Pokémon GO

I live in an area where my team is strong, so we get our gyms up.. and they get knocked down again.. then retaken again. we had a level 6 Gym.. within an Hour its been knocked down or deleveled to 2 this just makes it increasingly frustrating for those who had stuff in there, and then have to put it back in.
anod some randoms downlevel gyms to 2. . knocking my stuff out of the gym and leaving the bloated CP things to train against. Half CP against Flareon and Snorlax, or Half CP against Gyarados and Lapras.... please.all level 30+ so even scaled to my level it is still a drain.
and yes you have to dodge, because I have had things OHKO at half CP.. or nearly Koed... plus lapras everywhere which nukes everything
Yeah I see your point, although fortunately dodging those nuking charge moves (Blizzard, Hyper Beam, etc.) is fairly easy.
the nuke moves are not the problem really, one hit from Lapras Ice beam. or a dragon pulse.. or lag happens and you dont see the move, Psychic is an issue for me, the move makes lag, or the game doesn't register the dodge at all.
By the way, phalanx, the sound thing has nothing to do with battery save mode. I just tested it with having the battery save mode turned off, and it still happens.
Yeah lag definitely is an issue for me, its worst when I try to beat water pulse vaporeon with my parasect and I just can't dodge any of them.

So I want to discuss the gym situation i'm in rn, I'm not sure how to go about it optimizing the situation for myself (my goal: get coins for as many days as possible while minimizing how much I have to go out to the gym and reclaim my spot. Some ethical questions arise due to the situation i'm in, to be frank though, my goal isn't to be as ethically pristine as possible, just to maximize what I gain from gyms).

A little background: In my immediate area, Valor is dominant (I am on Valor). There are two gym that are reachable with a reasonable amount of walking. One of them, has been and allways will be changing hands fairly frequently, but not so much that its unreasonable to cash in on it with one mon for two or more days.

The other gym, which is a church I live about a two-minute walk away from, used to be contantly valor for a week, switch to mystic for a short time, and then generally back to valor for the majority of the next week, so forth and so on. For at least a few months now, however, the gym has been a level 10 red tower, and the recent update has not changed that at all. It all started when someone placed a dragonite in the gym (coincidentally my mon, which was low cp and thus annoying to train on, was also knocked out the first time I checked on the gym and saw someone had put in a dragonite. I think this was the work of multiple ppl however, I have a very faint memory of going to the gym around this time and seeing some asian kids sitting in range of the gym at the church).

Ever since then, the gym has not been taken down, and because I am too low level / do not have super high CP mons like Dragonite or Snorlax (dratini spawns nowhere near the immediate area...), I generally am always the bottom slot. Because of this, I have been forced into the game of "knock out the bottom defender," but its highly inconvenient for me since I need my friend to come help me, since I don't use two accounts. As this game has continued, the gym has become progressively buffed with Dragonites. Now, the top 5 slots are all dragonites (All 2500+ CP, the top two being 3000+ CP and owned by level 30+ trainers). Earlier this week I got knocked out by someone who put in an egg in the bottom slot, and today I found that had been knocked out and replaced by another dragonite. There used to be a lot of 2100-2300 CP mons in the bottom ranks of the ladder, but they have long been knocked out, and now, I am the only one in the gym with my strongest 2030 Vap, immediately followed by a 2305 dragonite from a level 24 player. Only a few of the names I can recognize the names of from other gyms around the area, and they are the ones without DNites. I don't really know anyone else personally who plays in my area, but I can tell that most ppl who have placed mons in that gym before are discouraged to keep trying and play the "bottom defender game" (or simply cannot). The only reason I keep throwing my vaporeon in the gym is because I am so adamant about getting coins from the gym I live so close to, and I also have the help from my friend.

