Pokémon Marathon for Charity - ALL NIGHTMARE LONG

Hey fellow pokéfans. This weekend a group of people from smashboards.com are getting together to do a five generation sprint through the pokemon series. Our goal is to complete the story mode in each of the five generations before Sunday night comes to a close. We'll be raising relief money through an organization called Mercy Corps for relief efforts in Japan. You can watch the stream here:


And you can donate by going here:


Stream goes live with Pokémon Blue in just a little while. Please tune in and donate! Thanks.


blatant Nintendo fanboy
I play pokemon all weekend long anyway.

Have I been wasting it all this time?


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

and my axe.

but seriously, these things are always cool, and a great way to nerd out whilst still being worthwhile by raising money for charity! keep on keepin' on, dude.
Needs more Dodrio Gameboy. It's a good cause though, just try to get the word out to as many people as you can

these things are always ridiculous and an extension of how completely useless charity efforts mostly are
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You're right to say that most charity efforts are useless - the vast majority fail to raise much money, if any at all, and an even greater amount go unnoticed. Any organization that doesn't have access to advertising time on basic cable (the Red Cross and similar groups) won't do very well.

But do remember that online charity attempts, like many things on the Internet, don't cost any money to run. Basically, any money that Odinwolf raises over the next three days is a net gain. Also consider that social networking sites like Facebook and twitter, and social forums like Reddit are breeding grounds for stuff like this. Someone thinks this idea is a good one, takes it to Reddit, gets a few of their friends to up vote it, and pretty soon 20,000 people have visited the stream. Even if only 1% of those people have an appreciation of pokemon AND sympathy for Japan AND donate, that's still 200 donations.

So yes, this charity attempt won't raise the millions of dollars the Red Cross has. But useless? Hardly - everything generated is a profit and comes at no personal cost to anyone involved. Just my two cents.

Also it's good to be back smogon :)


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
seriously though didn't they raise like 15k last year or am I just crazy?

what a bunch of assholes. he's pouring his unselfish heart and soul into playing Pokemon non-stop for Japan.. and everyone is just sitting around ignoring this amazing sacrifice. I don't know what more this 1 man can do.
what a bunch of assholes. he's pouring his unselfish heart and soul into playing Pokemon non-stop for Japan.. and everyone is just sitting around ignoring this amazing sacrifice. I don't know what more this 1 man can do.
Yeah I'm sure he's doing it for the sole reason of receiving donations. Also, why didn't you donate?
you rebel you
just look at you fight the power
all alternative and shit
Oh look Firestorm trying to be snide like well every time.

It is not about being anti-anything, it is just that this is absurd. The United States pisses away at least 20,000 times whatever this will make giving money to Israel to buy weapons (that would be with this making around $100,000). Even if this did make $100,000, and even if rich countries did not piss money away on killing each other, what is $100,000 going to do? The money is out there to make changes, but it is not going to be raised by people playing pokemon. Real charity organizations come closer to making some sort of real difference (still futile, but not absurd like this) - my point is not to make a statement about all charity, and I think it is perfectly nice to want to help people. If it takes someone playing pokemon to compel you to give money, then you are not doing it for anything like a good reason though...so, like I said, absurd/ridiculous/yada yada.

tl;dr do not try to read into what I say just because I do not bother to add details; I did not add details because it was not like anyone wanted to have a longwinded discussion in this topic.

also not sure how you read fighting the power into it...I made it clear I was taking an apathetic viewpoint
So we've raised $160 so far, but that doesn't mean its a failure. All its costing us is time and even if we only end up with this amount, we raised something. We might only raise enough to feed a few families for a few days, but that's money that would have otherwise been wasted on movie tickets or some useless doo-dad that sits on a shelf and never serves a functional purpose. It might be a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed, but it still helps.

Besides that, even if this one doesn't raise a lot of money, it might open the door for a future one to be more successful. It might inspire some kid who watches to do a bigger and better one in a few years that raises a lot more money for another cause. The attempt to make our world better doesn't always pay off in hard cash right away, but often the trickle down effect of small gestures here and there can make a big difference later.

If you want to sit on the internet, be a cynical jerk, play pokemon and be a waste of space, air and food, then by all means just do that. But if I'm going to be playing some pokemon this weekend anyways, I might as well try to channel it into something positive.

btw, we're up to Generation 3 and the guy playing now has never played Pokémon before in his life. The guys in the stream are helping him through the game, so if you have some free time today but don't have any cash to donate, you can help out by getting into the stream and giving the Gen3 player some guidance. We're trying to get through things quickly so good, clear directions for completing the third gen would be awesome. I'll be playing Gen4 overnight, so the sooner he gets done, the more sleep I get tonight.

EDIT: Yes, Surf isn't just allowed, its pretty much necessary to complete the games up until Gen5 I believe. We are playing with no glitches, hacks or any tools except for saving and reloading.
So you try to take the high ground, but then use the ad hominem of calling your philosophical opponent a negative to the world. That really establishes your position well! What you see as noble and some possible "trickle down I see as laughable because any of several rich people could do a thousand times more with a passing thought, but choose to band together and waste that on weapons and hating each other instead (which I assume is inherent human nature, natural for a lot of reasons). You disagreeing with my position does not make you a better person or make me a drain on society and it is disgusting that you would resort to such unintelligent pejorative.

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