Tournament ZUPL IV - Commencement Thread

- 0-2
- feels guilty about losing, asks to be benched
- 100% completey inactive for 2 weeks after being benched
- gets approved for sellback weekend of week 4
- gets banned from next zupl

- 0-2
- drafted by a friend
- relatively active in teamchat
- still sending messages in discord during time he put as “completely unreachable” in his signup
- actively trolled his team (brought 3 move raichu to a tour game)
- disruptive to team, apparently was non communicative with non french teammates
- is a moderator and council member
- gets approved for sellback weekend of week 4 for “being an unresponsive ass”
- not banned from zupl 5



Banned deucer.
Not gonna lie
Speaking from a "I'm not involved in the community" standpoint I always feel you'll never trust us hosts or anyone for that matter as long as the TLs or staff are somehow involved in the decision or are at the receiving end, and it's not my problem
Solve this shit yourselves but stop complaining every week, it's genuinely hell to work on anything on this tier

That being said, as a host standpoint we valued Swordstrike is TB material because he purposefully chose to step down and do nothing for the rest of the tour, and had zero linecount, which is what I don't want to happen in any team tour; you should be willing to play for your team at the best of your capacity, no matter who drafts you or how much Ls you get, and at least being willing to partecipate instead of being fodder; other than that, you (Durza) literally said to me, and I quote
durza — Yesterday at 17:53
context is us bugging him to death
look at relative linecounts
of other ppl in the server
like me and danny and pinorska and grey and 5gen
meaning that the guy was already barely active even before being benched, which we also considered it in our investigation, and as such found that he was TB worthy

On Apa, we didn't consider him to be TB worthy because he has SOME chat presence, has played his games without questions or drama, and we can't prove that he went with a 3 move mon purposefully, so we can only say he didn't care enough; he also didn't care enough about team presence and didn't communicate with non-french speakers, sure, but the most we can say about it is that he was unwilling to listen to their managers' requests and... not accepting external help?
We definitely considered it sellback worthy for the reasons above, but we deemed that it was too much to slap a TB on a situation we can't fully grasp even reading their discord
You can argue that he shouldn't have been sold back, but not every sellback is also a tourban

but my tl;dr is that can you (and I mean whoever is reading this in this community) stop shitting our work for once and blame everyone in this god-forsaken leadership for what happens anywhere in this forum or at least make it less obvious that this tier is literally on the brink of exploding internally and NOT get us hosts in this shit?
You can surely disagree with our decisions, I'm not telling you "no we're right + ratio" but people are already admitting of this behavior and it's genuinely tiring chief
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Not gonna lie
Speaking from a "I'm not involved in the community" standpoint I always feel you'll never trust us hosts or anyone for that matter as long as the TLs or staff are somehow involved in the decision or are at the receiving end, and it's not my problem
Solve this shit yourselves but stop complaining every week, it's genuinely hell to work on anything on this tier

That being said, as a host standpoint we valued Swordstrike is TB material because he purposefully chose to step down and do nothing for the rest of the tour, and had zero linecount, which is what I don't want to happen in any team tour; you should be willing to play for your team at the best of your capacity, no matter who drafts you or how much Ls you get, and at least being willing to partecipate instead of being fodder; other than that, you literally said to me, and I quote

meaning that the guy was already barely active even before being benched, which we also considered it in our investigation, and as such found that he was TB worthy

On Apa, we didn't consider him to be TB worthy because he has SOME chat presence, has played his games without questions or drama, and we can't prove that he went with a 3 move mon purposefully, so we can only say he didn't care enough; he also didn't care enough about team presence and didn't communicate with non-french speakers, sure, but the most we can say about it is that he was unwilling to listen to their managers' requests and... not accepting external help?
We definitely considered it sellback worthy for the reasons above, but we deemed that it was too much to slap a TB on a situation we can't fully grasp even reading their discord
You can argue that he shouldn't have been sold back, but not every sellback is also a tourban

but my tl;dr is that can you stop shitting our work for once and blame everyone in this god-forsaken leadership for what happens anywhere in this forum or at least make it less obvious that this tier is literally on the brink of exploding internally and NOT get us hosts in this shit?
You can surely disagree with our decisions, I'm not telling you "no we're right + ratio" but people are already admitting of this behavior and it's genuinely tiring chief
There is no brink, the tier has already imploded this year due to poor leadership. I think 8 or 9 drivers/moderators/OGC leaders have stepped down since February. An admin request was filed quite awhile ago, but no action has been taken by senior staff to this point, and only one of the three ROs stepped down.

Anyways, yes — the initial circumspection was due to Tuthur’s involvement and his reputation for underhandedness/dishonesty, but people continue to be skeptical of the reasoning and that has nothing to do with Tuthur. You keep saying that you investigated it and think Apagogie didn’t deserve a tourban, and people keep telling you that doesn’t make sense.

I am well-acquainted with ZU’s internal strife and the general thanklessness of hosting, so I am sympathetic to your position here, but with all due respect I think people’s concerns with the ruling extend beyond Smogon politics.


Glued myself better, golden; unbroken.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
As an outsider and as a host/does policy for 1v1 tours I don't think the above concern was out of spite or just to complain, please correct me if something happened in the discord. The concern here is that both case without explanations seem similar and that was a weird decision to tourban someone and leave the other person untourbanned from next zupl. Afaik, a sellback is only done when the person that is soldback stops communicating, has minimal lines, or leave the discord/doesn't want to play anymore and all of that falls under unsportmanship / activity rules, which is tourbannable. I don't think you are allowed to sellback because you feel like doing so, if the sellback was approved for inactivity then they should be tourbanned.

I'm not too involved in the community so idc what happens but I'm speaking from a tour policy eye. ZU needs an internal cleaning for sure but that's not anything we can personally do. + for sure there should be a respect for hosts as they don't represent the leadership team that people have a problem with.


