(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon


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Pryce- W-why is your ace lower-leveled than the ace of the previous gym leader? Why are all your Pokemon lower leveled than Jasmine's in OG GSC? You come l-later.. and are supposed to be harder... ...Let's just please move on.
While I agree that the GSC gym leaders have very lackluster teams (worst in the series with BW1 as a close second) Pryce isn't actually after Jasmine, he's challengeable immediately after the Team Rocket hideout event which you only need Surf for, and it's not like you skip past Chuck or Jasmine's gym along the way to Pryce.

Pryce is basically Chuck.

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
While I agree that the GSC gym leaders have very lackluster teams (worst in the series with BW1 as a close second) Pryce isn't actually after Jasmine, he's challengeable immediately after the Team Rocket hideout event which you only need Surf for, and it's not like you skip past Chuck or Jasmine's gym along the way to Pryce.

Pryce is basically Chuck.
Just curious, what exactly do you find wrong with the BW1 teams? I think the Pokemon selections are completely fine, even if some could've been better (Elesa could've had another Electric replace Emolga #2 and Drayden could've had Zweilous over Fraxure), and I'd say they're even kind of impressive in a way considering the restricted Pokedex and how Generations like 1 and OG DP 4 have struggled to make decent teams under similar restrictions. They're not above average by any means, but I wouldn't dare call them a "close second" to Gen 2's leaders under any circumstance, those are on a whole new tier of suck.
I personally dislike the Gen 6 gyms and RS/ORAS gyms a lot. I've said elsewhere that the latter is just them using a very strange and restrictive selection that extends to Wattson not even having Manectric, but the Gen 6 gyms are arguably worse for it. As I recall the vast majority had a single new pokemon alongside two Gen 1 Pokémon, and even beyond that selection; even the eighth gym leader only had three Pokémon. I'm not a big fan of small teams in general even around Gym 5, but Wulfric should have had a team of 5 or even 4. As-is I think the Gen 6 leaders are easily the most forgettable and half-hearted leaders in the series.

Why are gen 2 major NPC teams so terrible? Why are gen 2 major NPC teams so terrible? Why are gen 2 major NPC teams so terrible?

Like yeah I get it blah blah Gen 2 was meant to be a sequel to Gen 1 so they gave just as much focus to Kanto mons blah blah. Well even putting that aside (which I won't), these teams still suck
That's probably referring to me since I say it every 2 minutes, so I should probably make it clear: I'm only saying that's likely the reason for it. That doesn't mean I think it's a good reason, and Bugsy and Falkner for instance should 100% have had a Ledian and a Hoothoot or something. Hell, even throw a curveball and give Falkner a Hoppip to mess with us. I like them making the flying gym the first in Johto because it screws with expectations that the Fire starter is the worst against gym 1 while the Grass and Water ones make it a cakewalk; so screw with that expectation even further!

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
I personally dislike the Gen 6 gyms and RS/ORAS gyms a lot. I've said elsewhere that the latter is just them using a very strange and restrictive selection that extends to Wattson not even having Manectric, but the Gen 6 gyms are arguably worse for it. As I recall the vast majority had a single new pokemon alongside two Gen 1 Pokémon, and even beyond that selection; even the eighth gym leader only had three Pokémon. I'm not a big fan of small teams in general even around Gym 5, but Wulfric should have had a team of 5 or even 4. As-is I think the Gen 6 leaders are easily the most forgettable and half-hearted leaders in the series.
Oh yeah, totally. I honestly don't know which has the worst gym leader roster, 2 or 6. They're both awful in their own ways: I've already gone over how laughable Gen 2's teams are, meanwhile Gen 6's gym leaders feel like a total regression to what I call "generic boss fight syndrome": A problem mainly in early generations where Gym Leaders feel less like actual characters and more like bland progress markers that toss out stronger-than-usual Pokemon at you. In the end I think Gen 6 is slightly worse because at least I can have a hearty laugh at the expense of the Gen 2 cast, meanwhile XY Gym Leaders are just boring and forgettable. I dunno how we went from these fucks to the endlessly charming and memorable Gen 7 Kahunas and Gen 8 Gym Leaders, but I am NOT complaining at all.
Oh yeah, totally. I honestly don't know which has the worst gym leader roster, 2 or 6. They're both awful in their own ways: I've already gone over how laughable Gen 2's teams are, meanwhile Gen 6's gym leaders feel like a total regression to what I call "generic boss fight syndrome": A problem mainly in early generations where Gym Leaders feel less like actual characters and more like bland progress markers that toss out stronger-than-usual Pokemon at you. In the end I think Gen 6 is slightly worse because at least I can have a hearty laugh at the expense of the Gen 2 cast, meanwhile XY Gym Leaders are just boring and forgettable. I dunno how we went from these fucks to the endlessly charming and memorable Gen 7 Kahunas and Gen 8 Gym Leaders, but I am NOT complaining at all.
I feel I'd give the point to Gen 2 here. At least that had Whitney's Miltank and Clair's Kingdra in there; a lot of the teams are badly designed, but there's some genuinely memorable and even challenging parts in there.

