League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I just played 2 games. Both with AP Taric. I was playing as Twitch both times so I laned with what I thought was Support/Tank Taric. One guy was like 25/2 with AP Taric, the other guy was 1/9/8. Is AP Taric viable? Dis-Cuss.
Vayne hurts like a bitch, just go in whenever you think you'll win the trade. The key is knowing how much damage output you can do in comparison to the other pair.
I can attest to this. To add something helpful watch Chaox's recent Vayne video here, I started doing some of the things he was doing like harassing more with Tumble (used to spells not being good for harass because I played Ashe before) and it really does help.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I'm feeling like Vayne will always come out on top. I laned against her as Ezreal and whiped the floor with her, but 30 minutes into the game she was assassinating the fuck out of me in team fights and costing me BT stacks. The funny thing is they also had a Graves who my team fed early but I beat him 1 to 1 most of the time. We won but it was hard fought.

I really am starting to think Wukong is sleeper op. I've never seen another tanky dps carry a team as often and as hard as I've seen him do it, and the scary thing is he can even build glass cannon (shouldn't but) and can still be very hard to kill due to his powerful CC.

I have always endeavored to be mediocre with Teemo. If I break even that's a pretty exciting game. I win my lanes, I've built tanky dps like you guys have said, but he still melts in team fights without doing much damage.

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
God, I love Wukong. I like tanky champions that can cause a high amount of disruption in a teamfight and his entire kit is so much fun to play. Though I'm at a point where for some bizarre reason one of my other teammates calls solo top, so I'm forced to go bot, I don't get as much farm, then end up struggling to carry. :| I remember one game I lost where the other teammates were Anivia, Cait, Soraka, and some jungler, and fucking Anivia went top, Cait mid, and I ended up feeding bot against an aggro Panth/Talon lane while everyone else lost their lane as well. I wonder if he's viable for jungling, because it's fucking annoying how everyone just insta-locks without paying attention to team roles...
I'm feeling like Vayne will always come out on top. I laned against her as Ezreal and whiped the floor with her, but 30 minutes into the game she was assassinating the fuck out of me in team fights and costing me BT stacks. The funny thing is they also had a Graves who my team fed early but I beat him 1 to 1 most of the time. We won but it was hard fought.
a good graves or caitlyn beats vayne most of the time
in game with pookar and marth

pookar lee sin
marth chogath
me vayne
some other dude taric
some other dude mid lux with heal

going to update this in real time

edit 1: 1:00 easy first blood on ezreal

edit 2: jesus i went full retard this game
in game with pookar and marth

pookar lee sin
marth chogath
me vayne
some other dude taric
some other dude mid lux with heal

going to update this in real time

edit 1: 1:00 easy first blood on ezreal

edit 2: jebus i went full retard this game

Do you think this AP/AS Teemo will work? Greaves, Nashor's, Malady, Deathcap, Wits End, -filler-


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Despite what most people say, I honestly kinda find AP Teemo to be more annoying in general. His poke is better, though his sustained damage is not, and AP mushrooms are safer wards because they deal too much damage for people to run over on purpose for the sake of removing them. (It also makes them more potent anti-melee tools and they hurt enough to grab posthumous kills when you just barely die to someone.) But Teemo's sustained damage is ass anyway unless you get way more fed than everyone else, and he has zero burst and minimal chasing power to finish off anyone trying to flee if he does out-DPS them, so who cares about his sustained damage. ;[

Teemo usually builds on-hit though, pookar. Honestly Nashor's isn't bad on him at all either, you have 75% or so uptime on Blinding Dart at max CDR so you can really ruin an auto-attacker's day by itemizing your CDR. Probably better off getting Frozen Heart or Shurelya's so you're tankier, however, because Wit's End by itself doesn't make you particularly tanky. Nobody builds Nashor's and only dickheads build Deathcap, get an early Phage that becomes a late-game Frozen Mallet. Tons of HP and helps you secure kills because now everyone can't just run away from you.

tank shaco da bess trololo

bad tryndamere was crying because I killed him three or four times sitting on zhonya's and fearing him through the duration of his ult, shoulda packed cleanse scrub
Well the goal of it is to maximize the damage done by the poison proc on hit, while still getting a ton of AS. And with this build you still get SOME damage with your shrooms/Binding Dart. And lol AD Teemo? What about Sheen proc on Teemo? It seems good on paper. Now only if it proc'ed with poison proc...
What about Sheen
on Teemo?

Anyways, got Rumble recently. Really confused on the type of mage he is, he is supposed to be built tanky caster right? Maxing out Q usage and his passive which seems decent enough but really don't understand the potential of it yet. Advisable to get into red zone in duels? 110 min magic damage on hit sounds nice

This is my build so far from recommended items and guides

-early hextech r. for sub-par sustenance as solo top/mid. Build into WoA
-Sorceror shoes/Merc Treads. All other shoes don't seem beneficial
-Start building Deathcap+Rylais
-Abysmal Sceptor/Void Staff depending on MRES of enemy team comp. Generally go with former
-Last item is situational. Usually I go with Sunfire cape if the enemy doesn't have a Tryndamere/AD Shaco and would build it early. Othertimes GA or if I am really good, Zhonya's (which active component seems not needed on Rumble but armor is quite needed) bot of which I focus last. Really stumped on the item to fill in, would appreciate help


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Rylai's after Wota is best because Rumble is strongest early to mid game, and the slow on top of his ult slow means the enemy takes massive damage from his ult. Rumble's a bully in lane that has no costs so yea, go items that have secondary effects on him (Wota, Rylais, Abysmal, etc).
first of all it is abyssal scepter, not abysmal.

second of all yes wota into rylai's is good but if you are super-winning in lane then build deathcap after wota for very stronk midgame!!!

teemo build on-hit tanky deeps or bust. wit's end very strong. malady okay. wriggle's very strong. atmog's or fratma's very strong. triforce okay.
Hello guys I'm gonna start hosting Smogon Inhouse Custom Games. The rules are simple: the first 9 to post wanting join will be added to the list below and PM'd a password to get into the game. The game itself will be a standard 5v5 match but in future games we could switch up the rules if you guys want (all random, all mid, etc.) I will be hosting the first match on Monday the 26th at 6:00 PM PST with the game name being Smogon.

1. JonnyRolo
Derp. I might be able to play. Add a sub for me or something. I'm not that great though. My LoL trash talk "HEY, YOU PURPLE GAYLORDS, PREPARE TO WIN!"

EDIT: nvm. I'm out. I have a party to go to.
I was watching Crs play today and Elementz, I have no clue what goes through that mind of his, was using SUPPORT Yorick. How many supporting abilities does he have? Like, uh, 0. He fed like a boss.

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