SwagPlay, evaluating potential bans (basic definition of "uncompetitive" in OP)

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Pokemon, in it's purest form, is a very shallow game. If we did not ban things, this game would be little better than rolling dies to determine a winner. However, through banning things, we have shown that pokemon, underneath all of it's problems, can be a deep and strategic game.

Smogon aims to uncover this game by creating an environment with the least randomization involved. When we speak of luck in pokemon, we often use the word "hax." Hax, in simple terms, is when luck occurs in pokemon. More often than not, this affects the outcome of the match. If Smogon wanted to create the absolutely most competitive form of pokemon imaginable, as much of this luck would be removed from the game as possible.

Keep in mind, however, that we do not play Chess. We play Pokemon, and at it's core, luck is a part of the game. We must determine, then, what is acceptable and not acceptable in terms of luck.

I argue that acceptable luck consists of critical hits, side effects of moves (ice beam's 10% freeze, for example), and things like the possibility of full paralysis.

I argue that these things are acceptable levels of luck because they do not at any point remove any player's ability to play the game. While they may "steal wins" by allowing otherwise impossible situations to occur, this is an integral part of pokemon that the creators of the game included in order to make games more "wet and wild" or "exciting."

We must also determine whether moves that induce status as their main effect are fair, and I argue that these moves are fair. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a good player who would argue against this. Status is another integral part of the game, and contributes more to gameplay than the luck factor I mentioned above. Inflicting status is a legitimate strategy. Using wil-o-wisp to cripple a physical sweeper is a legitimate tactic. Using thunder wave to cripple a scarf user is a legitimate tactic. Using toxic on something that otherwise walls you is a legitimate tactic. Likewise, using moves with side effects with the purpose of trying to inflict status is a legitimate tactic. In generation one OU, for example, using ice beam against an opponent's Chansey in order to freeze it and disable it is not luck - it is strategy. Also, the removal of agency in this case must be "worked for" and is easy to play around. Getting a freeze after the first ice beam would be lucky, but it would fall into the acceptable range of luck.

Swag Play is not strategic in this sense. Swag Play is a tactic that fishes for free turns with no regard given to the target of Swagger or Thunder Wave. The user of this tactic does not care what he hits with Swagger or what he paralyzes with Thunder Wave - and hypothetically if there were no ground or electric pokemon on the opponent's team, would spam thunder wave with impunity in order to slow the opposing pokemon, and follow up with swagger to remove the opponent's chance to play the game. Next, a substitute will usually go up in order to minimize losses if the opponent is lucky enough to be allowed a move. All users of this strategy carry leftovers, so losing a substitute is of no real consequence. Finally, once behind the protection of para fusion, and a substitute in case the opponent is lucky enough to move, is the common foul play OHKO or 2HKO.

This is problematic for many reasons.
1) It allows defensive pokemon to be incredibly offensive, thus being a one man army. This is unfortunate as it removes the element of team building. Rather than adding teammates to cover any weaknesses, often times these pokemon are all copy-pasted with the same exact moves and EVs, thus somewhat getting around the species clause.

2) It removes a player's ability to play the game by turning the game not only into a game of luck, but a game of luck that is slighted heavily against anyone facing this tactic. It is more lucky to be allowed a turn against this strategy than not. How can that be fair? For instance, it would not be fair for a marathon runner to trip and break another runner's leg in order to put him out of the race. This is what this strategy does in a sense. It takes the opponent out of the game, and rather than beating the opponent at a game of pokemon, the person utilizing this tactic was allowed turns while the other player was not. That isn't competitive.

3) Allowing this strategy creates a huge inconsistency in what our rules allow and do not allow. Take Evasion, for instance. Any point used to argue for the allowance of Evasion can be applied as an argument to allow Swag Play. Logically, this makes the two strategies identical enough to warrant a ban on both of them, or neither of them.

4) Evasion is more fair than Swag Play, yet is banned. Reliable counters to Evasion exist in the forms of moves that do not check accuracy and phazing moves. These are both types of moves that are easily accessible and available to viable pokemon. The only true counter to Swag Play is Numel, a pokemon with barely over 300 BST.

I believe that the strategy must be removed in some way due to the reasons given above. I personally believe that a complex ban on Swagger + Foul Play on the same set will cause the least amount of disruption throughout the users of Showdown, while also solving the problems with this strategy. I am also not opposed to just banning Swagger in the name of simplicity.
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4) Evasion is more fair than Swag Play, yet is banned. Reliable counters to Evasion exist in the forms of moves that do not check accuracy and phazing moves. These are both types of moves that are easily accessible and available to viable pokemon. The only true counter to Swag Play is Numel, a pokemon with barely over 300 BST.
Slowbro, Slowking, Smeargle, Avalug... Not to mention -Atk Espeon or -Atk Xatu (which helps for the Foul Play). Mega Absol. Swag-Play got nothing on Magic Bounce.

Hell, who needs Oblivious Slowbro? Regenerator does just fine.

0- Atk Sableye Foul Play vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 102-120 (25.8 - 30.4%) -- 0.6% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

Slowbro can switch in/out all day long, and never take more than regenerator damage against Foul Play.

Sylveon is the perfect counter for Swag-play teams. With Heal Bell, Wish, and Hypervoice, Sylveon can strike through substitutes, cure entire teams of paralysis, perform cleric duties, and resists Foul Play while being quite tanky with low-attack stats itself. But Blissey/Chansey work quite fine as well for Cleric Duties.

