Huckleberry Finn to be censored in new printing

I don't see why the justification is to "express it in the 21st century" The book is meant to take place before the Civil War. The south didn't value the slaves so they referred to them as that racial slur. You lose the sense of the setting by changing the dialect and diction of the work. It just dillutes the theme of the novel the strength of the plot.


World's Strongest Fairy
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I see the utility of making a "cleaner" version to circumvent controversy and allow more universal access, even if the controversy that creates the need for a "cleaner" version is kinda silly. Nobody's going to go and swap out all the "(BAN ME PLEASE)" copies of the book in existence with the "slave" edition, so I'm not going to get on any sort of literary high horse and claim how this is a travesty against literary tradition; after all, it's been reprinted in other languages, where a large part of the late-19th century southern U.S. "feel" most likely got lost in said translation.


Two kids no brane
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I see the utility of making a "cleaner" version to circumvent controversy and allow more universal access, even if the controversy that creates the need for a "cleaner" version is kinda silly. Nobody's going to go and swap out all the "(BAN ME PLEASE)" copies of the book in existence with the "slave" edition, so I'm not going to get on any sort of literary high horse and claim how this is a travesty against literary tradition; after all, it's been reprinted in other languages, where a large part of the late-19th century southern U.S. "feel" most likely got lost in said translation.
Actually a very good point. I wonder what the Chinese word for "(BAN ME PLEASE)" is?


One Pixel
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Actually a very good point. I wonder what the Chinese word for "(BAN ME PLEASE)" is?
For starters, I know Koreans have their own version of "(BAN ME PLEASE)." Just a tidbit of information (although Koreans are pretty racist in general. We have many many swear words for many many races and nations.)

And honestly, in terms of being politically correct, that's a bunch of bullshit. I don't understand why they're destroying the context of the times in that era. It's like saying "Hey I'm gonna draw a replica of Roman sculptures of their gods, but instead, CENSOR OUT THEIR GENITALS BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE. By doing that you're losing the entire feel of the sculpture and anyone would look at that and know that something is wrong with it.
There are a couple of posts in thread that comply with what I'm going to say, so I won't bother to quote any of them.
Yeah, I think maybe it might be offensive to some people, but I think the book was trying to portray that time period and give a statement about it. If you censor the word, despite being offensive, I think it accurately describes the attitude of that time, and thus dampens the effect of the story and the statement that Twain was trying to make. But I haven't read the book, this is just what I think based on the facts.
Oh, and about the children reading it, either, hold it off until you think they are mature enough to read it, or just let them read it anyway if it's based on learning. I mean, if they do read it in school, the teachers will most likely have enough sense to say " This is a bad word to say, but this is how people were, black people were discriminated against...etc." or something along those lines. And also, in my experience, children know more than they should, and in this case they might learn the word with a warning of its offensive-ness(vocab fail) opposed to learning it from something else and then spouting the word in public like they think it's cool.

tl;dr version : It's a bad idea.
Bowdlerizing literature is stupid and philistine.

Perhaps even more stupid is claiming that the word "(BAN ME PLEASE)" should not ever offend anyone in any context "because black people use it too." And to then claim that white people are being discriminated against because, what, they cannot satisfy their burning desire freely to refer to black people as (BAN ME PLEASE)s? I mean, really.

It's not that white people should be allowed to go around being ignorant and hateful it's that the way hurtful words work is that they only have power if you give them power. If you don't speak Spanish and I call you a puta but tell you it means friend will you be offended? No. If people stopped being offended by the n word the word would lose all power. Every time someone gets offended by it they're putting power in the hands of ignorant, hateful people. Look at the op of curtains racism thread. The two trolls Curtains ran into were able to get their jollies off so easily because Curtains and the other victim gave the n word such power over them. When you run into someone spouting off hateful speech the best thing to do is smile and ignore them. They want to get a rise out of you, if you deny them they'll be pissed and you'll win.

Also, a black person getting offended by a white person saying the n word but not a black person is racism. It is reacting a certain way based on someone's race. That isn't to say that it's okay for a white person to be hateful, just that this double standard no matter how silly it may seem is racism. Until people realize there is no such thing as black people and white people and that we're all just people there will always be racism.
Here's the thing... I'm willing to bet only the most minor of minority groups within the black population would actually be offended by the use of the word in this book. Most of them probably would not be interested in reading it anyway.