Banned deucer.
I am well-acquainted with ZU’s internal strife and the general thanklessness of hosting, so I am sympathetic to your position here, but with all due respect I think people’s concerns with the ruling extend beyond Smogon politics.
Not much I can say here, you are free to ask my co-host too since we're in two taking decisions, and we already expressed ourselves as the hosters on this argument multiple times by this point anyway
Not gonna lie
Speaking from a "I'm not involved in the community" standpoint I always feel you'll never trust us hosts or anyone for that matter as long as the TLs or staff are somehow involved in the decision or are at the receiving end, and it's not my problem
Solve this shit yourselves but stop complaining every week, it's genuinely hell to work on anything on this tier

That being said, as a host standpoint we valued Swordstrike is TB material because he purposefully chose to step down and do nothing for the rest of the tour, and had zero linecount, which is what I don't want to happen in any team tour; you should be willing to play for your team at the best of your capacity, no matter who drafts you or how much Ls you get, and at least being willing to partecipate instead of being fodder; other than that, you (Durza) literally said to me, and I quote

meaning that the guy was already barely active even before being benched, which we also considered it in our investigation, and as such found that he was TB worthy

On Apa, we didn't consider him to be TB worthy because he has SOME chat presence, has played his games without questions or drama, and we can't prove that he went with a 3 move mon purposefully, so we can only say he didn't care enough; he also didn't care enough about team presence and didn't communicate with non-french speakers, sure, but the most we can say about it is that he was unwilling to listen to their managers' requests and... not accepting external help?
We definitely considered it sellback worthy for the reasons above, but we deemed that it was too much to slap a TB on a situation we can't fully grasp even reading their discord
You can argue that he shouldn't have been sold back, but not every sellback is also a tourban

but my tl;dr is that can you (and I mean whoever is reading this in this community) stop shitting our work for once and blame everyone in this god-forsaken leadership for what happens anywhere in this forum or at least make it less obvious that this tier is literally on the brink of exploding internally and NOT get us hosts in this shit?
You can surely disagree with our decisions, I'm not telling you "no we're right + ratio" but people are already admitting of this behavior and it's genuinely tiring chief
How does playing to the best of your capacity allow for accidentally having 3 moves, and not caring enough, as well as not listening to your manager? I’m confused can u elaborate on why this is justifiable?
Edit: clarity
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is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
i thought it'd be fun to do a quick lookback at my initial predictions of the teams from w1 and see how close to the truth i got. i'll be doing flamenco shoutouts in another post so dont look for them here.
also please note all that aside from a few statistical amendments, everything below was written prior to the flamencos' elimination.

the teams

tuthur the doubter.png

50% success ratio on this one. the SS core that i doubted oh so much ended up being the only successful part of tuthur's draft. i admittedly underestimated louna, and, no disrespect to the team's achievement intended, i also overestimated the rest of the ss pool.
what i did get right, albeit perhaps by luck, was placing this team at the bottom of my pr. in fact, by reaching -12 differential they have become statistically the worst zupl team of all time, joint with the tcb basculins from the first ever zupl.
was it a lack of support that caused this? poor piloting? truthfully i can't tell, their sm was underwhelming in large part due to predictably subpar builds that come with bad support but the bulk of their disappointing results came from oras and below. i won't pretend my experience building and testing these slots in this zupl has resulted in more than a very basic understanding of the tiers... though it is incredibly funny to me that such a staunch bw supporter (tuthur) ended up with a 0-7 slot.

ho3n wtf.png

im trying to be less antagonistic so i'll just leave it at this: i hate everything about this philosophy. it's the opposite of everything a team tour should represent.
...with that out of the way, i once again nailed this prediction. my one oopsie was thinking ho3n would not contribute teams at all, as i recall was the case when he drafted me in a prior team tour.
from w1 through to w6 the stunkys went 5-3 or 3-5. in weeks where their carry slots pulled through, they won the week, and in weeks where they didn't, the team took a harsh loss. the team has now narrowly eked into playoffs almost entirely due to ho3n's impressive 8-0 record.

"ho3n forgot you need to win 5 games a week and spent all of his money on 4 players,"
cut me some slack and make it 5 players - i forgot roxiee, probably because it's bw.

"[ho3n] in my experience has 0 presence in team chats"


to his credit, ho3n is supplying 3 SS teams every week and building for himself, which is a lot of work. on the other hand, i'm informed that the server is quiet as a fart in space, possibly by design.
as stated above, this team only made it to playoffs on the back of ho3n's 8-0 record and i personally believe it'd be way more successful if the team chat was active, but it's impossible to say beyond gut instinct.

his managing style does not work for me at all, nor others i have talked to in the past - but it clearly works for others, and the person who supplied the above screenshot has gone on record saying they consider ho3n a good manager.

"i like the trevs a lot; strong pilots, good builders across the board as long as fruits can stay motivated, and some underdog potential i expect to see brought out as the tour goes on."
"while they may have above average players in every slot i dont think they have the near-guaranteed winning slot that i think the other top 4 teams do."

i was way higher on the trevs than seemingly everyone else heading in but even i didnt expect a +16, with nearly every slot somehow going positive. this is statistically the strongest zupl team of all time, breaking the +12 differential record previously set by the first iteration of the fiery flamencos in the first ever zupl. to be honest i have no idea how they've been so consistent. it's pretty likely they'll be facing butterfrees in the finals - they already lost to them in w7 but i understand this was with a 'b team' roster. could go either way!
i also like a lot of the people on this team so i wont pretend im not biased when i say i hope it's them winning.

only thing i got wrong is beauts; they are historically put on awful teams and this one ended up being good enough that they didnt have to drop 20k lines in the discord and carry the whole team. props!

doubter 1.png


yeah aside from that detail i got this one extremely wrong. the shiinotics put in work. for some reason i missed mz in the lineup entirely but yeah of course he'd pop off with lpy support and completely ruin my prediction post. it's not remotely surprising in retrospect, so that's my bad. as for the rest of the prediction, i didn't recognise enough of the oldgen pool at the time but they've overall been decent. the roster is just as boring to me as it was when i first made my prediction so i don't really have much else to say except i was wrong. at least i was right about their ss.

"in my mind the success of [the butterfrees] hinges on how well drud understands the current ss zu meta, and on how much jett truly cares about this tour after hanging on the cusp of burnout for what seems like years at this point. most of the team appears to be self sufficient"
another great prediction from me. old gen slots were self sufficient and collectively have gone very positive, while ss took up a modest but still respectable 10-11 which i bet is in no small part thanks to jett.