What do do now: I see two options ahead of me - Keep playing the bottom defender game (even with my recent insanely fast power levelling considering I live in the suburbs, I can't keep up with the other players who either have a dragonite, or are legit but a few levels higher than me already). The other option is to have my friend smash that stupid gym into the ground (He has a lapras that can do the job with the dragonites, his resources aren't super high but I feel pretty confident that with assistance from the pokestop next to the gym, it can happen), and then see what happens. I honestly don't know if it will return to the scene of constantly shifting hands (which won't be ideal for me actually, I WANT it to stay red, I just don't want to keep being the bottom defender who gets kicked out), or if ppl who I think are spoofers will quickly repopulate the gym. Legit though the benefit is just to get a better idea of who seems to actually be a spoofer and who is legit, because I am extremely sure based on past experience that valor will still dominate that gym even after the supposed spoofers get banned. It also may just be more interesting to actually play for that gym, rather than partake in this backstabbing business, but I do expect I'll have to be a little more active in maintaining control of this gym, and it may even destabilize to the situation of the other gym considering the current mechanics.

My current plan is to just keep doing what I've been doing, if I don't have to do the nasty business more than once a week, i'm good. It also gives me a chance to see if Niantic will change the gym system any further, and how it affects things in the area. Eventually though, if it just becomes absolutely ridiculous, I do plan to deal some heavy damage on that gym - whether I want ot get it torn down completely or not i'm not sure about though, and I'm interested to think what other people would do if they were in my position.
If I were you I'd let my friend stomp down the gym just once, maybe twice, and see what happens. Perhaps it will change the mindset of those spoofers. I mean, with the new update almost nobody trains gyms anymore; people take down a gym and put one of their Pokémon in, just for the quick daily coins. If nothing changes you will have to keep doing what you've been doing. Whether you're the bottom defender who gets kicked out or not, you'll get the coins anyway.
I used to own 5 gyms... now I dont even bother going for that 5th gym because the safe gyms that were safe because were re dominant.. gets knocked out, and then retaken.. it is pointless, or even the 4th one sometimes as its a good 5-10 minute walk, depending on the spawns on the way.
Dragonites are overrated for defending... I smash 3100 dragonites with an 1848 Golem.
I got a gym to 6 today to put something in, someone else put it to 7. still hold that gym as well, but then weather was terrible and GPS was being a pain in the backside actually battling it.
oh and this "battler takes Priority" rubbish.. if i'm on the same team as the guy who wins, let me put something in ffs, missed on a gym spot today on the tram because someone from my team took a gym.. and GPS moved me past it after he put something in.. even IF i put something in.. He can still put something in... and still could even if 2 people did before him.
for those of us who NEED these gyms for the stardust, this is just a stupid waste of time and energy. its 4500 and 5000 dust per Pokemon now, that's 500 more (1 gym worth) PER Pokemon, as it stands I have 8 Pokemon to max out (9 if i get some more grimer candy) probably up to 10 or 11 depending on Movesets on Exeggutor when I evolve it, and the Blastoise I was bringing up.
so by those calculations.. that's 5000-5500 dust EXTRA.. that is 10-11 gyms...worth of dust.
setting up a team to max prestige is slow... I should AT LEAST be rewarded with the exact same as what I would get if i was taking it down, given I am doing the EXACT SAME THING.

