Pokemon NPC Mafia - asim (Wolf) and other neutrals win!

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ok, well one faction ought vote mekkah. don't forget, we have one more person to lynch as this night, two people get lynched.

time to figure out contestant #2.

lynch mekkah


Banned deucer.
Everyone agreed, at least in public. Mekkah was public enemy #1 and clearly had to be removed. Team Aether and Sidd combined their powers together and took out the unresisting Mekkah, who was revealed to be, in fact, a weakling of a girl. She dropped an item in the grass, which was picked up by an unknown person.

Dear Mekkah,

You are Domino. You are also known as the Black Tulip. You are one of Team Rocket’s elite officers.

As a beautiful flower with her thorns, you are able to persuade any male character in the game into voting however you want. By PMing imperfectluck ‘Night X – Sleep with USER and ask him nicely to vote USER,’ you can charm him into voting whoever you want. If he fails to do so, you will kill him in retribution. You will be informed if your target was a male target at the end of the night (have fun with those that aren’t male human characters!) You may also choose to PM imperfectluck ‘Night X – Electric Tulip attack on USER,’ paralyzing that USER and preventing them from speaking the next day, or suffer the consequences of dying from attempting to foolishly speak while paralyzed. You may not use both of the above abilities on the same night.

You win if Team Rocket wins.
Mekkah appeared to have been the current leader of Team Rocket. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the contest judges have just finished counting the results of the secret ballot. It would seem that everyone has agreed that Macle is the cutest person ever, so the visiting contest judges have kidnapped Macle and taken him to a secret underground dungeon somewhere, removing him from the game forever. On Route 214, the last place anyone ever saw Macle alive, a new sign has popped up:

Dear Macle,

You are Celio. You are a Pokemon storage system programmer and good friend of Bill who lives in the Sevii Islands. You run the Pokemon Net Center on Knot Island in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen.

With your data expertise, you can identify and ascertain the purpose of any items you receive that other users may not be able to tell. Once you identify an item, if you choose to give it away, that user will be able to use the item, and the user after him will be able to as well as long as the item is passed along. Since you are so good with computers, you can use a laptop to post if you are ever silenced or kidnapped, meaning you will always be able to post in the main thread unless you are dead.

You recently traded your Ruby for a Magma Emblem. Whoever holds the Magma Emblem will be so afraid of speaking up and being found out as a Team Magma member that they will be unable to post or participate in lynches. Anyone investigated while holding the Magma Emblem will return an alliance of 'Team Magma.' However, this item may have a different effect on an actual member of Team Magma.

You win if the Pokemon NPCs win.
With that, you notice some hubbub coming from the basement of the Pokemon Center. Toothache seems to have reappeared, but has taken the shape of Da Letter El. Da Letter El is now playing for Toothache, who has somehow rejoined the game, revived.

It is now Night 4. Night 4 ends when all night PMs are in, or at 2AM EST, Oct 2.
Phantasia - confirmed role, just need to know whether hes bad or good

ok, so a few people still haven't claimed, so please talk to eo/scrubs unless you wanna get targetted!

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
Look, I'm 100% clean, so you literally have ZERO reason not to claim to me. If I do not have a PM forwarded to me by tonight I am assuming you are mafia.

And scrubs, I'll be on IRC after school
Look, I'm 100% clean, so you literally have ZERO reason not to claim to me. If I do not have a PM forwarded to me by tonight I am assuming you are mafia.

And scrubs, I'll be on IRC after school
shut the fuck up man, don't just waltz your ass in and come in for claims. You've been gone for the whole game practically, so don't expect anyone to claim to you. In other words, you're fucking retarded.

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
You know, just trying to take advantage of the fact that now people have someone who they know they can claim to, since everyone knows my role and alignment. Seriously sidd, this goes along with your post about how some of those people havent claimed yet. They literally have zero excuse not to claim now, since I was revived.

Mafia revival role, as pyromaniac suggested, would be so broken it wouldnt be funny. It would be able to give mafias an instant advantage in numbers if need-be, as well as a possible super-mole. That's not cool, and IPL would not and did not do that.
ignore him.

anyways, i might as well just tell my take on who all are the mafia in my attempt to be a hero.

ok so first off, before macle got lynched, both of us were talking on irc earlier. He told me that Phantasia is with neo tr, which 50/50 believed. I for one, could prove that Phantasia was a martyr, with my role. He also told me Bass would claim to him only after macle lynched a neo tr. Before the end, macle told me this ; Eo, Shade & Phantasia are neo tr.

