Post your searing hot takes

ok i have never been one to argue about family films on a children's video game website but i feel it's time to break my peace. cars 2 actually fucking rules and all of the haters are lying and/or morons etc..
Like I mean, COME ON!
Tell me WHY Cars 2 isn't good!
The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature Film at the 69th Golden Globe Awards, (Wikipedia). Tell me how a bad film gets nominated anyways?
why are people so against their data being sold to advertizers? do you have a problem with you being advertized to with things you like? what exactly is the downside here? do you think that the company is going to dox you? do you think the wage slave hired by a souless corporation who hasnt slept in three days, goes through hundreds of peoples data a day, and will never meet you will judge you for your search history? be real.
do you have a problem with you being advertized to with things you like?
Yes? I hate being advertised to in general and think that the world would be better off with a lot less money going around in marketing. Anytime I'm not explicitly looking for information about something (and even then there's a reason to be skeptical of the source trying to sell it to me) encountering an ad will make me want to avoid the subject of that ad. I will deliberately look for alternatives in the event that I do actually think I need something and see an ad for that thing.
I fucking hate wannabe artsy movies. Black and white for no reason, playing at a single location, being vague on purpose, having no realy meaning but appearing to do so...

There are movies that work very well in black and white, there are movies that work very well in 4:3, there are movies that make a lot from surrealism, there are movies that manage a lot without dialogue, there are slow paced movies at a single location that work

But I hate how these factors have come together to present artful cinema. When you combine all of it to make something "special", it's just so fucking pretentious. It's like saying that fast-paced, shorter, dialogue-heavy movies are less artful, no, no they aren't, and it doesn't make your work more artful when you have a 4-hour movie with two spoken lines that moves like ass and is recorded on some 1940s camera

And yeah I said that because Malcolm & Marie is the worst thing I've seen in years and years and I hate Sam Levinson. Hope he never gets a job again after the Idol and that he'll be called out in mainstream media for his perversions
I can't stand Quentin Tarantino. As a director, he's an A grade but as a writer he's C-. The problem I think is that he surrounds himself with ass kissers and other yes men who say how high when he tells them to jump, and no one's got the balls to tell him when he's being an idiot. And it doesn't matter how smart you are, not every single idea you have is going to be a good one. Only film he's ever done that I genuinely like is Pulp Fiction.

Kill Bill is a film that perfectly sums up my problems with him.
She survives getting beaten half to death and shot through the head...somehow. That scene is shown in black and white for no reason (agree with above poster on that kind of stuff). Other flashback scenes are shown in colour, so not sure why that one had to be in black and white. Oh, and one is in a pseudo anime art style...why? She's in a coma for 4 years, yet has no scars, muscle wastage or brain damage and is left completely unguarded despite being a victim of attempted murder (and an extremely grisly one at that). One of her old assassin friends tries to finish the job, but then Bill has a last minute change of heart and she goes along with it, because otherwise we wouldn't have a movie. She gets woken up by some random guy who runs a side business where people rape unconscious people in the hospital trying to force himself on her (because you know, we needed more shock value).

And we basically meander along to Japan (or what an American who's never been to Japan thinks Japan is like). OK, seriously Quentin, in what universe does a man love a council of criminals "more than his own children." When I first heard that, I was like "damn you must really hate your children." And the bride triumphs just like we all knew she would, because we've already seen her killing name no.2 on her list. Why the fuck did they do that? I've got no problem with films showing events out of order (Memento does that brilliantly), but here all it does is take all the tension out of the fight scenes because I already know she's going to win.
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I can't stand Quentin Tarantino. As a director, he's an A grade but as a writer he's C-. The problem I think is that he surrounds himself with ass kissers and other yes men who say how high when he tells them to jump, and no one's got the balls to tell him when he's being an idiot. And it doesn't matter how smart you are, not every single idea you have is going to be a good one. Only film he's ever done that I genuinely like is Pulp Fiction.

Kill Bill is a film that perfectly sums up my problems with him.
She survives getting beaten half to death and shot through the head...somehow. That scene is shown in black and white for no reason (agree with above poster on that kind of stuff). Other flashback scenes are shown in colour, so not sure why that one had to be in black and white. Oh, and one is in a pseudo anime art style...why? She's in a coma for 4 years, yet has no scars, muscle wastage or brain damage and is left completely unguarded despite being a victim of attempted murder (and an extremely grisly one at that). One of her old assassin friends tries to finish the job, but then Bill has a last minute change of heart and she goes along with it, because otherwise we wouldn't have a movie. She gets woken up by some random guy who runs a side business where people rape unconscious people in the hospital trying to force himself on her (because you know, we needed more shock value).