and what I mean by Battery saver is that its a Battery saving feature, not linked to the battery saver. some other apps do this as well.
Battery saver is still broken anyway
And what I mean by Battery saver is that its a Battery saving feature, not linked to the battery saver. some other apps do this as well.
Battery saver is still broken anyway
Ah I see. Well I hope they do something about it. One of the few fun things to still do are just walking from A to B with some music on and Pokémon GO open. Makes it very annoying if your music's volume goes up and down every time you switch between apps.
I did manage to actually bypass it by accident.. but can't remember how.. OH.. yes listening to the radio, throuhg a tunnel, radio cuts out obviously... then comes back on that the normal volume.
ok so a few issues with the game ATM.
The nearby is a complete joke with all these spawns active, wandered around for ages to find a Nidoking.. only to find it about 10-20m away from where it vanished from the list.
this also happened with Vaporeon.
and putting pokemon in HP order doesn't work -_- (looking for my Jigglypuff to evolve... HP is stupidly high on those so is near the top)
so looking at Silph road after a few days of nest changes, they appear to have added a few after they ended the last event
My local park after the event spawned a slowpoke, now spawns Diglett, 1 an Hour but on a LONG timer, which confirms it really, as Digletts dont spawn without nests.
a few new nests have popped up, on the silph road as well, the pikachu nest in the city centre was a squirtle nest during the event (i did see a lot but couldn't pin a nest down there as squirtles spawn often), a Park just outside the city centre is a Bulbasaur nest.. which is a new marker, (and near a tram stop),and there is also a monster Charmander nest to visit, a fair way out but reachable by public transport.also noted that from the city centre to previous nests I have visted, there is 1 Magnamite nest... 2 pikachu nests and 2 Electabuzz nests.
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I did manage to actually bypass it by accident.. but can't remember how.. OH.. yes listening to the radio, throuhg a tunnel, radio cuts out obviously... then comes back on that the normal volume.
ok so a few issues with the game ATM.
The nearby is a complete joke with all these spawns active, wandered around for ages to find a Nidoking.. only to find it about 10-20m away from where it vanished from the list.
this also happened with Vaporeon.
and putting pokemon in HP order doesn't work -_- (looking for my Jigglypuff to evolve... HP is stupidly high on those so is near the top)
so looking at Silph road after a few days of nest changes, they appear to have added a few after they ended the last event
My local park after the event spawned a slowpoke, now spawns Diglett, 1 an Hour but on a LONG timer, which confirms it really, as Digletts dont spawn without nests.
a few new nests have popped up, on the silph road as well, the pikachu nest in the city centre was a squirtle nest during the event (i did see a lot but couldn't pin a nest down there as squirtles spawn often), a Park just outside the city centre is a Bulbasaur nest.. which is a new marker, (and near a tram stop),and there is also a monster Charmander nest to visit, a fair way out but reachable by public transport.also noted that from the city centre to previous nests I have visted, there is 1 Magnamite nest... 2 pikachu nests and 2 Electabuzz nests.
Hopefully they reintroduce the beta nearby to the rest of the world. The ability to check where Pokemon are based on the Pokespot is very helpful. Nearby can be annoying, though it definitely helps.

Using it in conjunction with Pokemon Go Plus for new Pokemon helps. Go Plus lets you know if the Pokemon it detects is old / I've already got it in my Pokedex (green light) or new / not caught yet (yellow light). It has a wider radius of detecting Pokemon than your phone - so it detects Pokemon before they appear on my phone. If the yellow light appears, I know it's the Pokemon I'm looking for (I never see two new Pokemon in nearby at once these days), so I move over there so that I can catch it using my phone. Never catch new Pokemon with Pokemon Go Plus alone since you're limited to one Pokeball without curve ball, radius or Razz Berry bonus. I recently caught Poliwhirl with it.

Admittedly I tried the above to catch a Scyther unsuccessfully (even though it was on nearby, I couldn't locate where with both the phone and Go Plus, and it eventually disappeared completely). Though an hour later, I caught one that appeared right in front of me!
A gym that was my team's got destroyed the other day, and its been a spoofer nest since then. I can see it change hands fast as heck like it was the first days of the game, even if it's in a place you can't reach from the street and it's closed on Sundays...
Based on what i've read about the nearby tracker and how it completely fucks up sightings, I really really really dont want it. I'm just not in such a pokestop dense area that it will be so great, and even if I was, sightings is still absolutely necessary and a lot of stupid things can happen with the new tracker apparantly, like pidgey showing up at a pokestop a half mile away, but a lapras 50 m from you wont be on sightings.
its the same as before with the update for me..
before the patch things 50m away vanished from sightings, my lapras I caught the other week vanished off sightings, closed sightings down.. and it was right in front of me O.O, and the Nidoking the other day I spent 10 minutes looking for only to find it around the corner from where I was.
its the same as before with the update for me..
before the patch things 50m away vanished from sightings, my lapras I caught the other week vanished off sightings, closed sightings down.. and it was right in front of me O.O, and the Nidoking the other day I spent 10 minutes looking for only to find it around the corner from where I was.
Same thing here. I personally just ignore the sightings tab completely. If I see something in sightings that I value I don't even go searching for it. I only pay a bit more attention because I know it might be nearby.
good lord Ninatic CP changes for "balance" Gyarados just got a massive boost, as does Vaporeon, and Golem, which are now my top 3 Highest CP pokemon
2758 CP gyarados up from 2260
2621 vaporeon up from 2336
2427 golem up from around 1885

