Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread

PHAT is going really well for me, ended up hitting 3 sets of 5 reps at 45 kilo dumbbells on chest today! Feels great :)
Are you me? I did the exact same thing yesterday :O except I managed to squeeze out a 6th rep on the last set
Idk on which part of your deadlift you struggle but if it's your lockout, try doing rack pulls. Basically, it's a partial deadlift where you perform the last part of the lift.

Also, do you only train for strength? Try doing some accessory hypertrophy exercises. Look up elliot hulse. He's a strongman and an advocate of that.
Lockout isn't the worst part its getting it up there. I tend to hitch a lot and I get red lighted for that at the meets.
I'll look him up. My next meet is next thursday so I have some time to maybe improve.
Has anyone used a glutamine supplement before? I'd appreciate some insight
I got one for free and I was wondering if it has any benefits.


red eyes no visine
is a Team Rater Alumnus
Unless you are a vegan or a vegetarian with a very low dairy intake, it won't really have an effect on you. Or if you workout for a prolonged amounts of time, mostly endurance/cardiovascular-wise.

In other words, it helps people that have intense workouts or training and have to the it the next day again. Not really for your typical run in the park or light weight lifting. If any benefit at all, it will reduce sugar cravings from a past article I read, but that's pretty much it.
I was hanging out with my friends out of town this weekend, and one small girl whom I don't see very often allowed me to attempt to clean and jerk her (pun intended). But seriously, I was crouched down, she lay across my knees, I cleaned her up to my shoulders, and almost locked her out above my head. If I had commit to the lift and got my torso and shoulders underneath her to be able to hold her above my head, I feel I could have done it (I certainly lifted her high enough above my head), but it feels different when you're holding a human life in your hands that I just couldn't try to get under her. The consequences of failure would have been far too costly considering the silly novelty and general irrelevance of holding a girl above my head.

So instead, I pushed her up a few time, caught her, and set her down.

But it was fun displaying some of my new strength.
itt: user styval returns to ask posters of the DYEL thread about split routines.

user styval poses the following question: what are your experiences with designing or using pre made split routines (read also as: post split routines you've used successfully)

user styval is pretty sure he's doing it wrong


* Bench Press 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Incline Press 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Fly 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Lying Triceps Extension 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Overhead Triceps Extension 3-4 sets 8-10 reps


* Bent-Over Rows 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Incline Row 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Curl 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Concentration Curl 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Hammer Curls 3-4 sets 8-10 reps


* Squat 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Lunge 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Straight Leg Deadlift 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Shoulder Press 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Side Lateral Raise 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
* Bent-Over Raise 3-4 sets 8-10 reps

user styval is one week in and also would like to ask

in a split routine do you ramp weights across sets or do you increase weights every week or what (this is gonna be an 8 week cycle then take a week off and change it up legggooo) so far i've just been ramping weights (like curl 25-->30-->30-->35 etc)

ninja edit: wtf my name on here is stylish interval lol i forgot also it's
I've had mixed results over the past month, as I gained 5-10 pounds of fat, but my overall fitness is still the best it's been in years. I had a fitness test yesterday, and did 42 push-ups, and 32 situps in a minute, and I've noticed I'm getting stronger. I'm doing track this semester so I'm doing a lot of cardio, and I'm limiting my calories to less 2000 calories (about 6 small meals), so I will hopefully be toned/have a six pack by mid mayish. I also think I can probably benchpress my weight now, since I did 10 x 150 a couple days, and I weight around 170ish now
HI I've been working out since about the Summer.
Very dedicated, I at least run every day and do lifting/calisthenics etc. 6 days a week. The only problem is I really don't know what I'm doing. I've never talked to a trainer, really don't know shit about when I should rest muscles and shit like that. I've improved a lot regardless, you don't really need to know what you're doing to see results as long as you work hard, though I'm sure it helps. When I started I was 155 lb (5'11") and now I'm at 165 (6'0") and definitely have a lower body fat % so I've gained a fair bit of muscle. I feel like now though I'm getting to the point where I can't keep up my current habits and continue to improve aka I'm plateauing.

Idk there's a lot of questions I'd like to ask but I guess I'll start with the bench since I feel that's what I'm most lost on. Right now I bench my weight anywhere between 20-25 times (in 4 sets of around 5-8, all depending on how I feel.) Would I see better results cutting back on the reps and adding to the weight? Vice Versa? idk

halp im scrub n_n


Tree Young
is a Tiering Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
HI I've been working out since about the Summer.
Very dedicated, I at least run every day and do lifting/calisthenics etc. 6 days a week. The only problem is I really don't know what I'm doing. I've never talked to a trainer, really don't know shit about when I should rest muscles and shit like that. I've improved a lot regardless, you don't really need to know what you're doing to see results as long as you work hard, though I'm sure it helps. When I started I was 155 lb (5'11") and now I'm at 165 (6'0") and definitely have a lower body fat % so I've gained a fair bit of muscle. I feel like now though I'm getting to the point where I can't keep up my current habits and continue to improve aka I'm plateauing.