"[beheeyems] may just be the easiest team to predict in the tour, with an array of consistently ok builders and consistently ok players"
"i don't think there will be any huge losing streaks in this team, but i also don't expect any of these players to pop off. i hope they can prove me wrong."
another 50% success rate in my eyes. overall the team was below average, with a -10 overall and only one player grabbing more than 3 wins across 7 weeks, but wow ninja popped off in ss so props to him i for sure got proven wrong on that one.

sm vs bw
100% accurate prediction from me. hahahaha what a relief we didn't do 2 bw slots.

the expansion
8 teams.png

this is going to be a controversial one so i saved it for the end. too late to back out now, fool.

there was a lot of external pressure to move zupl to 8 teams - some people like lily argued it was a good time for zu to capitalise on the "new blood" gained from the bw money tour and from the heightened interest that naturally comes from offering a custom avatar as a prize. many more people arguing in favour of 8 teams did not necessarily believe it was viable but were instead just wanted btboy to get an admittedly overdue managing position and weren't subtle about it.

we're now nearing playoffs, and i feel confident in saying "hee hee hoo hoo, told you so". diplomatically of course.
the current generation is as always, and perhaps incorrectly, assumed to be easiest for new players to slot into. many players who would not have been drafted under the 6 team system were put into ss slot 2 and or 3.

breakers in ss zu are universally crap at breaking through on their own due to poor matchup into extremely common defensive pokemon (sawk into palossand, exeggutor into articuno, etc.), so instead a lot of teams are being built to use toxic, sludge bomb, or knock off as their primary form of progress; rapidash, klinklang, thwackey, tangela, skuntank being a few notable examples.
without naming names it is very evident to me that a chunk of the ss pool is not familiar with this style of play and as a result the quality of the games was overall a huge dive compared to last year (im speaking purely from memory tbf maybe it was just as bad).
even outside of these semi-stall games, i saw players from multiple teams load up HO or cheese with a 6-0 matchup only to inexplicably fumble the bag in the worst ways imaginable. some of these games were glorified coinflips and only served to muddy the results of an otherwise reasonable zu tour, and as a result i don't believe that we were successful in raising the stock of zupl to that of other team tours.

feel free to argue with each other as much as you'd like over this one. i decided to try and gauge the public opinion and it was extremely unhelpful because everyone had different opinions, ranging wildly from an unnamed manager's "it was very manageable in the end" to an unnamed top builder and player's "it was even worse than i expected".

the future

Cursed Trevenants
vs Lucky Stunkys
To Pimp A Butterfree vs Shiiny Shiinotics

Cursed Trevenants vs To Pimp A Butterfree


"while i could be way off, it seems to me that morpeekaboos drafted one of the best oldgen lineups available, particularly for oras and below. they managed to do this without sacrificing much of their ss core either, though with two reliable builders managing i don't think this should be much of a shock. this is going to be strong competition for the flamencos w1 but i am confident we will pull through. :swole:"

100% accurate. i was right we won :swole:, their oldgens were good and their ss was good. their journey was pretty much a mirror image of the flamencos where they had some unlucky week deciders that resulted in a +0 differential not being enough to overtake the -2 3rd place team despite arguably being a better team. props to toto and btboy and i hope to see you next year!
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Glued myself better, golden; unbroken.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
i thought it'd be fun to do a quick lookback at my initial predictions of the teams from w1 and see how close to the truth i got. i'll be doing flamenco shoutouts in another post so dont look for them here.
also please note all that aside from a few statistical amendments, everything below was written prior to the flamencos' elimination.

the teams

View attachment 450854
50% success ratio on this one. the SS core that i doubted oh so much ended up being the only successful part of tuthur's draft. i admittedly underestimated louna, and, no disrespect to the team's achievement intended, i also overestimated the rest of the ss pool.
what i did get right, albeit perhaps by luck, was placing this team at the bottom of my pr. in fact, by reaching -12 differential they have become statistically the worst zupl team of all time, joint with the tcb basculins from the first ever zupl.
was it a lack of support that caused this? poor piloting? truthfully i can't tell, their sm was underwhelming in large part due to predictably subpar builds that come with bad support but the bulk of their disappointing results came from oras and below. i won't pretend my experience building and testing these slots in this zupl has resulted in more than a very basic understanding of the tiers... though it is incredibly funny to me that such a staunch bw supporter (tuthur) ended up with a 0-7 slot.

View attachment 450855
im trying to be less antagonistic so i'll just leave it at this: i hate everything about this philosophy. it's the opposite of everything a team tour should represent.
...with that out of the way, i once again nailed this prediction. my one oopsie was thinking ho3n would not contribute teams at all, as i recall was the case when he drafted me in a prior team tour.
from w1 through to w6 the stunkys went 5-3 or 3-5. in weeks where their carry slots pulled through, they won the week, and in weeks where they didn't, the team took a harsh loss. the team has now narrowly eked into playoffs almost entirely due to ho3n's impressive 8-0 record.

"ho3n forgot you need to win 5 games a week and spent all of his money on 4 players,"
cut me some slack and make it 5 players - i forgot roxiee, probably because it's bw.

"[ho3n] in my experience has 0 presence in team chats"
View attachment 450857

to his credit, ho3n is supplying 3 SS teams every week and building for himself, which is a lot of work. on the other hand, i'm informed that the server is quiet as a fart in space, possibly by design.
as stated above, this team only made it to playoffs on the back of ho3n's 8-0 record and i personally believe it'd be way more successful if the team chat was active, but it's impossible to say beyond gut instinct.

his managing style does not work for me at all, nor others i have talked to in the past - but it clearly works for others, and the person who supplied the above screenshot has gone on record saying they consider ho3n a good manager.

"i like the trevs a lot; strong pilots, good builders across the board as long as fruits can stay motivated, and some underdog potential i expect to see brought out as the tour goes on."
"while they may have above average players in every slot i dont think they have the near-guaranteed winning slot that i think the other top 4 teams do."

i was way higher on the trevs than seemingly everyone else heading in but even i didnt expect a +16, with nearly every slot somehow going positive. this is statistically the strongest zupl team of all time, breaking the +12 differential record previously set by the first iteration of the fiery flamencos in the first ever zupl. to be honest i have no idea how they've been so consistent. it's pretty likely they'll be facing butterfrees in the finals - they already lost to them in w7 but i understand this was with a 'b team' roster. could go either way!
i also like a lot of the people on this team so i wont pretend im not biased when i say i hope it's them winning.

only thing i got wrong is beauts; they are historically put on awful teams and this one ended up being good enough that they didnt have to drop 20k lines in the discord and carry the whole team. props!

View attachment 450858

yeah aside from that detail i got this one extremely wrong. the shiinotics put in work. for some reason i missed mz in the lineup entirely but yeah of course he'd pop off with lpy support and completely ruin my prediction post. it's not remotely surprising in retrospect, so that's my bad. as for the rest of the prediction, i didn't recognise enough of the oldgen pool at the time but they've overall been decent. the roster is just as boring to me as it was when i first made my prediction so i don't really have much else to say except i was wrong. at least i was right about their ss.

