What video games would make for good series or movies?

based off thread here


anyways here's what i'd like to see

portal 3(4);

some interesting things would be chell's life after being freed, glados after chell leaving, with chell being the only human in the facilities, some backstory and more origin of aperture, chell, glados, and basically everything including the hidden details and easter eggs, and ofc the beloved bots

tbh writing this makes me real sad lol, knowing that'll they prob never have a 3rd instalment of the game, at least not for a long time, there are so many unanswered questions and so many opportunities.
Mass Effect is one of the only games I've played with a story rich enough to keep me interested regardless of gameplay, I think it would make an interesting TV series.
The Blizzard games have way too much lore for what they can pump out in games and comics. Their games would be decent candidates.

Mr. Uncompetitive

She had a habit of meeting all of the artists...
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Killer7 seems like such a cool game story/presentation-wise (example, this is prolly the coolest cutscene i've ever scene in a video game, consider it's a self-contained battle, and insight into the characters and story, and is just so cool to watch...like wow), but I really couldn't get into the rather annoying gameplay

Maybe a movie/mini series can fix that by just removing the gameplay
I'm not sure how GOOD a movie it would be, but you could make a pretty fun and successful action movie out of GTA. Any of the Zelda series could make a really good movie, since they almost all have a pretty good plot that actually moves forward as you progress. It's...actually amazing how badly they managed to mess up the animated series, even if they only had the first couple games to go on. As I'm thinking about it, I realized all I want in life is an animated movie based on Wind Waker....

Starbound (a 16-bit sandbox space adventure with some survival elements-think No Man's Sky meets Terraria) would make a really good episodic space adventure along the lines of Star Trek. The beginning is a TERRIFIC setup to a series, and there's enough lore in the various playable species and the universe to make self-contained stories, season-long arcs and series-long arcs.
Metroid would be decent.

I feel like Dragon Age series would be quite nice as well, since the lore is top-notch and overall it will be really interesting for sure.

Tera Melos

Banned deucer.
hotline miami o: if was not too gore
specially the second game
I believe Hotline Miami is aesthetically based off Drive to an extent. It's entire gimmick is it pulls off those 80s/poetic violence types of movies. So I don't think as a film itself would work, it'd feel to much like Kung-Fury, as in it'd feel like a tribute to OTHER movies and previous decades.

I'd honestly say something easy to adapt that a lot of people aren't to well aware of, maybe a Starcraft game could work (riding off the cult following of Starship Troopers) or possible another Warhammer movie but with a huge budget.

S. Court

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Probablye Final Fantasy VI, not sure if a movie or a serie, but I think it's adaptable enough to both mediums
Professor Layton is apparently getting an anime in 2018, and judging by how Eternal Diva was a pretty good animated movie I think a similar story structure would work well for TV.
the various warring factions and quirky characters of fallout would make for an excellent ensemble series. they could set it pretty much anywhere, so would probably be cooler somewhere new like florida (deserted theme parks and mutant crocs !_!) than based on a specific existing game

would also love to get stoned and watch a show starring the king of all cosmos

Tera Melos

Banned deucer.
the various warring factions and quirky characters of fallout would make for an excellent ensemble series. they could set it pretty much anywhere, so would probably be cooler somewhere new like florida (deserted theme parks and mutant crocs !_!) than based on a specific existing game

would also love to get stoned and watch a show starring the king of all cosmos

there have been a handful of Fallout series online and they never capture what makes Fallout unique and interesting, they all try to be edgy style focused scifi westerns.

If they did a Fallout Tv series I'd want them to focus on an Iconic location and the people around it, maybe the Common Wealth or even New Vegas.
Dishonored. I love the storyline of 1 and 2 both so much and if that could get well portrayed in a move or series, oh gosh.


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Dishonored would be such a tough game to turn into a movie in my opinion. I'm a huuuuuuge Dishonored fan (I'd rank it up there top 3 games of all time for me, near Metroid Prime and maybe Golden Sun) and I think it wouldn't capture the essence of what makes it such a good game. The thing with Dishonored is the sandbox style of play that allows for near infinite creativity in how to complete missions with each replay being a different journey because its so hard to do everything the same, as well as its perfect difficulty and learning curve that means its hard to get going with full on combat but also hard to do full on stealth. On top of this the story of both games is honestly.....shit. Especially the first one, it wouldn't be interesting to watch unless it turned into some action movie with slo mo sequences ala 300 with batman elements thrown in.

That said I think that the soulsborne games would be perfect. They already tell a story through their environment, the items you pick up, and the meaning behind item placements / corpse placements / npcs etc. I believe Bloodborne would be the best to "cinematize" as it can easily achieve some horror type genre with its Eldritch inspirations and different plottwists. The action again would be more slow mo type stuff, especially against some of the bigger bosses like Amygdala, One Reborn, or Amelia.

Doing Dark Souls 1 then Dark Souls 3 would be a cool two part sequel (ignoring Dark Souls 2 because imo the lore of the game is garbage and it would be very hardpressed to turn that into a sequel movie, whereas Dark Souls 3 has multiple references to events in Dark Souls 1 and could easily be marketed as some sort of "Lordran fallen into darkness" type schtick). Even showcasing some of the epic fights, such as the fights of the old gods versus the dragons, would be so cool to see play out. Dark Souls can also incorporate actual themes into movies, such as what being human means, morality, "are we the real monsters" etc etc all those tropes
Ori and the Blind forest.
The Game has an amazing storyline, You get really attached to the game fast... (I Cried in the intro).... I Would imagine it making such a good movie.
Dishonored would be such a tough game to turn into a movie in my opinion. I'm a huuuuuuge Dishonored fan (I'd rank it up there top 3 games of all time for me, near Metroid Prime and maybe Golden Sun) and I think it wouldn't capture the essence of what makes it such a good game. The thing with Dishonored is the sandbox style of play that allows for near infinite creativity in how to complete missions with each replay being a different journey because its so hard to do everything the same, as well as its perfect difficulty and learning curve that means its hard to get going with full on combat but also hard to do full on stealth. On top of this the story of both games is honestly.....shit. Especially the first one, it wouldn't be interesting to watch unless it turned into some action movie with slo mo sequences ala 300 with batman elements thrown in.
I think they could just have the main character balance between stealth and being aggressive. I don't think it's truly that complex. Also I personally loved the story but to each their own on that.

Tera Melos

Banned deucer.
I think they could just have the main character balance between stealth and being aggressive. I don't think it's truly that complex. Also I personally loved the story but to each their own on that.

To many movies like this exist though

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