Idk there's a lot of questions I'd like to ask but I guess I'll start with the bench since I feel that's what I'm most lost on. Right now I bench my weight anywhere between 20-25 times (in 4 sets of around 5-8, all depending on how I feel.) Would I see better results cutting back on the reps and adding to the weight? Vice Versa? idk

halp im scrub n_n
Whoa, 20 reps? Firstly, what are your goals? My guess is that you have fantastic muscular endurance but that your strength is comparatively piss poor, am I right? I say mix it up a little! 3-5 reps is usually for strength and power, 12-15 reps is usually for hypertrophy and endurance and 6-10 is that sweet spot between both. Not saying that it's the ultimate Rep range by any means, but for someone who's just been getting into weight lifting it's probably the rep range you're looking for. That many sets of 20 will stop you from building much mass imo.
Yeah, I usually take a decently long break between sets though. I guess it's just natural to think more is more. I'll try a little more weight and less reps, I don't really have any specific goals but strength is what I'm most concerned with for now. Thanks!
Who here would consider taking anabolic steroids to achieve their lifting related goals? and why/why wouldnt you take them?. (for reasons other than legality, as in the UK they arent illegal).

to me they seem like an excellent resource to increase your progress dramatically, and they are incredibly effective unlike almost every single "supplement" in the fitness industry. I understand they can have detrimental effects to your health, but so can any drug when abused, in fact anabolic steroids are a miracle drug in the medical field, and can definitely be used safely by mature individuals who know what they are doing. it seems to me that there is a social stigma surrounding steroids and people will reject them because of this without even knowing anything about them, when in fact they could be an excellent asset for many people with the interests and goals shared by people in this thread.
Who here would consider taking anabolic steroids to achieve their lifting related goals? and why/why wouldnt you take them?. (for reasons other than legality, as in the UK they arent illegal).

to me they seem like an excellent resource to increase your progress dramatically, and they are incredibly effective unlike almost every single "supplement" in the fitness industry. I understand they can have detrimental effects to your health, but so can any drug when abused, in fact anabolic steroids are a miracle drug in the medical field, and can definitely be used safely by mature individuals who know what they are doing. it seems to me that there is a social stigma surrounding steroids and people will reject them because of this without even knowing anything about them, when in fact they could be an excellent asset for many people with the interests and goals shared by people in this thread.
I'm definitely going to use them but in the distant future because I'm still 18 and I can still progress naturally.

I've started researching and learning about steroids last year so when i actually use them I'm going to have a lot of information about them.

And the dangers of steroids are severely overrated by the media, probably because of the idiots who have no idea how to use them (can't believe some people still don't use a PCT). Most doctors actually agree that alcohol is much more detrimental to health.
I'm not sure if I'd ever take them, but I have no problem with anyone using steroids and I think they can be used safely and effectively with proper knowledge.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
nope, like you said they're legal in the UK and having spent nearly a decade in the fitness scene I have personally seen way too many people physically and mentally deteriorate whilst using them and saw enough media reports of habitual users dying in their mid-40's too (I'm bemused by Nos since his idol died as a result of them at 22 and to argue anything otherwise is naivety...). i do this to improve my health, taking steroids would be wholly counteractive.

without getting into exactly how potent they are, there's an undeniable stigma surrounding them too and nobody will ever respect your athletic or aesthetic accomplishments if you're shooting up - it'll just be 'oh, he's a steghead' or whatever and yes, i've seen this happen countless times too. whatever you achieve will be belittled and diminished and don't act like you don't care what people think otherwise you wouldn't be considering them in the first place.

Not to mention I'm a competitive athlete and, although doping tests are virtually non-existent at my level, I wouldn't dream of cheating like that, i'd be pissing my self-respect away.
Personally, I'd have to do a little research on them to determine the safety of taking them, etc.

However, I've never had a problem with the people who take steroids. In my view, steroids are a tool used to achieve maximum results in the most efficient manner. They produce the best, the quickest, and they should be seen as something which can achieve that end and not something which is detrimental to that end.