Gen 6's, though? ... well, I like Korrina's team; and she's definitely the most interesting gym leader in the entire game -- actually existing outside of her gym, having multiple battles with you and being directly involved in the game's lore. It's not a lot, but it does help flesh out her character a bit; and it actually helps make some of the Pokémon she uses a bit more memorable as well. Lucario is a Pokémon newly capable of Mega Evolution, and her gym ace is Hawlucha; one of the cooler new Gen 6 Pokémon. Her team mostly consisting of Lucario, Hawlucha and Mienfoo also fits with her character and aesthetic; being someone much more based around speed and athletism than someone like Chuck or Bruno. And also Machoke is there to remind you either that Gen 1 was the best game ever made, or that even though she's more into agility than straight-up brawling, she could probably still punch your brains out if she wanted.

But aside from that, I fail to come up with anything memorable about the Gen 6 leaders' teams or them giving me any issue. The only thing that comes to mind is Viola's Rage Powder Vivillon, but beyond that I absolutely prefer the Gen 2 leaders. There's just a lot more there and a lot more I can say about them.


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Just curious, what exactly do you find wrong with the BW1 teams? I think the Pokemon selections are completely fine, even if some could've been better (Elesa could've had another Electric replace Emolga #2 and Drayden could've had Zweilous over Fraxure), and I'd say they're even kind of impressive in a way considering the restricted Pokedex and how Generations like 1 and OG DP 4 have struggled to make decent teams under similar restrictions. They're not above average by any means, but I wouldn't dare call them a "close second" to Gen 2's leaders under any circumstance, those are on a whole new tier of suck.
Incredibly tiny teams, with the 8th gym leader being the first in the series to have only 3 Pokemon, something which definitely helps take away from difficulty. The issue here is that this feels like it's done by a poor decision on type order than anything else. Both Ice and Dragon have literally 3 family lines that aren't legendaries and they're stuck at the end while the more expansive Fire/Water/Grass types get shafted into a single Pokemon in the first gym.

The first gym is the worst gym in the series honestly. It's more a tutorial on type matchups (again???) because beating the monkey with your starter is infeasible and the exp curve in gen 5 is so bad that it's very difficult to brute force via levels. Meanwhile, the free monkey can take its opposite number on with no additional preparation.

The gym of course also isn't monotype (only one Pokemon in the entire gym, leaders and trainers both, is on-type) and in this case is even worse considering that the Lillipup line features in 3 of the first 5 major trainers' teams (Bianca, leader 1, Lenora) and is the lead in every case.

I found none of the BW1 gym teams memorable aside from the first, and that was only in a negative way. While other regions have a fair share of weak gym teams, none really manage to hit the same levels of dull and uninspiring that BW1 manages with the exception of XY which honestly probably is worse than BW1 overall.
I personally dislike the Gen 6 gyms and RS/ORAS gyms a lot. I've said elsewhere that the latter is just them using a very strange and restrictive selection that extends to Wattson not even having Manectric, but the Gen 6 gyms are arguably worse for it. As I recall the vast majority had a single new pokemon alongside two Gen 1 Pokémon, and even beyond that selection; even the eighth gym leader only had three Pokémon. I'm not a big fan of small teams in general even around Gym 5, but Wulfric should have had a team of 5 or even 4. As-is I think the Gen 6 leaders are easily the most forgettable and half-hearted leaders in the series.
So the 3 pokemon holdover from gen 5 is absolutely bad and the fact they just did nothing with the gym leaders stands in stark contrast to gens 4, 5 ,7 AND 8

but in terms of the actual generation composition I think gen 6 isn't terrible.

Viola: Gen 3, Gen 6
Grant: Gen 6, Gen 6
Korrina: Gen 5, Gen 1, Gen 6 (& her other battle had Lucarios but eh)
Ramos: Gen 2, Gen 1, Gen 6
Clemont: Gen 5, Gen 1, Gen 6
Valerie: Gen 3, Gen 1, Gen 6
Olympia: Gen 5, Gen 2, Gen 6
Wulfric: Gen 4, Gen 5, Gen 6

That string of gen 1's is a bit brow raising but the picks themselves aren't hideous and it's just the middle 4 gyms. It honestly feels like a coincidence which is fairly rare for me to say wrt gen 1 stuff. & I think they specifically leaned into a variet of generatiosn (Grant is the only exceptoin here) because of how dang huge the kaloss dex is & hogw small gen 6 was.
Honestly I kind of like the picks over all, there's some interesting stuff in there like Viola's Surskit, Ramos' Jumpluff, or Olympia's Slowking. Even some of the gen 1 picks are kinda neat. Mr. Mime was used by Sabrina but it's always an eclectic pick and seeing it instead of Gardevoir as the psychic/fairy representative is kind of fun.