Beyond them, many Swag-play strategies seem to rely on substitute shennanigans. Infiltrator and Hyper Voice (especially Pixelate Gardevoir, Pixelate Sylveon) give you the ability to destroy any substitute shenanigans that may go on. SwagPlay favorites Sableye and Murkrow can give you prankster taunt. Mega Absol gives you Magic Bounce taunt, which against Swag-Play team is probably as good as gold.

We consider Baton Pass teams to be crap right now, because Phazers are pretty common. (Common... but definitely not run on every team). Similarly, we can break any SwagPlay strategy by keeping one or two backup pokemon available. (Mega Absol, Espeon, Pixelate M-Gardevoir / Sylveon are most certainly OU worthy, even outside of SwagPlay contexts)


I understand banning something because you find it "not fun". I disagree with it of course, but I can understand that. But SwagPlay has plenty of counters if yall would spend just 5 minutes thinking of them up.

Similarly, Evasion Clause has plenty of counters. Sacred Sword, Aura Sphere, or fuck... Odor Sleuth, Foresight and No Guard. Hone Claws, Gravity. Scizor Technician Aerial Ace... Haze, Whirlwind, Roar, Vital Throw, Hail Blizzard, Rain Thunder, Rain Hurricane... but most people are too busy trying to ban things than think of legitimate counters.

The only argument that I respect around here is the "not fun" argument. You are never going to convince me that SwagPlay is actually a good, tournament worthy strategy. Nor will you convince me that SwagPlay lacks "counterplay".
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Maybe having a team of 6 physical sweepers wasn't the best idea. It's not like dedicated walls can stall it out or anything.
Slowbro, Slowking, Smeargle, Avalug... Not to mention -Atk Espeon or -Atk Xatu (which helps for the Foul Play). Mega Absol. Swag-Play got nothing on Magic Bounce.

Beyond them, many Swag-play strategies seem to rely on substitute shennanigans. Infiltrator and Hyper Voice (especially Pixelate Gardevoir, Pixelate Sylveon) give you the ability to destroy any substitute shennanigans that may go on. SwagPlay favorites Sableye and Murkrow can give you prankster taunt. Mega Absol gives you Magic Bounce taunt, which against Swag-Play team is probably as good as gold.
Are we really doing this again?

Stall teams are less susceptible to swagplay, but there's no such thing as a Pokemon that can afford to lose turns while taking damage. With luck (a lot of it, but not an impossible amount), swag play can beat stall, and it's not because the player was more skilled. Stall is NOT immune to swag play.

Magic bounce is not a reliable check either. Espeon, the only magic bouncer in ou (I'm not even going to talk about the others) can only beat klefki when it runs hp fire and has a safe switch in. Running hp fire is too much to ask for, and the safe switch in isn't guaranteed

As for bypassing sub, you still haven't even addressed the issue of 50% chance to hurt yourself.

If you guys really want to post on this thread, read the first 25 or so pages. Every would be counter except thundurus-I was addressed and shot down at least twice

And Dragontamer , please tell me you didn't just try to suggest removing the evasion clause.
As for bypassing sub, you still haven't even addressed the issue of 50% chance to hurt yourself.
And you haven't addressed the 10% chance that Swagger misses, and the 50% chance to NOT hurt yourself. That is 45% chance to hurt yourself, 55% chance that the opponent has done nothing for a full turn.

And Dragontamer , please tell me you didn't just try to suggest removing the evasion clause.
I play to win yo. I'll win with whatever rules you lay out.


The scrub would take great issue with this statement for he usually believes that he is playing to win, but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevents him from ever truly competing. These made-up rules vary from game to game, of course, but their character remains constant....

In Street Fighter, the scrub labels a wide variety of tactics and situations “cheap.” This “cheapness” is truly the mantra of the scrub. Performing a throw on someone is often called cheap. A throw is a special kind of move that grabs an opponent and damages him, even when the opponent is defending against all other kinds of attacks. The entire purpose of the throw is to be able to damage an opponent who sits and blocks and doesn’t attack. As far as the game is concerned, throwing is an integral part of the design—it’s meant to be there—yet the scrub has constructed his own set of principles in his mind that state he should be totally impervious to all attacks while blocking. The scrub thinks of blocking as a kind of magic shield that will protect him indefinitely. Why? Exploring the reasoning is futile since the notion is ridiculous from the start.
I prefer to minimize rules that serve no purpose but to make this game less competitive. SwagPlay and Evasion clauses are two clauses that match Sirlin's definition of "Scrub Play". So yes, I'm very much against them.

I understand banning truely uncompetitive strategies such as Funbro... but the best argument I've seen for SwagPlay is that it is "unfun" and "tedious". Evasion clause is a totally different topic, so I'll not elaborate upon it here.
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And you haven't addressed the 10% chance that Swagger misses, and the 50% chance to NOT hurt yourself. That is 45% chance to hurt yourself, 55% chance that the opponent has done nothing for a full turn.

I play to win yo. I'll win with whatever rules you lay out.


I prefer to minimize rules that serve no purpose but to make this game less competitive.
Seriously? You're seriously suggesting that a 45% chance to damage yourself every turn of the battle (except turns you switch, or if you somehow last long enough to have it wear off and you get 1 free turn) is at all reasonable? I thought I had already ignored all the morons of this thread, but they just keep popping up.

Wait, just two seconds ago you seemed to want to unban evasion. Sorry for forgetting that precious 10% chance to miss, but you've proven to be a lost cause in my book.