Ultimately it would have to come down to a goal for me. For right now, my goals are not anywhere near where steroids would be useful to me, so they aren't in consideration. But if in the future I wanted to be listed with the strongest, you're damned right I'd take them. (Outside of competition, though ... although I don't know if there is regulation of drug usage in the IPF, I'm assuming there would be based on the discussion of natural lifters I read about a lot when I followed log sites and such, maybe zetowenpal (hope i spelled that right) can chime in?)

without getting into exactly how potent they are, there's an undeniable stigma surrounding them too and nobody will ever respect your athletic or aesthetic accomplishments if you're shooting up - it'll just be 'oh, he's a steghead' or whatever and yes, i've seen this happen countless times too. whatever you achieve will be belittled and diminished and don't act like you don't care what people think otherwise you wouldn't be considering them in the first place.
I think this is something that's rather silly in culture overall. Steroids help recovery and growth, and in my eyes are an effective means to an end. I don't think people should associate users with being cheaters or hacks, but people who wanted to achieve the best results. People who take steroids perform better, are stronger, etc., when the steroids are used correctly. It's interesting to me I've read quite a number of people (rippletits, bonds, everyone i've ever heard comment about biking) talk about how nearly all Olympic athletes use some form of performance enhancing drug, but I'll never know how true that fact is.

Of course, all this is said without proper research and only basic knowledge (mostly from's author, silverhydra, and his views which i've read over the past year-two years, as well as our lord and savoir the great rippletoad). Just wanted to throw in my two cents.


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
My views on steroids aren't as harsh as they should be, but I would personally never use them. Also I can't ignore what lee said about how steroids affect ones accomplishments. all credit really just goes down the drain as soon as I hear steroids were in the picture. Perhaps thats the biggest reason why I would never use them myself
My views on steroids aren't as harsh as they should be, but I would personally never use them. Also I can't ignore what lee said about how steroids affect ones accomplishments. all credit really just goes down the drain as soon as I hear steroids were in the picture. Perhaps thats the biggest reason why I would never use them myself
i dont quite understand the whole "credit goes down the drain" idea, you have a goal and you used the most efficient method at your disposal (steroids) to achieve that goal. i thought initiative was a good thing? why are people who took the inefficient route celebrated as hard workers and those who use steroids are "cheaters" and "roidheads".
Steroids at a professional level, and even some "high" amateur levels, are essentially a non-issue when it comes to cheating. Because everyone does them. There are some really good examples about the sheer amount of ignorance surrounding steroids in the recent cases of Lance Armstrong and the MLB hall of fame vote, and I don't really see the discussion about steroids being able to happen anytime soon just because of the negative stigma and ignorance of the general public surrounding them.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
sorry, i must have missed the recent medical breakthrough wherein steroids became perfectly safe because last time i checked they were irrefutably linked with severely premature death

could somebody link me to some studies vouching for their safety in the long-term because i just blasted through google scholar and the unanimous verdict seems to be that you'd be better off developing a crack cocaine addiction


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Have people forgotten that steroids cause your muscles to atrophy when you stop using them? If you use steroids to achieve muscle gain, you will need to keep using them to maintain it. Once you stop shooting the steroids, your muscles deteriorate at a far faster rate than normal.

Another risk you confront when taking steroids is that your muscles grow faster than your tendons can keep up with. I witnessed a guy in the gym have the tendon connecting his bicep to shoulder pop right off the muscle and curl up in his arm like a snake. This was caused by his steroid use, and I don't ever want to see anything like that again in my entire life.

Not only are steroids morally questionable, they are detrimental to you physically in the long run. I can't believe people are even debating about this...

Delta 2777

is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis the Smogon Tour Season 10 Champion
My opinion is that if you use steroids you better have a damn good reason for doing them. If you're an actor and steroids will help you attain a certain physique that you need for a role, go for it. If you played college football and the only way you can get to the NFL is with drug use, sure that's morally questionable, but if it means a million dollar contract it's still a no-brainer. If you're a natural competetive powerlifter or bodybuilder and you want to compete at the "next level", steroid use is totally understandable in my opinion. The people that I can't stand are the "casual" lifters that take steroids just to look a little bigger/better. Considering the expense and potential risk of steroid use, that's just completely silly in my eyes. That being said, from the [little] research that I have done, anabolic steroids can be relatively safe when used in the correct dosages and cycled properly. The only real side affects that I am aware of are acne and testicular atrophy (as well as potentially becoming sterile and losing the ability to make your own testosterone, although this is completely reversible if you cycle the drugs properly). Liver damage can also occur if the drugs are taken orally, but this is not an issue when the drugs are injected. There have been no long term studies as far as I am aware. Women have some additional side effects such as deeper voice and facial hair. Stuff like working up in weight as to not overload your tendons should be the responsibility of the weightlifter and is common sense. I am certainly no expert on the subject so if I'm blatantly wrong about any of this please feel free to correct me. If anyone is still interested in the topic, I invite you to watch this movie [part 1] [part 2].