small buffs also to Muk and Snorlax (lul)
biggest notable nerfs are Blastoise and Arcanine
other rediculous nerfs include Hypno and Poliwrath (whos CP was far too low for holding gyms already)
big buffs for Gengar and Jynx also, Scyther :D useful buffs to electric types as well all seem to be buffed, my Jolteon has jumped up from 776 to 990
and Parasect CP got nerfed.... Ninatic really... from 1409 to 1337
these are my observed changes at the top end
2169 Lapras remains at 2169
2104 Muk is now 2190
2168 Exeggutor is now 2140
2070 Poliwrath is now 2016
1807 Arcanine is now 1719
1805 Vaporeon is now 2035
1797 slowbro is now 1716
1792 Hypno is now 1711
1653 Electabuzz is now 1714
1639 Blastoise is now 1477 (OUCH)
1634 snorlax is now 1764
1607 Arcanine is now 1529
1563 Golduck is now 1487
1558 Pinsir is now 2038 (O.O)
1508 Golduck is now 1433
1501 Dewgong is now 1324 (wtf)
also nerfs for Pidgeot
increases... INTO the top end include Gengars and Jynxs
1329 Gengar is now 1683
1199 Jynx is now 1765 (what the?)
Sandslash got a nice buff also
1083 Magnaton up to 1239
Flareon also up 1106 to 1216
my 781 dragonite is now 799 O.o
some balance this is..
so what are these cp changes supposed to balance when everything that fills gyms.. gets buffed.

maybe it is a sign for Gen 2... and if they buffed Electric like that.. Ampheros is going to be insane.. but looking at the buff to the ground types... TTar even more so.
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I dont have a decent enough Rhyhorn, and they are not exactly easy to find
some of these nerfs are complete Bull
Nerf Raichu? Arbok? Golbat? Persian?
the Chansey buff is Hilarious.. because it is still crap
Ninatic buffed the stuff that already sits in gyms (waters, Snorlax, Dragonite)
nerfed grass... nerfed the best Electric pokemon (buffed others)
buffed ground and fire, which is nullified by the buffed water.
they left Lapras alone (best gym defender) but nerfed the 2nd best Ice type (Dewgong) buffed jynx.... which has rubbish movesets.
dont understand, either... especially as they nerfed fairies, which counter dragons.
I'm more annoyed that decent Gym defenders that got shunned in the CP department got nerfed... Poliwrath and Hypno.
Gyms are still going to be full of vaporeons, Gyarados, Snorlax and Dragonite.
Exeggutor nerf was less then Parasects.... so will still be sat high in gyms clogging up space.
ok to be clear, its not like they randomly adjusted cps to their liking, which seems to be what you guys are thinking based on what you've said (stuff like "why niantic??? why did you buff dnite and vaporeon and nerf all these already weak pokemon???").

They just adjusted the base stats of every pokemon to better account for their stats in the main game (as you may recall, speedy pokemon were originally quite weak in PoGo, and mons with strong mixed attacking stats like Arcanine had better CPs than specialized attackers). Becacuse they are changing the way stats from the main game are converted into pokemon go stats, they obviously have to be consistent about everything... the resulting cp changes are because of underlying base stat changes, and these changes were just meant to better represent a pokemon's strength.


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I attacked a gym with just a Vaporoen today with my Exeggutor. I was like "my Exeggutor's CP is slightly lower than I remember it" and shrugged it off. Then when depositing a Pokemon in there, I saw two Vaporeons at the top of my CP list (from 2300s up to 2600s) and was like "What? When did this happen?" Then look through my list and realised most of my Pokemon's CP changed and was in big shock.

Biggest shock for me was the Rhydon buff. That was HUGE. It jumped from 1500s to 2300s and it's 4000 Stardust / 3 Candy to evolve.

I was puzzled as to how they changed CP - was it an actual change in base stats, the CP formula, or both. Afterlooking at FlamingVictini's list, I reckon this is the key underlying change
mons with strong mixed attacking stats like Arcanine had better CPs than specialized attackers
The Pokemon that had a notable difference between Atk or SpA, but not both, improved. This includes the aforemention Alakazam, Gengar and Rhydon, but also Chansey who despite having bad attack stats, has a notable difference between SpA (bad) and Atk (super bad) and has gained more CP than any other Pokemon. Meanwhile those with similar attacking stats got nerfed, like Blastoise, Raichu, Arcanine and the unreleased Mew. I am unsure if this also applies for buffing specialised Def or SpD stats, and nerfing mixed Def/SpD stats (if it is true, it is to a lesser extent).