"in my mind the success of [the butterfrees] hinges on how well drud understands the current ss zu meta, and on how much jett truly cares about this tour after hanging on the cusp of burnout for what seems like years at this point. most of the team appears to be self sufficient"
another great prediction from me. old gen slots were self sufficient and collectively have gone very positive, while ss took up a modest but still respectable 10-11 which i bet is in no small part thanks to jett.

"[beheeyems] may just be the easiest team to predict in the tour, with an array of consistently ok builders and consistently ok players"
"i don't think there will be any huge losing streaks in this team, but i also don't expect any of these players to pop off. i hope they can prove me wrong."
another 50% success rate in my eyes. overall the team was below average, with a -10 overall and only one player grabbing more than 3 wins across 7 weeks, but wow ninja popped off in ss so props to him i for sure got proven wrong on that one.

sm vs bw
100% accurate prediction from me. hahahaha what a relief we didn't do 2 bw slots.

the expansion
View attachment 450859
this is going to be a controversial one so i saved it for the end. too late to back out now, fool.

there was a lot of external pressure to move zupl to 8 teams - some people like lily argued it was a good time for zu to capitalise on the "new blood" gained from the bw money tour and from the heightened interest that naturally comes from offering a custom avatar as a prize. many more people arguing in favour of 8 teams did not necessarily believe it was viable but were instead just wanted btboy to get an admittedly overdue managing position and weren't subtle about it.

we're now nearing playoffs, and i feel confident in saying "hee hee hoo hoo, told you so". diplomatically of course.
the current generation is as always, and perhaps incorrectly, assumed to be easiest for new players to slot into. many players who would not have been drafted under the 6 team system were put into ss slot 2 and or 3.

breakers in ss zu are universally crap at breaking through on their own due to poor matchup into extremely common defensive pokemon (sawk into palossand, exeggutor into articuno, etc.), so instead a lot of teams are being built to use toxic, sludge bomb, or knock off as their primary form of progress; rapidash, klinklang, thwackey, tangela, skuntank being a few notable examples.
without naming names it is very evident to me that a chunk of the ss pool is not familiar with this style of play and as a result the quality of the games was overall a huge dive compared to last year (im speaking purely from memory tbf maybe it was just as bad).
even outside of these semi-stall games, i saw players from multiple teams load up HO or cheese with a 6-0 matchup only to inexplicably fumble the bag in the worst ways imaginable. some of these games were glorified coinflips and only served to muddy the results of an otherwise reasonable zu tour, and as a result i don't believe that we were successful in raising the stock of zupl to that of other team tours.

feel free to argue with each other as much as you'd like over this one. i decided to try and gauge the public opinion and it was extremely unhelpful because everyone had different opinions, ranging wildly from an unnamed manager's "it was very manageable in the end" to an unnamed top builder and player's "it was even worse than i expected".

the future

Cursed Trevenants
vs Lucky Stunkys
To Pimp A Butterfree vs Shiiny Shiinotics

Cursed Trevenants vs To Pimp A Butterfree
dudes we were forgotten. Toto btboy
well, its that time. I truly wish I didn’t have to make this post now but some things don’t always go the way we want.

aside from my issues with a certain TL, this has been one of the greatest teams I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of. (almost) everyone put in so much effort and I’m really proud of what we achieved. we definitely made some crucial mistakes at crucial times and while we got a bit unlucky near the end we can only fault ourselves and learn from the mistakes we made.

I do want to respectfully address a frustration with ho3ns approach to managing - it feels very disheartening to see a teamchat with almost no activity whatsoever get into playoffs but moreso the fact that he… brags about his lack of effort? Congratulations on the tremendous record and ORAS performance, but I truly don’t believe the mentality of “why should i try harder” should be encouraged - its contrary to the whole principle of teamtours and I imagine it’s not very fun for anybody.

also, I completely agree with greybaum on the issues with 8 teams - quality definitely took a hit and we stretched the pool too thin, particularly in ss (which is a god awful tier btw)

also lmao -12 BD

i also wanna thank the hosts lalaya and oathkeeper for their dedication this season - you both are wonderful hosts and i appreciate your commitment to fairness and lack of bias. I'm sorry for all the drama you guys got put through and zu would be be lucky to get hosts half as good as you next year.

shoutout time

overall - we never gave up. no matter how bleak it looked at any point during the season we held on and tried our hardest, even with some disheartening losses and games. we came together and put in more of an effort than I’ve ever seen in any team tour that I’ve been a part of before. you all made zupl another amazing experience and I want to thank all of you for that.

yovan33321 - you’re an absolute joy to be around and I genuinely believe you’re one of the funniest people on smogon. I had you wrong in the previous years where we “beefed”. you always made everyone laugh and i’m very happy i got to manage with you this year.

Danny - just a beast. you gave your time and effort every single week without a hestitation. you were glue that held our team together and retaining you was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made. I truly believe you are the best pickup in the entire zupl pool, and I wouldn’t have wanted anybody else. Thank you for your commitment and strong mental that was so pivotal in holding the team together.

Greybaum - Much of this doesn’t need to be said, but you’re my closest friend in ZU and I appreciate your friendship and dedication to this team. You were absolutely a core player and your great performance was something that I completely expected. You stretched out to help in every tier and despite my high expectations you managed to completely blow them away. You’re one of the few people on this website who’s managed to never be on my bad side at any point, and you’re an intelligent pokemon player and a friend that I will hopefully continue to hold close long after I stop playing this video game.

pinorska - I hadn’t heard of you when you PM’d me before the tour and I completely planned on blowing you off but you mentioned TDK and Pearl, both of which are friends of mine, and when I asked them about you they only had the highest praise. All of that praise was completely deserved and moreso. You were an incredible asset to the team, always making yourself available to help and you learned everything you possibly could to try to help the team. You were also incredibly funny (sometimes unintentionally) to have around and you played one of the best SS games we’ve had all season. I definitely wish you got to play more games, and you would have if we made it to playoffs.