And we basically meander along to Japan (or what an American who's never been to Japan thinks Japan is like). OK, seriously Quentin, in what universe does a man love a council of criminals "more than his own children." When I first heard that, I was like "damn you must really hate your children." And the bride triumphs just like we all knew she would, because we've already seen her killing name no.2 on her list. Why the fuck did they do that? I've got no problem with films showing events out of order (Memento does that brilliantly), but here all it does is take all the tension out of the fight scenes because I already know she's going to win.
Man you actually put my feelings towards Tarantino very well into words

Additionally, it feels like Tarantino often has certain scenes he wants to get to but not how to arrive there naturally. Kill Bill 2 is a good example. He wanted Beatrix to escape being buried alive. The way he took to get there was unnatural and unfitting. Somehow we are meant to believe that this killing machine of a woman would without much thought break into a house, strike a pose with her sword and get shot (but obviously not with bullets but with salt, because again, we need her to get buried alive). That bothers me a lot and it always takes me out

Also, even when he's good, he's not that good. I can't critize anything about Pulp Fiction, but you can't tell me that this movie is some sacred piece of film. It's also so dumb with it's religious meaning. Oh wee the code to the case is 666, how smart
Man you actually put my feelings towards Tarantino very well into words

Additionally, it feels like Tarantino often has certain scenes he wants to get to but not how to arrive there naturally. Kill Bill 2 is a good example. He wanted Beatrix to escape being buried alive. The way he took to get there was unnatural and unfitting. Somehow we are meant to believe that this killing machine of a woman would without much thought break into a house, strike a pose with her sword and get shot (but obviously not with bullets but with salt, because again, we need her to get buried alive). That bothers me a lot and it always takes me out

Also, even when he's good, he's not that good. I can't critize anything about Pulp Fiction, but you can't tell me that this movie is some sacred piece of film. It's also so dumb with it's religious meaning. Oh wee the code to the case is 666, how smart
Yeah you're right, he also always has to have a murder spree ending, whether or not it makes any sense in the narrative. Kill Bill and Hateful 8 it made sense, but why the fuck did Once Upon a Time in Hollywood need that? It wasn't built up to or anything, it came right the fuck out of nowhere and was completely unnecessary.

With you on Pulp Fiction, it is a good film and I enjoyed watching it, but I've never been tempted to buy it and I never find myself watching clips of it on YouTube or anything.
being italian and new yorker it feels sacrilege to say but ranch/italian dressing with cheap pizzas as a dipping sauce saves you from knowing "this is mid at best." lol.

real ones learned that in high school on pizza day lol
im going to stop this discussion by doing what i do best: derailing this thread with a god awful take
burger king chicken nuggets are the best chicken nuggets, and its not even close.
because it is a rabbit

And she's anthro, that don't count. And don't tell me you don't like to see this

C'mon Ash don't lie to me. Even shadowpea agrees with me

Btw I was a single time in my entire life in BK. I was 12 and it was at an airport after my first flight. I've been in McDs, KFC and Subway rather frequently before I started eating healthy though. Subway was the absolute worst man
Aren't you a dog?
Don't you eat meat?
Are you vegan? Please don't fucking tell me you're vegan.
dogs can eat plants, they just usually dont do it. many animals you think are carnivores or herbivores are actually something called facultative carnivores/herbivores. this means they usually eat one thing, but occasionally eat the other, and can do so without much issue. an example of a facultative herbivore is virtually every single herbivore. deer, sheep, and basically every other herbivore you can think of is facultative, and has been documented eating meat. the only non facultative (obligate) herbivore i know off the top of my head is the koala. dogs are facultative carnivores, and will ocassionally eat vegitation, though it can be bad in large amounts depending on what it is. there is even a canine that is herbivorous, which is the maned wolf. cats however, are obligate carnivores, so do not feed them plants. so yes. dogs can eat plants. whether they can be vegan or not, i dont know.
to be clear, a facultative carnivore/herbivore is different from an omnivore because... i dont know, but they are, and i am not the scientist, so i will just agree with that.

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