[Pictures update] Sakura-con 2012: ADVENTURE TIME!!!

You know what i thought would be a phase? smogon

I thought that too! I thought I was just going to create an account and leave sitting there for 5 years! xD

However I do find funny is the fact that my best friend (female) doesn't knows what Smogon is! and thinks it's something like tumblr or something like that!

I don't want my friends to find out because I'm scared of what people may think of me. :/


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is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
man, darkaxis, this is really a problem for you. sucks man.

a lot of people would look at your post and think "ugh, just another young teenager who wants to be cool, all worried about his rep", but in reality there are so many other users on this site who are in the closet as well when it comes to hobbies they enjoy (like smogon/pokemon). I even know of a couple that are past their teen years v_v

it must really suck for those of you that hide what you enjoy doing; i do understand why you do it though...........just that i still find it a bit sad

but then again, in some way or form we all have our issues when it comes to the topic at hand, including myself (all you need to do is look at the OP)

EDIT: darkaxis, i really liked feathers response to your previous post in this thread. Her response can easily work for your most recent post as well


Banned deucer.
I'm completely with Darkaxis; I may let slip that I am a fan of Pokemon, but at no higher than your average in-gamer who's never heard of competitive battling. In fact only one person at my school (excluding my brother) even knows that I know what competitive battling is and that was a complete accident. I was on Smogon on my iPhone and he's all like "what's that?" and I'm like "some forum" and he's all "ok."

then i get home and he messages me on facebook "was that smogon" and i was like "what the fuck you stalker" and he said "no i have an account there too" so it was all pretty cool having someone who i can actually "come out of the closet" to because this site is like thirty five percent of my life and it's odd only being able to talk about 65% of me at school


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is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
ha, i bet there'll be someone else cosplaying that handsome fellow as well. i wont be cosplaying, but i'll take some pictures. I'll probably be in a white shirt and jeans........

look for the black guy with asian guy (unless he goes crazy in the dealers room and i wonder for a bit, taking pics). Maybe next year the 2 of us will cosplay Jackie chan and Chris tucker from rush hour

EDIT: i also look forward to taking pictures of as many pokemon and pokemon related cosplays. last year had some amazing ones
look for the black guy with asian guy (unless he goes crazy in the dealers room and i wonder for a bit, taking pics). Maybe next year the 2 of us will cosplay Jackie chan and Chris tucker from rush hour

Do that, EVERY year starting with this one.


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is a Forum Moderator Alumnus

Sakura con just ended. picture update time!

this is part 3. please go back to the first post on page 1 for the first 2 parts.
Part 1 and 2

ok for the last few pictures remaining.

i really liked this one

Good times, great childhood memories

hahahaha, oh Jesus

if only for my love of dragonite
i actually think this one is pretty good. Remember lugia in part 2? haha
but really, lugia was legit as fuck

lol, i was trying to be all sneaky and take a picture from behind because i thought they were just so cute sitting there. i didnt want them to see me so they would get up and do a pose, BUT THEY NOTICED!!!


where is Jessie? OMG

haha, remember when i said misty was all over the place? i wasnt kidding

why hello there ;)


Giovanni was BACK this year!!

he is so awesome

ok this picture doesnt do female Bane justice. The cosplay was so good, even the chemical tubes from behind were spot on.

so that does it for sakura con 2012. I had a blast once more and next year i'll just have to cosplay myself.


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World Defender

redead? damn awesome

this ones sick as fuck too

god damn ive editted this post so much, but fuckin jack so awesome


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
yeah man, jack was definitely one of my favorites from the weekend; I'm sure i said that under the picture too. thats the first Jack or cosplay i've seen from that show as well. its too bad its not popular


One Pixel
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Okay Asuka and Rei looked creepy as hell.

EVA-01 was legit though.

Also I wish I were there with you =(



As for your last question: YELLOW OF VIRIDIAN GROVE (Amarillo del Bosque Verde). Pretty legit, her pikachu even has that flower it always wears.
Every so slightly dying of jealousy right now ;_;

To anyone considering the closet jump: DO IT! People who give you stick for what you do aren't real friends, practically everyone knows that I play and it's just a given. It's so much better being out in the open with these things, it shouldn't be something you're ashamed of doing.
that redead

i also recognized two people. that toph is a friend of mine, who also instructed me on earthbending, and the second fiona is my good friend maddi! she was also livewire, if you saw her on another day. she also does a mean catwoman.

i wish i could have come to at least see the costumes. some new friends of mine are roping me back into cosplay... digimon was the newest topic as i've been meaning to be magnadramon forever.
You know, I posted this in the college acceptances thread, but I think it's rather fitting here. This is the essay I used for my common application.
I’m supposed to use this essay to convince you to accept me to your school by illustrating how desirable I am. I could do so by discussing one of the unverifiable past experiences that have “changed me.” Having lived a relatively sheltered life, with a loving family and my basic needs provided for, I don't have access to a medley of riveting experiences I can pull from. Fortunately, I could very easily exaggerate a past experience. In spite of this, I would rather not, and will discuss something I wholeheartedly enjoy: Pokemon.

