Tournament OUPL III Week 5

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Banned deucer.
calling activity on behalf of CALLOUS idk the whole issue but tony wasn't really cooperating well nor tried to establish a scheduled time
[12:21 AM] Tony: @RichHandsomeTokyoTom have you seen Henry
[12:21 AM] Tony: at all the last few days
[12:33 AM] RichHandsomeTokyoTom: yeah, how come?
[12:35 AM] Tony: I'm playing him for OUPL
[12:35 AM] Tony: but I've heard from him once
[12:35 AM] Tony: and never since
[12:36 AM] RichHandsomeTokyoTom: take the win, no one on my team wants to play

I guess I get the activity win...
I'm also calling activity on behalf of myself. Here is a screenshot and my side of the story-

Dissecting the screenshot one by one...

ME- "Hey man. I don't believe you and I have ever crossed paths before. Nice to meet you! :) Seems we're opponents for OUPL. I'm US East and I have Thursday and Saturday off from work, so one of those would definitely be best for me, but I'll be as flexible as possible if neither of those work for you. Please let me know. :)"

I proactively message him first (immediately on Monday about 12 hours after the pairing was announced) and let him know my timezone and preferred days to play.

HIM- "I could try for around 4 PM EDT on Thursday, but my work hours are unpredictable at the moment so I might miss that time if I get called in. Saturday should work either way as a fall-back, though. And nice to meet you, too! ^_^"

He does not voice any objection whatsoever to the days I suggested or suggest another day or time. He says we can try for Thursday at 4PM.

ME- "Simple enough. I'll make a point to be on SmogTours, as well as message you here, at that time on Thursday. If it works it works and if it doesn't Saturday is fine. :)"

Two hours after he messaged me I reply, confirming that I can do 4PM on Thursday as suggested and letting him know I'll communicate further as I am proactively trying to play the match.

ME- "Hey man. Just checking in. We still on to play in a little over an hour from the time of this post? Lemme know. I'm available whenever if you want to play early, too."

I message him Thursday just before 3PM, exactly as I said I would, to check in.

HIM- "Hey! I'm still at work so I might be a bit later. I'll update when I know more."

He let's me know he's going to be late for our scheduled time. Annoying, but fine. I can still play a bit later so even if he's, say, an hour late, I can still play.

ME- "Alright. Please do let me know."

Merely confirming that I got his message and it's fine.

HIM- "Not gonna be able to get out of here for a while. :c Since you got work tomorrow Saturday is probably best then, right? Are there certain times that do or don't work for you on Saturday?"

He misses the time, cancels on the day and suggests Saturday.

ME- "No problem bro. I work a lot too and totally understand. Umm... I have to go out for 3-4 hours in my early to mid afternoon Saturday. Beyond that I'm free any time."

I'm cool about it. I tell him what I have going on Saturday two days in advance and let him know that I have a large window of availability- only 3-4 hours out of the entire day that I cannot play.

ME- "Alright, so here's where I'm at with today. It's 10AM my time. I have to be somewhere at 11AM. I will be back at the absolute latest by 3PM, possibly before but let's just call it that to be safe. As of then I'm available for the remainder of the day and can play whenever. Please let me know. :)"

Now on Saturday, I message him immediately when I get up at 10 in the morning and communicate clearly what my availability is. Again, proactively trying to communicate and play the match.

HIM- "I've been online on Smogtours since your 3 PM but I never saw you online. Looking at your VM now I maybe should've VMd that I'd be on Smogtours but I figured that was implied. :c I'm going to bed now (it's a little over 1 AM as a type this) but will be available to play tomorrow too. Sometime between 3 and 6 PM your time ok?"

He replies to my message over NINE HOURS LATER... Was supposedly waiting for me even though we never picked a time or agreed to meet on SmogTours and he couldn't be bothered to reply for over NINE HOURS... He had all day and for someone who was supposedly waiting for me one would think he would check Smogon at least one time, as I'd messaged him at 10 in the morning...

ME- "I was waiting on a response here. I've not been on SmogTours as we did not set a time and you didn't respond here and i don't hang out there unless I have a reason to be there. Tomorrow i work most of the day so the only way I can play would be before work or after work. That means 10AM or earlier my time or 930PM or later my time."

I explain the situation and again, now for a third time, offer times to play the next day despite my 10 hour workday.

HIM- "Damn I guess we won't get to play then.. :c 9:30 PM your time is well past midnight mine."

He waits til past 2PM Sunday to reply- well past the earlier time I suggested- and says the night doesn't work for him and I guess we aren't playing...

I feel these logs speak for themselves. I was far more proactive in trying to get the match done. He was largely unavailable, took a very long time to reply to my messages and missed the time once and was not around for the time the second time around (or at least couldn't be bothered to reply to my message and communicate so we could play). I feel I deserve an activity win here. I clearly tried to play...

Screenshot of these logs attached.
Tony Activity.png
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