Official Halo 3 Thread

Also, randomly this week my disc has started acting up and I can't load Last Resort, Valhalla, or Sandtrap, and some days I can't load Guardian and Isolation, but other days I can.
That happens to my friend a lot. Just log off and back on so you can reload the maps.
I just discovered team SWAT and holy shit, that's my mode. I love it and frequently get exterminations and at least 17 kills per match. This is the most fun I've had with Halo so far. I remember getting 44 kills on a match of SWAT 2 flag once.

So yeah. Hit me up if you want to play SWAT. I also play team slayer and team objective frequently.
Team SWAT isn't half bad but I've been having more fun with Team Snipers. I never used to be able to use the Sniper Rifle very well before giving it a try, but after a few hours of getting your head blown off, you get the hang of it, then it's the most insane test of precision and reflexes the game has to offer.

Even better is going back into the Team Slayer playlist and walking out with Killing Frenzies because you grabbed the sniper and fucked shit up. I can't wait until I can pull of consistent no-scopes. Right now I find myself finding a target, zooming into 5x and getting a headshot but in close quarters that doesn't work too well :/
Consistent no scopes don't exist to be honest. No scoping takes away auto-aim, and IMO that makes it more of a luck thing than something that is consistent, and can be mastered. I'm quite good at sniping myself, as I always grab snipe for my GB team.
This sucks, now I have to make a new account now that I've seen...exactly what my brother's been doing on my Da letter L account. Check it out, negative 51 exp and it's only gonna get worse >_>. I really don't want to be called a booster, again :s.

If you get a request from some variation of Da letter L, don't be surprised >_>.

Team SWAT isn't half bad but I've been having more fun with Team Snipers. I never used to be able to use the Sniper Rifle very well before giving it a try, but after a few hours of getting your head blown off, you get the hang of it, then it's the most insane test of precision and reflexes the game has to offer.

Even better is going back into the Team Slayer playlist and walking out with Killing Frenzies because you grabbed the sniper and fucked shit up. I can't wait until I can pull of consistent no-scopes. Right now I find myself finding a target, zooming into 5x and getting a headshot but in close quarters that doesn't work too well :/
Seriously skiddle, try mlg. Since it's only you, your BR, Sniper, Rockets and Carbine, you won't get bullets sprayed in your face with the ar and you won't see "that one noob with the needler" ending your spree.

It's not such a bad playlist if you can get into at least a 20 in that playlist, it gets pretty fun since all of the boosters and 2nd accounts are gone and behind you or, at least on your level.

Also, it's officially one more week until I get my 360 back... yay. Right on time for the mythic map pack.
So MLG removes all the nooby weapons then? That's great! Are they replaced by the "cool" weapons, IE on The Pit, the Needlers are replaced by Carbines?
FINALLY. it took me months, by my ranked K/D Ratio is finally 1.00 (1.01). A few months ago it was as low as 0.73, so i see this as a great improvement. i went from 0.99 to 1.01 in three games, squad battles (37 and +33, 37 and +26, 26 and + 18)
So MLG removes all the nooby weapons then? That's great! Are they replaced by the "cool" weapons, IE on The Pit, the Needlers are replaced by Carbines?
To see all of the modifications made to maps and game settings, look here: (linking to other sites is ok on smogon, right? If not I'll just PM him the link and remove it from this post):

The MLG versions of maps can be downloaded from the fileshare of "MLG Gametypes" (look it up on and dl from there). Amplified, Onslaught, and Lockdown are all Forge versions of Foundry created by users in the MLG community. More information on these maps can be found on the MLG forums.

To actually contribute to this thread, I haven't been doing so well lately so I haven't been playing as much. I am very rarely the worst person on my team, whether it be in kills, deaths, or objective time. I usually have a great knack of staying alive, but in some games I seem to die a lot unessecarily. I mostly play MLG, SWAT, and Snipers, aside from casual Social games with friends.
So MLG removes all the nooby weapons then? That's great! Are they replaced by the "cool" weapons, IE on The Pit, the Needlers are replaced by Carbines?
Basically, yeah. You don't have to rush to get the br every match and if you can predict, you can catch people going for the sniper and rockets (and os on the pit). Honestly, it's much more skill based than the other playlists since there's not that many weapons on each map meaning that you won't be stormed by someone with a needler or, humiliated when you're BRing some kid and he turns around only to kill you be spraying bullets in your face.

I can't wait until people start making slayer maps on sandbox's crypt. It's the perfect size for ts and can be customized better than foundry. Plus, I have an awsome idea for an infection game using all 3 levels of sandbox (no, it's not that omega journey crap for those wondering).

Orbital just looks like a campfest and I honestly don't wanna get stuck playing that game.