Dear Sidd,

You are Morty. You are the Gym Leader of Ecruteak City's Gym. Your title is 'The Mystic Seer of the Future.'

As a famous Gym Leader, your voice carries more weight in discussions. Therefore, your vote counts double. You are also a natural version of the Itemfinder, due to your clairvoyant powers, and your Gengar will help search for items as well. By PMing imperfectluck 'Clairvoyantly look for items on USER1 and USER2,' you and your Gengar can find out how many items each user was currently carrying at the beginning of the night.

You win if the Pokemon NPCs win.
I tried finding items on HD/Thorns n2, but instead, this is what happened.

For some reason, you seemed to have mixed up your directions due to inclement weather and decided to check Phantasia instead. It would appear that Phantasia was holding on to something at the beginning of the night.
Now, before i decided who to lynch yesterday, I talked to Eo about who to lynch. I didn't tell him macle called him neo tr yet, but I told him i planned on lynching Phantasia, which is when he started getting defensive and tried convincing me to vote macle instead of Phantasia. In other words, there's a pretty big chance that Eo is indeed partners with Phantasia. Shade replaced Coth, who had shown me his role pm beforehand, and honestly i think it was pretty much bs. It said that his role could make a phrase/sentence appear on the OP, whatever he wanted it to be. He told me this n1, and I have yet to see anything.

Now, Bass tells macle that he will claim to him after a Neo TR has been lynched. What could Bass benefit from having a neo tr lynched, instead of any tr? Simple, I think he's using that to cover him up as a tr member, as lynching a neo tr member would ultimately make the level 2-2, tr - neo tr.
Bass is a tr member.

Last TR member yet to find out, but if you ask me for a randlynch or something, I'd probably say Thorns for no reason whatsoever.

EDIT:actually my bad, shade proved his role along time back, so eo/phantasia/someone else.

tl;dr (My guess that needs no proving)

Eo/Phantasia/x as Neo TR.

x as Wolf

Bass/x as TR

x = agape, mr_goodbar, thorns

i think the village needs better communication, one day scrubs will tell im clean, the other he'll say he doesn't trust me behind my back to Bass.


Brother in arms
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnus
I seriously love how everyone and their mother has been saying "Claim to me because I am 100% villager!" after LN's death even though none of these people have fully backed up that statement. There are lots of newer players in this game, and as someone who has experienced this type of phenomena before (re: mafia asking for claims to manipulate village lynches), I can most definitely say that claiming to anyone who you are not certain about being a villager is a bad idea. Right now, if you really must claim to someone, Scrubs is probably the person who is most likely clean (although still not 100% in my book) out of all the claim beggers.

On the other hand, do not listen to anything Sidd says. He admitted to being mafia to me in an IRC convo. Here is the log:

<Bass> I would have certainly told macle had he survived
<Bass> but as for you, you have given me no reason to do so
<Bass> you should also realize that a vast majority of mafia will have already written a fake claim by the end of Day 1 and would then willingly use that if people asked them for claims
<Sidd> eh
<Sidd> this is exactly why
<Sidd> i dont even give a fuck'
<Sidd> if mafia wins
<Bass> because you are in fact mafia?
<Sidd> nah
<Sidd> im fucking cleaned
<Sidd> clean*
<Sidd> ask scrubs
<Bass> really? when I asked him scrubs said that he wasn't sure about that
<Sidd> bullshit
<Sidd> ok you know what
<Sidd> go lose this fucking game
<Sidd> i am mafia
<Sidd> lynch me 
<Sidd> pls
<Bass> well thanks for admitting it
<Sidd> yeah np
<Sidd> so your a wolf?
<Sidd> hmm
<Sidd> idk
<Bass> nice post
<Sidd> what
<Sidd> oh who gives a fuck
<Sidd> everyones just gonna be like 'noob said shit get him'
If you are still not convinced, just look at this statement in his claim:

By PMing imperfectluck 'Clairvoyantly look for items on USER1 and USER2,' you and your Gengar can find out how many items each user was currently carrying at the beginning of the night.
I think any competent player should see that this statement is missing some crucial information that could be found in any legitimate role PM.

