[Standard] Ender's Second Game - Game Over! Lots of people won!

Lynch Phantasia

Phantasia, you are the First Speaker of Starways Congress. You are the rude person who questioned whether an order would be obeyed. Your ability is "Night x - Question USER." Your target will not be able to perform any night actions Night x. The First Secretary of the Starfleet Admiralty is <do I really need to snip this?>. You win if Starways Congress wins
It's almost over...
[Standard] Ender's Second Game (Night 6)


Phantasia resigned before the firing could occur, and has retired to Trondheim.
Phantasia, you are the First Speaker of Starways Congress. You are the rude person who questioned whether an order would be obeyed. Your ability is "Night x - Question USER." Your target will not be able to perform any night actions Night x. The First Secretary of the Starfleet Admiralty is <snip>. You win if Starways Congress wins.
Congratulations, Starways Congress has been dissolved.

It is now Night 6. Deadline is in 96 hours because I'm going to be at the ARML competition on Friday and Saturday, and thus unable to update.
You're away Friday and Saturday? Well, that happens. Good luck at the competition!

For the rest of us though, night actions are straightforward right now. How about we all get our actions in today and see if we can't move onto the day before Aura_Guardian leaves?

Destiny Warrior

also known as Darkwing_Duck
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
This is starting to drag a bit. I understand AG's reasoning as to why not to call the game, but it does have the drag effect now, since its pretty much over(no offense at all AG, I can see where you're coming from with the argument you supplied to me).
Game Over.

Game Over.
The ending is as good as inevitable, given what I've been told of the strategy to be used.

You see Aura Guardian smiling. As you approach to ask, the sirens start blazing. The Lusitania Fleet has arrived. On board, the cameras show that vonFiedler has been shot.
vonFiedler, you are Miro. You were crippled, but a miracle of reality restored you to your prime. Your ability is "Day x - go on a spaceship with USER1 and USER2." You and both your targets will all leave for three nights and three days. You may only do this once. You win if the Lusitanians win.
The Lusitanian ansible forwards a message: "Soon, Lusitania will be destoyed. The Dr. Device will annihilate the planet, and the Fleet will return to Starways Congress and re-establish the government."


Zorbees: If we can get on board, then we can stop them.

Crux: We're going about this wrong. No ifs.

Smallvizier: I can get you on board.

Lightwolf: There are many colonies with my fellow Hive Queens. I'll help.

Crux: Send me up, too.

Smallvizier: All of us going up.


undisput3d: Huh? Who are you? How did you get on board?

Team Aether: Let's shoot them first, Admiral. They're Lusitanians. Traitors.

Nachos: For the Hive Queen.

undisputd: What? Are you possesed?

Lightwolf: <Hahaha! Nachos is mine to control!>
As undisputd draws his laser pistol, Crux moves in and argues with him. Bad idea.
Crux, you are Quara. You are the stubborn co-xenobiologist of Lusitania. Your ability is "Night x - argue with USER." Your target will instead target you. You win if the Lusitanians win.
Nachos is the next to fall. Something to do with freeing him of the Hive Queen's influence.
Nachos, you are Cargo Officer Lung. You are the Cargo Officer of Admiral Bobby Lands's ship. Your ability is "Night x - Watch USER." Your target will not be killed Night x. Admiral Bobby Lands is <snip>. Executive Officer Causo is <snip>. You win if the Lusitania Fleet wins.
Lightwolf and zorbees move in. What chance did the Fleet have?
Team Aether, you are Executive Officer Causo. You are the second-in-command of Admiral Bobby Lands's ship. Your ability is "Night x - Arrest USER." Your target will not be able to perform any actions Night x. Admiral Bobby Lands is <snip>. Cargo Officer Lung is <snip>. You win if the Lusitania Fleet wins.
undisput3d, you are Admiral Bobby Lands. You are the Admiral sent to destroy Lusitania. Your ability is "Night x - shoot USER." Your taget will die. If you die, Executive Officer Causo, who you know is Team Aether, will take over your kill ability. If you and Executive Officer Causo die, then Cargo Officer Lung, who you know is Nachos, will take over your ability. You win if the Lusitania Fleet wins.
Pleased at the end of the overlords, you reveal your roles to each other.
Raverist, you are a brothertree. You give yourself when needed to help the forest. Any attempt to target one of the pequininos will redirect to you while you live. You cannot be protected. Also, you are mute, so posting in the thread will result in your death. You may cast a secret vote with "Day x - Vote USER." You win if the pequininos win.
Your posting restriction is over, Raverist.
Supermarth64, you are Planter. You are the first pequinino to attempt to enter the Third life without the Descolada. Your ability is "Night x - plant USER." Your target will die. You may only use this once before the brothertree dies, and may use it a second time after. You win if the pequininos win.
Towelie, you are the mothertree. You nurture the pequininos in the First Life. Your ability is "Night x - Nurture USER." Your target will not be killed Night x. Also, your vote counts double. You win if the pequininos win.
hailflameblast, you are Human, the pequinino. You are an exceptionally bright member of your species. You are the Pequininos-Hive Queen Lynchpin. Your ability "Night x - Talk with USER." If your target is a Pequinino or of the Hive Queen, you will receive USER's full role PM. You have a one-time bulletproof vest. Your vote counts double. You win if you live until the end of the game or if all the lynchpins die.
Sledge, you are a drone. You live to serve the Hive Queen. The Hive Queen is LightWolf. You will take over the worker's role when the worker is dead. While you live and after the worker is dead, any attacks against the Hive Queen will be redirected to you. Your vote is null. You win if the Hive Queen survives until the end of the game.
LightWolf, you are the Hive Queen. You are the leader of all of your race, the Formics. Your ability is "Night x - tame USER." You will receive your target's full role PM and will be allowed to use your target's ability, overriding your target's wishes. You may only tame a user if there are no other tamed users, and may only tame three users ever. Your vote counts triple. <snip> is one of your drones. <snip> is one of your workers. You win if you survive until the end of the game.
Please not that the three votes were because the other two's votes didn't count.
smallvizier, you are Jane. You are the soul of the ansible. You are the Lusitanians-Hive Queen Lynchpin. Your ability is "Night x - Penetrate USER's files." You will find your target's ability. While Ender Wiggin still lives, you have a place to retreat to if you are shut down. You have a one-time bulletproof vest. If Ender Wiggin dies, you will lose your bulletproof vest. Your vote counts double. You win if you live until the end of the game or if all the lynchpins die.
GoldenKnight/Thoughts, you are Valentine Wiggin. You are also the famous Demosthenes. Your ability is "Night x - accuse USER." Your target will be given a choice between death and releasing his/her full role PM to a Lusitanian by the begining of the next night. You win if the Lusitanian's win.
zorbees, you are Ender Wiggin. You are the Xenocide and the Speaker for the Dead. You are the Lusitanians-Pequininos lynchpin. Your ability is "Night x - Speak for USER." Your target must be dead as of two nights ago. Your target's killer's full role PM will be revealed in the update. You may only use this ability once. You also may speak to the dead. You have a one-time bulletproof vest. Your vote counts double. You win if you live until the end of the game or if all the lynchpins die.
Lusitanians/Hive Queen/Pequininos/zorbees/hailflameblast/smallvizier win.

