League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Also, if you ever want to have a lot of fun with a couple buddies, play a support with CV, have 1 buddy jungle, and another dude wherever. Use your CV on the blue/golem camps and the wraith/red camps.
This reminds me of a recent ranked game I played as Janna with CV. Our team had me, Irelia, jungle Amumu, Pantheon, and Kayle. From champion select, Panth and Kayle didn't respond to anything and never talked in-game, and weren't that good - we concluded that they probably didn't speak English.

But we still won, even though our Panth went 1/11. Amumu and Janna basically babysat Irelia for the entire game. I believe Irelia finished with a 30/3 score.
Tbh, I've really lost faith in myself as it pertains to this game. I'm so sick of 50-100 point Elo swings. I just lost 5 ranked games in a row, and while I fed in some of them, a lot of it was because of really moronic teammates. I mean, If you have to be told to use your CV, you're a terrible player.

I've wanted to quit LoL for a while, but every time I try I end up reinstalling, it's just too addictive. Hopefully this time I can leave it for good.


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Tbh, I've really lost faith in myself as it pertains to this game. I'm so sick of 50-100 point Elo swings. I just lost 5 ranked games in a row, and while I fed in some of them, a lot of it was because of really moronic teammates. I mean, If you have to be told to use your CV, you're a terrible player.

I've wanted to quit LoL for a while, but every time I try I end up reinstalling, it's just too addictive. Hopefully this time I can leave it for good.
I really know how to you feel. I've swung from 1400~ to 1213 by nearly no fault of my own. I have some bad games, yes, but those are usually like 4-4-10 or something. I know I could have kept climbing, but I don't see what the problem is. I might need to start ordering my team's team comp around more on the selection page.

Just recently I've gone 18-2-10 as Sion, 6-1-17 as Lux, and 10-2-10 as Cho'Gath (a couple times) and all in losing cases. The people I am playing against are way below my skill level if I can do that every game, and statistics say I should be winning over 50% of my games if those are the numbers I pull off consistently in my current ELO, but alas, no.

You really do need a good duo queue partner to climb out of ELO hell. Since you jungle/tank with Udyr, I can probably carry Sion/Lux or what have you to some good effect. Having an intelligent jungler with map awareness is amazing -_-. I just cannot do it, though, in ranked. I definitely do not have enough experience.

I've told myself several times I'll quit ranked since it is obviously not getting me better playing against the idiots I am playing with, and I am not able to climb out of it due to my teammates. Yet I keep playing.

Yay me.
I really know how to you feel. I've swung from 1400~ to 1213 by nearly no fault of my own. I have some bad games, yes, but those are usually like 4-4-10 or something. I know I could have kept climbing, but I don't see what the problem is. I might need to start ordering my team's team comp around more on the selection page.

Just recently I've gone 18-2-10 as Sion, 6-1-17 as Lux, and 10-2-10 as Cho'Gath (a couple times) and all in losing cases. The people I am playing against are way below my skill level if I can do that every game, and statistics say I should be winning over 50% of my games if those are the numbers I pull off consistently in my current ELO, but alas, no.

You really do need a good duo queue partner to climb out of ELO hell. Since you jungle/tank with Udyr, I can probably carry Sion/Lux or what have you to some good effect. Having an intelligent jungler with map awareness is amazing -_-. I just cannot do it, though, in ranked. I definitely do not have enough experience.

I've told myself several times I'll quit ranked since it is obviously not getting me better playing against the idiots I am playing with, and I am not able to climb out of it due to my teammates. Yet I keep playing.

Yay me.
Yeah, we should duo sometime.

Like I said earlier, this is probably for the best, since finals week is almost upon me, and it's a good thing that I'm studying instead of playing LoL for a few hours a day. But yeah, after finals I'll prob be back.

I don't know, it's really bipolar. If you look at my KDAR's, for both Udyr and Cho'Gath it's almost 3.0 (it WAS 3.0 before I had some really bad Udyr games), which indicates that I usually do fairly well. Actually, the first time I played Udyr in Ranked, I fed 3-12. Since then, I go between amazing games where I get scores like 6-0-10, and terribad games where I do stuff like 1-6-9.

I've resolved to have try to get some go-to champs for every role in the game so I'm not stuck doing stuff like sidelaning as Cho'Gath, which is a miserable job unless you get the farm. Of course, I'll only play 2v2 Bot if I'm 5thpick, in which case since I have the worst ranking on the team, I should probably be support. I have no idea what to do for 1v1 Mid, since I rarely solo mid or play carries since I'm not comfortable with them.

