Finals Smogon Premier League XIV - Finals [Won by Team Raiders]

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formerly Booty
is a Tournament Directoris a Forum Moderatoris a Tiering Contributoris a Past WCoP Champion
Team Raiders (1) vs (2) Stark Sharks

SV OU: Gtcha vs mind gaming - Mind has been great in SV all spl and the one SV game i saw gtcha play was less than inspiring. Now that was a few weeks ago for gtcha, so things can obviously change but atp i think mind is still probably far ahead in terms of knowledge of the tier. Mind has also been playing like an absolute beast. Heavily favoring mind here unless he just gets some unwinnable shed tail match up.

SM OU: Skypenguin vs SoulWind - I feel like even though SW is the better overall player they are pretty evenly matched in SM due to skypes building expertise in the tier. Simply I think unless skype plays bad he will just have some tech or team that will have solid matchup and will win.

ORAS OU: McMeghan vs jonfilch - Jon knows oras like the back of his hand and if my memory serves right roro struggled a bit when oras was the main gen. Now granted that was ages ago and even roro is probably in the top 5 or top 10 all time I still favor jon here. The past year jon has risen up to be a top tournament contender and a clutch one at that, combined with his oras prowess I don't see him losing this one.

Best of luck to both. Hoping for some great games
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McM who used to be considered one of the best player of all time => to not even considered a favorite to win an SPL Final tiebreaker against jonfilch

How the mighty has fallen, so sad

Must be sad to only be known on this site as a random troll who trashtalks other players while having shown no indication whatsoever that you know wtf you're talking about, let alone being good at this game. Just pathetic at this point.
McM who used to be considered one of the best player of all time => to not even considered a favorite to win an SPL Final tiebreaker against jonfilch

How the mighty has fallen, so sad
Dude, you've been on this site since 2010 and I still have more stuff to say than you despite not even having 2 years on this site yet.

I would advice you to stfu.
McMeghan is still the GOAT.
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