Assembly might just be a nice bts map, but, it looks campy with those two towers on both sides of the map.
Assembly looks to be awesome IMO, I watched a video and it has the Carbine on it, as well as Plasma Rifles. Both weapons I really enjoy using, but are kind of rare. I mean don't get me wrong, I love all the human weapons but sometimes it's cool to mix it up a bit.

I'm looking forward to Sandbox as well so I can make an accurate Blood Gulch remake. Valhalla (or standoff??) aren't really doing it for me.
All of the new maps look pretty fun, hopefully good Sandbox variants will get into matchmaking (Anvil and Smashed are both really terrible). I never got what the big deal about Blood Gulch was... I haven't played Halo CE but there's no cover at all, and it seems boring.

I mostly play Team/Social slayer, sometimes SWAT and Snipers. GT is sadeskimo, highest skill 39. I know I can hit 45 but I'm sick of Lone Wolves and don't have many friends to play with above 30... same reason I don't play MLG.

Also skiddle I ran into you today in matchmaking, your tag is Bourbon OWNS right? I knew I'd seen that name before but didn't remember it was you until now. It was a duels match on Guardian (neither of us did that good lol)
Haha, if it was the one where I got like -8, yeah I remember that one e_e

I played another team duals on Guardian RIGHT after and tried using the Magnum, I ended up with a +3 that time. man, I was off my game today... I had a lot of stuff going down and couldn't concentrate. Overall I actually lowered my K/D ratio. What was your GT again?
MLG is getting really tough now because every game we go in we play top 32 teams. We win a few, but the majority are losses. Our individual skills are even, it's just that their teamwork makes ours look awful.
I find it's easiest to kick ass in team games if you're all together in the same room. Four guys on one xbox (you need a big TV though) can communicate better than if you're all trying to keep it together on voice chat.

I don't have four friends who are on par with me skill wise, but I do have one, and he and I go into doubles all the time.

Grab your best halo buddies and see if you do better then. It's a huge advantage to play together, might be enough to get you some success.
Hey rekt, what's your gt? I dunno if you're willing to play with me but I'm a 33 in MLG and I keep getting paired up with people who quit, etc. I consider myself fairly skilled (obviously I'm not incredible but I'm decent) and I communicate pretty well. If you need a 4th guy to play with ever I'd be plenty willing to do so.
I'll add you because I know your tag. I'm a little bit too high of a level for you I think, but I know some kids that will play with you and win.
Grifball is finally back and I've been trying to get out of the negatives for the past few hours and ironicly, my team on grifball betrays me for the ball... not the other way around like it usually is.

Anywho, I really need to get back into MLG, I haven't used a BR in weeks (but, I just used a Sniper in a 30 minute warm up match ?_?) so, I might be getting rusty. Anyone wanna join me that's somewhere between 16 & 20-ish?
I'll add you because I know your tag. I'm a little bit too high of a level for you I think, but I know some kids that will play with you and win.
OK, just fyi I did change my tag once this summer, I don't know if you remember that. My current one is in the Xbox Live gamertags thread that is on these forums somewhere.
Watch this!

Or better yet, download it from Halo 3 Forum and I guarantee the quality will be way better than on your TV.
Woah, I usually despise montages but this one is an exception.

I'm particularly good with a double wielded sub machine gun at most games that doesn't involve BRs. Just a question of keeping a good amount of distance. Also, I don't know about you guys, but ever since I played Gears Of War, using the sniper has been "eh..." for me. I never took it afterwards.
My XBL ran out yesterday, so I've been messing around in Forge until I come to my senses and get another card.

Does anyone know why people always spawn at the top of those stairs in Foundry, even when there is no respawn point there? I made one of those boxed in close quarters maps and even though I have 24 respawns in the box, one or two players will spawn outside the box every time.

Wow, that montage is intense, but, like all the others, it's all BRs and Snipers... I know they're the best most reliable weapons, but sometimes I wish they'd mix it up just a bit. I don't mind seeing people kick ass with duals, ARs, or covenant weapons as long as it looks cool.
Watch this!

Or better yet, download it from Halo 3 Forum and I guarantee the quality will be way better than on your TV.
Wow, that's great O_O.

Does anyone know why people always spawn at the top of those stairs in Foundry, even when there is no respawn point there? I made one of those boxed in close quarters maps and even though I have 24 respawns in the box, one or two players will spawn outside the box every time.
When you're in forge, change the gametype and delete the starting spawn points for each gametype.
Sad to say that I got raped in the Str8 tage by Elamite.

Which part were you in? I just watched it again and didn't see you. He kills a guy named "Won shotttt" around 4:50, but unless you were using a different gamertag I didn't see you (and it is very possible I missed you).
It was on a different gamertag, but I don't feel like going back just to find it again because the file makes my computer explode.

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