Postgame will be up sometime, but please note that the game did not go as I expected.

And yeah, I know the ending wasn't epic.

EDIT: Here's my spreadsheet. https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Am8E4LVFLPlqdFNVNXFVZVlyQzJLbVU5eHlTMlZZb3c&hl=en


Well I had a real blast playing this game, probably my favourite so far (except maybe Nintendo, that was pretty fun too)

Here is the link to our spreadsheet for those who want to see it (the format changed so much over time, and I'm not sure why the whole role PMs were put in there! Also we never used the actions page)


People with access were: Me, HFB, zorbees, smallvizier and Goldenknight very briefly inbetween my death and his subbing.

Thanks for hosting AG!

Oh, and apparently I have to edit this in!


doesn't quite sound as good as MANIACS RULE or GO DEVIOUS...


Chwa for no reason!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Fun game, was pretty easy for us since the lynchpins united quickly and we had a bunch of inspects, as well as me and slim getting claims from people. Thanks for ending it so we can up our priority. More comments when A_G posts his postgame.

Thank you very much for hosting, Aura Guardian. This was my first mafia game so I can't compare it to anything, but I can tell you this was a blast. The beginning in particular, when there was little to go on but gut instinct and both sides were scrabbling to gather their troops, felt exciting but thankfully (for the three winning factions) it all came off.

It was also great that no-one I spoke to, friend or foe, was ever rude or aggressive in my prescence (which isn't a given on the 'net, especially when people suspect they might be about to lose). Thanks to all!

Thanks to some individuals too, more on that in the post-game I guess. This one's mainly to say "good game A_G."

EDIT: HFB did indeed do a great job of managing our actions in the late-game. Now it seems he has one last request for me to fulfil. Ahem:


Destiny Warrior

also known as Darkwing_Duck
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
I should state my opinion on the game.

Well, it was really fun, and I enjoyed leading. We were pretty much organized by Night 2, and I was a matter of milking as many lynches as possible out of BM before he got killed and I had to step up(sorry BM, we really wanted Fleet and Congress to be ripped, but didn't want tow aste kills, so we made you a scapegoat) and start using Nachos/Towelie. I issued orders through Slim Guldo and zorbees. Now, the enemy list might seem like a blunder, but I wanted BM to draw maximum attention to himself, hoping the wolf AND any killers out there would waste kills on him, keeping everybody allied alive for the night.

After that, it was merely a matter of lynching the bad guys off one by one, while manipulating their plans by trolling Nachos, and pretending to reveal "confidential information". I claimed Redirector to him, and then acted like I had made a blunder, so that I could draw away their hookers to me, thereby stopping kills. Unfortunately, it wasn't needed, since we kidnapped undisput3d and Team Aether, effectively stopping all kills, and we planned to lynch off Phantasia, then lynch nachos. Thanksfully, the game ended here(courtesy me convincing AG by telling him our plans)

Great hosting AG, and oh yeah, next time, guys, I'm going to lead. Just an alert in advance.


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