*sigh* maybe in a Z they would have had 4 or, dare I say it, 5 Pokemon by the end and we'd have even more variety though...speaking of

Gen 4:
Roark: Gen 1, Gen 1, Gen 4
Gardenia: Gen 4, Gen 4, Gen 4
Maylene: Gen 3, Gen 1, Gen 4
Wake: Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 4
Fantina: Gen 4, Gen 1, Gen 4 -> Gen 3, Gen 1, Gen 4
Byron: Gen 4, Gen 2, Gen 4 -> Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 4
Candice: Gen 4, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4 -> Gen 2, Gen 2, Gen 4, Gen 4
Volkner: Gen 1, Gen 4, Gen 2, Gen 4 -> Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 4, Gen 4

The gen 1 picks dont stand out as much when the last 2 leaders have 4 pokemon (Roark & Gardenia having 3 also helps) and when they actually do pull on other gen 4 Pokemon, but conceptually a split of Pokemon generations isn't that outlandish. I think it's fun that Gardenia has a full set of gen 4 Pokemon, a leader having nothing but their generation is fairly rare (gen 1 & BW1 excluded, of course), especially once you leave the 2

And Gen 8 because I was thinking about it:
Milo: Gen 8, Gen 8
Nessa: Gen 1, Gen 8, Gen 8
Kabu: Gen 1, Gen 1, Gen 8
Bea: Gen 2, Gen 5, Gen 8, Gen 1
Alister: Gen 5, Gen 7, Gen 8, Gen 1
Opal: Gen 1, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 8
Gordie: Gen 6, Gen 2, Gen 8, Gen 8
Melony: Gen 8, Gen 5, Gen 8, Gen 1
Piers: Gen 5, Gen 6, Gen 4, Gen 8
Raihan: Gen 5, Gen 3, Gen 8, Gen 8

Touch and go for a bit there but having 4 pokemon for 5 gyms (& also 2 separate leaders for 4 & 6) helped distribution a lot, and I think having 8 gens under their belt helps it point out more. Gen 8 also made a point to have a number of families that line up with the types, which helps a lot too. Though I think the lack of dark & Dragons for gen 1 for Piers & Raihan might've helped but still!

Incidentally I liked the gen 6 leaders in the anime. They got to show off more personality and strategies and different Pokemon. the XY anime really pulled a lot f weight in general but that's for little things I like thread
I dont know why they gave bugsy 2 useless shitty mons. at least falkners pidgey knows mudslap, what the hell are kakuna and metapod gonna do? were they too scared of scyther being too strong? spinarak would fulfil the same niche of spamming string shot while actually knowing moves (it can learn night shade/slash which is cool as hell too. go spider go) and even though ledian is horrible it at least does something

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
I dont know why they gave bugsy 2 useless shitty mons. at least falkners pidgey knows mudslap, what the hell are kakuna and metapod gonna do? were they too scared of scyther being too strong? spinarak would fulfil the same niche of spamming string shot while actually knowing moves (it can learn night shade/slash which is cool as hell too. go spider go) and even though ledian is horrible it at least does something
What makes it even funnier in the case of HGSS is that in the core Gen 4 games the 2nd gym leader Gardenia not only has a motherfucking Roserade (a 3rd stage fully evolved mon when ur team might not even be at the 20s yet), but she also has a Turtwig and Cherrim to precede it. They're not amazing Pokemon or anything and the Turtwig is even unevolved despite being high enough level to become a Grotle, but it's better than Kakuna and Metapod and shows more fate in the players to take on strong foes.

Honestly the HGSS gym leaders are worse than the originals in a way because they barely improved the og teams at all
What makes it even funnier in the case of HGSS is that in the core Gen 4 games the 2nd gym leader Gardenia not only has a motherfucking Roserade (a 3rd stage fully evolved mon when ur team might not even be at the 20s yet), but she also has a Turtwig and Cherrim to precede it. They're not amazing Pokemon or anything and the Turtwig is even unevolved despite being high enough level to become a Grotle, but it's better than Kakuna and Metapod and shows more fate in the players to take on strong foes.