All kids my age have picked up a Pokemon game at one point in their lives, still remembering that level 100 Pikachu they had. Though while most shelved their Game Boys, I always retained some degree of interest even after getting “too old for that kid's game.” Over a year ago, I picked the game up in an entirely different way: competitively. Now, I was playing actual people, who were all much smarter than the computer-controlled opponents in-game. Having come from cartridge play, I was shocked that there was so much to keep in mind. Discovering this entirely new side of my childhood favorite intrigued me, and I soon found myself playing more and more, even to this day.

When I enjoy something, I like to share that joy with others. When Pokemon is involved, that might lead me to discussing various intricacies of the game to a friend that just wants to quickly escape. Most of my enjoyment comes from sharing what I love with who I love.

Apparently this is a luxury. A lot of my Pokemon friends do not have this option. I've heard “My friends will think I'm weird” or even “I don't think they'll like me anymore.” From this, I realized just how lucky I am. It's wrong to judge a person's race, gender, or sexual orientation. Why is it less wrong to judge a person's passions? The things that make a person happy are just as important as the immutable characteristics that make up a person's exterior. If you can't share these passions with the people you care about without fear of ridicule, how can they make you happy? You have to be able to share who you are with who you love. Otherwise, your passions boil down to a single question: “How long can I keep this a secret?” You shouldn't.

So far, I haven't really been able to discover much about life's truths. But from my loving family and my welcoming experiences in the Montgomery Blair Magnet Program, I think I've found a pretty important one. I've learned the importance of being yourself—I know if I couldn’t share who I was or what I enjoy, I wouldn't be who I am today. And hopefully, all of you reading this like who I am today and are willing to let me discover the rest of myself at your college.

I've never felt the need to hide what I am or what I enjoy. I am rather open with my interests, be them Pokemon, Yugioh, or other similarly "nerdy" things. I've always thought "if they're my friends, then they'll like me for me--not for what I pretend to be." So I'm pretty comfortable in sharing my nerdy side. I just can't imagine hiding what I am.
i know this is not the most appropriate comment to make when you have already submitted your essay, but as cautionary advice for others i feel obliged to say that your common application essay is awful, trite and highly immature. i'm not trying to mount a personal attack; i've flopped badly at these sorts of things as well and with guidance i found it easy to fix up my mistakes.

this probably belongs to the college acceptance thread, but the post was made here so...

for one, the beginning is honestly obnoxious, unprofessional, and kind of insulting to the admissions faculty. don't be patronizing and tell them "what they're supposed to do"... they know and they also understand that it's a difficult task especially given how forced these things tend to be--pointing it out is not a good strategy in this instance. they're willing to be sympathetic given these constraints but your opener basically craps over that goodwill. you're basically implying that this whole personal essay thing is total bullshit, especially when you quote "changed me" like an "edgy tween". so if you think the whole thing is bullshit, then why the fuck would i care about your essay? remember, tone is key and the tone of your essay is god awful. im sorry but this needs to be said.

and for the love of god do not bring up pokemon... it makes you seem extremely immature. admissions want to see your personality come across and some idiosyncrasies are perfectly acceptable but you only have so many words and you want to emphasize adulthood. remember, the people reading this are not doing cosplay, they are grown-ups and they are not interested in fuckin' pokemon.

listen, im not saying you wont get into college, nor am i saying that you wont get into a good college: from what i recall you have good grades, ECs, a strong SAT score and you're probably a pretty good kid but you will get in despite your common application essay, yet you want your essay to be an advantage as you want any advantage you can get.