People need to understand that this is not a place to challenge how smogon has done things, we are here to decide if swagplay meets the criteria that is already in place.
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Seriously? You're seriously suggesting that a 45% chance to damage yourself every turn of the battle (except turns you switch, or if you somehow last long enough to have it wear off and you get 1 free turn) is at all reasonable?
To quote many users from "your side" of the argument:


EDIT: here's a better quote from a much more respected user:


This strategy isn't on the (potential) chopping block because it's OP but because it's uncompetitive. It might not get the player to the top of the ladder but it can certainly disrupt another player who plays by "normal" strategies who IS trying to get to the top.
The people in this thread that know what they're talking about, from Moderators to Tournament players to Badge users... they all know that counterplay exists for SwagPlay. You can't even possibly make me believe that SwagPlay is a viable tournament strategy. Just no fucking way. This isn't about undefeatable strategies (IE: M-Gengar, M-Khan, Blaziken). This is about defining how Smogon wants to play Pokemon. When a ban runs counter to the cannonical reference for what defines "competitive play", that forces me to be fully against it.

Smogon will not be the shining beacon of "competitive play" if they are fearful of SwagPlay. Smogon will be seen as the den of scrubs who are too busy making up their own rules. That is what I'm worried about. YES, scrubs. Sirlin's definition of Scrub is the most canonical definition there is. And Smogon is walking down that path with a SwagPlay ban.

Smogon evades the bullet with Evasion Clause because Evasion Clause and Sleep Clause are "grandfathered" clauses more than anything. They're clauses that are older than Smogon itself, and not worth fighting against.

You can't deny that Prankster Swag is a big contributor to the problem by itself. A good number of people see that it is Pranskter Swagger plus the number of abusable moves to be the issue, which is why they suggested complex bans. That said, Prankster Swagger (or Prankster confusion in general) by itself is still somewhat 'uncompetitive', but not otherwise unhealthy for the meta, which is why I can see it possibly staying, but I know there would be people who would still be strongly against the idea of forcing a coinflip onto the opponent.
Scarf Togekiss and Scarf Jirachi force but a 40% chance of moving on the opponent. Should they be banned too? In fact, in Smogon's own guides, Jirachi / Machamp are mentioned together because of the synergy between Paralysis and Dynamic Punch, which forces the opponent into a 37.5% chance of retaliation.

Parafusion is a strategy as old as Smogon. Prankster-Swag / TWave is but the latest iteration of Parafusion, and arguably not nearly as good as say... Jirachi / Machamp Parafusion in Gen4.
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To quote many users from "your side" of the argument:


The people in this thread that know what they're talking about, from Moderators to Tournament players to Badge users... they all know that counterplay exists for SwagPlay. You can't even possibly make me believe that SwagPlay is a viable tournament strategy. Just no fucking way. This isn't about undefeatable strategies (IE: M-Gengar, M-Khan, Blaziken). This is about defining how Smogon wants to play Pokemon. When a ban runs counter to the cannonical reference for what defines "competitive play", that forces me to be fully against it.

Smogon will not be the shining beacon of "competitive play" if they are fearful of SwagPlay. Smogon will be seen as the den of scrubs who are too busy making up their own rules. That is what I'm worried about.
1st, what are you, Russian? What was all that nonsense about shining beacons? All we care about is a competitive meta game

2nd, what are you talking about with counter play? There are things you can do to lessen it, but it boils down to RNG and how much it likes you.

3rd, canonical reference? Have you been living under a rock? There's an abundance of precedent for banning things that force the game to be decided by a dice role! You're the one who is contrary to "canon" with your idiotic anti-evasion Clause ideas

You sound like the morons down in the serebii forums who see how many times they can get banned from smogon just because they have nothing better to do. You all clearly don't grasp what smogon is trying to do with the bans. Swagplay is clearly unhealthy and will be expunged. The sooner we can get passed bumps like you, the better
I promise you that if any prankster-mon got a sleep move that smogon would have banned it ASAP
Perhaps. But even if they did, would they ban the sleep move, the ability, the creature, or a combination thereof? That's part of the point: it's absurd to say that we should ban all of Swagger just because a very specific perfect storm in the form of Swagger, Foul Play, Substitute, and priority is wreaking havoc on some players' short tempers. Imagine if Game Freak felt devilish enough to gift Sleep Powder to Whimsicott via a move tutor or breeding chain. Even if they did, and even if the ban was guaranteed, would you expect Smogon to ban a) the move Sleep Powder, b) the ability Prankster, c) the Pokémon Whimsicott, or d) other? I would expect B or C before I would expect A. The mere suggestion that the staff would ban all of Sleep Powder because one specific set on one specific creature was too powerful is ridiculous. And yet that's precisely the conversation that people keep trying to have regarding Swagger right now. "Because SwagPlay is too good, it is Swagger that must go." What.

I said it before, I'll say it again: I encourage everyone to test out the claims that are being put forward in this thread. Don't just blindly accept what people have said. Test it. Zarel & team have worked very hard to bring you the best Pokémon battle simulator on the Internet. Make use of it. Build one team that satisfies you as being a sterling example of a super OP SwagPlay team. Build another team that satisfies you as being a pretty standard OU team. And then pit them against one another and see how they work for you under various conditions. Which team tends to dominate when full SwagPlay is allowed at max power? (Prankster, Swagger, Foul Play, Substitute, Thunder Wave, the works.) Which team tends to dominate when you remove just Swagger? (We opted to swap it out for Confuse Ray.) Which team tends to win when you remove just Foul Play? How good is Swagger when it's used on non-SwagPlay movesets? See for yourself whether you think a simple ban of any one of the nominated elements (Swagger, Foul Play, Prankster, specific creatures) is a) adequate and b) appropriate. See for yourself whether you would instead support a complex ban of any number of elements relevant to this strategy. (And be sure to take turns with the two teams to minimize the chance that you're mistaking a player's skill for a team's power.)