Honestly the HGSS gym leaders are worse than the originals in a way because they barely improved the og teams at all
being 100% honest i think they made the levels and teams on everything in gsc shit so that the red fight looked more challenging. if they went with pokemon on theirr 60s for e4 and gym leaders you'd probably be close to your 80s too due to the exp, at minimun on your 70s, which means red wouldnt look AS boss as he would, since his team isnt that good when the field level is the same (snorlax is the scariest but pikachu sucks, espeon dies to most physical moves, charizard weak to so much shit with kinda bad bulk, venusaur keeps wasting turns with solarbeam and blastoise is decent but doesnt hit that hard if you have a resist)

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
being 100% honest i think they made the levels and teams on everything in gsc shit so that the red fight looked more challenging. if they went with pokemon on theirr 60s for e4 and gym leaders you'd probably be close to your 80s too due to the exp, at minimun on your 70s, which means red wouldnt look AS boss as he would, since his team isnt that good when the field level is the same (snorlax is the scariest but pikachu sucks, espeon dies to most physical moves, charizard weak to so much shit with kinda bad bulk, venusaur keeps wasting turns with solarbeam and blastoise is decent but doesnt hit that hard if you have a resist)
Honestly it's probably because they wanted to cram in the two regions without the Kanto gym leaders getting to unrealistically high levels. At least that's the only explanation I can think of, and even that's extremely flimsy and poorly handled

Red's difficulty is IMO purely a byproduct of the ass level scaling pretty much guaranteeing you will be massively underleveled by the time you reach him. As you said when you break down his team none of his mons are truly super good other than Snorlax really
Honestly it's probably because they wanted to cram in the two regions without the Kanto gym leaders getting to unrealistically high levels. At least that's the only explanation I can think of, and even that's extremely flimsy and poorly handled

Red's difficulty is IMO purely a byproduct of the ass level scaling pretty much guaranteeing you will be massively underleveled by the time you reach him. As you said when you break down his team none of his mons are truly super good other than Snorlax really
i think steven is more deserving as a good hidden boss for the games. His difficulty isnt fabricated by horrible level scalling and his team both fits his theme of being a rock and steel enthusiast while actually having synergy and good mons. his skarmory spamming toxic is the most annoying shit ever LOL
Honestly the HGSS gym leaders are worse than the originals in a way because they barely improved the og teams at all
Looking at them, I mostly agree, though I really like what they did with Bugsy and Chuck, as they use different strategies in the remakes.

GSC Bugsy's gameplan is to solo your team with Fury Cutter Scyther, while HGSS Bugsy's gameplan is to solo your team with U-turn Scyther, with a key difference being that the cocoons actually have a purpose in HGSS (they're sacs for two free U-turns).

GSC Chuck's gameplan is to abuse Mind Reader + Dynamic Punch, with some Minder Reader + Hypnosis on the side. HGSS Chuck's gameplan is to use Hypnosis to prevent you from interrupting Focus Punch, and even has Primeape join in on the Focus Punch action with Double Team.


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If circumstantial evidence is anything to go off of, the Great Marsh was so dreadful that it may have single-handedly killed the entire Safari Zone concept, which up until DPP's release had been a series staple.
If that was the case I think they would have just gone back to the older, normal version. I think they just felt that most players didn't like the Safari Zone in general and nixed it... can't say I mind
I think what Kurona said is leaning toward the truth. Though DPPl's Great Marsh layout difficulty and HGSS's waiting gimmick may have shown their interests in Safari Zone-like areas was waning. They tried making them interesting, increasing the difficulty to catch the Pokemon in different ways, but by Gen V they probably felt it had become archaic so decided to stop.

Also note that in Gen I the Safari Zone was required to progress in the games, needing to give the Game Warden his teeth back for HM to get Surf. So in a way the Safari Zone was a sort of dungeon where you had to find the teeth and then the game warden within a certain number of steps + an entry fee. It was just that connected to this cost & time limit dungeon there was a special catching mechanic. So in a way the Safari Zone may not have meant to be a "traditional" thing all Pokemon games should have, it just sort of became one as a reference to Gen I until it got boring coming up with new ideas.

Falkner- Natu, Murkrow, Hoppip, Hoothoot, heck even Zubat I could've accepted since it got Crobat as a new evolution. But nope, a Pidgey and a Pidgetto. Nice going loser, first Gym Leader and we already have a team with no Gen 2 mons.

Bugsy- Again with no gen 2 mons, but I guess there's Scyther which did get Scizor as an evolution. But even then they had plenty of new Bugs to put in for the other 1-2 slots: Pineco, Yanma, Ledian/Ariados or their pre-evos all would've worked fine. But nope, motherfucking Kakuna and Metapod. Which should've evolved several levels ago. Yippee...

Morty- WHERE. THE. FUCK. IS. MISDREAVUS. They made a Ghost type gym but didn't include THE ONE NEW GHOST?! In fact, none of the trainers or Morty himself use that Pokemon in either the original GSC or HGSS. Heck, in the latter they coulda even given him Mismagius, would've caused some overlap with Fantina and might have been too much in conjunction with Gengar but good lord it's better than Gengar line spam. Remember kids: Fantina (A Gen 4 leader) and Allister (A Gen 8 leader) have more Pokemon derived from the cast of Gen 2 than the actual Gen 2 Ghost leader.

Chuck- An absolute disgrace of Gym Leader design. A whopping 2 Pokemon at gym number 5, awesome team bro. As for Pokemon selection, copy-paste the first half of my Morty rant with every mention of Misdreavus replaced with Hitmontop.