TheKingKarp - you were an awesome presence and you always fully dedicated yourself to being as prepared as you possibly could be for your game every week. I’m glad I picked you up and I fully expect an interview on your youtube channel when you blow up and think of me (your greatest influence). (sub to thekingkarp on youtube)

ojr - i know you got frustrated towards the end, but it really meant a lot to me to see how much you cared about this tournament. you were passionate and hardworking, and I’m 100% sure your performance is not representative of your skill as a player. Also one of the funniest memes from the season:

Inder , outbackrabbit - uhh…. I know timezones were probably not in your favor, but I really expected more from you guys this season. You’re both great people but I wish there was a little more effort from your directions.

Ara - you were extremely helpful to the team…. and then i picked you up midseason and you kinda died lulz. regardless you’re a funny guy and definitely have a good mind for DPP.

ayevon - many of those who know me know that I can get pretty stubborn when it comes to SMZU. you are one of the first players I’ve met that have completely made me concede on points, and you did that over and over. I have never been so humbled in my life. When we picked you up we totally expected you to just be a tours player bot that greybaum and I sauced a team every week and hopefully got some wins, but you innovated, came up with tons of ideas, and ended up building teams for Greybaum as well. I genuinely hope you enjoyed playing this tier because it’s one of my favorites and you have a great mind for it. Easily the steal of the draft. also have to share one of your many hilarious roasts of me

5gen - You did not disappoint me at all this season. You were the real glue of the team. You fended for yourself in ORAS because none of us knew the tier very well, but then you went and helped in SM. and SS. You’re always full of great ideas and you present them eloquently. More importantly on a personal note, I’m really glad to have gotten you this year because we haven’t really talked very much since I was demoted in ZU because we got caught up in an argument over it. You were a good friend when we staffed together and it was a shame that seemingly came to an end when all the shit went down. But this tour gave us the opportunity to repair the broken bond and if nothing else I would be so thankful for that opportunity.

Ren-chon - as usual, you’re one of my go-tos and an underrated threat in BW. Your jokes pretending like you don’t care may bait yovan but you always came through when we needed you and you showed up prepared every week.

Heysup - thank you for putting up with me for 4 years now. you’re a rock in dpp and you turned around a rough start and even though it didn’t pan out in the end you’re the most solid DPP ZU player anyone can ever ask for.

I want to thank all of you guys again for giving me a really fun few months again. Hopefully this won’t be my last time managing but with the current state of ZU who knows. Regardless, you all gave such an incredible effort and I’m really proud of what this team accomplished, even if we fell short at the end due to some bad errors at important times. lets sweep seasonal?

I understand this post is really long but I feel like my team gave me so much this season and I should show them a fraction of the effort in return.

until next year (maybe)
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It would be wrong if I didnt massively shoutout Danny Greybaum and pinorska. Insane work from you guys. Prep input and building was second to none. I knew for Danny and greybaum that they were great but they impressed me. As for pinorska i am very very impressed, the lack of metagame knowledge was compensated by the workrate of you. I would recommend drafting all of these 3 in any other tier. This is not to discredit all of the other great teammembers but it wouldve been unjust to not seperate them from the rest.

For all of the other flamenco's you guys deserved playoffs for your effort it was a great time to work with you guys. Thank you for the experience


aka Ho3nConfirm3d
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Stunkies shout outs! Overall, my only disappointment was that I didn't get to go 12-0 like i planed on. Always next year!

Everyone here contributed to us making playoffs, and I can say that definitively because every player on our team got at least one win. I've said this already but I love saying it so I'm going to say it again: everyone. got. a. win! I don't think I've seen that happen before––least not on a 7 team PL–– and I'm really happy to be a part of a team that pulled this off. Even if we didn't finish on top, we only ever lost by one win the entire season. Stunkies, we were right there! Always in it till the very end. I'd happily have anyone on the team back for next year, and on that note, let's finish with some shout outs!

pannuracotta I totally needed your help as an assistant manager so, once again, hank you for your help there! You were a great team player and when the SS ZU teams were working out, you piloted them great. I'd welcome you to try out more ZU in the future if you had fun with the SS meta, and I think you'd be able to do phenomenal.

Quagg Great work in SM you're clearly the goat. You also were a major force on our team community-wise, and it really showed when you stepped up to the plate and helped us win the week 7 tiebreaker; in DPP of all tiers. I cannot thank you enough for your help. Fantastic job, it was a really fun time being on a team together.

TJ There was definitely some rough spots with some of the games and even teams I passed you but ultimately, you still performed just as well as I expected, and I was stoked having you on the team again. All I can say is that we'll nail it next year.

EviGaro Thanks again for sticking with SM and pulling through with a lot of crucial wins this season. I know the initial buying price caused a lot a pressure for you. Ultimately, you and Quagg did a great job in SM. You bounced back from any doubt and got a final win this week, so I'd call that a worthwhile investment, worth every credit!

LustfulLice We saw a lot of great plays out of you and I know you can be a superstar player given some more time. There's some mistakes we all make and some of those are ironed out just with more experience. Think of this as great practice to learn from and you'll absolutely improve your record next year.

terreitor Out of no where, you started helping out with scouts for the entire team, and I can point to a lot of key matches were we won thanks to you going the extra mile to get scouts out quick and reliably. Seriously, you were a great team player and I noticed the help 100%. Thank you again, and when it comes to your games, I think you'll kill it with a little more experience. And on that note, I would absolutely endorse you for any team tour you're trying out for. Great job man.

gglrg Greg, man, I am very grateful you went up to bat every week to build and play DPP. This meta has proven to be very volatile and it certainly wasn't easy. I hope you had fun and in a year's time I'm sure you're gonna have a shot at DPP again if you wanted it!

roxie Great work with BW ZU. Wow was that pool stacked. You came out with a ton of crucial wins and I can't thank your enough for your work and expertise in a meta that I personally don't know much about. I'll see you around in the next tour we matchup in!

Parpar I lied earlier when I said I only had one regret; my second regret was not starting you more often. I messed up once or twice and I shoulda got you in more, because what we did see from you were stellar plays and good games. Next year, I'm having you as a starter for sure.

And that's everyone! We had a tight team this year and I loved watching our growth. The last couple weeks were insane. The week 7 matchups and following tiebreaker... I was hyped up. Getting us this far was awesome to me and I cannot complain at all. Like I said in the chord, feel free to reach out to me with anything ZU related; I'm always open ears. See you guys next time Stunkies!

Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 6.37.36 PM.png
Time to say goodbye! It has been a pleasure that ZUPL was my first managing experience (although I was managing NFEPL too). I have had a lot of fun and I have found this ZUPL iteration quite competitive overall (8 teams and good signups). Reaching semifinals was one of my goals to be fair. I think we had a good LU and we could have gone further but semifinals are super good results and I am more than happy for it :bloblul: thanks team!!!!! Our comeback after the horrific first week was tremendous, and this shows us how important is not giving up!