The playtests I've partaken in have clearly shown that Swagger is by no means in and of itself broken; that even a pitiful team of four Electrodes can draw a game out to turn 145 without Prankster, without Klefki's amazing typing, without scarves or priority, just by alternating strategically between Swagger, Substitute, and Foul Play; that defanging SwagPlay by removing Foul Play is just about as effective as defanging it by removing Swagger; and that Swagger has niche applications that are not only fair and balanced but are familiar to most seasoned players.

If anything's to be banned, the complex ban makes the most sense. Whether that ban should be a Swagger + Foul Play ban, a Swagger + Prankster ban, etc, is something which I'm sure will continue to be hotly debated. But I can't support a simple ban of Swagger any more than I can support a simple ban of Prankster or Foul Play. A simple ban of Swagger especially worries me because of the precedent it will set.
I promise you that if any prankster-mon got a sleep move that smogon would have banned it ASAP

As it is now, the only one that does is Whimsicott with Grass Whistle, which ironically has an accuracy of 55% (the same percentage that a mon can hit through the initial swagger)
With Smeargle using spore, I think most people have prepared counters to sleep leads. Also the biggest problem to the status isn't that you have less chances to do anything, it's that there isn't a paralyze clause and it's not strong enough to need one so if swagger pranksters did use sleep, you would be still be allowed to switch around and they lose a move slot.

By the way did anyone get those results for Swagger Pranksters w/o using paralysis?
Perhaps. But even if they did, would they ban the sleep move, the ability, the creature, or a combination thereof? That's part of the point: it's absurd to say that we should ban all of Swagger just because a very specific perfect storm in the form of Swagger, Foul Play, Substitute, and priority is wreaking havoc on some players' short tempers. Imagine if Game Freak felt devilish enough to gift Sleep Powder to Whimsicott via a move tutor or breeding chain. Even if they did, and even if the ban was guaranteed, would you expect Smogon to ban a) the move Sleep Powder, b) the ability Prankster, c) the Pokémon Whimsicott, or d) other? I would expect B or C before I would expect A. The mere suggestion that the staff would ban all of Sleep Powder because one specific set on one specific creature was too powerful is ridiculous. And yet that's precisely the conversation that people keep trying to have regarding Swagger right now. "Because SwagPlay is too good, it is Swagger that must go." What.

I said it before, I'll say it again: I encourage everyone to test out the claims that are being put forward in this thread. Don't just blindly accept what people have said. Test it. Zarel & team have worked very hard to bring you the best Pokémon battle simulator on the Internet. Make use of it. Build one team that satisfies you as being a sterling example of a super OP SwagPlay team. Build another team that satisfies you as being a pretty standard OU team. And then pit them against one another and see how they work for you under various conditions. Which team tends to dominate when full SwagPlay is allowed at max power? (Prankster, Swagger, Foul Play, Substitute, Thunder Wave, the works.) Which team tends to dominate when you remove just Swagger? (We opted to swap it out for Confuse Ray.) Which team tends to win when you remove just Foul Play? How good is Swagger when it's used on non-SwagPlay movesets? See for yourself whether you think a simple ban of any one of the nominated elements (Swagger, Foul Play, Prankster, specific creatures) is a) adequate and b) appropriate. See for yourself whether you would instead support a complex ban of any number of elements relevant to this strategy. (And be sure to take turns with the two teams to minimize the chance that you're mistaking a player's skill for a team's power.)

The playtests I've partaken in have clearly shown that Swagger is by no means in and of itself broken; that even a pitiful team of four Electrodes can draw a game out to turn 145 without Prankster, without Klefki's amazing typing, without scarves or priority, just by alternating strategically between Swagger, Substitute, and Foul Play; that defanging SwagPlay by removing Foul Play is just about as effective as defanging it by removing Swagger; and that Swagger has niche applications that are not only fair and balanced but are familiar to most seasoned players.

If anything's to be banned, the complex ban makes the most sense. Whether that ban should be a Swagger + Foul Play ban, a Swagger + Prankster ban, etc, is something which I'm sure will continue to be hotly debated. But I can't support a simple ban of Swagger any more than I can support a simple ban of Prankster or Foul Play. A simple ban of Swagger especially worries me because of the precedent it will set.
I actually agree pretty much 100%, but would you mind being a little more specific on what that precedent would be? Sleep moves is a little different because of their accepted viability without priority

Chou Toshio

is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Smogon will not be the shining beacon of "competitive play" if they are fearful of SwagPlay. Smogon will be seen as the den of scrubs who are too busy making up their own rules. That is what I'm worried about. YES, scrubs. Sirlin's definition of Scrub is the most canonical definition there is. And Smogon is walking down that path with a SwagPlay ban.
One of the defining characteristics about our community is that we don't give a fuck about what the rest of the world thinks about our rules.

Come on DT-- you've been around long enough to know that...

Smogon evades the bullet with Evasion Clause because Evasion Clause and Sleep Clause are "grandfathered" clauses more than anything. They're clauses that are older than Smogon itself, and not worth fighting against.
Not to mention Moody (5th Gen), Bright Powder and Sand Veil (in 5th gen), Wobbuffet (in 4th Gen) who were all banned for being uncompetitive, not for being over-powered (though there were many in 4th who also thought wobb was over-powered).

People bitched about all those too (and called us scrubs or whatever)-- we did not give fucks.