Bruno- Pretty neat team honestly, even has a Hitmontop... wait. The Kanto Elite Four member has the Johto Fighting type... but not the Johto Gym Lead- I AM GOING TO SMASH SOMETHING I SWEAR TO GOD

Lance- The worst Champion team, no ifs and or buts about it. The final challenge of this region and half of his team is the same fucking Pokemon. Oh, and no Gen 2 mons yet again, although I guess it's more forgivable since he's technically Kanto champion and there weren't many Dragons at this point. I mean, it's not like there was a Dragon type evolution to an old Gen 1 Pokemon introduced this generation that was also the ace of the canonical relative to Lance also introduced this generation that could've patched up the glaring weakness to Rock types...

Spr 2g 230.png

But if they did add a Pokemon like that, it would be pretty wild, no?
Falkner: Well for Xatu and Crobat they're the Signature Pokemon for Will & Koga, respectively. But, yeah, they could have given him at least Hoothoot instead of Pidgey.

Bugsy: I'm okay with Scyther but should have swapped the cocoon Pokemon for Spinarak and Yanma/Pineco.

Morty: Is badly missing Misdreavus, even if it's not his main would have been something else besides another Haunter.

Chuck: Should have had at least a Heracross, would make more sense then Poliwrath.

Bruno: I think Bruno here having a Gen 2 Pokemon but not the Fighting-type Johto Gym Leader represents a small problem Johto faced. All of Johto Gym Leader's Types weren't picked because they best felt they could make teams for them, they were picked because they didn't want to overlap with the Kanto Gym Leaders who you'll be battling later. This was probably a later decision after all the Pokemon were made, because I find it hard to believe if they had the Gym Leaders planned out they wouldn't have made a new Pokemon to be their ace.

Lance: Eh, I feel Lance's team was more of a callback to his original team so can't blame them for the three Dragonites. Also Kingdra is Clair's signature Pokemon.

As I recall the vast majority had a single new pokemon alongside two Gen 1 Pokémon, and even beyond that selection; even the eighth gym leader only had three Pokémon. I'm not a big fan of small teams in general even around Gym 5, but Wulfric should have had a team of 5 or even 4. As-is I think the Gen 6 leaders are easily the most forgettable and half-hearted leaders in the series.
I always thought the following made for a nice escalation:

Gyms 1, 2 & 3: 3 Pokemon
Gyms 4, 5, 6 & 7: 4 Pokemon
Gym 8 & Elite Four: 5 Pokemon
Champion: 6 Pokemon

First three wades the player into battles, provides a nice challenging amount but not too overwhelming. Next four brings it up to four to have the battles be a bit more lengthy than the other trainers but doesn't take too much time. Gym 8 acts as a gateway, marking the end of the Gym Challenge with the toughest Gym Leader but also preparing the player for the upcoming Elite Four. Finally the Champion should use a full team to show how skilled they are.

I like Korrina's team; and she's definitely the most interesting gym leader in the entire game -- actually existing outside of her gym, having multiple battles with you and being directly involved in the game's lore. It's not a lot, but it does help flesh out her character a bit; and it actually helps make some of the Pokémon she uses a bit more memorable as well. Lucario is a Pokémon newly capable of Mega Evolution, and her gym ace is Hawlucha; one of the cooler new Gen 6 Pokémon. Her team mostly consisting of Lucario, Hawlucha and Mienfoo also fits with her character and aesthetic; being someone much more based around speed and athletism than someone like Chuck or Bruno. And also Machoke is there to remind you either that Gen 1 was the best game ever made, or that even though she's more into agility than straight-up brawling, she could probably still punch your brains out if she wanted.
Only problems with Korrina is that she doesn't use Lucario in her Gym Battle. On top of that, despite having Hawlucha, her only Pokemon that isn't completely walled by a Ghost-type is Machoke who has Rock Tomb... which if you're using Honedge resists it. Also remember that for some stupid reason most Gen 6 trainers only had their Pokemon know 3 moves so each of Korrina's Pokemon had an empty move slot that could easily been used for a coverage: Mienfoo could have also had Rock Tomb or Aerial Ace, Machoke could have had Payback of Bulldoze, and Hawlucha given Aerial Ace or Acrobatics.

The first gym is the worst gym in the series honestly. It's more a tutorial on type matchups (again???) because beating the monkey with your starter is infeasible and the exp curve in gen 5 is so bad that it's very difficult to brute force via levels. Meanwhile, the free monkey can take its opposite number on with no additional preparation.
I kind of like that is a tutorial Gym though I also see what you mean. Maybe instead of a Lillipip they should have given the triplets a Pokemon that the Starter would be strong against before sending out the monkey they were weak against so at least the Starter got some screen time. Cilan would use a Roggenrola, Cress would use a Venipede, and Chili would use a Stunfish. While obviously this wouldn't get them strong enough to face the elemental monkey, would give them some role to play without mitigating them too much to the sidelines.
Go ahead, I'm curious. Just spoiler tag it if it's long
I'll give a short version of which gym leader teams I have a problem with first. Then, I'll go more in-depth with what changes I would make in the spoiler tags.