Sidd was also responsible for macle's death. According to Scrubs, it was he who coordinated the PM lynch against him on the basis of "he is neo-tr!" when macle, a legitimate npc, asked us to lynch Phantasia via PM instead, who if anything was the one most suspect of being neo-tr.

I will not come to full conclusions yet. I have been told that Sidd would be the one that gets inspected tonight, so we should know for sure by the next day.
Yea sidd kinda dropped the ball.
[16:49:21] <Sidd> hey scrubs
[16:49:23] <Sidd> im mafia
[16:49:30] <Sidd> as some of the guys village
[16:49:31] <Sidd> calls me

and [16:11:25] <USER> <USER> thats not a very convincing role PM
[16:11:26] <USER> <Sidd> ...
[16:11:26] <USER> <Sidd> your right
[16:11:26] <USER> <Sidd> it sucks
[16:11:26] <USER> <Sidd> let me go fake it again
[16:11:26] <USER> <USER> lol
[16:11:28] <USER> <Sidd> so sorry man but im neo tr
[16:11:30] <USER> <Sidd> dont trust me
[16:11:32] <USER> <USER> k i wont

No one trust or claim to sidd untill he is inspected. I don't see why he would claim mafia at all tho <_<
Yea sidd kinda dropped the ball.
[16:49:21] <Sidd> hey scrubs
[16:49:23] <Sidd> im mafia
[16:49:30] <Sidd> as some of the guys village
[16:49:31] <Sidd> calls me

and [16:11:25] <USER> <USER> thats not a very convincing role PM
[16:11:26] <USER> <Sidd> ...
[16:11:26] <USER> <Sidd> your right
[16:11:26] <USER> <Sidd> it sucks
[16:11:26] <USER> <Sidd> let me go fake it again
[16:11:26] <USER> <USER> lol
[16:11:28] <USER> <Sidd> so sorry man but im neo tr
[16:11:30] <USER> <Sidd> dont trust me
[16:11:32] <USER> <USER> k i wont

No one trust or claim to sidd untill he is inspected. I don't see why he would claim mafia at all tho <_<
what am i saying mafia doesnt need my help

mafia ganna win thanks to how much the village fucking sucks


be sharp, say nowt
is a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
anyone who actually wants sensible conversation about this mafia, rather than this farcical mess the village has turned into, can talk to me. i'm not asking for claims doing this either, there are already too many people arguing over that anyway.
well this is gay.

scrubs has been feeding me false info so technically i know absolutely nothing about this game.

<Sidd>i love how you guys immediately believe im mafia
<Sidd>but doubt my role pm
<Sidd>just for the record
<Sidd>eo knows USERS role
<scrubs>it doesnt matter i bs'd like half the stuff i gave you

guys, you might just be working for the wolf.
I bs'd it to you cause I never trusted you.

edit: and your actions now prove me right about not trusting you

shut the fuck up man, don't just waltz your ass in and come in for claims

EDIT:actually my bad, shade proved his role along time back, so eo/phantasia/someone else.

tl;dr (My guess that needs no proving)

Eo/Phantasia/x as Neo TR.

x as Wolf

Bass/x as TR

x = agape, mr_goodbar, thorns

i think the village needs better communication, one day scrubs will tell im clean, the other he'll say he doesn't trust me behind my back to Bass.
"I'm gonna point my finger at half the game"

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
I don't fucking know, all I know is that I'm clean and that I would like claims, as well as night-by-night results, who you are targeting tonight, and what items you are holding. I would REALLY like this info so that village can finally get its act together. Sidd, this revival is basically the opportunity for the village to start getting its ass together, so I would highly appreciate your cooperation. Thank you. Anyone refusing to cooperate with me from this point forward should be treated as mafia, as a conversion revival item would be broken as hell, and as such would not be implemented.

EDIT: from talking to scrubs, he does have a fair of this info already, but not all of it, so if you haven't talked to scrubs in detail about this stuff, i would like to know what you havent told him. thanks. I may hunt down on an individual basis once I work with scrubs and get the information he has organized.


Banned deucer.
By popular opinion (quite a lot of complaints,) Sidd is being subbed out. A jumpluff+ has floated down in front of the Pokemon Center, how fitting! It seems that she will be replacing Sidd.
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