Scarf Togekiss and Scarf Jirachi force but a 40% chance of moving on the opponent. Should they be banned too? In fact, in Smogon's own guides, Jirachi / Machamp are mentioned together because of the synergy between Paralysis and Dynamic Punch, which forces the opponent into a 37.5% chance of retaliation.

Parafusion is a strategy as old as Smogon. Prankster-Swag / TWave is but the latest iteration of Parafusion, and arguably not nearly as good as say... Jirachi / Machamp Parafusion in Gen4.
"degree of uncompetitiveness" is totally subjective, and is not something that can be established mathematically by "% chance of event happening". It is more complicated and involves more factors. Degree of uncompetitiveness is something that each user understands by their own experiences, and related to the complex nature of real-game situations.

Since last gen (and this gen too) Jirachi's Iron Head Abuse and Machamp's Dynamic Punch abuse were so weak and ineffective compared to the rest of the meta that no one really cared. A strategy needs to have a degree of effectiveness for people to start to bitch about it. For Jirachi and Machamp, this degree is incredibly minimal-- but for SwagPlay... well, just look at this thread. LOTS of bitching.

"degree of uncompetitiveness" is subjective (as are all tiering decisions), so member's opinions matter. We need to consider the bitching-- especially when it comes from the community's top ladder and tournament players.

On another note, in 4th gen (when Machamp's lead set and Jirachi's Scarf set were at their best)-- there was actually a small but not insignificant group of players who'd have like to see either or both banned for being uncompetitive. If 4th gen had been given more time before BW's release, one or both might have been suspected eventually.

If we'd have banned them and been called scrubs-- we would have not given fucks.
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Lord Wallace

Hentai Connoiseur
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Wow I remember the days when SwagKey was frowned upon and even snickered at by other members on Klefki 's thread. And now this. But then again I remember when people thought Talonflame would end up in UU at best. At first I was going to play devil's advocate about this issue but a potential ban really won't affect most serious battlers anyway because we simply don't use a strategy so unreliable and gimmicky. It (SwagPlay) has about the same amount of risk - reward ratio as BellyZard imo. Yet if it's allowing unskilled battlers to win against superior opponent's on the whim of the RNG like that so often then perhaps a restriction of some sort is necessary after all. Definitely don't ban Klefki and other Pranksters though, instead disallow Swagger and Prankster on the same team (since Prankster is what seems to be making confusion strategies successful), similar to the Drizzle - Swift Swim ban last Gen. Granted its still a complex ban, structuring the ban like the Drizzle SS ban detaches the policy from any individual Pokemon and instead associates it with teambuilding to prevent it from being comparable to unbanning Blaze Blaziken or something. Although based on Chou's post I suppose you all could care less if inexperienced members start begging for level 75 Kyogre in OU if this becomes suspect. Not that I really care myself anyway, just my two cents.
I am firmly for the ban of Prankster+Swagger simply because it is the combination of the two that makes it so powerful, not one or the other. There are more than one Pokemon who are capable of abusing this strategy.

I once saw a replay of a level 1 Purrloin sweep an ENTIRE ubers team by prankster+substitute+leftover+Foul Play on it's own. That alone says something.
If that Purrloin did not have Foul Play, it would not have swept. Foul Play allowed Purrloin to use the Ubers' insane offenses against them despite the massive level difference. Aside from the heightened chance to be OHKOed (it would be anyway at lv100; these are Ubers after all), being lv1 is actually an advantage when using Leftovers and Substitute; look at Little Cup sets that stay below 20 HP for the purpose of minimizing Life Orb recoil.

I feel like it should be Swagger + Foul Play that should be considered, not Prankster + Swagger. Fast status placement, and knowing when and where to use it, is a good and effective skill-based tactic that we want to keep. It's simply the combination of the +2 Attack from Swagger and the mechanics behind Foul Play that make this combination so deadly. Any very fast monster could use the set and only fear very strong priority, so removing Prankster from the equation without removing the actual teeth would only reduce the number of monsters that can use the combination rather than remove the actual ability to use the combination.

Parafusion in and of itself is no less skill-based than Paraflinch. It does fish for free turns, yes, but it isn't very harmful on its own.

The playtests I've partaken in have clearly shown that Swagger is by no means in and of itself broken; that even a pitiful team of four Electrodes can draw a game out to turn 145 without Prankster, without Klefki's amazing typing, without scarves or priority, just by alternating strategically between Swagger, Substitute, and Foul Play; that defanging SwagPlay by removing Foul Play is just about as effective as defanging it by removing Swagger; and that Swagger has niche applications that are not only fair and balanced but are familiar to most seasoned players.
(my bolding for emphasis)
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Swift Swim and Drizzle being banned isn't an indication that Swift Swim was broken. It's an indication that the introduction of Drizzle in OU was what made the strategy broken, along with the general defensiveness of the Water type. If Swift Swim was limited to just Armaldo, no one would say that the strategy was broken. There was a reason in Gen III Drizzle was banned, even with Kyogre being dropped to like Level 78. It was Drizzle, NOT Swift Swim that was the problem. Now what do we see? Now that Drizzle has been nerfed, SS + Drizzle isn't banned. But SS wasn't nerfed, now was it? ;) Which bring my point into clarity, its not Swagger that's the problem. It's the other things that have come into play, most noticeably Prankster(which banning the combination of that and Swagger won't help) and Foul Play. If Swagger was really as bad as people say it is, then it would have caused confusion to be knocked out five generations ago, correct? It really seems that people are not looking at the real problem.
Swagger was never this abusable til this generation, and arguably last. Stop using past generations as justification when the issue literally didn't exist in gen2. And while prankster and foul play are equally as problematic in the swagplay combination, swagger is the only element of the combo which holds 0 competitive value. Foul play is a very poweful move, but it has typing, it can be resisted, and it can have STAB. It can be countered with a decent defense stat or a low attack stat. Confusion damage is typeless, cant be accounted for with typing and swagger affects all types, and +2 confusion damage takes a chunk out of 90% of pokemon no matter their stats. Only ridiculously skewed stats like chansey are okay with the damage- it also cant be used tactically and cant even be made to trigger when it is needed.
Sure, prankster is a huge part of the issue because it allows swagger to be used defensively to have a 50% chance of screwing up any sweep no matter how boosted, and how careful the setup has been. But prankster also has great competitive value and can be used tactically, with things such as priority taunt adding a lot to the metagame, along with other interesting things such as priority encore, will-o-wisp, etc.
But where is the alternative use of swagger? Its only value is turning the game into a temporary game of rng. No matter who wins, for that short period the game is not competitive and entirely luck-based. That's why we should target swagger and not foul play, or prankster. If you want to select one thing as the issue, that thing is swagger.