OranBerryBlissey10 thanks for managing with me both tours. You put a lot of effort in ZUPL tbh. You built a lot of teams and not only for you. You also hopped in several slots to discuss, bring ideas, and even test. I hope next year you manage again as you showed how good you are on this. I am sorry to see that your individual run wasn't that positive as you should have got. Sometimes we are not lucky but you really did very well from my point of view. I would manage with you again and again!

LPY my left hand and SM captain. Although we have known each other for a while, it has been the first time we have talked that much. Watching how you build in SM was kind of inspirational and I enjoyed some of your builds and testing games. I had a lot of fun with you and I think retaining you was the right call. Our SM was super strong and I think carried us for a while and part of this is thanks to you buddy. I hope we can play together again soon :). Moreover, I still wait for some good pics from your Mexican trip.

gorex your curse was not enough this time to get to finals. But still, meeting you was a good gift. I really enjoyed having you alongside in both ZUPL and NFEPL. Your vibes are super positive and this is important in any teamtour. I hope in NDPL you can really break your curse and we can win that tour (you are carrying us rn!!!!)

tlenit my gentleman friend. Thanks sire for coming and play with me. I think it was one of my subgoals to get you around. I am sorry to not bringing you the trophy you deserve as a person but at least I got you to semis. I hope you are a bit happy at least. And I also hope we will be able to share some drinks someday, to remember and honor those PU ladder times.

MZ you have been the MVP of the team carrying us for a while. Thanks for doing so and trusting us each week with our crazy teams sometimes. You are the best in SM and you deserve that individual trophy.

pichus we have played a lot lately and you have worked a ton. You impressed me, as OBB told me you would do. I think your individual record does not prove that and I am sorry for this bc you deserved much more. I hope you had some fun with us and I wish us good luck for NDPL :).

Albi I am sorry I could not bring you either the trophy or more chances to play. Thanks for all your help with teams and scouting. Both you and pichus did a great job the week before semifinals. Your scouts are really good and I think you were a super good buy. And I also wanted to tell you that the only week you played you did it very well and you deserved that win more than nobody else. Arrivederci!!!!!!!

Monai the new BW ZU TL. I think you got better and better during the tour and your current TL position is totally deserved. I can expect good things from you in the future!

Lily thanks for playing for us and being so available always. I know you always have many things to do but you were super willing to help us when needed (subbing and playing). This says a lot from you. And also thanks for the win last week, that was super great and I loved you used my stall. I hope our OMWC does the same but every week!

Huargensy thanks for playing with us. I think you did good and I can see good things from you in the foreseeable future. Let's keep it up!

dunoks first time teaming with you and it was good. Thanks for playing when needed and being motivated throughout the tour!!! Now we need to battle each other for NDPL though :P.

missangelic thanks for your memes and posts, you always bring some warm and fun :).

I also wanted to shoutout anybody that tested with us and specifically Nezloe who cheered us from the beginning. I can tell you that your cheers motivated me!! Thanks Danny Greybaum Banbadoro Toto for helping us in semis :) you made me happy you decided to come our home. I hope you had fun during this week at least. It was a super pleasure buddies.

Congratulations and good luck Cursed Trevenants :trevenant: and To Pimp Butterfree :butterfree:. Both deserve those finals bc of the super good runs you had. I am hyped for those games!!!!


:blobpex: See you next year (maybe)!!! :blobpex:

Wish I was writing this in better circunstances after a fantastic showing this season but only 1 team wins in the end and sadly that wasn't us. That happens and first I wanna congratulate the Butterfrees for also having a great showing and winning it. Congrats Drud, my fellow pekos TWiTT and Jett and the rest of the frees despite my malicious nature. Since I am not Toto, who apparently is the Queen of England and died, I will be posting shoutouts to everyone who helped us get this far.

Before I shoutout anyone else I wanna thank a fruitshop owner for asking me to manage with him. I was not planning on joining the tour and I initally declined (I swear I didn't betray the Pekos), but after some thought I wanted to give one last run in ZUPL since I cared a lot about this tier and community during the years I've been a part of it. And there was no better person to do it with. We teamed up in my first ZU tour back in SM in that fun trios tour when the community was really small so it made sense to team up with you again in what I think will be my last ZU tour overall. At least 85percent chance that this will be my last tour. Thanks for trusting me! It didn't end up the way we wanted but I'm sure we both did what we could.

All 3 of our SS starters ended up being way more self-sufficient than I expected and that was really nice and helped me keep my sanity throughout this long ass tour. So I'm gonna start here.

avarice - Honestly, you're a fantastic player and the effort you put in building/playing has been way higher than I expected. I am really sad that you didn't end up with the undefeated record but you still performed really well and was a huge part of our great team record.

PrinceOfAllTacos - Thanks for being the fantastic team player you are. You always helped with tests/builds in several slots and I know your record wasn't the best in the end but you were a vital part of why our SS worked the way it did. Also thanks for making me addicted to the :copium: emoji

Luck O' the Irish - Kinda a shame you ended up busy in the end but you still performed really well throughout the tour. You got some really important wins for us and I am really happy we ended up drafting you

pokemonisfun - You probably had more wins than lines on the discord LOL. But I can't really complain! You took your games very seriously and
was a fantastic pilot. For real, I am really glad we got you and you clutched several important wins for us. Also really nice you ended up undefeated.

Chokepic - Thanks for teaming up with me again after the fiasco on ZUPL II lol. You're a great guy and I wish you just had a bit more time to play so we could've seen you more in action. You still were very helpful in the discord and had some really cool ideas in several metas.

Dj Breloominati♬ - Think we've known each other here for a while and I'm glad we got you since you're a great pilot. You did almost gave me a heart attack on sunday tho. You also were a great cheerleader and helpful when you weren't around!