The only gym leaders whose teams I don't have a problem with in any of the Kanto-based games are Brock and Erika.
In Johto, the gym leaders whose teams I have problems with are Falkner, Morty, Jasmine, Pryce, and Clair.
In Hoenn, the gym leaders whose teams I have problems with are Roxanne, Wattson, Flannery, Norman, and Winona.
In Sinnoh, the only gym leader that I have a problem with is Candice.
In Unova, the gym leaders whose teams I have a problem with are Burgh, Elesa, and Drayden/Iris.
In Kalos, none of the gym leaders actually do either of the things that annoy me.
In Galar, the only gym leader that I have a problem with is Milo.

Misty - In the Gen 1 games and the Gen 3 remakes, she should've had a Goldeen instead of the Staryu. Fortunately, the Let's Go games swapped out the Staryu for a Psyduck.

Lt. Surge - In Red, Blue, and their Gen 3 remakes, he should've had a Magnemite instead of the Pikachu. Once again, the Let's Go games fixed that by actually giving him a Magnemite.

Koga - In Red, Blue and their Gen 3 remakes, he didn't need to have two Koffing. I think he could've just had three Pokémon: Muk and Weezing and an Arbok. His team in Yellow might be even worse, though. Why on earth did he have three Venonat and a Venomoth? Again, he could've just three Pokémon: Venomoth, a Golbat, and a Tentacruel.

Sabrina - In Red, Blue and their Gen 3 remakes, she should've had a Hypno instead of the Kadabra. In Yellow, she should have had a Mr. Mime and a Hypno instead of the Abra and the Kadabra.

Blaine - In Red, Blue, and their Gen 3 remakes, he should've had a Ninetales instead of having both Growlithe and Ponyta. True, that would've only given him three Pokémon, but he did have only three Pokémon in Yellow.

Giovanni - In Red, Blue, and their Gen 3 remakes, he could've had just four Pokémon like he does in the Let's Go games. Or, if they really wanted him to have 5 Pokémon back then, he could've been given a Sandslash. Either way, he shouldn't have had a Rhyhorn and his other Rhyhorn should've stayed as a Rhydon in FRLG.

Falkner - I agree with everyone else who says that he should have had a Hoothoot instead of the Pidgey.

Morty - There were four Ghost-Type Pokémon as of Generation 2 and the best they could do was give him Gastly, two Haunter, and Gengar…? At best, he should've had a Misdreavus instead of the Gastly and one of the Haunter. At worse, he could have just had two Pokémon: Misdreavus and either Haunter or Gengar. Considering that both Whitney and Chuck had only two Pokémon, though...

Jasmine - Never mind the fact that her Magnemite should've been a Magneton since they're at Level 30 during the gym battle, she should've had a Skarmory instead of one of the Magnemite.

Pryce - He should've had a Cloyster instead of the Seel. I could also see him having a Sneasel instead of the Seel.

Clair - In all of the Johto-based games, she should've just had three Pokémon: the Gyarados that she eventually gets in HGSS, one of the Dragonair, and the Kingdra.

Roxanne - What was the point of giving her a second Geodude in Emerald? It would've made more sense if she had kept her Ruby and Sapphire team of one Geodude and the Nosepass in Emerald.

Wattson - In Ruby, Sapphire and their Gen 6 remakes, he should've had an Electrike instead of the Magneton. In Emerald, he should've had only three Pokémon like in the other games by getting rid of the Electrike and keeping Voltorb, Magneton, and Manectric.

Flannery - She should've just her ORAS team of Slugma, Numel, and Torkoal in all of the Hoenn-based games.

Norman - In Ruby, Sapphire and their Gen 6 remakes, he should've had a Linoone and a Spinda instead of the Vigoroth and one of the Slaking. In Emerald, I think it would've been interesting if he had a Swablu instead of the Vigoroth.

Winona - In Emerald, she shouldn't have had the Swablu and just stuck with her other four Pokémon: Tropius, Pelipper, Skarmory, and Altaria.

Candice - Since there was only four Ice-Type Pokémon in Diamond and Pearl's regional Pokédex, they did the best they could with her team, even if she did end up using both Snover and Abomasnow. I don't think there's any way her team could've been fixed other than her using three Pokémon instead of four by getting rid of the Snover.

Burgh - In Black 2 and White 2, he should've had a Vespiquen instead of his Swadloon in Easy and Normal Modes, especially considering he and Cheren are the only two Gym Leaders who don't use pre-Generation 5 Pokémon in any of the difficulty modes.