And referring back to swift swim and drizzle, perhaps that was a bad example because drizzle was actually overpowered by itself, even without swift swim. It was metagame defining, unlike foul play or swagger by themselves. What I was trying to give an example of though, was a combination that when added together was too op, even though the individual parts were fine for the metagame by themselves. The issue with the comparison is that drizzle I guess was not fine for the metagame by itself.

>OHKO moves versus Confusion
While I do see the comparison, it is noticeable to note that the chance of SwagPlay working for the Sub + Confusion is actually worse than using a OHKO move twice. 45% versus 51%. OHKO moves rarely if ever swept teams, but the ability for a wide variety of Pokemon to immediately turn a game into a 5-6 or such with little effort was too broken. Confusion doesn't do that.
I'm not really seeing how confusion strategies take more effort than ohko strategies. Neither require any attack investment to do damage, both rely heavily on luck.

1)Would the parafusion set, with Swagger, be as powerful if it was not for Foul Play?
2)Would the parafusion set, with Swagger, be as powerful if Prankster Pokemon didn't have it?
3)If it is the confusion chance that's the problem, is allowing paralysis the same thing?
4)Is paralysis better, or worse, than confusion?

1) Ofc not, doesnt mean the ban should be targeted at foul play. Foul play is a great move but it also isnt problematic and can be built for and also against.
2) Same as above. Prankster has competitive value
3)Paralysis works differently in a couple of ways: it reduces speed non-randomly, it does not work on any electric type. Paraflinch cannot be abused as a freely as swagplay because swagplay requires absolutely 0 investment to work. Paraflinch requires speed in order to get paralysis on the pokemon you want, as well as attack damage in order to actually lower their hp with your attacks, since the pokemon wont be hitting themselves for 25% of their hp half the time. Whats more, about 10% of pokemon are immune to paraflinch due to electric typing, and like 30% of pokemon resist the attacking type which is trying to flinch you. 1 type resists dark and there are about 2 decent dark type pokemon who can tank their own attack stat at +2.
4) I feel like this question is too vague to anwer. Do you mean which is less healthy for the metagame? Which is more permanently crippling? Which is more effective in the meta? I think confusion is less healthy for the metagame, paralysis is more permanently crippling, and paralysis is more effective in the meta.

Sorry for the ultra late reply, was busy

Edit: To clarify I think banning the foul play + swagger combo should be enough to drastically lower the winrate of swagger strategies. But I think we should go further and give swagger a ban by itself. The move just adds no value to the game, apart from being a very widely distributed rng creator which people can use to perhaps win games they would otherwise lose.
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I like SwagPlay, but the problem is it's a step above Paraflinch. Paraflinch was powerful, but could be avoided if you knew your way around it. Swagplay just makes things unfairly luck based.

Ban Swagger+Prankster. Keep Klefki. Keep Paraflinch.
I think people need to realize that even with methods to beat swagplay mons, like a specifically built Espeon set or an Avalugg, that there is still 5 other Swagplay mons on that team and your check will most likely be half dead or crippled by the time he is finished with one of them.

This isn't an argument made to ban certain mons because the synergy between them and the strategy is too OP and will always be superior to any other playstyle, this is an argument to remove an uncompetitive element from our servers because it sabotages the efforts of ladderers/tourney players unfairly by placing luck as the deciding factor of winning most of the time, while the Swagplayer will risk nothing in return, he gets the thrill of the gambling and any win is a plus, it's respectable trolling if anything.
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I think people need to realize that even with methods to beat swagplay mons, like a specifically built Espeon set or an Avalugg, that there is still 5 other Swagplay mons on that team and your check will most likely be half dead or crippled by the time he is finished with one of them.

This isn't an argument made to ban certain mons because the synergy between them and the strategy is too OP and will always be superior to any other playstyle, this is an argument to remove an uncompetitive element from our servers because it sabotages the efforts of ladderers/tourney players unfairly by placing luck as the deciding factor of winning most of the time, while the Swagplayer will risk nothing in return, he gets the thrill of the gambling and any win is a plus, it's respectable trolling if anything.
Exactly. It isn't that it's broken, it's just unfair to have a game that is meant to be reliant on skill decided entirely on luck. A little bit of luck? That's fine. Means you find obstacles you gotta think your way around. That much? Nope.
Something can not be banned because "no one sane would use it"

If something is uncompetitive then sure ban it, and something as luck reliant as Swagger could be, but then so would all forms of confusion that aren't Swagger as well. If a ban is neccesary then sure, that's fine. Just don't call for a ban on something "no one sane would use" because then we see another Endless Battle Clause thread. Want to ban Tackle too? Swagger without Prankster is not broken. Swagger when combined with Prankster is uncompetitive but it does not restrict teambuilding in any way.