The reason that this is so fucking stupid and patronising is that this is a white guy lobbying for a change to prevent an offense that noone would have, as though blacks need him looking out for their sensibilities.

What a cunt.
To be fair, this is only one companies publishing of the novel that is censored. Since the text of the book is in the public domain, anyone can publish this book, so there will still be copies of the book published that are uncensored.

In addition, the original source of the text is saved forever in at least one place, so it is free for all those who choose to read the non-censored version.
But if the censored version becomes the one most prominent in the bookstores, becomes the only version a library is prepared to carry, becomes the version purchased by schools, that can still have a big impact.
Who gives a flyin fuck if its discrimination.Its a racial slur and it is offensive to alot of people.I know in the white community it may be cool and edgy to say (BAN ME PLEASE). But dont try to influence the people that the word offends because its "free speech". Get the fuck outta here. Black people say nigga. Who gives a flyin fuck. Black people arnt being racist with "nigga".As for the book. I dont give a flyin fuck what happens.Its his property and version.
your retarded english aside,

the word "(BAN ME PLEASE)" is being censored for the fear that people too stupid to understand the satire in its use will get offended. if you actually understand its use in the context you won't get offended. if we're gonna start curtailing freedom of expression to avoid riling the stupid then you may as well lobotomise me now

unfortunately this is just one example of a trend of the western world which is becoming increasingly PC

this is aside my extreme views on freedom of speech, because I'm not talking about the use of the word in a context that in unambiguously meant to offend
Having read Huckleberry Finn for the first time at age 12, and with 6 years to measure how much it has warped my then poor feeble innocent mind, i can safely say any attempt to censor the book for the benefit of "the children" is meaningless.

(added to that, the book is quite a hard read for young children except the dedicated bibliophiles, who usually have the level of maturity to deal with it)

(Actually, i remembered reading the first article in this and finding it pretty much summing up my opinions on "age appropriate material" for children )
It's literature for christs sake. You're gonna come across the damn word eventually. Stop floating around like a nimwit saying "omg he said (BAN ME PLEASE) omg offensive can't do that no no no." It's apart of the vocabulary. Not saying it should be used, but it's there and always will be. Changing it in one book does absolutely nothing.
I'm going to assume that the vast majority of the posters in this thread are white and do not have the experiences that I as a African American have.

Huckleberry Finn was a book that was assigned to my English class, while I was in High School. I flat out told the teacher that I would not be reading any book that used the N-word in any context. I was given an alternate assignment which I completed.

I don't agree that any book should be censored. I think that everyone can make a choice if they'd like to read the book or not. I don't want to read the book. Period.

I was demeaned and terrorized by that word throughout my attendance in public schools. For those posting in this thread, using the N-word so casually, shows that you don't understand the perspective of those who dislike the word and don't want to have to deal with it(especially as an assignment!!!) I'm a black person and I've never used the N-word nor do I plan to.

Again, I did say that censorship was wrong. I just don't want to be forced to read something, or forced to lie down in and accepting the majority of those around me's opinion with regards to that word.


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I'm going to assume that the vast majority of the posters in this thread are white and do not have the experiences that I as a African American have.

Huckleberry Finn was a book that was assigned to my English class, while I was in High School. I flat out told the teacher that I would not be reading any book that used the N-word in any context. I was given an alternate assignment which I completed.

I don't agree that any book should be censored. I think that everyone can make a choice if they'd like to read the book or not. I don't want to read the book. Period.

I was demeaned and terrorized by that word throughout my attendance in public schools. For those posting in this thread, using the N-word so casually, shows that you don't understand the perspective of those who dislike the word and don't want to have to deal with it(especially as an assignment!!!) I'm a black person and I've never used the N-word nor do I plan to.

