Emphasis on momentum, making the hit you land count and converting damage and knockdown off of it, then finding safe means to force your mix up/frame trap/pressure etc on them. Often times, even the more zoning heavy characters want go for some sort of a mix up after a knockdown - much like GG characters. The run system is very similar (minus having FD brakes like in GG).. use of dead angles/alpha counter/etc and the yomi games involved in baiting them. Obv it lacks BURST system, and has it's own elements in things like rolls and so forth. But, I feel pretty at home with the way the game plays.

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