With the new formula, what pokemon will be good in gen 2?
Tyranitar, Ampharos, Houndoom, Heracross, Scizor, Blissey, Ursaring, Espeon (Alakazam now nearly caps at 2900 CP; Espeon will have more stats. Kingdra and Octillery which were previously predicted to be good will be nerfed.
when CP changed for me I leveled up my Golem.... and went up loads of CP... nothing else had changed for a good 30-40 minutes... though it was some glitch.
Blastoise and Dewgong were completely butchered to insignificance.

the Jynx buff was the biggest shock, I had a load of those sat at 1000-1200 for training up stuff.. now they in 15-1700s. going to be fun leveling gyms with these changes as the mid end stuff either got nerfed or only slightly buffed, things I used before.. and of course with CP increasing o the top end.. the half CP will change UPWARDS to 1100-1250 range. Sandslash has gone from 1000s to 1323 O.O so can't use that
Magnaton is 1239 now.... I used that A LOT for training... Flareon 1216 my trainer Electabuzz is now 1220
in 1100 to 1200 range I now have:
2 Golducks at 1200
1 Ninetails 1196
1 Raticate at 1196 (he got buffed :D but its the one with dig :()
1 Weezing at 1184 (another silly nerf.. Poison is terrible.)
1 Rhyhorn at 1182 (lol these buffs)
1 electabuzz at 1169
1 Venomoth at 1167 (woo....terrible moveset venomoth)
1 Marowak at 1162 (reasonable buff i suppose)
1 Golbat at 1155.... erm yea useless
1 Vaporeon 1143 (keeps pace with the buff)
1 Omastar 1131 (very handy :D)
1 Pidgeot 1130 (terrible.. and nerfed)
1 Mr Mime 1129.. never actually used a Mr Mime.. has shadow ball though, buffed INTO my training level range
2 Hypno 1128 and 1122... not really a needed nerf, as these guys were needed to deal with Poliwraths
2 1114 Pidgeots with rubbish moves... and fearow at 1113... so these guys almost the same now.
1 Golbat.. 1110
another Pidgeot at 1108
and a bad IVed Scyther that got buffed INTO the training level range.. replacing the one that was buffed OUT (best moveset.. terrible IV's but kept for training purposes)
do also have my hyperbeam raticate at 1099 along with a slowbro and a 1095 electabuzz.

things I used Previously.... like Wigglytuff (pound was quite good against snorlax for some reason) drops down to 1053 my Clefable 1037, although the seadra buffed to 1051 is slightly better then before but my Poliwrath at 991 (handy bulky guy for training) is now too low, and the 2 weepinbells are now 921 and 911... from 1080's.
so yea... the few mixed type training bulkymons have been nerfed to useless levels.
looking on the List... Hitmonlee looks superb.. Machamp is still better but, it looks viable.. shame they dont ever spawn here, and I never get 10k eggs.

Dodrio now has more CP then Pidgeot... shame the moves suck.
well i got a Rhyorn at 82.2% IV's evolved.. Mud slap and Earthquake, only 729 CP.. and very low on candy.
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someone must have done the research on this by now...
o look all the red gyms are gone to random blue guys who come through once a week.. at gone 11pm, Ninatic need to reverse this stupidity with gyms.. Balance.. what Balance.. just now full of vaporeons. I dont see what the changes did that actually effect the balance.
Gengars got boosted.. so did ground types... so they nullify each other.. and ground types are still steamrolled by the now even beefier water.
even the electric type buff isn't as massive as water.
event is on... and so are dittos... caught 2 bits of crap I would ignore and no ditto
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So I caught a ditto like an hour ago:

  • Disguised as Pidgey
  • Threw a normal ball, no berry, first try catch
  • Interrupted with "Oh?" like I was hatching an egg
  • Transported through some purple wormhole to reveal Ditto
  • Mine was 10 CP, not sure about CP arc
  • Seems to auto-Transform in gyms, with some time lag
  • Appears to copy the Pokemon's stat scaling, not their stat (mine was minimum CP and became Rhydon with 43 CP)
  • Click animation is super cute :)

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