Tournament PSPL IV Group Stages (Week 1)

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Making an activity post on behalf of our OU player, Alphajores. His opponent, xMarth, still hasn't responded to the post he made on his wall. Maybe a sub is needed? This is for Mafia vs Underused by the way.

Also negusplease (PS username: fairyjigglypuff) is now in for Alphajores.
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Alright, I'm going to have to call activity. My opponent, Death God Anubis, never showed up for our match and we were supposed to play an hour ago. Now, if you look at his wall, you might say this was on short notice, as I literally gave him this time last night and never got a response, but that's the thing: after he agreed to play on thursday or friday - on tuesday - I asked for a precise time and only got a response that whichever time works for me was fine - last night, when I would have likely already been asleep. I immediately gave him the latest available time that works for me with an hour buffer, and that's that. I'll be hopping off for the weekend now.
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