Elesa - In Black and White, she should've had a Tynamo instead of one of the Emolga.

Drayden/Iris - In Black and White, they should've had a Deino instead of the Fraxure.

Milo - He should've had a Lombre and a Nuzleaf instead of the Gossifleur. Not only have Lombre and Nuzleaf never been used by a Gym Leader before as far as I remember, but it would also have given him three Pokémon like Nessa and Kabu.
Alright, let me break these down
Misty - In the Gen 1 games and the Gen 3 remakes, she should've had a Goldeen instead of the Staryu. Fortunately, the Let's Go games swapped out the Staryu for a Psyduck.
Any reason for Goldeen specifically?
Koga - In Red, Blue and their Gen 3 remakes, he didn't need to have two Koffing. I think he could've just had three Pokémon: Muk and Weezing and an Arbok. His team in Yellow might be even worse, though. Why on earth did he have three Venonat and a Venomoth? Again, he could've just three Pokémon: Venomoth, a Golbat, and a Tentacruel.
What's up with Tentacruel? other than that, this is mostly solid.
Sabrina - In Red, Blue and their Gen 3 remakes, she should've had a Hypno instead of the Kadabra. In Yellow, she should have had a Mr. Mime and a Hypno instead of the Abra and the Kadabra.
Her team is like that in Yellow to reference how she only used that family in the anime. It doesn't excuse the poor design though.
Giovanni - In Red, Blue, and their Gen 3 remakes, he could've had just four Pokémon like he does in the Let's Go games. Or, if they really wanted him to have 5 Pokémon back then, he could've been given a Sandslash. Either way, he shouldn't have had a Rhyhorn and his other Rhyhorn should've stayed as a Rhydon in FRLG.
Marowak is actually my first thought to flock to instead of Sandslash. Marowak seems like it fits Giovanni more than Sandslash.
Jasmine - Never mind the fact that her Magnemite should've been a Magneton since they're at Level 30 during the gym battle, she should've had a Skarmory instead of one of the Magnemite.
IMO Foretrees is a better pick than Skarmory for them, but true.
Norman - In Ruby, Sapphire and their Gen 6 remakes, he should've had a Linoone and a Spinda instead of the Vigoroth and one of the Slaking. In Emerald, I think it would've been interesting if he had a Swablu instead of the Vigoroth.
But then he couldn't use the Swablu in rematches because it would loose the Normal typing upon evolving. Besides Swellow would probably fit him better. (Winoa doesn't use Swellow in Emerald)
Milo - He should've had a Lombre and a Nuzleaf instead of the Gossifleur. Not only have Lombre and Nuzleaf never been used by a Gym Leader before as far as I remember, but it would also have given him three Pokémon like Nessa and Kabu.
Nuzleaf would be fine, but something like Cherrubi would probably be a better pick over Lombre. (that could also have let them implement version-exclusive teams, but that probs wouldn't happen)

Anything else I don't mention i don't have comments on.
I think balance should also be kept in mind here. Sure, Nuzleaf and Lombre sound very good for Milo, and it gives him three Pokémon... but Milo is the first gym in the entire region. For balance reasons, I can see why they'd keep his Pokémon count low and why they wouldn't make all his team evolved Pokémon, and at that a large variety of types that a first-time player may not understand.
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Today I was messing around with KOing the high-level Pokemon in the Wild Area on the first visit. I was aiming for the Level 60 Pokemon, and found a reasonably consistent way to beat the Kommo-o. It actually required little enough investment that I wondered if it might even be viable for the speedrun, since the scaled exp from a Level 60 Pokemon would be a huge temporary boost for the earlygame. But when I actually went to do it, I got roughly 1800 exp...disappointing, to say the least. My Pokemon were around Level 10-16, so I thought maybe using a Level 1 Pokemon would give me the crazy results I was hoping for, but even that only got 3965 exp. This seemed really off (Leon's similarly-leveled Pokemon give about that much exp when you're using Pokemon in the late fifties), so I tried it on a postgame file to see if something was up. Sure enough, I got the ridiculous exp I was hoping for with a Level 1 Pokemon: 16332. I played with the experience formula and found the annoying truth: the Kommo-o I originally fought was treated as though it was Level 20, the current catching cap. So that's my minor grievance: if you're able to go through the trouble of beating these superpowered Pokemon, you should at least be compensated for the full exp. Yeah it breaks the difficulty curve for a bit (a Level 1 Pokemon would shoot up to mid-late 20s), but if you know how to do this in the first place it's not like the main game would be an issue at all.
More a case of retrospective, but it now kinda annoys me that Whitney’s gym is shaped like Clefairy. I know fairy didn’t exist yet, but it’s still weird going back to do a gen iv nuzlocke.