One Pixel
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
i know this is not the most appropriate comment to make when you have already submitted your essay, but as cautionary advice for others i feel obliged to say that your common application essay is awful, trite and highly immature. i'm not trying to mount a personal attack; i've flopped badly at these sorts of things as well and with guidance i found it easy to fix up my mistakes.

this probably belongs to the college acceptance thread, but the post was made here so...

for one, the beginning is honestly obnoxious, unprofessional, and kind of insulting to the admissions faculty. don't be patronizing and tell them "what they're supposed to do"... they know and they also understand that it's a difficult task especially given how forced these things tend to be--pointing it out is not a good strategy in this instance. they're willing to be sympathetic given these constraints but your opener basically craps over that goodwill. you're basically implying that this whole personal essay thing is total bullshit, especially when you quote "changed me" like an "edgy tween". so if you think the whole thing is bullshit, then why the fuck would i care about your essay? remember, tone is key and the tone of your essay is god awful. im sorry but this needs to be said.

and for the love of god do not bring up pokemon... it makes you seem extremely immature. admissions want to see your personality come across and some idiosyncrasies are perfectly acceptable but you only have so many words and you want to emphasize adulthood. remember, the people reading this are not doing cosplay, they are grown-ups and they are not interested in fuckin' pokemon.

listen, im not saying you wont get into college, nor am i saying that you wont get into a good college: from what i recall you have good grades, ECs, a strong SAT score and you're probably a pretty good kid but you will get in despite your common application essay, yet you want your essay to be an advantage as you want any advantage you can get.
You have a point with your first paragraph.

Your second paragraph not so much. Talking to admissions officers, quite frankly, there are much worse things they have seen, and Pokemon is not on their list of bad things (video games in general), as long as it does focus on you as a person and your own accomplishments, rather than the game. There is a slight paradigm shift on everyone's view of video games (that's still occurring now) making it slightly more acceptable to write in an academic sense, due to its negative connotations slowly disappearing.

Plus, a person I knew wrote his common app essay on his love for D&D and how he a huge D&D competition throughout his city, and he got into a few Ivys with that and D&D had far more worse connotations back then. Take that as a grain of salt, but it's absurd to think the admissions officers will suddenly disregard your essay just because it's on pokemon as long as it reflects on you as a person.

(For the record, I thought it wasn't that good of an essay and could have been enhanced to better show yourself as a person but meh, what's done is done).


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holy shit this Soul Calibur group is spot on. Jesus so good (for those unawares it goes left to right: Voldo, Xianghua (or Cassandra, can't really tell from the angle if she's holding a shield or not, the sword and costume resembles Xianghua though), Setsuka, Ashlotte, Tira, Seung Mina).

Great pictures again Ninahaza! I always love looking through them.

EDIT: also I loveeee this picture of Estelle, too bad she doesn't have any weapon lol



So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
ohmy, them cosplays are pretty good tbh XD

MOKUJIN, or rather tetsujin, the flower on its head wth :P

really digging the scorpion and reptile cosplays as well :P


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Yeah Oglemi, still super awesome cosplay of her though ^_^

wow az, v_v. what did you think? did the move she was doing aka the dragons on her hands throw you off? i want to know what you thought of. can we atleast agree on her hotness?

also lol Mattj. i had to use the zoom feature on my camera. maybe if i had a a certain hero with a sword and shield with me (thats me hinting that you should come with next time. i dont even get to see you anymore man :( )

that redead

i also recognized two people. that toph is a friend of mine, who also instructed me on earthbending, and the second fiona is my good friend maddi! she was also livewire, if you saw her on another day. she also does a mean catwoman.

i wish i could have come to at least see the costumes. some new friends of mine are roping me back into cosplay... digimon was the newest topic as i've been meaning to be magnadramon forever.
You have some awesome friends feathers. Perhaps it is time i made more "cosplaying" friends since i plan on FINALLY cosplaying next year. Feathers yyou must come with next year
this is not optional


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the technique doesnt rly look like that in the manga and the colour of the hair and outfit threw me off, but it is pretty good rly!

also yeah i guess she's pretty but it is hard to tell obviously with her all outfitted up!!


okay i guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but its like a rly weird shot and like not a huge panel and stuff and i guess the colour from the anime would help orrrrrrr



You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
right before pain does the unthinkable too

i just.....i dont want spoilers for those new to naruto and havent caught up yet, but man
Funcking pain man
Awesome pictures Jesus, im glad to see you had a good time. Inspires me to do a good job on my costume for comic con this year =D

Also, my phone internet handled it just fine =p


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Awesome pictures Jesus, im glad to see you had a good time. Inspires me to do a good job on my costume for comic con this year =D

Also, my phone internet handled it just fine =p
Luke <33333
i cant WAIT to see it as well as some pics from comic con. i still wish plans hadnt collapsed and i could be there with you this year.

I'm not sure what i'll do next year, but hopefully i'll see you there in the future

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