VGC '12 United Kingdom National - Birmingham - March 3 - WON BY KobraTail

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Hey guys, good to see none of you have lost your sense of humour. LOL!!!!

Who knows what the future holds, but let's not get into it on this thread.
Yeah all the best to all of you, would like to see the top4 smash it overseas.

Until then - Geodude it up for me!!!! Peace
Hey guys, good to see none of you have lost your sense of humour. LOL!!!!

Who knows what the future holds, but let's not get into it on this thread.
Yeah all the best to all of you, would like to see the top4 smash it overseas.

Until then - Geodude it up for me!!!! Peace
Akira mate.......just disapointed thats all, it wont be the same without you there



Sup Pokeguru01 your from the Facebook page Pokemon VGC 2012 correct =)
Yep, call me Tyler if you wish, that goes for everyone. Also, are we all meeting up, I'm gonna be there at half seven(maybe with a banner or two) so if you see me then feel free to talk to me XD
Hotel booked! (thanks min) So yeah all I have to do is get a train booked from wales. That and I need to order some japanese shit for the night before.

Sorry kin, it's not the magical girl outfit, but I had this other master plan of making alcoholic Morning Rescue the night before and yeah I need to get some somewhere.


Hotel booked! (thanks min) So yeah all I have to do is get a train booked from wales. That and I need to order some japanese shit for the night before.

Zog, what time are you going to be at hall 11?
Yep, call me Tyler if you wish, that goes for everyone. Also, are we all meeting up, I'm gonna be there at half seven(maybe with a banner or two) so if you see me then feel free to talk to me XD
Ah Nice Well Im The Owner of the page what a coincidence meeting you on here =)
Hotel booked! (thanks min) So yeah all I have to do is get a train booked from wales. That and I need to order some japanese shit for the night before.

Zog, what time are you going to be at hall 11?
Probably about 7am, I'm not expecting to be sleeping the night before though lol. Might even be slightly tipsy too but it's ok I'll be just as lovely as ever on the day lol. Will see you there!


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Zog, your room has been randomly selected as the one me/keely/kinneas/tab are trashing on friday night. Thanks!
Can we not just all go down to the etap instead? Sounds like more of a messy night out if you ask me, really.
ok we'll just trash the etap instead

even though that would be a pretty difficult task considering it is already pretty shit

we can still trash zogs room its cool


Has anyone in this family ever seen a chicken?
is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Personally, I'd rather not set foot in Zog's sweaty passion shack.

Etap it is.


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus

We are hosting our annual teabag-keelhauled-while-he-sleeps party in our room. This year, it is open to the whole public! So if you want to join in, you can get in by trashing Kawaii's room. It's that easy!
Looking at hotels... £58 for 1 person for 1 night... Really? That's more than what my train ticket will be.
I'd love to go, but it's two weeks before end of term... I'm not going to be able to get a team/practice before then, and plus my director of studies would kill me if I missed even a single day for Pokémon. This probably means my brother won't be going either, as he's too lazy to make a team by himself. See you guys in 2015, after I'm done with my degree!

EDIT: Totally did not realise Zog placed 5th at Worlds until now. /slowpoke
yeeeees, a month and 2 week for tourneeeeeeeeeey¡¡¡ :P, I will wiiiin, I will wiiiiin, sure¡¡¡ :P :P :P

A question, Who know where is a hotel not expensive in Birmingham???
I'll be attending. I think this is gonna be my worst year though,im JUST into seniors and im gonna get slaughtered by all the beasts on here.


Probably about 7am, I'm not expecting to be sleeping the night before though lol. Might even be slightly tipsy too but it's ok I'll be just as lovely as ever on the day lol. Will see you there!
Try not to get too drunk lol, and could you smuggle me some bulmers no17, it is delicious. I joke of course. anyhow, wish I could tag along with you, but you know 14 year olds + beer +trashing rooms + pokemon= apocalyptic madness
and I am not known as G-Daddy by my friends for nothing :pimp: . see you at 7/7:30
Entering again this year. Hope to do better than last years efforts, but will be difficult.

Why the hell does it have to open at 8:00 in the morning though! Argh!
I'll be coming again this year. Really busy so probably won't get chance to get any new Pokemon sorted for a team :(
It's a nice day out though. I need to remember to bring food this time. I forget how awful the food is there!
It didn't expect it to be so early in the year. I thought it would be closer to summer.
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