Again, I did say that censorship was wrong. I just don't want to be forced to read something, or forced to lie down in and accepting the majority of those around me's opinion with regards to that word.
I understand the sentiment of most of your post, but addressing the bolded part I would prefer that you not generalize about the rest of us, stating that we are ignorant and don't understand just because we may or may not be white. I am sorry that you were terrorized, I really am. I also, being white, can not directly relate to you in that respect. However, do not insult my intelligence or my compassion by saying I don't understand the perspective just because I'm white. I have a degree in History, with a concentration on the Civil War. I am also a sensitive human being with feelings. I may not have been through the same experiences you have, but I certainly do UNDERSTAND how it must feel.

Also, and this may sound insensitive, being an African American today is not the same as it was back then. Do not talk to us like you were a slave, thinking you deserve more sympathy than the rest of us. I'm sure lots of us were terrorized as children by other children, for anything from our race to the clothes we wore to the interests we had. It doesn't make the experiences any less horrible or harsh, and it doesn't make us any more special than other kids. I am Scottish, so when I came to the US I wore a kilt to class on the first day of 4th grade. Use your imagination to figure out what kinds of things happened there.

My point is, after all the tl;dr I just wrote, don't give us a "woe is me" story, and don't brush us off saying "you don't understand because you're white".
I understand the sentiment of most of your post, but addressing the bolded part I would prefer that you not generalize about the rest of us, stating that we are ignorant and don't understand just because we may or may not be white. I am sorry that you were terrorized, I really am. I also, being white, can not directly relate to you in that respect. However, do not insult my intelligence or my compassion by saying I don't understand the perspective just because I'm white. I have a degree in History, with a concentration on the Civil War. I am also a sensitive human being with feelings. I may not have been through the same experiences you have, but I certainly do UNDERSTAND how it must feel.

Also, and this may sound insensitive, being an African American today is not the same as it was back then. Do not talk to us like you were a slave, thinking you deserve more sympathy than the rest of us. I'm sure lots of us were terrorized as children by other children, for anything from our race to the clothes we wore to the interests we had. It doesn't make the experiences any less horrible or harsh, and it doesn't make us any more special than other kids. I am Scottish, so when I came to the US I wore a kilt to class on the first day of 4th grade. Use your imagination to figure out what kinds of things happened there.

My point is, after all the tl;dr I just wrote, don't give us a "woe is me" story, and don't brush us off saying "you don't understand because you're white".
The only thing that I will apologize for is my generalization. The fact of the matter is, I haven't told you what I've been through. I've also never asked what you've been through. The overall tone of this thread, which you must admit is very "unappealing" to those who find the word offensive.

Again, I also pointed out in my post that I believe that censorship is wrong. I believe that one should have the choice with regard to what they find suitable to read. That was the main point of my post.


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
The only thing that I will apologize for is my generalization. The fact of the matter is, I haven't told you what I've been through. I've also never asked what you've been through. The overall tone of this thread, which you must admit is very "unappealing" to those who find the word offensive.

Again, I also pointed out in my post that I believe that censorship is wrong. I believe that one should have the choice with regard to what they find suitable to read. That was the main point of my post.
I really wasn't beefing with your post that much, since you made the point that you disagree with censorship. I was just a bit thrown off by you just assuming that we didn't understand because we were white. I respect your opinion in that you don't find the tone appealing, but I disagree that it's really obvious. What I've gathered from the discussion so far is that nobody likes the word, and that most of us here have a good understanding of what the word means now and what it meant then. I don't think anyone here is trying to downplay the significance of the word either, if that's what is "unappealing" to you. I apologize if I am misinterpreting your post, I just don't understand why this discussion, or the opinions within, offends you.
Who gives a flyin fuck if its discrimination.Its a racial slur and it is offensive to alot of people.I know in the white community it may be cool and edgy to say (BAN ME PLEASE). But dont try to influence the people that the word offends because its "free speech". Get the fuck outta here. Black people say nigga. Who gives a flyin fuck. Black people arnt being racist with "nigga".As for the book. I dont give a flyin fuck what happens.Its his property and version.
its racist that its offensive for whites to say nigga but its just swell for black people

equal rights should be equal

also its silly harry potter has been nominated for book bans but children of sodom, which is 10q4794375418168948 times more offensive than huck finn or hp has been looked over
A small percentage of students actually read required books in school rather than sparknoting them!