TPP - I don't think I even have to say anything here. When we drafted you we didn't expect this insane level of consistency and your record speaks for itself. I don't wanna face you in BW ZU ever lol. Was really nice tossing up ideas with you in BW and you've easily been the steal of the draft.

beauts - Your team spirit is awesome and you put a ton of effort on any tier you're slotted on. I'm just mostly sad your record didn't end up showing how much you supported the team, and you were a vital part of why our team record was this good in the first place.

neomon - I don't know how you almost went undrafted, but it was really nice to snag you in the pool for free and teaming up with you another year. You helped our DPP and we had some pretty cool ideas in the team with our 100 DPP players. You performed really well and I wish we didn't run into that bad MU on the finals game

sasha - I didn't know who you were before fruits got you, but you were a fantastic team presence and I loved how quickly you got into SM. You helped a lot there and I am glad we drafted you. Thanks for being really flexible

Lasen - You were basically the heart of the team. Amazing team presence, a really funny guy and a crucial support for fruits in ORAS. Wish you could've played more in the end there.

Baloor - Another really nice presence in the discord, you clutched a very important week early on and was just a great cheerleader overall. Wish we could've seen more of you playing too

viet noa - Wish we could've seen more of you, but thanks for helping when you could! I am kinda sorry we didn't give you your birthday present :(

Togkey - Also wish we could've seen more of you, but you were in the cord cheering when we needed!

btboy - You're one of the best buddies I made on this website and I wish you all the best on everything you try to accomplish. Thanks for the crucial help on BW during the tour even before playoffs. I am a bit bummed Pekos missed out on playoffs and I feel like I couldn't repay how you helped us during regular season due to me not being as solid in the SS meta as I used to be. Thank you too for joining the chat during playoffs and helping us getting that far. Also get a hair implant.

TheFranklin Procrastinasian DEG - More ZUPL III pekos. Thanks for the support and for joining our discord during playoffs. You guys were really helpful and supported us when we needed it. I'm really glad I've got to know you guys too during this year or so in the Pekos chat, and you guys are awesome.

Mirbro - You're just one of the nicest users around and your season was fantastic. You guys made a fantastic comeback and got a really nice 3rd seed after a rocky start. Some people don't know but Mirbro stayed on Trevenants chat during regular season cheering us up in the open channel. And during finals he finally became the Trevenant he wished to be since day 1. Thanks for the support man, I wish you all the best!

I already mentioned everyone that's still in ZUPL III Pekos chat except Albi and Itchy. You guys are pretty cool too!

Finally, Oathkeeper and Lalaya, thanks for hosting. Both of you deserved a better enviroment for this tour but you handled it really well. Shoutout Oath as a former ZUPL I Haka.

A lot of people know I was already on the verge of retiring for several reasons that diminished my interest on mons, and I wanna say it was really nice to actually have this "Last Dance" with this great team. Hope you enjoyed teaming up with me as well despite my bad puns :)
Shoutouts ZUPL 4

czim dude thank you so much for managing with me this year. I could not have done it by myself and we would not have had the success without you. You were the backbone of this team constantly helping with the ss, sm, and bw builds. You helped greatly with the draft plan and were always available to bounce ideas off of, even when you were on vacation. I had great time along side and respect you greatly as co-manager and friend in zu since mr memes reign in 2018. Thank you.

PrinceOfAllTacos coming into this year I knew you were motivated to learn some zu and you were high on our list to draft. You definitely gave it your all each week loved your chat presence and you were always excited to play. That is the most important thing to me.

avarice one of our ss rocks. Avarice you were lights out in your games. Someone reliable and could share ideas and practice games with.

Luck O' the Irish you were also a crucial member of this ss core. I knew you could play at a high level and you showed that throughout the tournament

viet noa thank you for your builds they really help us get started with many of the builds. Your creativity helped jump-start our building process.

Togkey thank you for stepping in when we needed you sorry things could get clicking but appreciated your presence

Baloor - The Loor. thank you for coming in and playing when we needed you and for the memes you sent throughout the season. Positive attitude and made me laugh.

pokemonisfun you dominated the sm scene thank you for piloting our builds and making them look good. Very positive throughout the tour even when forced into some sub situations you played great.

Dj Breloominati♬ - always one of the great SM battlers. You did great job piloting teams and helping with SM during the season you too were part of that absolutely dominant sm core we had especially in the first half of the season.

Chokepic your wide knowledge across the meta games helped me cover building our sm and dpp slots. You were readily available for tests and offered great insight into our builds along with winning several weeks when we needed it.

sasha thank you for learning a new tier and being thrown into the spot our second week in a huge situation coming away with the win. Along with being active positive chat presence im glad we picked you up.

Lasen - The my ORAS prodigy. Being thrown into a very competitive pool is difficult but you accepted and learned the tier. Thank you for the tests and team insight along with your chat presence you were part of the fire that kept the team alive.

TPP - We love TPP. BW was a crazy competitive pool and you showed your dominance over it. You prepped great each week and it really showed with your final record. Youre also just a great person.

beauts - Thank you for the dpp we relied heavily on you for your insight. I also enjoyed the discord calls with you and lasen and thank you for suggesting drafting lasen and sasha they turned out to be pretty cool

neomon - Thank you for staying with me for a third time as my player. You are reliable and consistent holding up the dpp slot. Several great theories and loved our prep in dpp this season.

btboy - thank you for the tests throughout the year and the help you gave in bw. You are also just great guy to talk to outside of just team building. You have a great passion for this game and i was glad to have you helping us late in the season.

DEG - We worked together pretty much the whole season thank you for being someone i could talk to about oras loved testing games with you and seeing the fun sets you brought each week.

Mirbro - active member in our public chat thank you. But also your insight during the finals was appreciated and im glad you had a managing opportunity.

Thank you our hosts Oathkeeper and Lalaya for give me and czim and chance to manage. After a little rocky start this was actually a pretty smooth zupl. Happy no one brought an invalid team. Congrats Drud and his team for winning, thank you to the zu community for making this zupl possible I appreciate the time that gets put in by some in this community, especially for our older gens which sometimes get overlooked. I want to shout out in particular the effort put up by DurzaOffTopic , btboy , and Toto I know all the managers put effort and time into this zupl but I really believe these guys create an active atmosphere which we should strive for in a team tour. For me I enjoy the whole process and obviously love to win just enjoying the time along the way (this is not just because we came in second >:| ) but I really hope we can continue to build and hope to see many of these zupl names around over time.
I'm not great at shoutout posts but I feel like I definitely have to do one here cause I really want to thank each and everyone on our team for the hard work this season. I wasn't gonna take part of this tour this year. Life's become way too busy and I knew going into this summer that with the planned working schedule there was no way I'd have time for mons at all. Then the weekend before the tour I got an updated work schedule and figured that I'd give this a try. Glad I did. I had a blast.