I would say ban Swagger, but only because it is a 100% uncompetitive, luck based move, but do not ban all forms of Confusion because that would require changing game mechanics, which should never be done under normal circumstances.

So: ban Swagger, which would remove the broken element without any type of complex ban.
One of the defining characteristics about our community is that we don't give a fuck about what the rest of the world thinks about our rules.

Come on DT-- you've been around long enough to know that...
Indeed we don't. And we don't ban SwagPlay, then from this moment onward, we wouldn't give two fucks about what the rest of the world thinks of it either. Which is a good thing about Smogon. Nonetheless, what is and what isn't "scrubby" is usually what Smogon is concerned with. Generally speaking, the wisdom of Smogon was to keep bans reserved for legitimate purposes. It was never to bow down to a scrubby mindset.

Not to mention Moody (5th Gen), Bright Powder and Sand Veil (in 5th gen), Wobbuffet (in 4th Gen) who were all banned for being uncompetitive, not for being over-powered (though there were many in 4th who also thought wobb was over-powered).

People bitched about all those too (and called us scrubs or whatever)-- we did not give fucks.
Wobbuffet was banned 3rd Gen due to legitimate issues. Two Wobbuffets+Leftovers entering battle, Shadow Tag didn't cancel each other. Struggle doing less than leftover damage and you've got an "accidental Funbro" case all of a sudden. Every battle with two Wobbuffets+Leftovers may never end... and any battle where the opponent trolls you by "revenge killing" your Wobbuffet with their own Wobbuffet also forced a never-ending battle.

The 4th Gen ban of Wobbuffet was a grandfathered clause if anything.

I agree that a ban in this regards however, would be similar to the BrightPowder and Sand Veil bans. I would disagree with those bans too.

"degree of uncompetitiveness" is totally subjective, and is not something that can be established mathematically by "% chance of event happening". It is more complicated and involves more factors. Degree of uncompetitiveness is something that each user understands by their own experiences, and related to the complex nature of real-game situations.

Since last gen (and this gen too) Jirachi's Iron Head Abuse and Machamp's Dynamic Punch abuse were so weak and ineffective compared to the rest of the meta that no one really cared. A strategy needs to have a degree of effectiveness for people to start to bitch about it. For Jirachi and Machamp, this degree is incredibly minimal-- but for SwagPlay... well, just look at this thread. LOTS of bitching.
Lots of bitching that wouldn't have happened in 4th gen. Jirachi and Machamp were both top-tier OU threats in the 4th Gen OU meta. Parafusion was quite the legitimate strategy to base your team around... especially in a meta where all pokemon can be paralyzed. (worst case: Togekiss Body Slam)

"degree of uncompetitiveness" is subjective (as are all tiering decisions), so member's opinions matter. We need to consider the bitching-- especially when it comes from the community's top ladder and tournament players.
You've been around here about as long as I have Chou, although I did take a break for most of 5th Gen. But it just seems to me that the fundamental culture of Smogon has changed. There was a time when Smogon would have considered this a valid strategy. For example, I invented StallRein, a strategy that will always force 32-turns of stalling (outside of select counters, such as Suicune). The community found that perfectly acceptable to having 2 members of their team dying to HAIL DAMAGE (nothing else) as part of standard combat in 4th Gen OU. (And of course, due to Toxic Spikes / Stealth Rocks, usually more than 2 members of their team would be KOed)

I remember the bitching about that, and then the community adapted strategies... strategies that I never foresaw to mitigate the threat. The meta-changed, people learned, and teams evolved.

It would feel to me that the current community would ban StallRein under being uncompetitive, while the 4th gen community would not. The change of Smogon's culture is quite interesting.
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Chou Toshio

is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Indeed we don't. And we don't ban SwagPlay, then from this moment onward, we wouldn't give two fucks about what the rest of the world thinks of it either. Which is a good thing about Smogon. Nonetheless, what is and what isn't "scrubby" is usually what Smogon is concerned with. Generally speaking, the wisdom of Smogon was to keep bans reserved for legitimate purposes. It was never to bow down to a scrubby mindset.
When have we ever cared about what's scrubby or not? I think you calling this decision scrubby has a lot less basis than me calling it for legitimate purposes.
Wobbuffet was banned 3rd Gen due to legitimate issues. (Two Wobbuffets+Leftovers entering battle, Shadow Tag didn't cancel each other. Struggle doing less than leftover damage and you've got an "accidental Funbro" case all of a sudden). The 4th Gen ban of Wobbuffet was a grandfathered clause if anything.
Dude, don't you remember all the testing and debating we did in 4th gen just for Wobb? How much ipl roused the community to make sure we all understood how stupidly uncompetitive it was? All the bullshit drama we had from the pro-wobb side we had over it? Hell, Policy Review and 4th gen tiering was practically born because of Wobb.

plus you didn't even touch on the 5th gen uncompetitive bans.
Lots of bitching that wouldn't have happened in 4th gen. Jirachi and Machamp were both top-tier OU threats in the 4th Gen OU meta. Parafusion was quite the legitimate strategy to base your team around.
And yet near the tail end of 4th gen (when you were again, much less active) there were many users who started to wonder whether or not they should be banned as well (but still a great minority).