Anyway, regardless of whether parents find the word offensive, wouldn't they rather have their kids learn about them (and any other non PC words/ideas) in a controlled, academic setting? Do they really think their kids will never be exposed to anything offensive if they censor everything?
evolutia, you have every right to have the attitude that you have, but honestly, the best thing to do here is to move on. What the people are doing here using the word is the same thing that Mark Twain is doing - parodying its use so that it loses its power. Many people are unfairly treated, but pitying yourself and holding it over other people's heads isn't going to change anything. There's a Vietnamese girl whose village got napalmed - I can't remember her name, but she spoke to a group of students once - and she had every right to spend the rest of her life hating Americans and pitying herself after that, but instead she's made peace with the guy who did it and is active in humanitarian efforts, using her experiences for good. There's a similar story with a Jewish woman who suffered through a concentration camp, and eventually ending up forgiving one of the Nazis in her camp later on.

You're not doing us much good with your lecture. You're merely giving the word undeserved power; you're only hurting yourself; and perhaps most importantly, you're depriving yourself of one of the greatest writers of all time. It would be very sad indeed if Jews never read Shakespeare, or if Christians never watched The Simpsons or played Shin Megami Tensei, or if no one ever listened to a stand-up comedian... all because they were "offended" and took things the wrong way. Hell, are you aware of what Jynx is supposed to be?
evolutia, you have every right to have the attitude that you have, but honestly, the best thing to do here is to move on. What the people are doing here using the word is the same thing that Mark Twain is doing - parodying its use so that it loses its power. Many people are unfairly treated, but pitying yourself and holding it over other people's heads isn't going to change anything. There's a Vietnamese girl whose village got napalmed - I can't remember her name, but she spoke to a group of students once - and she had every right to spend the rest of her life hating Americans and pitying herself after that, but instead she's made peace with the guy who did it and is active in humanitarian efforts, using her experiences for good. There's a similar story with a Jewish woman who suffered through a concentration camp, and eventually ending up forgiving one of the Nazis in her camp later on.

First and foremost, I do not take certain online comments as seriously as I would someone in real life making the same one. Doing so would require to much energy.

I don't think using the N-word in that manner is doing much of anything to be honest, it certainly isn't changing my mind. Your examples of forgiveness while heartwarming are not applicable to me. I'm perfectly justified in not forgiving those who wronged me and it doesn't take much effort. I just ignore them :/

You're not doing us much good with your lecture. You're merely giving the word undeserved power; you're only hurting yourself; and perhaps most importantly, you're depriving yourself of one of the greatest writers of all time. It would be very sad indeed if Jews never read Shakespeare, or if Christians never watched The Simpsons or played Shin Megami Tensei, or if no one ever listened to a stand-up comedian... all because they were "offended" and took things the wrong way. Hell, are you aware of what Jynx is supposed to be?

Not wanting to read a particular book is hardly "harmful". I don't like the word due to life experiences. I also don't care to discuss the subject of the book, in a classroom, with children/teenagers who may or may not take it seriously, and ask or joke about certain subject matter which I find abhorrent. I'm not a teacher nor do I have the patience to deal with a situation that I can simply op-out of.

Your other examples seem like a facetious attempt at best. People make there own choices.

As for you Jynx example, it can be interpreted in different ways. Some think it was a black face parody and others thought it was a fashion trend. I don't care either way. I actually like the pokemon competitively wise.
Commented bolded.

Overall, I standby what I said, but perhaps it was to much for this topic. I just wanted to give my opinion :3
This is a step in the right direction. Kids aren't smart or focused enough to read things for themselves anymore, they have to have it read to them by a teacher or have students take turns reading out loud. Now they can do that without having to awkwardly avoid the touchy word every other page. This new edition really is adapting to the 21st century classroom.

On a more serious note, this doesn't seem like a big deal to me. It's not like they can round up every copy of Huck Finn in existence, scribble out every instance of the word "(BAN ME PLEASE)", and then force you to read it. The PC goons also aren't going to burn down your Christmas tree and force you to wish them 'happy holidays'. If it makes a few people happy, let them print this new edition as another option. Let them have this, and don't waste your time bitching about political correctness and free expression.

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