Thank you so much for letting me join as your assman, even if it really was last second. I didn't wanna play this season managing was a great solution to that. Working on the draft plan for this tour was incredibly fun and ending up with the draft we did in the end was incredibly satisfying to say the least. Your experience in managing was super helpful throughout the tour and as Jett said you really carried when it came to testing and getting the final adjustments for our teams done. This despite having another tour that was taking an immense amount of time as well.

I don't know where to start. The heart of the team. Wouldn't have gotten even close to where we got without you. We weren't the most talkative team but when there was chatting you were always part of it. Built like 100+ teams, tried new stuff, developed the meta and made sure that every single one of our players always went into the game with at least a chance to take home the win (bar vs some cheese, but we hate cheese). I feel kind of bad for the hard work you had to put in, almost solo at times and I fully understand how draining that can be. I just wanna give you my sincerest gratitude for this season. People can argue this as much as they want but you were for sure the MVP of this tour.

I don't really play in a lot of tours on this site so I had never interacted with you before this tour. Drud was high on picking you up though and Oh was I glad he was! Having very limited experience in the tier you quickly picked it up, discussed team choices, helped Jett build and then to top it off killed it in your games. Also an incredible chat presence. Really wish I get to team with you again!

I was gonna suggest to save down on cash for the DPP slot this year but Drud was like "We're getting Berald, not negotiable". And dude. I'm SO GLAD that I got to team with you. You're a fun person to be around and when it comes to your sense of mons you're one of the better players I've played with. Insane how quickly you picked up the tier and started dominating it. I will not question anyone ever again that wishes to pick you up for a tour.

You were really high on my draft plans this year. Not necessarily for ORAS but I knew from watching you in other tours that you're incredibly quick at picking up random tiers and dominating them. Watching you pilot my 5 min builds in ORAS felt great and in which way you did it! Insane ending with a 7-1 score (third best in the tour I think?). Wish you the best of luck in SCL bud, gonna for sure watch your games!

Undrafted --> 5-0. Oh what a mistake from the managers. You were, believe it or not pretty high on our draft plan this year but all the sudden money ran out during the auction. I'm super glad you decided to join us midseason and it was such a joy watching you pilot our SS builds into at times unwinnable matchups only to somehow come out on top. Amazing player and chat presence, like for Raichy I'm looking forward to following your SCL run!

I don't think we'd ever spoken before prior to this tour cause I joined this community about the same time as you left it. I'm super glad that I finally got to know you though! We didn't always have the same take on the SM meta but I'm just so impressed with how you were able to come up with some of these weird techs and then somehow make them work. The surf explosion normalvally is still one of my favourite games of this entire tour.

Going into this tour you were at the top of my priority list. I know you're saying that you weren't the most active this tour but to be fair I don't fully agree. I expected you to be super busy with other stuff throughout the tour but you continuously gave suggestions for team, comments on what to change and even got yourself set with teams for some weeks. Your play was immaculate and had we not struggled a bit in supplying adequate teams your score would probably have been the best in the tour. I'm super glad that we picked you up and I would do it again in a heartbeat. You're such a nice guy to have around. Best of luck with SCL now, thrilled to watch you crush on that stage too!

I had never spoken to you before either and we didn't speak a whole lot during the tour itself either. The BW pool was super competitive and I knew that as long as I gave you a decent team you just wouldn't lose. My bad for some of the end of the season teams however, feel like I kind of let you down. I enjoy watching you play a ton and like the names I mentioned above I'm thoroughly loving following your SCL run! Even if I really don't like the tier you play lol!

First I wanna say sorry friend. Having you on the bench for this tour was such a crime. You were definitely a top name in the BW pool and I can tell you that we were very close with doing some roster shuffling for finals to have you play but chickened out last second. Thank you so much for all the help bouncing ideas in BW early tour and taking over building for it during the playoffs. In addition to this thank you for subbing into a bunch of different tiers without even questioning it. I will for sure make my best to team with you in the future. Also gonna have you teach me ADV OU some day.

I was really high on picking you up going into this tour and despite your record I'm really glad that we did. You were a funny guy in cord, lightening up the atmosphere with your random posts and cheering on everyone during their games.

Yet again a great chat presence. Felt like you were always on during our games cheering on for the team, something I rarely was. You also subbed in whenever we needed it without any hesitation. I'm sorry that you didn't get more games. You really deserved it.

Mimikyu Stardust
You were really high up on my draft plan cause I had been watching your rmt's and your ladder play in OU. Oh was I disappointed when the ban happened. I'm super glad that you still stuck around though and helped both with building, scouting, bouncing ideas and cheering during our games. Was great to have you around.

Xayah told us to pick you up mid draft but like I said above money just ran out. I'm so incredibly happy that you ended up joining us from the start though. You were always there. Helping with scouts, building teams and cheering us on during our games. Your builds improved a lot during the tour and towards the end I feel like your teams and sets were a large inspiration for what we ended up bringing in multiple slots. I'd love to play together with you in the future.

Hitmonstars, Goblin, Mintly thank you so much for joining in during the season. All the help we got was super helpful.

Tuthur, S1nn0hC0nfirm3d, Corthius, 5gen thank you all for joining us for playoffs when your teams were out. Was super helpful with tossing around ideas when everyone on our team was starting to feel burnt out and my working schedule being way too tight.

Special shoutout to you friend. I was so disappointed when we didn't get you for this tour. You're a great friend and an amazing person. I might have to get into NFE or something so we can finally get to team together. Also a massive thanks for all the help during the normal season. Bouncing ideas with you helped more than you might think.

Towards the end I also wanna thank Lalaya and Oathkeeper for their wonderful work this season. The drama early tour was insane and I'm impressed you kept it all together. After that as well you were always reachable and made the life of a manager a lot easier. Thanks a lot.


pleading and afraid
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way past the tour's end, but I did want to shout-out both of my managers czim and a fruitshop owner for being absolutely lovely to work with, putting up with my shit-ass record, my anti-Brazilian propaganda and of course all my absolutely dogshit test games. I didn't help more than half of the team cause I had never touched ZU before this tour, but playing ORAS and SM tests was a real blast. Also want to individually shout-out Chokepic because he really pushed me into a corner and stole ALL my lunch money in every single SM test. Real shame the Golem lord got a single loss in this tour but what can you do. The rest of the LGBTrevenants were also absolutely insanely fun to team with, even if some of you have a really bad taste in music. Hope to see a lot of you next tour~!

please stop drafting me and neomon together it's been 5 tours in a row we've teamed up and we never win it something's gotta give

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