The information presented is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
sorry, i must have missed the recent medical breakthrough wherein steroids became perfectly safe because last time i checked they were irrefutably linked with severely premature death

could somebody link me to some studies vouching for their safety in the long-term because i just blasted through google scholar and the unanimous verdict seems to be that you'd be better off developing a crack cocaine addiction
let me just read through the studies you posted first

Have people forgotten that steroids cause your muscles to atrophy when you stop using them? If you use steroids to achieve muscle gain, you will need to keep using them to maintain it. Once you stop shooting the steroids, your muscles deteriorate at a far faster rate than normal.

Another risk you confront when taking steroids is that your muscles grow faster than your tendons can keep up with. I witnessed a guy in the gym have the tendon connecting his bicep to shoulder pop right off the muscle and curl up in his arm like a snake. This was caused by his steroid use, and I don't ever want to see anything like that again in my entire life.

Not only are steroids morally questionable, they are detrimental to you physically in the long run. I can't believe people are even debating about this...
this is all true if you take steroids without knowing anything about them. No one has ever said steroids are perfectly safe, or even relatively safe if you don't cycle and PCT properly. Delta basically hit the nail on the head
There are barely any studies about steroids because they are illegal.

The people that banned them have ZERO knowledge about them. All we know is that steroids will not be harmful if used correctly in the short term but in the long term, we don't know because there are no studies. Also, as i said before, there are things that are (more) harmful, legal and morally accepted.

Thanks for posting these man. Awesome.

To anyone that wants to join the discussion, please have at least some basic knowledge about steroids.
on that note, anyone looking to do a little research on the topic without knowing where to go, here is a nice place to start.

pro-tip, use university log ins and libraries to find full studies if they aren't already available free, or google them more (also try other search terms, like risks associated with anabloic steroids, steroids, muscular atrophy and steroids, etc.)

also, i think the studies presenting data on cardiovascular risk tied to use of anabolic steroids the most fascinating, granted i've only looked over two of them (just the abstract for one though, i'm lazy). seems like something that's not brought up a lot but has a lot of potential to be dangerous and / or life threatening

i need to be doing my school work but damnit now i just wanna read about steroids


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
let me just read through the studies you posted first
are you really playing that card? I assumed it went without saying that the burden of proof lies with the party making the absurd claims but sure, I've a spare couple of minutes. just the first few hits...;jsessionid=k9iHq3NXyUsAXob57fw3.4

Evidence has accumulated over the past several years which associates androgenic-anabolic steroid (AAS) use with sudden cardiac death, myocardial infarction, altered serum lipoproteins, and cardiac hypertrophy in humans who habitually use these drugs.

The effects of anabolic steroid use on athletic performance and the adverse effects associated with the use of anabolic steroids are reviewed... Adverse effects attributed to anabolic steroid use occur frequently. Serious adverse effects include hepatic and endocrine dysfunction; cardiovascular and behavioral changes also are reported. Some of the adverse effects associated with the use of these agents are irreversible, particularly in women. The use of anabolic steroids to improve athletic performance has become prevalent. However, the reported benefits are tempered by numerous adverse reactions.

Pathological cardiovascular manifestations are reported in four male patients, who had taken massive amounts of anabolic steroids while undergoing many years of strength training. One patient was referred because of ventricular fibrillation during exercise, one because of clinically manifest heart failure, and one because of arterial thrombus in his lower left leg. The fourth patient was persuaded to attend for a check-up because of a long history of massive use of anabolic steroids. All four patients had cardiac hypertrophy. Two of the patients had symptoms and signs of heart failure, and one of these two had a massive thrombosis in both right and left ventricles of his heart. After cessation of the use of anabolic steroids in the other patient with heart failure, left ventricular wall thickness reduced quickly from 12 to 10·5 mm, and fractional shortening increased from 14% to 27%. Endomyocardial biopsy revealed increased fibrosis in the myocardium in two of the three cases. HDL-cholesterol was 0·58 mmol . 1−1 and 0·35 mmol . 1−1 in the two patients still using multiple anabolic steroids at the time of investigation. The cardio vascular findings described in the present paper should warn all physicians and athletes about the possible serious acute and long-term side effects of the massive use of anabolic steroids.

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