As stated, now they're so comparatively weak they don't matter.
You've been around here about as long as I have Chou, although I did take a break for most of 5th Gen. But it just seems to me that the fundamental culture of Smogon has changed. There was a time when Smogon would have considered this a valid strategy. For example, I invented StallRein, a strategy that will always force 32-turns of stalling (outside of select counters, such as Suicune). The community found that perfectly acceptable to having 2 members of their team dying to HAIL DAMAGE (nothing else) as part of standard combat in 4th Gen OU. (And of course, due to Toxic Spikes / Stealth Rocks, usually more than 2 members of their team would be KOed)

It would feel to me that the current community would ban StallRein under being uncompetitive, while the 4th gen community would not. The change of Smogon's culture is quite interesting.
People were more impressed with your creativity (and bulkiness tiering system) than with Wallrein's actual performance. You made an awesome thread, and everyone thought so-- but if you think that Stallrein was ever a dominant or even influential set; you're kidding yourself.

Sand was dominant. SR was a problem (for walrein and Hail in general). Leftovers + Steel types were very common. EVERYTHING WITH TAUNT. Realistically, Stallrein was never relevant enough to cause community wide outrage. It had very situational requirements to set up that were also very difficult to maintain.

I think at the point where it's Hailing, and you have no way to get rid of hail, and ALL your Pokemon are grounded and non-steel-types that get hit by Toxic Spikes, AND you're fighting a stallrein faster than your phazer (despite Skarmory starting to run Speed later, not to mention Suicune)-- fuck, pretty sure most would say you deserve to lose.

Klefki needs nothing but to not be dead, and to be facing an opponent not behind a sub. You can't possibly see these as comparable.
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When have we ever cared about what's scrubby or not? I think you calling this decision scrubby has a lot less basis than me calling it for legitimate purposes.
EDIT: It has never been a Smogon philosophy proper, no. But it has been something I've always cared about in these discussions. I'm just getting my word in before the winds of change.

Dude, don't you remember all the testing and debating we did in 4th gen just for Wobb? How much ipl roused the community to make sure we all understood how stupidly uncompetitive it was? All the bullshit drama we had from the pro-wobb side we had over it? Hell, Policy Review and 4th gen tiering was practically born because of Wobb.

plus you didn't even touch on the 5th gen uncompetitive bans.
I edited something in after a bit of thought. I can agree that the 5th Gen Bans (Sand Veil / Brightpowder) are similar to what is being proposed here.

And yet near the tail end of 4th gen (when you were again, much less active) there were many users who started to wonder whether or not they should be banned as well (but still a great minority).

As stated, now they're so comparatively weak they don't matter.
Yes, but I'm talking about a 4th gen context. I think we can agree that this new set is the strongest form of Parafusion that we've seen, and that we've seen Parafusion as a major strategy before. These are the only two points I wish to bring forward with Jirachi + Machamp.

People were more impressed with your creativity (and bulkiness tiering system) than with Wallrein's actual performance. You made an awesome thread, and everyone thought so-- but if you think that Stallrein was ever a dominant or even influential set; you're kidding yourself.

Sand was dominant. SR was a problem (for walrein and Hail in general). Leftovers + Steel types were very common. Realistically, Stallrein was never relevant enough to cause community wide outrage. It had very situational requirements to set up that were also very difficult to maintain.

I think at the point where it's Hailing, and you have no way to get rid of hail, and ALL your Pokemon are grounded and non-steel-types that get hit by Toxic Spikes, AND you're fighting a stallrein faster than your phazer (despite Skarmory starting to run Speed later, not to mention Suicune)-- fuck, pretty sure most would say you deserve to lose.

Klefki needs nothing but to not be dead, and to be facing an opponent not behind a sub. You can't possibly see these as comparable.
Indeed, Walrein never caused community outrage. It was just... some other strategy that was eventually dealt with by Smogon. That's my point, Smogon usually looks at strategies and then people creatively come up with ways to defeat the strategy.

But anyway, yes, the difference between Klefki and Walrein is quite different. The main reason, is that the Klefki set has a 45% chance of working on the first turn (10% chance to miss Swagger, 50% chance for Confusion to happen). It relies on you not switching a Magic Bounce user in. You can stall it out by perpetually switching between Blissey and Regenerator Slowbro. They're completely different sets on completely different measures. The most important is that Klefki is never going to be a dominant tournament strategy, because it is inherently unreliable. It WONT win you tournaments, at best it will cause you to win a couple of "illegitimate battles" in tournaments. I can see the issue with that, although I can also see creative players rising to the challenge and dealing with the issue.

Some teams will be less susceptable to "bad SwagPlay Hax" than other teams.
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Chou Toshio

is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Indeed, Walrein never caused community outrage. It was just... some other strategy that was eventually dealt with by Smogon. That's my point, Smogon usually looks at strategies and then people creatively come up with ways to defeat the strategy.
No-- because people needed basically zero creativity to beat Stallrein. All you had to do, was know exactly what's coming (since it's the only thing Walrein can do in hail) and play smart-- and the vast majority of the time you'd beat Wallrein and Aboma easily with any set of top OU pokes from 4th gen. Stallrein never caused community outrage because it was never that good, and didn't require anything out of the norm to beat-- basically any typical OU team could do it.

Swag-play on the other hand-- even if you know EXACTLY what's coming, many teams can't do shit about it; are going to rely on luck to over come it. And for most teams the "creative" measures you could use to deal with it would make your team vastly inferior against everything else.

Come on dude, it's like you're trying to be ridiculous.
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