Cod Mod
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Honestly it's probably because they wanted to cram in the two regions without the Kanto gym leaders getting to unrealistically high levels. At least that's the only explanation I can think of, and even that's extremely flimsy and poorly handled
Yes, this is probably the reason. If you look at evolution levels and level-up movepools, most Pokémon reach the end of their "growth" around level 55-60 or so. Very few Pokémon have any further content of note to offer if you level them up past that point, especially back in the days of Gen II. I think this limitation set a cap on how high levels could go during the game's story, and so the levels were scaled backwards from that point (minus Red, whose levels were placed a lot higher so he could be a challenge). This lead to a bit of weirdness such as having the seventh Gym leader barely scratch past level 30 with their ace Pokémon, or the second Gym Leader not even having Pokémon past level 16. The need for the level curve to not hit 60 until the end of Kanto really made Johto feel rather underwhelming: the region of Pokémon mostly below level 30.

Interestingly, I see that a lot of Pokémon fangame creators ignore the principle of designing backwards from the "end of growth" level, and the games really suffer for it. What's the use of giving the Elite Four Pokémon at level 100 if there's nothing interesting going on past level 60? This approach generally leads to the player experiencing most of their team's growth before the second Gym, their Pokémon will learn their last moves by level-up around the fifth Gym, and for the latter third of the game none of their team members change in any meaningful way. They will already be fully evolved with optimal movesets when a substantial chunk of the game remains, and this quickly becomes stale. Growth and progressive change is a very large part of Pokémon's appeal, and the game falls flat when this can't be delivered at a satisfactory pace.

So yeah, the Pokémon games have to do a bit of a balancing act. There's only so much progression a Pokémon can have. On one hand, there's the Gen II problem, with a wonky level curve because they're trying to portion out that growth so it's not burned out before the end of a 16-gym game. The result is a flat difficulty curve that's easy to overshoot and progress happening really slowly. On the other hand, you have fangames that jack up the bar at such a rapid pace that you run out of things to look forward to before the game is even halfway finished. The balance point lies somewhere in the middle, and I generally think most Pokémon games have been rather good at finding the sweet spot. Not perfect, of course, but within the range.

I really wonder how a Johto game without Kanto tacked on the end would have looked. I just feel that Kanto held Johto back in so many respects. Its Pokémon selection was all wonky (many of the most interesting Pokémon were put in Kanto instead, for some reason), it was pretty small geographically (because Kanto took a lot of space), its level curve was well below par, and even its story mainly continued in the exact tracks of Kanto. Johto on its own really could have shined, to the point that I almost hope that a future Johto revisit will ditch Kanto entirely to put more care into Johto itself.

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
I really wonder how a Johto game without Kanto tacked on the end would have looked. I just feel that Kanto held Johto back in so many respects. Its Pokémon selection was all wonky (many of the most interesting Pokémon were put in Kanto instead, for some reason), it was pretty small geographically (because Kanto took a lot of space), its level curve was well below par, and even its story mainly continued in the exact tracks of Kanto. Johto on its own really could have shined, to the point that I almost hope that a future Johto revisit will ditch Kanto entirely to put more care into Johto itself.
Dude, you just read my mind. This should honestly go into the unpopular opinions thread, but hell with it, I'mma say right now that if that hypothetical Let's Go Johto game does happen, I would be 100% content with the Kanto postgame being scrapped entirely if they did the following:


-Altered encounter tables so every single Johto Pokemon can be caught within the region at points reasonable enough to see use on in-game teams, as well as remaking NPC teams to feature the Pokemon cast of Johto front and center.

-Intensively redesigned parts of the game to truly give Johto a unique identity other than being "Kanto 2". Those bits of lore concerning the dogs, the mascots, Unown? Expand upon them! Add new areas to give the region even more lore and personality. Instead of Team Rocket being the main villains again and you travelling to the Indigo League in the finale, replace Rocket with a completely original villain team and give Johto its own Victory Road and Pokemon League with any one or more of Bruno, Koga or Lance replaced with brand new characters.

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
ok double post because idc + doesn't fit with previous post

Ever since I first played ORAS it always bothered me how the area where the Pokemon League is in is called Ever Grande City.


Ever Grande City. Ever Grande City.

If you're thinking it's a translation error, then you're kinda right? In Japanese this location is referred to as Saiyu City. It's a little less absurd than this largely secluded, undeveloped island being referred to as an "Ever Grande" city, but it's still called a city.
Ever Grande isn't a terrible localizaiton for it. Saiyu means "Finest". So something like "The FInest City". Ever Grande helps sell the majesty a little more, all the languages tackle it in a different way. My favorite is Spanish which went for..."Colossal City"

I'd say"Ever Grande" fits for a scenic resting place for the pokemon league, on a mountain you can only reach by waterfall.

But yeah I agree the "City" moniker isn't right at alllll. Should have just called it "Ever Grande Plateau" . It has a better run for the "Plateau" moniker than Inidigo Plateau does, imo.

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