1v1 Top: Cho'Gath, Swain, Sion
1v1 Mid: Sion, Urgot?
2v2 Bot: Janna, Alistar
Jungler: Udyr, Amumu, Yi


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Yeah, for what I do though most of my champions have a great dual role:

Solo Mid/Top: Sion/Cho'Gath
Duo Bot: Sion/Cho'Gath/Lux/Taric

I "can" solo Lux as well, but not Taric. I can play Urgot decently, but ranged AD carries have honestly never been my strong point.
ranged ad carries are difficult for me because there's all the pressure of 'GAIN 100 CS IN 15 MINUTES' when you take solo mid, you get focused all the time in team fights, you feel like you let down your team when you die...it is cool to deeps down any player in like 3 seconds but that opportunity rarely comes. twisted fate is an exception because gate lets you pull off near-impossible ganks...if this game had a replay feature i'd make a video of my best gate ganks for sure. also twisted fate is more of a soft carry since he doesn't have the scaling or skills to hard carry a game, unlike kog'maw. all five of kog'maw's skills are designed for killing, and i'm sure there's some players out there who enjoy playing kog but the whole kog/ashe/tris/corki/mf gang isn't for me

if i had to pick which champion archetype i do best as i would have to say the bulky deeps heroes, where you run into the middle of their team and kill like two of them before finally dying. i really enjoy playing nasus, warwick, mundo etc. i also enjoy shen, other tanks not so much. the big moments in playing shen come from having the enemy team throw all their cc at you because you taunted their carry, and enduring for a few seconds while your team takes them all out.

i'm getting really proficient at jungle yi. there's nothing quite like alpha striking the enemy jungler's wraiths while he's doing them and smacking him for heaps until he runs away. highlander and ghost means you can sexually abuse his jungle and always get away with it too
Skarm, how on earth do you manage to play Duo Cho'Gath if it's not agreed upon that you get the farm? Because I play Cho'Gath a lot, and I've failed every single time I didn't solo, or take all the farm in a duo.

I kinda fail as Urgot, to be honest. And I don't really like to play solo lanes, but when you're appointed team captain, you have to play an important role on the team.

The best I've done in an actual match is break 100 cs in 13 minutes as Cho'Gath, which is pretty impressive, though not top level by any means. I've heard of Bigfatjiji being able to hit 110-112 (perfect score) in 10 minutes or so.

And of course, the only champs I can last-hit well with are Sion and Cho'Gath, though I'm doing last-hit training drills with Swain (it's a lot harder).


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Skarm, how on earth do you manage to play Duo Cho'Gath if it's not agreed upon that you get the farm? Because I play Cho'Gath a lot, and I've failed every single time I didn't solo, or take all the farm in a duo.
I don't make any such agreements. I can usually do fine since my combo of Q + W will destroy most of the wave as it is. Early game you might suffer, but you'll pick it back up again anyway. The same is true for Sion. Both Cho'Gath and Sion farm extremely well as they gain levels, and duo laning doesn't pose a problem because I usually make it back and end up with top farm on my team anyway.

The last game I played I went bottom duo as Sion with a Jarvan partner. He got more last hits early, but then I just didn't say anything and took them all. Plus, in any higher ranked game it should be unstated that the 'carry' if there is one should get it. Additionally if there's a support bot lane with you, they shouldn't be farming much as it is.

Last hitting isn't something I really practice because it always depends on who you're laning against and who could possibly be ganking you. If you are not able to last hit well in any circumstance is when you should train.

Than again, you playing a lot of jungle, mtr, is why your last hitting is lacking if thats the case. Our jungler always goes "oh, right, this is a little off now" after he plays like 5 jungle games in a row. That's just natural.
Yeah, I jungle way more than is good for me,to be honest. I probably lasthit worse than most players at my level if I don't use Sion or Cho'Gath.
I usually play champs that have good last hitting abilities (like Annie, Kat, Akali, and Shen) since they dont really "cost" anything. It makes it really easy to farm in the laning phase.

I agree with the person who said that its more pressure than its worth playing a ranged carry, but it is fun when you succeed. As much as people say she sucks, I love me some Caitlyn. <3
I usually play champs that have good last hitting abilities (like Annie, Kat, Akali, and Shen) since they dont really "cost" anything. It makes it really easy to farm in the laning phase.

I agree with the persn wo said that its more pressure than its wort playing a ranged carry, but it is fun when you succeed. As much as peopld say she sucks, I love me some Caitlyn. <3
Lol, I'm the exact opposite, my favorite champs are melee Fighter/Bruisers like Udyr. Whenever I play a ranged carry I'm actually afraid to attack people. But playing someone like Udyr lets me go Leeeroy Jenkins on people.
I'm not too good at laning either, hence the reason I jungle almost exclusively. However, I am trying to improve. I'm thinking of learning Ezreal - I've had him for a while and his ultimate just got a huge buff. Any opinions?

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